admin:appserver-add-module-location |
Add one or more module namespace to location mappings to an App Server configuration. |
admin:appserver-add-namespace |
Add one or more namespaces to an App Server configuration, which will predefine the namespace(s) for all requests evaluated against the App Server. |
admin:appserver-add-request-blackout |
This function adds a request blackout specification for a appserver to a configuration. |
admin:appserver-add-schema |
This function adds a schema binding definition to the existing schema binding definitions in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-add-using-namespace |
Add one or more "using" namespaces to an App Server configuration, which add the namespaces to the namespace path for all requests evaluated against that App Server. |
admin:appserver-appserver-get-enable-hsts-header |
This function returns true if the specified App Server is configured to include HSTS header in HTTPS response. |
admin:appserver-appserver-get-hsts-header-max-age |
This function returns the App Server's configured max-age directive for HSTS header. |
admin:appserver-copy |
This function creates a new App Server specification with the same settings as the App Server with the specified ID. |
admin:appserver-delete |
This function deletes one or more App Servers in the configuration. |
admin:appserver-delete-module-location |
Delete one or more module location bindings from an App Server configuration. |
admin:appserver-delete-namespace |
This function deletes a namespace configuration from the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-delete-request-blackout |
This function deletes a request blackout specification for a appserver from a configuration. |
admin:appserver-delete-schema |
This function deletes a schema definition in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-delete-using-namespace |
Delete one or more "using" namespaces from an App Server configuration. |
admin:appserver-exists |
This function determines whether or not the specified App Server (HTTP, XDBC, or ODBC) exists. |
admin:appserver-get-address |
This function returns the IP address of the App Server configuration. |
admin:appserver-get-authentication |
This function returns the authentication scheme (basic, digest, digestbasic, or application-level) configured for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-backlog |
This function returns the socket listen backlog setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-collation |
This function returns the collation URI set in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-compute-content-length |
This function returns the value of whether the WebDAV server computes content length. |
admin:appserver-get-concurrent-request-limit |
This function returns the concurrent request limit for any user for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-connection-timeout |
This function returns the connection timeout value configured for the specified App Server; the value applies only to an ODBC server. |
admin:appserver-get-coordinate-system |
Get the default coordinate system for an App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-database |
This function returns the ID of the database to which the App Server is set to execute queries against for the specified database. |
admin:appserver-get-debug-allow |
This function returns the value of debug allow setting configured for this App Server, where true indicates that the App Server will allow queries to be debugged, and false indicates that it will not. |
admin:appserver-get-default-error-format |
This function returns the default format for protocol errors for an App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-default-inference-size |
This function returns the default amount of memory (in megabytes) that can be used by sem:store for inference. |
admin:appserver-get-default-query-time-limit |
This function returns the default SQL query time limit value configured for the specified App Server; the value applies only to an ODBC server. |
admin:appserver-get-default-time-limit |
This function returns the default time limit value configured for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-default-user |
This function returns the default user value configured for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-default-xquery-version |
This function returns the value of the default xquery version configured for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-display-last-login |
This function returns the value of the whether or not the appserver should display users' last login information. |
admin:appserver-get-distribute-timestamps |
This function returns the value of the distribute timestamps control option configured for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-enabled |
This function returns the enabled state for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-error-handler |
This function returns the path to the error handler configured for this App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-external-security |
This function returns the external security setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-file-log-level |
This function returns the value for the file log level configured for a specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-group-id |
This function returns the ID of the specified App Server's group. |
admin:appserver-get-host-ids |
This function returns the ID(s) of the hosts the specified App Server's is currently running on. |
admin:appserver-get-id |
This function returns the ID of the specified App Server (HTTP, XDBC, or ODBC). |
admin:appserver-get-internal-security |
This function returns the internal security setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-keep-alive-timeout |
This function returns the keep alive timeout value configured for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-last-login |
This function returns the ID of the database to which the App Server stores users' last login information. |
admin:appserver-get-log-errors |
This function returns the value of the log errors setting configured for this App Server, where true indicates that the App Server will send uncaught exceptions to the ErrorLog.txt file, and false indicates that it will not. |
admin:appserver-get-max-inference-size |
This function returns the maximum amount of memory in megabytes that can be used by sem:store for inference. |
admin:appserver-get-max-query-time-limit |
This function returns the max SQL query time limit value configured for the specified App Server; the value applies only to an ODBC server. |
admin:appserver-get-max-time-limit |
This function returns the max time limit value configured for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-module-locations |
This function returns the value of any module locations predefined for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-modules-database |
This function returns the ID of the database set as the modules database for the specified database. |
admin:appserver-get-multi-version-concurrency-control |
This function returns the value of the multi version concurrency control option configured for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-name |
This function returns the name of the appserver with the specified ID. |
admin:appserver-get-namespaces |
This function returns the value of any namespace definitions predefined for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-opsdirector-applog-level |
This function returns the value for the Ops Director application log level configured for a specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-output-byte-order-mark |
This function returns the value for the output byte order mark setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-output-cdata-section-localname |
This function returns the value for the output CDATA section localname setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-output-cdata-section-namespace-uri |
This function returns the value for the output CDATA section namespace URI setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-output-doctype-public |
This function returns the value for the public doctype output setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-output-doctype-system |
This function returns the value for the system doctype output setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-output-encoding |
This function returns the value for the output encoding setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-output-escape-uri-attributes |
This function returns the value for the output escape URI attributes setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-output-include-content-type |
This function returns the value for the output include content type setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-output-include-default-attributes |
This function returns the value for the output include default attributes setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-output-indent |
This function returns the value for the output indent setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-output-indent-tabs |
This function returns the value for the output indent tab settings for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-output-indent-untyped |
This function returns the value for the output indent untyped setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-output-media-type |
This function returns the value for the output media type setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-output-method |
This function returns the value for the default output serialization method setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-output-normalization-form |
This function returns the value for the output normalization form setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-output-omit-xml-declaration |
This function returns the value for the output omit XML declaration setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-output-sgml-character-entities |
This function returns the value for the output sgml character entities setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-output-standalone |
This function returns the value for the output standalone setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-output-undeclare-prefixes |
This function returns the value for the output undeclare prefixes setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-output-version |
This function returns the value for the output version setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-port |
This function returns the port for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-pre-commit-trigger-depth |
This function returns the pre commit trigger depth value configured for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-pre-commit-trigger-limit |
This function returns the pre commit trigger limit value configured for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-privilege |
This function returns the privilege ID for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-profile-allow |
This function returns the value of the profile allow setting configured for this App Server, where true indicates that the App Server will allow queries to be profiled, and false indicates that it will not. |
admin:appserver-get-request-blackouts |
This function returns the request blackouts specification for the specified appserver from the configuration. |
admin:appserver-get-request-timeout |
This function returns the request timeout value configured for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-rewrite-resolves-globally |
This function gets the value for the rewrite-resolves-globally property, which allows rewritten URLs to be resolved from the marklogic-dir/Modules directory as well as from the App Server root. |
admin:appserver-get-root |
This function returns the root for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-schemas |
This function returns the value of any schemas definitions predefined for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-session-timeout |
This function returns the session timeout value configured for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-ssl-allow-sslv3 |
This function returns true if the SSL v3 protocol is enabled for the specified App Server, or false if SSL v3 is disabled. |
admin:appserver-get-ssl-allow-tls |
This function returns true if the TLS protocol is enabled for the specified App Server, or false if TLS is disabled. |
admin:appserver-get-ssl-certificate-template |
This function returns the id of the SSL certificate template used by the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-ssl-ciphers |
This function returns the SSL ciphers set for the App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-ssl-client-certificate-authorities |
This function returns the id(s) of the client certificate authority for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-ssl-client-issuer-authority-verification |
This function returns true if the App Server only accepts client certificates signed directly by a selected CA in the Admin Interface. |
admin:appserver-get-ssl-disabled-protocols |
This function returns the disabled protocols for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-ssl-hostname |
This function returns the SSL hostname for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-ssl-require-client-certificate |
This function returns true if a client certificate is required for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-static-expires |
This function returns the value of the "expires" HTTP header for static content to expire after this many seconds port for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-threads |
This function returns the maximum number of threads configured for the specified App Server on each host in the group. |
admin:appserver-get-type |
This function returns the type of appserver with the specified ID. |
admin:appserver-get-url-rewriter |
This function returns the path to the URL rewriter configured for this App Server. |
admin:appserver-get-using-namespaces |
This function returns the value of any "using" namespaces predefined for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-one-time-request-blackout |
This function constructs a one-time request-blackout specification. |
admin:appserver-recurring-request-blackout |
This function constructs a request-blackout specification. |
admin:appserver-set-address |
This function changes the IP Address in the configuration for the specified App Server to the specified address. |
admin:appserver-set-authentication |
This function sets the authentication scheme in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-backlog |
This function sets the value in the configuration of the backlog (the maximum number of pending connections allowed on the HTTP socket) for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-collation |
This function sets the default collation in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-compute-content-length |
This function changes the value whether a WebDAV server computes content length. |
admin:appserver-set-concurrent-request-limit |
This function sets the limit on concurrent requests that any user may have on a particular appserver. |
admin:appserver-set-connection-timeout |
This function sets the connection timeout value (in seconds) in the configuration for the specified App Server; the value applies only to an ODBC server. |
admin:appserver-set-coordinate-system |
Set the default geospatial coordinate system for an App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-database |
This function sets the value in the configuration of the database for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-debug-allow |
This function sets the debug allow setting in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-default-error-format |
This function sets the default format protocol errors for an App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-default-inference-size |
This function specifies the default value for any request's inference size. |
admin:appserver-set-default-query-time-limit |
This function sets the default SQL query time limit (the maximum total amount of time to service a SQL query before the App Server throws a timeout exception) in the configuration for the specified App Server; the value applies only to an ODBC server. |
admin:appserver-set-default-time-limit |
This function sets the default time limit (the maximum total amount of time to service a request before the App Server throws a timeout exception) in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-default-user |
This function sets the default user (for use with application-level authentication) in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-default-xquery-version |
