Resume a Data Hub Service Instance

Before you begin

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About this task

In this task, you will resume your stopped Data Hub Service (DHS) instance.


  1. Go to the MarkLogic Data Hub Service home page.
  2. Navigate to your stopped DHS instance to resume.
    • In the Service column, click the service name.

    Private production MarkLogic DHS instance stopped

    Tip: You can customize your dashboard with column sorting, column configuring, and services searching and filtering. See Customize DHS Dashboard.
  3. In the Data Hub Service page, click Resume.
    Note: When the DHS instance is stopped, the Stop button becomes the Resume button.

    Private production DHS stopped details

  4. In the Please Confirm modal window, click Yes.


The details of your instance configuration are displayed, including the status of the service and the endpoints.

Private production MarkLogic Data Hub Service instance

To see the MarkLogic Data Hub Service details, click View.

Private production Data Hub Service details

What to do next