Disable a Portal User Account

Before you begin

You need:

About this task

This task disables an active portal user account in your Data Hub Service (DHS) portal.
Important: For this task, you must log into your DHS portal with the Security Administrator (SEC-ADMIN) portal role. See Portal Security Roles.


  1. Go to the MarkLogic Data Hub Service home page.
  2. In the top menu, click the username to open the dropdown menu.
    • In the dropdown menu, click Manage Users.
  3. In the Manage Users page, find the user account to disable.
    • In the Name column, click the user name.

    Manage Users page with list of portal user accounts

  4. In the User Details page, click Disable User.
    Important: Portal user accounts cannot be deleted. This enables your DHS portal to maintain an event log of all activity.

    User Details page

    Important: The status is saved after you click Disable User.


Portal user account status is changed to Inactive.

Inactivated User Details page

  • To activate an inactive portal user account, navigate to the User Details page of a portal user account and click Enable User.

What to do next