This function sets the default XQuery version setting in the configuration for this App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-display-last-login |
This function sets the display last login setting in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-distribute-timestamps |
This function sets the distribute timestamps control value in the configuration for this App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-enable-hsts-header |
This function sets if HSTS header will be included in HTTPS response. |
admin:appserver-set-enabled |
This function sets the enabled state in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-error-handler |
This function sets the value of the path to the error handler in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-external-security |
This function sets the external security setting in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-file-log-level |
This function changes the host file log level setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-hsts-header-max-age |
This function sets the value of max-age directive in HSTS header for the specified App Server |
admin:appserver-set-internal-security |
This function sets the internal security setting in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-keep-alive-timeout |
This function sets the keep-alive timeout (the maximum number of second for subsequent socket requests to time out) in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-last-login |
This function sets the value in the configuration of the last login database for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-log-errors |
This function sets the log errors setting in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-max-inference-size |
This function specifies the upper bound for any request's inference size. |
admin:appserver-set-max-query-time-limit |
This function sets the max SQL query time limit (the maximum total amount of time to service a SQL query before the App Server throws a timeout exception) in the configuration for the specified App Server; the value applies only to an ODBC server. |
admin:appserver-set-max-time-limit |
This function sets the max time limit (the maximum total amount of time to service a request before the App Server throws a timeout exception) in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-modules-database |
This function sets the value in the configuration of modules database for the specified App Server to the specified database ID. |
admin:appserver-set-multi-version-concurrency-control |
This function sets the multi version concurrency control value in the configuration for this App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-name |
This function changes the name of an existing App Server to the newly specified value. |
admin:appserver-set-opsdirector-applog-level |
This function changes the Ops Director application log level setting for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-output-byte-order-mark |
This function configures whether for the specified App Server the output sequence of octets is or is not to be preceded by a byte order mark by default. |
admin:appserver-set-output-cdata-section-localname |
This function sets the default element localname or list of element localnames to be output as CDATA sections for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-output-cdata-section-namespace-uri |
This function sets the namespace URI for any CDATA section localnames configured for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-output-doctype-public |
This function configures a default public identifier to use on the emitted DOCTYPE for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-output-doctype-system |
This function configures a default system identifier to use on the emitted DOCTYPE for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-output-encoding |
This function sets the value for the default output encoding in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-output-escape-uri-attributes |
This function configures whether or not to apply Unicode normalization, percent-encoding, and HTML escaping when serializing URI attributes by default for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-output-include-content-type |
This function configures whether or not to include the content-type declaration when serializing nodes for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-output-include-default-attributes |
This function configures whether for the specified App Server, attributes defaulted with a schema should be included in the serialization. |
admin:appserver-set-output-indent |
This function configures whether or not to pretty-print (indent) typed XML (that is, XML for which there is an in-scope schema) output for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-output-indent-tabs |
This function configures whether or not to set tabs (indent) in typed XML output(that is, XML for which there is an in-scope schema) for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-output-indent-untyped |
This function configures whether or not to pretty-print (indent) untyped XML (that is, XML for which there is no in-scope schema) output for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-output-media-type |
This function sets the default serialization media type for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-output-method |
This function configures the default output serialization method for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-output-normalization-form |
This function sets a Unicode normalization form to be applied by default to serialized output for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-output-omit-xml-declaration |
This function configures whether serialized output for the specified App Server should omit the inclusion of an XML declaration by default. |
admin:appserver-set-output-sgml-character-entities |
This function sets the SGML character entity output setting in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-output-standalone |
This function configures whether for the specified App Server an XML declaration in serialized output should include a standalone attribute by default. |
admin:appserver-set-output-undeclare-prefixes |
This function configures whether by default, serialization for the specified App Server should undeclare the namespace prefix of any child element that does not bind the prefix of its parent element. |
admin:appserver-set-output-version |
This function stipulates a version of the default serialization method associated with the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-port |
This function changes the port in the configuration for the specified App Server to the specified number. |
admin:appserver-set-pre-commit-trigger-depth |
This function sets the maximum depth (how many triggers can cause other triggers to fire, which in turn cause others to fire, and so on) in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-pre-commit-trigger-limit |
This function sets the value in the configuration for the maximum number of pre-commit triggers a single statement can invoke for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-privilege |
This function sets an execute privilege in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-profile-allow |
This function sets the profile allow setting in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-request-timeout |
This function sets the value of the socket request timeout (the number of seconds before the socket times out) in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-rewrite-resolves-globally |
This function sets the value for the rewrite-resolves-globally property, which allows rewritten URLs to be resolved from the marklogic-dir/Modules directory as well as from the App Server root. |
admin:appserver-set-root |
This function changes the root for a specified App Server to the newly specified value. |
admin:appserver-set-session-timeout |
This function sets the session timeout value (in seconds) in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-ssl-allow-sslv3 |
This function enables or disables the SSL v3 protocol for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-ssl-allow-tls |
This function enables or disables the TLS protocol for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-ssl-certificate-template |
This function sets an SSL certificate template for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-ssl-ciphers |
This function sets SSL ciphers for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-ssl-client-certificate-authorities |
This function sets one or more client certificate authorities that sign client certificates for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-ssl-client-issuer-authority-verification |
This function determines whether the App Server only accepts client certificates signed directly by a selected CA in the Admin Interface or client certificates that have a parent CA that is indirectly signed by one or more ancestor CAs selected in the Admin Interface (same as prior to MarkLogic 9.0-8). |
admin:appserver-set-ssl-disabled-protocols |
This function sets the disabled protocols for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-ssl-hostname |
This function sets an SSL hostname for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-ssl-require-client-certificate |
This function determines whether or not a client certificate is required for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-static-expires |
This function changes the value of the "expires" HTTP header for a specified App Server to the newly specified value. |
admin:appserver-set-threads |
This function sets the value in the configuration of the maximum number of threads per host for the specified App Server. |
admin:appserver-set-url-rewriter |
This function sets the value of the path to the URL rewriter in the configuration for the specified App Server. |
admin:bucket-assignment-policy |
This function returns an element that represents the bucket assignment policy. |
admin:can-commit-upgrade |
This function returns true if the cluster is ready to commit the upgrade, returns false otherwise. |
admin:cluster-get-config-encryption |
This function returns the encryption setting at cluster level for configuration files. |
admin:cluster-get-config-encryption-key-id |
This function returns the active encryption key ID used for encryption of configuration files. |
admin:cluster-get-data-encryption |
This function returns the encryption setting at cluster level for user data. |
admin:cluster-get-data-encryption-key-id |
This function returns the active encryption key ID used for encryption of data. |
admin:cluster-get-effective-version |
This function returns the effective software version of this cluster. |
admin:cluster-get-external-config-encryption-key-id |
This function returns the encryption key ID in the external KMS to use for encryption of configuration files. |
admin:cluster-get-external-data-encryption-key-id |
This function returns the encryption key ID in the external KMS to use for encryption of data. |
admin:cluster-get-external-logs-encryption-key-id |
This function returns the encryption key ID in the external KMS to use for encryption of log files. |
admin:cluster-get-foreign-cluster-id |
This function returns the id of the specified foreign cluster. |
admin:cluster-get-foreign-cluster-ids |
This function returns the ids of the foreign clusters. |
admin:cluster-get-foreign-master-database |
This function is executed on a replica cluster to return the replication configuration for the specified local database from the specified foreign master cluster. |
admin:cluster-get-foreign-replica-databases |
This function is executed on the master cluster to return the replication configuration for the specified local database to the specified foreign replica cluster. |
admin:cluster-get-id |
This function returns the id of this cluster. |
admin:cluster-get-internal-config-encryption-key-id |
This function returns the encryption key ID in the internal KMS to use for encryption of configuration files. |
admin:cluster-get-internal-data-encryption-key-id |
This function returns the encryption key ID in the internal KMS to use for encryption of data. |
admin:cluster-get-internal-logs-encryption-key-id |
This function returns the encryption key ID in the internal KMS to use for encryption of log files. |
admin:cluster-get-keystore-backup-option |
This function is used to get the backup option for the embedded PKCS#11 wallet. |
admin:cluster-get-keystore-host-name |
This function returns the first host name for the Keystore Management System. |
admin:cluster-get-keystore-host-names |
This function returns all configured KMS host names. |
admin:cluster-get-keystore-kmip-CA-path |
This function returns the path to the PEM encoded KMIP Certificate Authority (CA) used for authentication with the KMS |
admin:cluster-get-keystore-kmip-certificate-path |
This function returns the path to PEM encoded KMIP certificate. |
admin:cluster-get-keystore-kmip-key-path |
This function returns the path to the PEM encoded private key |
admin:cluster-get-keystore-kms-type |
This function returns the encryption setting at cluster level for log files |
admin:cluster-get-keystore-port |
This function returns the first port number to connect to the Keystore Management System. |
admin:cluster-get-keystore-ports |
This function returns all the configured KMS ports. |
admin:cluster-get-keystore-wallet-location |
This function returns the PKCS#11 wallet location if it has been set by cluster-set-keystore-wallet-location. |
admin:cluster-get-language-baseline |
This function returns the language baseline of this cluster, either "legacy" or "ml9". |
admin:cluster-get-logs-encryption |
This function returns the encryption setting at cluster level for log files. |
admin:cluster-get-logs-encryption-key-id |
This function returns the active encryption key ID used for encryption of log files. |
admin:cluster-get-name |
This function returns the name of this cluster. |
admin:cluster-get-opsdirector-config |
This function returns the current frequency with which the managed cluster sends configuration changes to Ops Director. |
admin:cluster-get-opsdirector-log-level |
This function returns the current Ops Director log level of the managed cluster. |
admin:cluster-get-opsdirector-metering |
This function returns the current type of metering data the managed cluster sends to Ops Director. |
admin:cluster-get-opsdirector-session-endpoint |
This function returns the session endpoint URI that the managed cluster uses to communicate with Ops Director. |
admin:cluster-get-ssl-fips-enabled |
This function returns true when OpenSSL FIPS 140-2 mode is enabled in the cluster configuration. |
admin:cluster-get-xdqp-bootstrap-hosts |
This function returns the ids of the bootstrap hosts configured for this cluster. |
admin:cluster-get-xdqp-ssl-certificate |
This function returns the SSL certificate used to establish secure communication between this cluster and foreign clusters. |
admin:cluster-get-xdqp-ssl-private-key |
This function returns the private key for secure communication between this cluster and foreign clusters. |
admin:cluster-rotate-config-encryption-key-id |
This function rotates the encryption key ID to use for encryption of configuration files when MarkLogic is configured with internal KMS |
admin:cluster-rotate-data-encryption-key-id |
This function rotates the encryption key ID to use for encryption of data when MarkLogic is configured with internal KMS |
admin:cluster-rotate-logs-encryption-key-id |
This function rotates the encryption key ID to use for encryption of log files when MarkLogic is configured with internal KMS |
admin:cluster-set-config-encryption |
This function sets the encryption setting at cluster level for configuration files. |
admin:cluster-set-config-encryption-key-id |
This function sets the encryption key ID to use for encryption of configuration files |
admin:cluster-set-data-encryption |
This function sets the encryption setting at cluster level for user data. |
admin:cluster-set-data-encryption-key-id |
This function sets the encryption key ID to use for encryption of data. |
admin:cluster-set-external-config-encryption-key-id |
This function sets the encryption key ID to use for encryption of configuration files when the kms-type is external. |
admin:cluster-set-external-data-encryption-key-id |
This function sets the encryption key ID to use for encryption of data when the kms-type is external. |
admin:cluster-set-external-logs-encryption-key-id |
This function sets the encryption key ID to use for encryption of log files when kms-type is external. |
admin:cluster-set-keystore-backup-option |
This function is used to set the backup option for the embedded PKCS#11 wallet. |
admin:cluster-set-keystore-host-name |
This function sets the host name for the Keystore Management System. |
admin:cluster-set-keystore-host-names |
