Portal Security Roles

Portal administrators manage the DHS subscription and service instances.

Role Identifier Description
Service AdministratorSERV-ADMIN

Permits an administrator:

  • To subscribe to the MarkLogic Cloud Service.
  • To manage networking (restricted capabilities).
  • To provision service instances.
Account AdministratorACCT-ADMIN

Permits an administrator:

  • To track and view billing, usage, and so on.
  • To assign the Service Administrator and Security Administrator roles to other users.
Security AdministratorSEC-ADMIN

Permits an administrator:

  • To configure the VPC.
  • To define new roles that inherit from preconfigured roles.
  • To assign and revoke DHS portal roles to users.
  • To assign DHS instance roles to users.
  • To reset passwords for other users.

If your instance is configured to use LDAP authentication, this role is mapped to the LDAP group from your Active Directory (AD) server.

Note: The first user to log into the AWS portal is automatically assigned all three roles: Account Administrator, Service Administrator, and Security Administrator. Additional users who log in from the AWS Marketplace are restricted, until the first user assigns roles to them.