This function sets the host name(s) for the Keystore Management System. |
admin:cluster-set-keystore-kmip-CA-path |
This function updates the path to the PEM encoded Certificate Authority (CA) used for authentication with the KMS. |
admin:cluster-set-keystore-kmip-certificate-path |
This function updates the path for the PEM encoded KMIP certificate for this host |
admin:cluster-set-keystore-kmip-key-path |
This function updates the path to the PEM encoded private key. |
admin:cluster-set-keystore-kms-type |
This function sets the type of Keystore Management System (KMS) to be used. |
admin:cluster-set-keystore-logs-encryption-passphrase |
MarkLogic supports encrypting the logs with a secondary encryption passphrase, this function can be used to set the passphrase. |
admin:cluster-set-keystore-passphrase |
This function resets the MarkLogic PKCS#11 wallet protection passphrase |
admin:cluster-set-keystore-port |
This function sets the port number to connect to the Keystore Management System. |
admin:cluster-set-keystore-ports |
This function sets the port number(s) to connect to the Keystore Management System. |
admin:cluster-set-keystore-wallet-location |
This function is used to set the PKCS#11 wallet location. |
admin:cluster-set-language-baseline |
This function sets the language baseline for this cluster. |
admin:cluster-set-logs-encryption |
This function sets the encryption setting at cluster level for log files. |
admin:cluster-set-logs-encryption-key-id |
This function sets the encryption key ID to use for encryption of log files. |
admin:cluster-set-name |
This function sets the name for this cluster. |
admin:cluster-set-opsdirector-log-level |
This function sets Ops Director log level of the managed cluster. |
admin:cluster-set-opsdirector-metering |
This function sets the type of metering data the managed cluster sends to Ops Director. |
admin:cluster-set-opsdirector-session-endpoint |
This function sets the session endpoint URI that the managed cluster uses to communicate with Ops Director. |
admin:cluster-set-ssl-fips-enabled |
This function enables or disables OpenSSL FIPS 140-2 mode for the cluster. |
admin:cluster-set-xdqp-bootstrap-hosts |
This function sets the bootstrap hosts for the domestic cluster. |
admin:cluster-set-xdqp-ssl-certificate |
This function sets the SSL certificate used to establish secure communication between this cluster and foreign clusters. |
admin:cluster-set-xdqp-ssl-private-key |
This function sets the SSL private key for secure communication between this cluster and foreign clusters. |
admin:database-add-backup |
This function adds scheduled backup specifications for a database to a configuration. |
admin:database-add-default-ruleset |
This function adds a ruleset (db:ruleset) to be used for inference on a database. |
admin:database-add-element-attribute-word-lexicon |
This function adds an element attribute word lexicon to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-add-element-word-lexicon |
This function adds an element word lexicon to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-add-element-word-query-through |
This function adds an element word query through to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-add-field |
This function adds the field specification to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-add-field-excluded-element |
This function adds the field excluded element specification in the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-add-field-included-element |
This function adds the field included element specification tn the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-add-field-paths |
This function adds given paths to the field specified by field-name. |
admin:database-add-field-tokenizer-override |
This function adds tokenizer overrides for the specified field of the specified database. |
admin:database-add-field-word-lexicon |
This function adds a word lexicon to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-add-foreign-replicas |
This function adds one or more replica databases to the database replication configuration. |
admin:database-add-fragment-parent |
This function adds the specified fragment parent to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-add-fragment-root |
This function adds the specified fragment root to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-add-geospatial-element-attribute-pair-index |
This function adds a geospatial element attribute pair index to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-add-geospatial-element-child-index |
This function adds a geospatial element child index to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-add-geospatial-element-index |
This function adds a range element index to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-add-geospatial-element-pair-index |
This function adds a geospatial element pair index to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-add-geospatial-path-index |
This function adds a range path index to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-add-geospatial-region-path-index |
This function adds a geospatial region path index to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-add-merge-blackout |
This function adds a merge blackout specification for a database to a configuration. |
admin:database-add-path-namespace |
Add one or more namespaces to a database configuration, which will predefine the namespace(s) for all XPath expressions used in range index definitions. |
admin:database-add-phrase-around |
This function adds a phrase around to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-add-phrase-through |
This function adds a phrase through to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-add-range-element-attribute-index |
This function adds a range element attribute index to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-add-range-element-index |
This function adds a range element index to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-add-range-field-index |
This function adds a range field index to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-add-range-path-index |
This function adds a range path index to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-add-word-lexicon |
This function adds a word lexicon to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-add-word-query-excluded-element |
This function adds the word query excluded element specification for the specified database to the configuration. |
admin:database-add-word-query-included-element |
This function adds the word query included element specification to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-attach-forest |
This function attaches the specified forest to the specified database. |
admin:database-attach-sub-database |
This function adds a sub-database to a super-database. |
admin:database-backup-get-enabled |
This function returns true or false to indicate whether a specific backup is enabled for a database. |
admin:database-backup-set-enabled |
This function enables database backup for the specified database. |
admin:database-copy |
This function creates a new database specification with the same settings as the database with the specified ID. |
admin:database-create |
This function creates a new database specification. |
admin:database-daily-backup |
This function constructs a daily scheduled database backup specification. |
admin:database-daily-incremental-backup |
This function constructs a daily scheduled incremental database backup specification. |
admin:database-delete |
This function deletes the configuration from the specified database(s). |
admin:database-delete-all-range-field-indexes |
This function deletes all the range field indexes on given fields for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-backup |
This function deletes scheduled backup specifications for a database from a configuration. |
admin:database-delete-backup-by-id |
This function deletes a specific database backup, identified by the backup ID. |
admin:database-delete-default-ruleset |
This function deletes the default ruleset used for inference on a database. |
admin:database-delete-element-attribute-word-lexicon |
This function deletes an element attribute word lexicon for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-element-word-lexicon |
This function deletes an element word lexicon for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-element-word-query-through |
This function deletes an element word query through for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-field |
This function deletes the field specification in the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-field-excluded-element |
This function deletes the field excluded element specification in the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-field-included-element |
This function deletes the field included element specification in the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-field-paths |
This function deletes paths from a specified field. |
admin:database-delete-field-tokenizer-override |
This function deletes the field's tokenizer override in the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-field-word-lexicon |
This function deletes a word lexicon for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-foreign-master |
This function removes the specified master database from the database replication configuration on the replica host. |
admin:database-delete-foreign-replicas |
This function deletes the foreign replica database configurations for the specified master database. |
admin:database-delete-fragment-parent |
This function deletes the specified fragment parent in the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-fragment-root |
This function deletes the specified fragment root in the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-geospatial-element-attribute-pair-index |
This function deletes a geospatial element attribute pair index in the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-geospatial-element-child-index |
This function deletes a geospatial element child index for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-geospatial-element-index |
This function deletes a geospatial element index for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-geospatial-element-pair-index |
This function deletes a geospatial element pair index for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-geospatial-path-index |
This function deletes a geospatial path index for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-geospatial-region-path-index |
This function deletes a geospatial region path index to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-merge-blackout |
This function deletes a merge blackout specification for a database from a configuration. |
admin:database-delete-path-namespace |
This function deletes the specified namespaces from the configuration for the specified database. |
admin:database-delete-phrase-around |
This function deletes a phrase around for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-phrase-through |
This function deletes a phrase through for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-range-element-attribute-index |
This function deletes a range element attribute index for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-range-element-index |
This function deletes a range element index for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-range-field-index |
This function deletes a range field index for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-range-path-index |
This function deletes a range path index for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-word-lexicon |
This function deletes a word lexicon for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-word-query-excluded-element |
This function deletes the word query excluded element specification in the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-delete-word-query-included-element |
This function deletes the word query included element specification in the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-detach-forest |
This function detaches the specified forest from the specified database. |
admin:database-detach-sub-database |
This function removes a sub-database from a super-database. |
admin:database-element-attribute-reference |
This function greated a db:element-attribute-reference specification. |
admin:database-element-attribute-word-lexicon |
This function constructs an element attribute word lexicon specification. |
admin:database-element-reference |
This function greated a db:element-reference specification. |
admin:database-element-word-lexicon |
This function constructs an element word lexicon specification. |
admin:database-element-word-query-through |
This function constructs an element word query through specification. |
admin:database-employ-forest |
This function "employs" the specified forest in the configuration. |
admin:database-excluded-element |
This function constructs an excluded element specification. |
admin:database-exists |
This function determines whether or not the specified database exists. |
admin:database-field |
This function constructs a field specification. |
admin:database-field-path |
This function is a constructor for field-path element. |
admin:database-field-reference |
This function creates a db:field-reference specification. |
admin:database-foreign-master |
This function returns a master database configuration. |
admin:database-foreign-master-get-cluster-id |
This function returns the id of the cluster from the specified foreign master configuration. |
admin:database-foreign-master-get-connect-forests-by-name |
This function returns the connect-forests-by-name setting from the master database configuration. |
admin:database-foreign-master-get-database-id |
This function returns the id of the foreign master database. |
admin:database-foreign-replica |
This function returns a replica database configuration. |
admin:database-foreign-replica-get-cluster-id |
This function returns the id of the replica cluster from the replica database configuration. |
admin:database-foreign-replica-get-connect-forests-by-name |
This function returns the connect-forests-by-name setting from the replica database configuration. |
admin:database-foreign-replica-get-database-id |
This function returns the id of the replica database from the replica database configuration. |
admin:database-foreign-replica-get-lag-limit |
This function returns the lag limit value from the replica database configuration. |
admin:database-foreign-replica-get-queue-size |
This function returns the queue size for the number of fragments or frames in-flight during database replication. |
admin:database-foreign-replica-get-replication-enabled |
This function returns the enabled flag from the replica database configuration. |
admin:database-foreign-replica-set-lag-limit |
This function sets the lag limit value on a replica database configuration. |
admin:database-foreign-replica-set-queue-size |
This function sets the queue size for the number of fragments or frames in-flight during database replication. |
admin:database-foreign-replica-set-replication-enabled |
This function sets the enabled flag on a replica database configuration. |
admin:database-fragment-parent |
This function constructs a fragment parent specification. |
admin:database-fragment-root |
This function constructs a fragment root specification. |
admin:database-geospatial-element-attribute-pair-index |
This function constructs a geospatial element attribute pair index specification. |
admin:database-geospatial-element-child-index |
This function constructs a geospatial element child index specification. |
admin:database-geospatial-element-index |
This function constructs a geospatial element index specification. |
admin:database-geospatial-element-pair-index |
This function constructs a geospatial element pair index specification. |
admin:database-geospatial-path-index |
This function constructs a geospatial path index specification. |
admin:database-geospatial-region-path-index |
This function constructs a geospatial region path index specification. |
admin:database-get-assignment-policy |
This function returns the assignment policy for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-attached-forests |
This function returns the attached forest IDs for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-attribute-value-positions |
This function returns the attribute value positions setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-backup-encryption |
This function returns the backup encryption key used for encryption of backup for the database identified by the database-id. |
admin:database-get-backups |
This function returns the scheduled backups for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-collection-lexicon |
This function returns the collection lexicon setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-config-for-foreign-master-on-foreign-cluster |
This function returns the master configuration on a foreign cluster. |
admin:database-get-config-for-foreign-replicas-on-foreign-cluster |
This function returns the replica configuration on a foreign cluster. |
admin:database-get-data-encryption |
This function returns the encryption setting for the database ID by database-id. |
admin:database-get-default-rulesets |
This function returns the default rulesets for a database. |
admin:database-get-directory-creation |
This function returns the directory creation setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-element-attribute-word-lexicons |
This function returns the element attribute word lexicons specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-element-value-positions |
This function returns the element value positions setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-element-word-lexicons |
This function returns the element word lexicons specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-element-word-positions |
This function returns the element word positions setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-element-word-query-throughs |
This function returns the element word query throughs specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-enabled |
This function returns the enabled value for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-encryption-key-id |
This function returns the encryption key ID used for encryption of data for the database identified by the database-id. |
admin:database-get-expunge-locks |
This function returns the expunge locks setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-fast-case-sensitive-searches |
This function returns the fast case sensitive searches setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-fast-diacritic-sensitive-searches |
This function returns the fast diacritic sensitive searches setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-fast-element-character-searches |
This function returns the fast element character searches setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-fast-element-phrase-searches |
This function returns the fast element phrase searches setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-fast-element-trailing-wildcard-searches |
This function returns the trailing wildcard searches setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-fast-element-word-searches |
This function returns the fast element word searches setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-fast-phrase-searches |
This function returns the fast phrase searches setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-fast-reverse-searches |
This function returns the fast reverse searches setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-field |
This function returns the field specification for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-field-excluded-elements |
This function returns the field excluded elements specification for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-field-fast-case-sensitive-searches |
This function returns true if the fast case sensitive searches setting for the specified field is enabled. |
admin:database-get-field-fast-diacritic-sensitive-searches |
This function returns true if the fast diacritic sensitive searches setting for the specified field is enabled. |
admin:database-get-field-fast-phrase-searches |
This function returns true if the fast phrase searches setting for the specified field is enabled. |
admin:database-get-field-include-document-root |
This function returns the field include document root setting for the specified field from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-field-included-elements |
This function returns the fields included elements specification for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-field-one-character-searches |
This function returns true if the one character searches setting for the specified field is enabled. |
admin:database-get-field-paths |
This function returns all the paths on a given field. |
admin:database-get-field-stemmed-searches |
This function returns stemmed searches setting for the specified field if configured. |
admin:database-get-field-three-character-searches |
This function returns true if the three character searches setting for the specified field is enabled. |
admin:database-get-field-three-character-word-positions |
This function returns true if the three character word positions setting for the specified field is enabled. |
admin:database-get-field-tokenizer-overrides |
This function fetches any custom tokenizer override specifications for the specified field and database. |
admin:database-get-field-trailing-wildcard-searches |
This function returns true if the trailing wildcard searches setting for the specified field is enabled. |
admin:database-get-field-trailing-wildcard-word-positions |
This function returns true if the trailing wildcard word positions setting for the specified field is enabled. |
admin:database-get-field-two-character-searches |
This function returns true if the two character searches setting for the specified field is enabled. |
admin:database-get-field-value-positions |
This function gets the field value positions setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-get-field-value-searches |
This function returns the field value search setting for the specified field. |
admin:database-get-field-word-lexicons |
This function returns the word lexicons specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-field-word-searches |
This function returns true if the word searches setting for the specified field is enabled. |
admin:database-get-fields |
This function returns the fields specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-foreign-master |
This function returns the configuration for the foreign master database. |
admin:database-get-foreign-replicas |
This function returns the configuration elements of the replica databases associated with the master database specified by database-id. |
admin:database-get-format-compatibility |
This function returns the format compatibility setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-fragment-parents |
This function returns the fragment parents specification for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-fragment-roots |
This function returns the fragment roots specification for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-geospatial-element-attribute-pair-indexes |
This function returns the geospatial element attribute pair indexes specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-geospatial-element-child-indexes |
This function returns the geospatial element child indexes specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-geospatial-element-indexes |
This function returns the geospatial element indexes specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-geospatial-element-pair-indexes |
This function returns the geospatial element pair indexes specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-geospatial-path-indexes |
This function returns the geospatial path indexes specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-geospatial-region-path-indexes |
This function returns the geospatial region path index specification(s) for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-get-id |
This function returns the ID for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-in-memory-geospatial-region-index-size |
This function returns the in memory geospatial region index size setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-in-memory-limit |
This function returns the in memory limit setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-in-memory-list-size |
This function returns the in memory list size setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-in-memory-range-index-size |
This function returns the in memory range index size setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-in-memory-reverse-index-size |
This function returns the in memory reverse index size setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-in-memory-tree-size |
This function returns the in memory tree size setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-in-memory-triple-index-size |
This function returns the in memory triple index size setting (in megabytes) for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-index-detection |
This function returns the index detection setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-inherit-collections |
This function returns the inherit collections setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-inherit-permissions |
This function returns the inherit positions setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-inherit-quality |
This function returns the inherit quality setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-journal-size |
This function returns the journal size setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-journaling |
This function returns the journaling setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-get-language |
This function returns the language for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-large-size-threshold |
This function returns the threshold at which binary documents in the specified database should be handled as binary large objects (BLOBs). |
admin:database-get-locking |
This function returns the locking setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-get-maintain-directory-last-modified |
This function returns the maintain directory last modified setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-maintain-last-modified |
This function returns the maintain last modified setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-merge-blackouts |
This function returns the merge blackouts specification for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-merge-max-size |
This function returns the merge max size setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-merge-min-ratio |
This function returns the merge min ratio setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-merge-min-size |
This function returns the merge min size setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-merge-priority |
This function returns the CPU scheduler priority for merges for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-merge-timestamp |
This function returns the merge timestamp setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-name |
This function returns the name for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-one-character-searches |
This function returns the one character searches setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-path-namespaces |
This function returns the value of any namespace definitions predefined for the specified database. |
admin:database-get-phrase-arounds |
This function returns the phrase arounds specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-phrase-throughs |
This function returns the phrase throughs specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-positions-list-max-size |
This function returns the positions list max size setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-preallocate-journals |
This function returns the preallocate journals setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-preload-mapped-data |
This function returns the preload mapped data setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-preload-replica-mapped-data |
This function returns the preload replica mapped data setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-range-element-attribute-indexes |
This function returns the range element attribute indexes specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-range-element-indexes |
This function returns the range element indexes specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-range-field-indexes |
This function returns the range field indexes specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-range-index-optimize |
This function returns the range index optimize setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-range-path-indexes |
This function returns the range path indexes specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-range-policy-partition-key |
This function returns the range policy partition key set for the database. |
admin:database-get-rebalancer-enable |
This function returns the rebalancer enable setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-rebalancer-throttle |
This function returns the rebalancer throttle setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-reindexer-enable |
This function returns the reindexer enable setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-reindexer-throttle |
This function returns the reindexer throttle setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-reindexer-timestamp |
This function returns the reindexer timestamp setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-retain-until-backup |
This function returns the "retain until backup" setting from the configuration for the specified database. |
admin:database-get-retired-forests |
This function returns the list of all retired forests for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-schema-database |
This function returns the ID of the schema database for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-security-database |
This function returns the ID of the security database for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-stemmed-searches |
This function returns the stemmed searches setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-tf-normalization |
This function returns the current term-frequency normalization setting for the database. |
admin:database-get-three-character-searches |
This function returns the three character searches setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-three-character-word-positions |
This function returns the three character word positions setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-trailing-wildcard-searches |
This function returns the trailing wildcard searches setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-trailing-wildcard-word-positions |
This function returns the trailing wildcard word positions setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-triggers-database |
This function returns the ID of the triggers database for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-triple-index |
This function returns true if the triple index is enabled for the specified database, false if it is not enabled. |
admin:database-get-triple-positions |
This function returns triple positions setting of a database. |
admin:database-get-two-character-searches |
This function returns the two character searches setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-uri-lexicon |
This function returns the URI lexicon setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-word-lexicons |
This function returns the word lexicons specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-word-positions |
This function returns the word positions setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-word-query-excluded-elements |
This function returns the word query excluded elements setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-word-query-fast-case-sensitive-searches |
This function returns true if the word query fast case sensitive searches setting is enabled for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-get-word-query-fast-diacritic-sensitive-searches |
This function returns true if the word query fast diacritic sensitive searches setting is enabled for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-get-word-query-fast-phrase-searches |
This function returns true if the word query fast phrase searches setting for the specified database is set in the configuration. |
admin:database-get-word-query-include-document-root |
This function returns the word query include document root setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-word-query-included-elements |
This function returns the word query included elements setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-word-query-one-character-searches |
This function returns true if the word query one character searches setting is enabled for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-get-word-query-stemmed-searches |
This function returns the reindexer word query stemmed searches setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-word-query-three-character-searches |
This function returns true if the word query three character searches setting is enabled for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-get-word-query-three-character-word-positions |
This function returns true if the word query three character word positions setting is enabled for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-get-word-query-trailing-wildcard-searches |
This function returns true if the word query trailing wildcard searches setting is enabled for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-get-word-query-trailing-wildcard-word-positions |
This function returns true if the word query trailing wildcard word positions setting is enabled for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-get-word-query-two-character-searches |
This function returns true if the word query two character searches setting is enabled for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-get-word-query-word-searches |
This function returns true if the word query searches setting for the specified database is enabled in the configuration. |
admin:database-get-word-searches |
This function returns the word searches setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-hourly-backup |
This function constructs an hourly scheduled database backup specification. |
admin:database-hourly-incremental-backup |
This function constructs an hourly scheduled incremental database backup specification. |
admin:database-in-use-path-namespace-prefixes |
This function returns the prefixes of all the namespaces that are in use by some path or geospatial path index. |
admin:database-included-element |
This function constructs an included element specification. |
admin:database-is-forest-employed |
This function returns fn:true() if the specified forest is employed and fn:false() the specified forest is not employed. |
admin:database-is-forest-retired |
This function returns fn:true() if the specified forest is retired and fn:false() the specified forest is not retired. |
admin:database-metadata-field |
This function constructs a metadata field specification. |
admin:database-minutely-backup |
This function constructs a scheduled database backup specification on a number-of-minutes basis. |
admin:database-minutely-incremental-backup |
This function constructs a scheduled incremental database backup specification based on a number of minutes. |
admin:database-monthly-backup |
This function constructs a monthly scheduled backup specification. |
admin:database-monthly-incremental-backup |
This function constructs a scheduled monthly incremental backup specification. |
admin:database-one-time-backup |
This function constructs a one-time backup specification. |
admin:database-one-time-incremental-backup |
This function constructs a one-time incremental backup specification. |
admin:database-one-time-merge-blackout |
This function constructs a one-time merge-blackout specification. |
admin:database-path-field |
This function constructs a field specification that has field paths. |
admin:database-path-namespace |
This function constructs a namespace element with the specified prefix and URI. |
admin:database-path-reference |
This function creates a db:path-reference specification. |
admin:database-phrase-around |
This function constructs a phrase through specification. |
admin:database-phrase-through |
This function constructs a phrase through specification. |
admin:database-range-element-attribute-index |
This function constructs a range element attribute index specification. |
admin:database-range-element-index |
This function constructs a range element index specification. |
admin:database-range-field-index |
This function constructs a range field index specification. |
admin:database-range-path-index |
This function constructs a path range index specification. |
admin:database-recurring-merge-blackout |
This function constructs a merge-blackout specification. |
admin:database-reorder-forests |
This function reorders the forests in the specified database. |
admin:database-retire-forest |
This function "retires" the specified forest in the configuration. |
admin:database-ruleset |
The ruleset element (db:default-ruleset) created to be used for inference on a database. |
admin:database-set-assignment-policy |
This function sets the assignment policy for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-attribute-value-positions |
This function sets the attribute value positions setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-backup-encryption-key |
This function sets which key encryption key to use for encryption of backup for the database identified by database-id. |
admin:database-set-collection-lexicon |
This function sets the collection lexicon setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-data-encryption |
This function sets the encryption setting for the database identified by database-id. |
admin:database-set-directory-creation |
This function sets the directory creation setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-element-value-positions |
This function sets the element value positions setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-element-word-positions |
This function sets the element word positions setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-enabled |
This function sets the enabled value for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-encryption-key-id |
This function sets the encryption key ID to use for encryption of data for the database identified by database-id. |
admin:database-set-expunge-locks |
This function sets the expunge locks setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-fast-case-sensitive-searches |
This function sets the fast case sensitive searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-fast-diacritic-sensitive-searches |
This function sets the fast diacritic-sensitive searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-fast-element-character-searches |
This function sets the fast element character searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-fast-element-phrase-searches |
This function sets the fast element phrase searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-fast-element-trailing-wildcard-searches |
This function sets the fast element trailing wildcard searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-fast-element-word-searches |
This function sets the element word searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-fast-phrase-searches |
This function sets the fast phrase searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-fast-reverse-searches |
This function sets the fast reverse searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-field-fast-case-sensitive-searches |
This function sets the field fast case sensitive searches setting for the specified field in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-field-fast-diacritic-sensitive-searches |
This function sets the field fast diacritic sensitive searches setting for the specified field in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-field-fast-phrase-searches |
This function sets the field fast phrase searches setting for the specified field in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-field-include-document-root |
This function sets the field include document root setting for the specified field in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-field-name |
This function sets the field name setting for the specified field in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-field-one-character-searches |
This function sets the field one character searches setting for the specified field in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-field-stemmed-searches |
This function sets the field stemmed searches setting for the specified field in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-field-three-character-searches |
This function sets the field three character searches setting for the specified field in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-field-three-character-word-positions |
This function sets the field three character word positions setting for the specified field in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-field-trailing-wildcard-searches |
This function sets the field trailing wildcard searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-field-trailing-wildcard-word-positions |
This function sets the field trailing wildcard word positions setting for the specified field in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-field-two-character-searches |
This function sets the field two character searches setting for the specified field in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-field-value-positions |
This function sets the field value positions setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-field-value-searches |
This function sets the field value searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-field-word-searches |
This function sets the field word searches setting for the specified field in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-foreign-master |
This function configures the specified replica database to receive replicated data from the specified foreign master. |
admin:database-set-foreign-replicas |
This function sets the foreign replica database configuration. |
admin:database-set-format-compatibility |
This function sets the format compatibility setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-in-memory-geospatial-region-index-size |
This function sets the in-memory geospatial region index size setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-in-memory-limit |
This function sets the in-memory limit setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-in-memory-list-size |
This function sets the in-memory list size setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-in-memory-range-index-size |
This function sets the in-memory range index size setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-in-memory-reverse-index-size |
This function sets the in-memory range reverse index size setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-in-memory-tree-size |
This function sets the in-memory tree size setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-in-memory-triple-index-size |
This function sets the size, in megabytes, of the in-memory triple index. |
admin:database-set-index-detection |
This function sets the index detection setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-inherit-collections |
This function sets the inherit collections setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-inherit-permissions |
This function sets the inherit permissions setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-inherit-quality |
This function sets the inherit quality setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-journal-size |
This function sets the journal size setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-journaling |
This function sets the journaling setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-language |
This function sets the language for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-large-size-threshold |
This function sets the threshold at which binary documents in the specified database should be handled as binary large objects (BLOBs). |
admin:database-set-locking |
This function sets the locking setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-maintain-directory-last-modified |
This function sets the maintain directory last modified setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-maintain-last-modified |
This function sets the maintain last modified setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-merge-max-size |
This function sets the merge max size setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-merge-min-ratio |
This function sets the merge min ratio setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-merge-min-size |
This function sets the merge minimum size setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-merge-priority |
This function sets the CPU scheduler priority for merges. |
admin:database-set-merge-timestamp |
This function sets the merge timestamp setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-name |
This function changes the name of the database with the specified ID to the specified name. |
admin:database-set-one-character-searches |
This function sets the one character searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-positions-list-max-size |
This function sets the positions list max size setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-preallocate-journals |
This function sets the preallocate journals setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-preload-mapped-data |
This function sets the preload mapped data setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-preload-replica-mapped-data |
This function sets the preload-replica-mapped-data setting for the specified database. |
admin:database-set-range-index-optimize |
This function sets the range index optimize setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-rebalancer-enable |
This function sets the rebalancer enable setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-rebalancer-throttle |
This function sets the rebalancer throttle setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-reindexer-enable |
This function sets the reindexer enable setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-reindexer-throttle |
This function sets the reindexer throttle setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-reindexer-timestamp |
This function sets the reindexer timestamp setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-retain-until-backup |
This function sets "the retain until backup" setting in the configuration for the specified database. |
admin:database-set-schema-database |
This function sets the schema database for a database to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-security-database |
This function sets the security database for a database to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-stemmed-searches |
This function sets the stemmed searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-tf-normalization |
This function specifies whether to use the default term-frequency normalization (scaled-log), which scales the term frequency based on the size of the document, or to use the unscaled-log, which uses term frequency as a function of the actual term frequency in a document, regardless of the document size. |
admin:database-set-three-character-searches |
This function sets the three character searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-three-character-word-positions |
This function sets the three character word positions setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-trailing-wildcard-searches |
This function sets the trailing wildcard searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-trailing-wildcard-word-positions |
This function sets the trailing wildcard word positions setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-triggers-database |
This function sets the triggers database to the specified database ID for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-triple-index |
This function sets the triple index on or off for a database. |
admin:database-set-triple-positions |
This function sets the triple positions of a database to true or false. |
admin:database-set-two-character-searches |
This function sets the two character searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-uri-lexicon |
This function sets the URI lexicon setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-word-positions |
This function sets the word positions setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-word-query-fast-case-sensitive-searches |
This function returns the word query fast case sensitive searches setting for the specified database from the configuration. |
admin:database-set-word-query-fast-diacritic-sensitive-searches |
This function sets the word query fast diacritic sensitive searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-word-query-fast-phrase-searches |
This function sets the word query fast phrase searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-word-query-include-document-root |
This function sets the word query include document root setting for the specified field in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-word-query-one-character-searches |
This function sets the word query one character searches setting for the specified field in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-word-query-stemmed-searches |
This function sets the word query stemmed searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-word-query-three-character-searches |
This function sets the word query three character searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-word-query-three-character-word-positions |
This function sets the word query three character word positions setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-word-query-trailing-wildcard-searches |
This function sets the word query trailing wildcard searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-word-query-trailing-wildcard-word-positions |
This function sets the word query trailing wildcard word positions setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-word-query-two-character-searches |
This function sets the word query two character searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-word-query-word-searches |
This function sets the word query word searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-set-word-searches |
This function sets the word searches setting for the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:database-sub-databases |
This function returns a database-reference element representing the sub-databases of the specified super-database. |
admin:database-super-databases |
This function returns a database-reference element representing where the specified database serves as a sub-database. |
admin:database-tokenizer-override |
This function constructs a custom tokenizer override. |
admin:database-validate-field-path |
This function validates the specified field path. |
admin:database-validate-field-paths |
This function checks if the paths conform to the permissible XPath syntax. |
admin:database-validate-path-fields |
For a given sequence of fields, this function validates all the paths on each field using admin:database-validate-field-paths call. |
admin:database-weekly-backup |
This function constructs a weekly scheduled backup specification. |
admin:database-weekly-incremental-backup |
This function constructs a weekly scheduled incremental backup specification. |
admin:database-word-lexicon |
This function constructs a word lexicon specification. |
admin:foreign-cluster-create |
This function creates a complete configuration for a foreign cluster. |
admin:foreign-cluster-delete |
This function deletes the configuration for the specified foreign cluster. |
admin:foreign-cluster-get-bootstrap-hosts |
This function returns one or more configuration elements that identify the bootstrap hosts on the specified foreign cluster. |
admin:foreign-cluster-get-host-timeout |
This function returns the timeout period (in seconds) for communication between domestic hosts and hosts in the specified foreign cluster. |
admin:foreign-cluster-get-name |
This function returns the name of the foreign cluster. |
admin:foreign-cluster-get-ssl-certificate |
This function returns the SSL certificate used to communicate with hosts in the foreign cluster. |
admin:foreign-cluster-get-xdqp-ssl-allow-sslv3 |
This function returns true if the SSL v3 protocol is enabled for the foreign cluster. |
admin:foreign-cluster-get-xdqp-ssl-allow-tls |
This function returns true if the TLS protocol is enabled for the foreign cluster. |
admin:foreign-cluster-get-xdqp-ssl-ciphers |
This function returns the SSL ciphers set for the specified foreign cluster. |
admin:foreign-cluster-get-xdqp-ssl-enabled |
This function returns true if SSL is enabled for the foreign cluster. |
admin:foreign-cluster-get-xdqp-timeout |
This function returns the timeout setting (in seconds) for XDQP communication between data nodes and evaluator nodes in the domestic cluster and their counterparts in the foreign cluster. |
admin:foreign-cluster-replace |
This function replaces a configuration for a foreign cluster with a new configuration. |
admin:foreign-cluster-set-bootstrap-hosts |
This function identifies the foreign host to be used to bootstrap communication with the foreign cluster. |
admin:foreign-cluster-set-host-timeout |
This function sets the timeout period (in seconds) for communication between domestic hosts and hosts in the specified foreign cluster. |
admin:foreign-cluster-set-name |
This function sets the name of a foreign cluster. |
admin:foreign-cluster-set-ssl-certificate |
This function sets the specified SSL certificate for secure communication with hosts in a foreign cluster. |
admin:foreign-cluster-set-xdqp-ssl-allow-sslv3 |
This function enables or disables the SSL v3 protocol for the specified foreign cluster. |
admin:foreign-cluster-set-xdqp-ssl-allow-tls |
This function enables or disables the TLS protocol for the specified foreign cluster. |
admin:foreign-cluster-set-xdqp-ssl-ciphers |
This function sets SSL ciphers for the specified foreign cluster. |
admin:foreign-cluster-set-xdqp-ssl-enabled |
This function enables or disables SSL for the foreign cluster. |
admin:foreign-cluster-set-xdqp-timeout |
This function sets the timeout (in seconds) for XDQP communication between data nodes and evaluator nodes in the domestic cluster and their counterparts in the foreign cluster. |
admin:foreign-host |
This function configures a foreign host to be set by the admin:foreign-cluster-set-bootstrap-hosts function as the bootstrap host for the foreign cluster. |
admin:foreign-host-get-connect-port |
This function returns the number of the port configured for the foreign bootstrap host. |
admin:foreign-host-get-id |
This function returns the id of the foreign bootstrap host. |
admin:foreign-host-get-name |
This function returns the name of the foreign bootstrap host. |
admin:forest-add-backup |
This function adds scheduled backup specifications for a forest to a configuration. |
admin:forest-add-failover-host |
This function adds a failover host to the list of failover hosts for the specified forest in the specified configuration. |
admin:forest-add-foreign-replicas |
This function adds the replica forest that is associated with the specified master forest to the database replication configuration. |
admin:forest-add-replica |
This function adds a forest replica to a master forest. |
admin:forest-backup-get-enabled |
This function returns true or false to indicate whether backup is enabled for the specified forest. |
admin:forest-backup-set-enabled |
This function enables forest backup for the specified forest. |
admin:forest-copy |
This function creates a new forest specification with the same settings as the forest with the specified ID. |
admin:forest-create |
This function creates a new forest configuration. |
admin:forest-daily-backup |
This function constructs a daily scheduled forest backup. |
admin:forest-delete |
This function deletes the configuration for the specified forest from the configuration. |
admin:forest-delete-backup |
This function deletes scheduled backup specifications for a forest from a configuration. |
admin:forest-delete-backup-by-id |
This function deletes the forest backup specified by the forest ID. |
admin:forest-delete-failover-host |
This function deletes the specified failover host(s) from the failover-host list in the specified configuration. |
admin:forest-delete-foreign-master |
This function deletes the master forest associated with the specified replica forest from the database replication configuration. |
admin:forest-delete-foreign-replicas |
This function deletes the foreign replica of the specified forest on the master host. |
admin:forest-exists |
This function determines whether or not the specified forest exists. |
admin:forest-foreign-master |
This function creates a replication configuration element for the specified master forest. |
admin:forest-foreign-master-get-cluster-id |
This function returns the ID for the cluster from the foreign master forest configuration element. |
admin:forest-foreign-master-get-database-id |
This function returns the id for the database from the foreign master forest configuration element. |
admin:forest-foreign-master-get-forest-id |
This function returns the id for the forest from the foreign master forest configuration element. |
admin:forest-foreign-replica |
This function returns a replica forest configuration. |
admin:forest-foreign-replica-get-cluster-id |
This function returns the id of the replica cluster from the specified replica forest configuration element. |
admin:forest-foreign-replica-get-database-id |
This function returns the id of the replica database from the specified replica forest configuration element. |
admin:forest-foreign-replica-get-forest-id |
This function returns the id of the replica forest from the specified replica forest configuration element. |
admin:forest-get-availability |
This function gets the availability state of the forest, for use in Tiered Storage. |
admin:forest-get-backups |
This function returns the scheduled backups for the specified forest from the configuration. |
admin:forest-get-data-directory |
This function returns the name of the data directory of the specified forest. |
admin:forest-get-database |
This function returns the ID of the database that uses the specified forest. |
admin:forest-get-enabled |
This function returns the enabled state of the specified forest. |
admin:forest-get-failover-enable |
This function returns the state of whether failover is enabled for the specified forest. |
admin:forest-get-failover-hosts |
This function returns the IDs of the hosts defined as failover hosts for this forest. |
admin:forest-get-fast-data-directory |
This function returns the directory path set in the fast data directory field for the specified forest. |
admin:forest-get-fast-data-max-size |
This function returns maximum allowable size (in megabytes) of the data to be kept by the specified forest in its fast-data-directory, or 0 for no limit. |
admin:forest-get-foreign-master |
This function returns the replication configuration for the master forest associated with the specified replica forest. |
admin:forest-get-foreign-replicas |
This function returns the foreign replicas configuration element. |
admin:forest-get-host |
This function returns the ID of the host in which the specified forest resides. |
admin:forest-get-id |
This function returns the ID of the forest with the specified name, from the specified configuration. |
admin:forest-get-large-data-directory |
This function returns the name of the large data directory of the specified forest. |
admin:forest-get-name |
This function returns the name of the specified forest, given the forest ID. |
admin:forest-get-partition-number |
This function returns the partition number for the specified forest. |
admin:forest-get-range-policy-lower-bound |
This function returns the lower bound of the range configured on the forest. |
admin:forest-get-range-policy-upper-bound |
This function returns the upper bound of the range configured on the forest. |
admin:forest-get-rebalancer-enable |
This function returns the rebalancer enable setting for the specified forest from the configuration. |
admin:forest-get-replicas |
This function returns the IDs of the forest replicas for the specified forest. |
admin:forest-get-updates-allowed |
This function returns the state of what kinds of updates are allowed for the specified forest. |
admin:forest-hourly-backup |
This function constructs a hourly scheduled forest backup specification. |
admin:forest-is-range-policy-range-set |
This function returns fn:false() if the specified forest has neither the lower boundary nor the upper boundary set. |
admin:forest-minutely-backup |
This function constructs a scheduled forest backup on a number-of-minutes basis. |
admin:forest-monthly-backup |
This function constructs a monthly scheduled backup. |
admin:forest-one-time-backup |
This function constructs a one-time backup. |
admin:forest-remove-replica |
This function removes a forest replica from a master forest. |
admin:forest-rename |
This function renames a forest. |
admin:forest-set-availability |
This function sets the availability state for a forest, for use in Tiered Storage. |
admin:forest-set-enabled |
This function sets the enabled state for a forest configuration. |
admin:forest-set-failover-enable |
This function sets the forest failover enabled state for a forest configuration. |
admin:forest-set-fast-data-max-size |
This function sets the allowable size (in megabytes) for data to be kept by a forest in its fast data directory, or 0 for no limit. |
admin:forest-set-foreign-master |
This function writes the specified foreign master forest configuration into the database replication configuration. |
admin:forest-set-foreign-replicas |
This function writes the specified replica forest configuration into the database replication configuration. |
admin:forest-set-host |
This function sets a forest configuration to a new host. |
admin:forest-set-partition-number |
This function sets the partition number for the specified forest. |
admin:forest-set-range-policy-range |
This function sets the boundaries of the range on a forest. |
admin:forest-set-rebalancer-enable |
This function sets the rebalancer enable setting for the specified forest in the configuration. |
admin:forest-set-updates-allowed |
This function sets the updates-allowed state for a forest configuration. |
admin:forest-weekly-backup |
This function constructs a weekly scheduled backup. |
admin:get-appserver-ids |
This function returns all the appserver IDs from the configuration. |
admin:get-configuration |
Loads the admin configuration into memory for use by other functions in the Admin module. |
admin:get-database-ids |
This function returns all the database IDs from the configuration. |
admin:get-forest-ids |
This function returns all the forest IDs from the configuration. |
admin:get-group-ids |
This function returns all the group IDs from the configuration. |
admin:get-host-ids |
This function returns all the host IDs from the configuration. |
admin:group-add-module-location |
Add one or more module namespace to location mappings to a Group configuration. |
admin:group-add-namespace |
Add one or more namespaces to a Group configuration, which will predefine the namespace(s) for all requests evaluated against any App Server in the Group. |
admin:group-add-scheduled-task |
This function adds one or more scheduled tasks to the specified group. |
admin:group-add-schema |
This function adds a schema binding definition to the existing schema binding definitions in the configuration for the specified Group. |
admin:group-add-trace-event |
This function adds trace events to the configuration. |
admin:group-add-using-namespace |
Add one or more "using" namespaces to a Group configuration, which add the namespaces to the namespace path for all requests evaluated against any App Server in the Group. |
admin:group-copy |
This function creates a new group specification with the same settings as the group with the specified ID. |
admin:group-create |
This function creates a new group with the specified name in the configuration. |
admin:group-daily-scheduled-task |
This function constructs a task to be invoked at daily intervals. |
admin:group-delete |
This function deletes one or more groups in the configuration. |
admin:group-delete-module-location |
Delete one or more module location bindings from a Group configuration. |
admin:group-delete-namespace |
This function deletes the specified namespaces from the configuration for the specified group. |
admin:group-delete-scheduled-task |
This function deletes one or more scheduled tasks from the specified group. |
admin:group-delete-scheduled-task-by-id |
This function deletes the scheduled tasks for a group using the group ID. |
admin:group-delete-schema |
This function deletes a schema binding definition to the existing schema binding definitions in the configuration for the specified Group. |
admin:group-delete-trace-event |
This function deletes the specified trace events from the configuration. |
admin:group-delete-using-namespace |
Delete one or more "using" namespaces from a Group configuration. |
admin:group-disable-audit-event-type |
This function changes the audit event type(s) enabled setting for the audit configuration. |
admin:group-enable-audit-event-type |
This function changes the audit event type(s) enabled setting for the audit configuration. |
admin:group-exists |
This function determines whether or not the specified Group exists. |
admin:group-get-appserver-ids |
This function returns the IDs of all appservers belonging to the group. |
admin:group-get-audit-enabled |
This function returns the value for the audit enabled setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-get-audit-event-type-enabled |
This function returns the audit event type's enabled setting for the audit configuration. |
admin:group-get-audit-excluded-roles |
This function returns the roles excluded from auditing. |
admin:group-get-audit-excluded-uris |
This function returns the uris excluded from auditing. |
admin:group-get-audit-excluded-users |
This function returns the users excluded from auditing. |
admin:group-get-audit-included-roles |
This function returns the roles included from auditing. |
admin:group-get-audit-included-uris |
This function returns the uris included from auditing. |
admin:group-get-audit-included-users |
This function returns the users included from auditing. |
admin:group-get-audit-outcome-restriction |
This function returns whether auditing events are restricted by a success or failure outcome. |
admin:group-get-azure-storage-proxy |
This function returns the URL of the proxy server used by the group to access Azure blob storage. |
admin:group-get-background-io-limit |
This function gets the value for the I/O background limit that controls the I/O resources that I/O tasks (for example, merges) will consume. |
admin:group-get-compressed-tree-cache-partitions |
This function returns the value for the compressed tree cache partitions setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-get-compressed-tree-cache-size |
This function returns the value for the compressed tree cache size setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-get-compressed-tree-read-size |
This function returns the value for the compressed tree read size (in kilobytes) setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-get-expanded-tree-cache-partitions |
This function returns the value for the expanded tree cache partitions setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-get-expanded-tree-cache-size |
This function returns the value for the expanded tree cache size setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-get-failover-enable |
This function returns the value for the failover enable setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-get-file-log-level |
This function returns the value for the file log level setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-get-host-ids |
This function returns the IDs of all hosts belonging to the group. |
admin:group-get-host-initial-timeout |
This function returns the value for the host initial timeout setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-get-host-timeout |
This function returns the value for the host timeout setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-get-http-timeout |
This function returns the value for the http timeout setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-get-http-user-agent |
This function returns the value for the http user agent setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-get-httpserver-ids |
This function returns the IDs of all httpservers belonging to the group. |
admin:group-get-id |
This function returns the ID of the group. |
admin:group-get-keep-audit-files |
This function returns the value for the keep audit files setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-get-keep-log-files |
This function returns the value for the keep log files setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-get-list-cache-partitions |
This function returns the value for the list cache partitions setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-get-list-cache-size |
This function returns the value for the list cache size setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-get-metering-enabled |
This function returns the value of the metering-enabled group setting. |
admin:group-get-meters-database |
This function returns the ID of the meters-database configured for the specified group. |
admin:group-get-module-cache-timeout |
This function returns the number of seconds a module can be unused before being flushed from caches. |
admin:group-get-module-locations |
This function returns the value of any module locations predefined for the specified Group. |
admin:group-get-name |
This function returns the name of the specified group. |
admin:group-get-namespaces |
This function returns the value of any namespace definitions predefined for the specified group. |
admin:group-get-odbcserver-ids |
This function returns the ids of all of the ODBC App Servers in the specified group. |
admin:group-get-performance-metering-enabled |
This function returns the value of the performance-metering-enabled group setting. |
admin:group-get-performance-metering-period |
This function returns the value of the performance-metering-period group setting. |
admin:group-get-performance-metering-retain-daily |
This function returns the value of the performance-metering-retain-daily group setting. |
admin:group-get-performance-metering-retain-hourly |
This function returns the value of the performance-metering-retain-hourly group setting. |
admin:group-get-performance-metering-retain-raw |
This function returns the value of the performance-metering-retain-raw group setting. |
admin:group-get-retry-timeout |
This function returns the value for the number of seconds a request will retry before timing out. |
admin:group-get-rotate-audit-files |
This function returns the value for the rotate audit files setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-get-rotate-log-files |
This function returns the value for the rotate log files setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-get-s3-domain |
This function gets the simple storage service internet domain name for hosts in the group. |
admin:group-get-s3-protocol |
This function gets the simple storage service protocol for hosts in the group. |
admin:group-get-s3-proxy |
This function returns the URL of the proxy server used by the group to access AWS S3 storage. |
admin:group-get-s3-server-side-encryption |
This function gets the method of server side encryption for data at rest on the simple storage service. |
admin:group-get-s3-server-side-encryption-kms-key |
This function gets the KMS key that is used by server side encryption for data at rest on the simple storage service. |
admin:group-get-scheduled-task |
This function returns information about a scheduled task for a group based on the task ID and the group ID. |
admin:group-get-scheduled-tasks |
This function returns all of the tasks scheduled for the specified group. |
admin:group-get-schemas |
This function returns the value of any schemas definitions predefined for the specified group. |
admin:group-get-security-database |
This function returns the ID of the security database for the specified group from the configuration. |
admin:group-get-smtp-relay |
This function returns the value for the smtp relay setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-get-smtp-timeout |
This function returns the value for the smtp timeout setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-get-system-log-level |
This function returns the value for the system log level setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-get-taskserver-id |
This function returns the ID of of the taskserver belonging to the group. |
admin:group-get-telemetry-config |
This function returns the currently set frequency for sending configuration file changes to telemetry. |
admin:group-get-telemetry-log-level |
This function returns the current configured telemetry log level. |
admin:group-get-telemetry-metering |
This function returns the configured detail level for collecting metering data sent to telemetry. |
admin:group-get-telemetry-proxy |
This function returns the proxy server URL used by telemetry |
admin:group-get-telemetry-session-endpoint |
This function returns the initial default telemetry endpoint. |
admin:group-get-telemetry-usage |
This function returns the Telemetry Usage enable setting for the specific group. |
admin:group-get-trace-events |
This function returns the value of any trace events activated for the specified group. |
admin:group-get-trace-events-activated |
This function returns the value for the trace events activated setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-get-triple-cache-partitions |
This function returns the number of triple cache partitions configured for the group. |
admin:group-get-triple-cache-size |
This function returns the value of the triple cache size for the group. |
admin:group-get-triple-cache-timeout |
This function gets the timeout value for the triple cache. |
admin:group-get-triple-value-cache-partitions |
This function returns the number of triple value cache partitions configured for the group. |
admin:group-get-triple-value-cache-size |
This function returns the size of triple value cache configured for the group. |
admin:group-get-triple-value-cache-timeout |
This function gets the timeout value for the triple value cache. |
admin:group-get-using-namespaces |
This function returns the value of any "using" namespaces predefined for the specified Group. |
admin:group-get-webdavserver-ids |
This function returns the IDs of all webdavservers belonging to the group. |
admin:group-get-xdbcserver-ids |
This function returns the IDs of all xdbcservers belonging to the group. |
admin:group-get-xdqp-ssl-allow-sslv3 |
This function returns true if the SSL v3 protocol is enabled for the group. |
admin:group-get-xdqp-ssl-allow-tls |
This function returns true if the TLS protocol is enabled for the group. |
admin:group-get-xdqp-ssl-ciphers |
This function returns the SSL ciphers set for the group. |
admin:group-get-xdqp-ssl-disabled-protocols |
This function returns the disabled protocols for the group. |
admin:group-get-xdqp-ssl-enabled |
This function returns true if SSL is enabled for the group. |
admin:group-get-xdqp-timeout |
This function returns the value for the xdqp timeout setting from the specified group. |
admin:group-hourly-scheduled-task |
This function constructs a task to be invoked at hourly intervals. |
admin:group-minutely-scheduled-task |
This function constructs a task to be invoked at intervals defined in terms of minutes. |
admin:group-module-location |
This function constructs a module namespace element with the specified namespace URI and location. |
admin:group-monthly-scheduled-task |
This function constructs a task to be invoked at monthly intervals. |
admin:group-namespace |
This function constructs a namespace element with the specified prefix and URI. |
admin:group-one-time-scheduled-task |
This function constructs a task to be invoked once, at a specific calendar day and time. |
admin:group-scheduled-task-get-enabled |
This function returns true or false to indicate whether a scheduled task for a group is enabled. |
admin:group-scheduled-task-set-enabled |
This function enables one or more scheduled tasks for a group based on the group ID and task ID. |
admin:group-schema |
This function constructs a schema element with the specified prefix and URI. |
admin:group-set-audit-enabled |
This function changes the audit enabled setting for the group in the configuration. |
admin:group-set-audit-outcome-restriction |
This function restricts the audit configuration by auditing events only if they are "success" or "failure" events. |
admin:group-set-audit-role-restriction |
This function restricts the audit configuration by excluding or including by role. |
admin:group-set-audit-uri-restriction |
This function restricts the audit configuration by excluding or including by document uri(s). |
admin:group-set-audit-user-restriction |
This function restricts the audit configuration by excluding or including by user. |
admin:group-set-azure-storage-proxy |
This function sets the URL of the proxy server used by the group to access Azure blob storage. |
admin:group-set-background-io-limit |
This function sets a limit on the amount of I/O that background tasks (for example, merges) will consume. |
admin:group-set-compressed-tree-cache-partitions |
This function changes the compressed tree cache partitions setting of the group with the specified ID to the specified value. |
admin:group-set-compressed-tree-cache-size |
This function changes the compressed tree cache size setting of the group with the specified ID to the specified value. |
admin:group-set-compressed-tree-read-size |
This function changes the compressed tree read size setting of the group with the specified ID to the specified value. |
admin:group-set-expanded-tree-cache-partitions |
This function changes the expanded tree cache partitions setting of the group with the specified ID to the specified value. |
admin:group-set-expanded-tree-cache-size |
This function changes the expanded tree cache size setting of the group with the specified ID to the specified value. |
admin:group-set-failover-enable |
This function changes the failover enable setting for the group in the configuration. |
admin:group-set-file-log-level |
This function changes the host file log level setting for the group in the configuration. |
admin:group-set-host-initial-timeout |
This function changes the host initial timeout setting (the time the cluster will wait for a host to come online during cluster startup) for the group in the configuration. |
admin:group-set-host-timeout |
This function changes the host timeout setting (the timeout for communication between hosts) for the group in the configuration. |
admin:group-set-http-timeout |
This function changes the HTTP timeout setting for the group in the configuration. |
admin:group-set-http-user-agent |
This function changes the HTTP User-Agent setting for the group in the configuration. |
admin:group-set-keep-audit-files |
This function changes the keep audit files setting for the group in the configuration. |
admin:group-set-keep-log-files |
This function changes the keep log files setting for the group in the configuration. |
admin:group-set-list-cache-partitions |
This function changes the list cache partitions setting of the group with the specified ID to the specified value. |
admin:group-set-list-cache-size |
This function changes the list cache size setting of the group with the specified ID to the specified value. |
admin:group-set-metering-enabled |
This function enables or disables usage metering for all hosts in the specified group. |
admin:group-set-meters-database |
This function specifies the database to be used to store metering data. |
admin:group-set-module-cache-timeout |
This function sets the number of seconds a module can be unused before being flushed from caches. |
admin:group-set-name |
This function changes the name of the group with the specified ID to the specified name. |
admin:group-set-performance-metering-enabled |
This function enables or disables performance metering for all hosts in the specified group. |
admin:group-set-performance-metering-period |
This function sets the period (in number of seconds) between when performance data is gathered. |
admin:group-set-performance-metering-retain-daily |
This function sets the number of days of performance metering data to retain. |
admin:group-set-performance-metering-retain-hourly |
This function sets the number of days to retain hourly performance data. |
admin:group-set-performance-metering-retain-raw |
This function sets the number of days of raw performance data to retain. |
admin:group-set-retry-timeout |
This function changes the number of seconds a request will retry before timing out. |
admin:group-set-rotate-audit-files |
This function changes the rotate audit files setting for the group in the configuration. |
admin:group-set-rotate-log-files |
This function changes the rotate log files setting for the group in the configuration. |
admin:group-set-s3-domain |
This function sets the simple storage service internet domain name for hosts in the group. |
admin:group-set-s3-protocol |
This function sets the simple storage service protocol for hosts in the group. |
admin:group-set-s3-proxy |
This function sets the URL of the proxy server used by the group to access AWS S3 storage. |
admin:group-set-s3-server-side-encryption |
This function gets the method of server side encryption for data at rest on the simple storage service. |
admin:group-set-s3-server-side-encryption-kms-key |
This function sets the KMS key that is used by server side encryption for data at rest on the simple storage service. |
admin:group-set-security-database |
This function sets the security database for a group to the specified database in the configuration. |
admin:group-set-smtp-relay |
This function changes the SMTP relay setting for the group in the configuration. |
admin:group-set-smtp-timeout |
This function changes the SMTP timeout setting for the group in the configuration. |
admin:group-set-system-log-level |
This function changes the host system log level setting for the group in the configuration. |
admin:group-set-telemetry-config |
This function sets the update frequency for configuration changes sent to telemetry, would also be the maximum frequency at which updates will be sent. |
admin:group-set-telemetry-log-level |
This function sets the initial log level for telemetry, which is also the maximum (finest) log level that will be sent. |
admin:group-set-telemetry-metering |
This function sets the level of metering data sent to telemetry. |
admin:group-set-telemetry-proxy |
This function sets the proxy server URL used by telemetry |
admin:group-set-telemetry-session-endpoint |
This function sets the initial session endpoint for telemetry. |
admin:group-set-telemetry-usage |
This function enables or disables usage data sent to telemetry. |
admin:group-set-trace-events-activated |
This function changes the value for trace events in the group configuration. |
admin:group-set-triple-cache-partitions |
This function sets the number of partitions to allocate for the triple index cache. |
admin:group-set-triple-cache-size |
This function sets the number of triple cache partitions to allocate. |
admin:group-set-triple-cache-timeout |
This function sets the timeout value for the triple cache. |
admin:group-set-triple-value-cache-partitions |
This function sets the number of partitions to allocate for the triple value index cache. |
admin:group-set-triple-value-cache-size |
This function sets the size of the value cache for the triple index. |
admin:group-set-triple-value-cache-timeout |
This function sets the timeout value for the triple value cache. |
admin:group-set-xdqp-ssl-allow-sslv3 |
This function enables or disables the SSL v3 protocol for the specified group. |
admin:group-set-xdqp-ssl-allow-tls |
This function enables or disables the TLS protocol for the specified group. |
admin:group-set-xdqp-ssl-ciphers |
This function sets SSL ciphers for the specified group. |
admin:group-set-xdqp-ssl-disabled-protocols |
This function sets the disabled protocols for the specified group. |
admin:group-set-xdqp-ssl-enabled |
This function enables or disables SSL for the group. |
admin:group-set-xdqp-timeout |
This function changes the XDQP timeout setting (the timeout for communication between data nodes and evaluator nodes) for the group in the configuration. |
admin:group-trace-event |
This function constructs an event element for the specified event name. |
admin:group-using-namespace |
This function constructs a using namespace element with the specified URI. |
admin:group-weekly-scheduled-task |
This function constructs a task to be invoked at weekly intervals. |
admin:host-activate-new-xdqp-certificate |
This function activates the new xdqp host certificate generated by host-renew-xdqp-certificate. |
admin:host-exists |
This function determines whether or not the specified Host exists. |
admin:host-get-foreign-port |
This function returns the port used by the specified host to listen for communications from foreign hosts. |
admin:host-get-group |
This function returns the group ID for the host with the specified ID. |
admin:host-get-id |
This function return the ID for the specified host from the configuration. |
admin:host-get-mode |
This function return the mode for the host with the specified ID |
admin:host-get-mode-description |
This function return the mode description for the host with the specified ID |
admin:host-get-name |
This function returns the name for the host with the specified ID. |
admin:host-get-port |
This function returns the bind port for the host with the specified ID. |
admin:host-get-zone |
This function returns the zone for the host with the specified ID. |
admin:host-need-renew-xdqp-certificate |
This function returns a list of hostid where the xdqp host certificate will expire within the specified duration |
admin:host-renew-xdqp-certificate |
This function generates a new xdqp host certificate for a host if the current certificate will expire within the duration. |
admin:host-set-foreign-port |
This function configures the specified domestic host to listen for communications from foreign hosts over the specified port. |
admin:host-set-group |
This function changes the group to which an existing host belongs to the newly specified value. |
admin:host-set-mode |
This function sets the mode and description for the host with the specified ID |
admin:host-set-name |
This function changes the name of an existing host to the newly specified value. |
admin:host-set-port |
This function changes the bind port value for the host to the newly specified value. |
admin:host-set-zone |
This function changes the zone value for the host to the newly specified value. |
admin:http-server-create |
This function creates a new HTTP App Server with the specified name, root, and port in the configuration. |
admin:legacy-assignment-policy |
This function returns an element that represents the legacy assignment policy. |
admin:mimetype |
This function constructs a mimetype specification. |
admin:mimetypes-add |
This function adds mimetypes to the configuration. |
admin:mimetypes-delete |
This function deletes mimetypes from the configuration. |
admin:mimetypes-get |
This function returns all the mimetypes from the configuration. |
admin:odbc-server-create |
This function creates a new ODBC App Server with the specified name, root, and port in the configuration. |
admin:query-assignment-policy |
This function returns an element that represents the query assignment policy. |
admin:range-assignment-policy |
This function returns an element that represents the range assignment policy. |
admin:restart-hosts |
This function restarts MarkLogic Server for the specified hosts. |
admin:save-configuration |
This function saves a configuration specification to the cluster configuration files. |
admin:save-configuration-without-restart |
This function saves a configuration specification to the cluster configuration files, without restarting MarkLogic Server. |
admin:segment-assignment-policy |
This function returns an element that represents the segment assignment policy. |
admin:statistical-assignment-policy |
This function returns an element that represents the statistical assignment policy. |
admin:taskserver-get-debug-allow |
This function returns the value for the debug-allow setting configured on the task server for the specified group. |
admin:taskserver-get-debug-threads |
This function returns the number of debug threads configured on the task server for the specified group. |
admin:taskserver-get-default-inference-size |
This function returns the default amount of memory (in megabytes) that can be used by sem:store for inference. |
admin:taskserver-get-default-time-limit |
This function returns the default time limit configured on the task server for the specified group. |
admin:taskserver-get-file-log-level |
This function returns the value for the file log level configured on the task server for the specified group. |
admin:taskserver-get-log-errors |
This function returns the value for the log-errors setting configured on the task server for the specified group. |
admin:taskserver-get-max-inference-size |
This function returns the maximum amount of memory in megabytes that can be used by sem:store for inference. |
admin:taskserver-get-max-time-limit |
This function returns the maximum time limit configured on the task server for the specified group. |
admin:taskserver-get-name |
This function returns the name of the task server for the specified group from the configuration. |
admin:taskserver-get-opsdirector-applog-level |
This function returns the value for the Ops Director application log level configured on the task server for the specified group. |
admin:taskserver-get-post-commit-trigger-depth |
This function returns the maximum post-commit trigger depth configured on the task server for the specified group. |
admin:taskserver-get-pre-commit-trigger-depth |
This function returns the maximum pre-commit trigger depth configured on the task server for the specified group. |
admin:taskserver-get-pre-commit-trigger-limit |
This function returns the pre-commit trigger limit configured on the task server for the specified group. |
admin:taskserver-get-profile-allow |
This function returns the value for the profile-allow setting configured on the task server for the specified group. |
admin:taskserver-get-queue-size |
This function returns the number queue size configured on the task server for the specified group. |
admin:taskserver-get-threads |
This function returns the number of threads configured on the task server for the specified group. |
admin:taskserver-set-debug-allow |
This function sets the value for the debug allow setting for the task server in the configuration. |
admin:taskserver-set-debug-threads |
This function sets the value in the configuration of the maximum number of debug threads for the specified task server for each host in the group. |
admin:taskserver-set-default-inference-size |
This function specifies the default value for any request's inference size. |
admin:taskserver-set-default-time-limit |
This function sets the task server default time limit in the configuration. |
admin:taskserver-set-file-log-level |
This function changes the host file log level setting for the task server in the configuration. |
admin:taskserver-set-log-errors |
This function sets the value for the log errors setting for the task server in the configuration. |
admin:taskserver-set-max-inference-size |
This function specifies the upper bound for any request's inference size. |
admin:taskserver-set-max-time-limit |
This function sets the task server max time limit in the configuration. |
admin:taskserver-set-opsdirector-applog-level |
This function changes the Ops Director application log level setting for the task server in the configuration. |
admin:taskserver-set-post-commit-trigger-depth |
This function sets the value for the task server post-commit trigger depth in the configuration. |
admin:taskserver-set-pre-commit-trigger-depth |
This function sets the value for the task server pre-commit trigger depth in the configuration. |
admin:taskserver-set-pre-commit-trigger-limit |
This function sets the value for the task server pre-commit trigger depth in the configuration. |
admin:taskserver-set-profile-allow |
This function sets the value for the profile allow setting for the task server in the configuration. |
admin:taskserver-set-queue-size |
This function sets the value in the configuration of the maximum queue size for the specified task server. |
admin:taskserver-set-threads |
This function sets the value in the configuration of the maximum number of threads for the specified task server on each host in the group. |
admin:webdav-server-create |
This function creates a new WebDAV App Server with the specified name, library, and port in the configuration. |
admin:xdbc-server-create |
This function creates a new XDBC App Server with the specified name, root, and port in the configuration. |
alert:action-get-description |
This function returns the description of a given action. |
alert:action-get-module |
This function returns the module of a given action. |
alert:action-get-module-db |
This function returns the module database of a given action. |
alert:action-get-module-root |
This function returns the module root of a given action. |
alert:action-get-name |
This function returns the name of a given action. |
alert:action-get-options |
This function returns the options of a given action. |
alert:action-insert |
This function inserts the specified action into the collection. |
alert:action-remove |
This function removes the named action from the database or throws an exception if the action does not exist. |
alert:action-set-description |
This function returns the action with the description of the action updated. |
alert:action-set-module |
This function returns the action with the module of the action updated. |
alert:action-set-module-db |
This function sets the module database of a given action. |
alert:action-set-module-root |
This function sets the module root of a given action. |
alert:action-set-name |
This function returns the action with the name of the action updated. |
alert:action-set-options |
This function returns the action with the options of the action updated. |
alert:config-delete |
Remove an alerting configuration identified by the specified URI. |
alert:config-get |
Gets the config associated with the specified URI. |
alert:config-get-cpf-domain-names |
This function returns the CPF domain names set in the specified alerting configuration. |
alert:config-get-description |
This function provides returns the description set in the specified alerting configuration. |
alert:config-get-id |
This function returns the ID of the specified alerting configuration. |
alert:config-get-name |
This function returns the name set in the specified an alerting configuration. |
alert:config-get-options |
This function returns the options set in specified alerting configuration. |
alert:config-get-trigger-ids |
This function returns the trigger IDs set in the specified alerting configuration. |
alert:config-get-uri |
This function returns the URI set in the specified alerting configuration. |
alert:config-insert |
Inserts a config into the database. |
alert:config-set-cpf-domain-names |
This function sets the CPF domain names in the specified alerting configuration. |
alert:config-set-description |
This function sets the description within the specified alerting configuration. |
alert:config-set-name |
This function sets the name in the specified alerting configuration. |
alert:config-set-options |
This function sets the options in the specified alerting configuration. |
alert:config-set-trigger-ids |
This function sets the trigger IDs in the specified alerting configuration. |
alert:create-triggers |
Create triggers that invoke the standard alerting trigger module. |
alert:find-matching-rules |
Returns a list of all rules associated with the specified config that match the specified document. |
alert:get-actions |
This function retrieves all the named actions in the specified config URI. |
alert:get-all-rules |
This function returns all rules visible to the current user. |
alert:get-my-rules |
This function returns all rules associated with the current user. |
alert:invoke-matching-actions |
Finds the rules that match the specified document and invokes their associated actions. |
alert:make-action |
This function creates the specified action. |
alert:make-config |
Create an alerting configuration associated with a particular URI. |
alert:make-log-action |
Create a standard logging action named "log". |
alert:make-rule |
This function creates the specified rule. |
alert:remove-triggers |
Remove triggers whose IDs are listed in the config. |
alert:rule-action-query |
This function creates a query to find rules with any of the specified actions. |
alert:rule-get-action |
This function returns the action of a given rule. |
alert:rule-get-description |
This function returns the description of a given rule. |
alert:rule-get-id |
This function returns the ID of a given rule. |
alert:rule-get-name |
This function returns the name of a given rule. |
alert:rule-get-options |
This function returns the options of a given rule. |
alert:rule-get-query |
Get the cts:query corresponding to the rule's query expression. |
alert:rule-get-user-id |
This function returns the user ID of a given rule. |
alert:rule-id-query |
This function creates a query to find rules with any of the specified IDs. |
alert:rule-insert |
This function inserts rule into the database associated with the specified alerting configuration. |
alert:rule-name-query |
This function creates a query to find rules with any of the specified names. |
alert:rule-remove |
This function removes the specified rule from the collection. |
alert:rule-set-action |
This function returns the rule with the action updated. |
alert:rule-set-description |
This function returns the rule with the description of the rule updated. |
alert:rule-set-name |
This function returns the rule with the name of the rule updated. |
alert:rule-set-options |
This function returns the rule with the options of the rule updated. |
alert:rule-set-query |
Set the cts:query corresponding to the rule's query expression. |
alert:rule-set-user-id |
This function returns the rule with the user ID updated. |
alert:rule-user-id-query |
This function creates a query to find rules with any of the specified user IDs. |
alert:spawn-matching-actions |
Finds the rules that match the specified document and spawns their associated actions. |
cdict:dictionary-delete |
Delete a custom dictionary. |
cdict:dictionary-read |
Retrieve the custom dictionary for a language. |
cdict:dictionary-write |
Insert or update a custom dictionary for language. |
cdict:get-languages |
Return the ISO language codes for all licensed languages. |
clang:delete-user-language |
This function returns user languages configuration with any existing configuration item for a given language removed. |
clang:language-config-delete |
This function removes all custom language configuration from the cluster configuration files. |
clang:language-config-read |
This function reads the custom language configuration specification from the cluster configuration files. |
clang:language-config-write |
This function saves a custom language configuration specification to the cluster configuration files. |
clang:lexer |
This function constructs a custom lexer configuration item, suitable for use with clang:user-language-plugin. |
clang:stemmer |
This function constructs a custom stemmer configuration item, suitable for use with clang:user-language-plugin. |
clang:update-user-language |
Add or replace a configuration item for a language in the given language configuration item, and return the new configuration. |
clang:user-language |
This function constructs a user language configuration item, suitable for use with clang:update-user-language. |
clang:user-language-plugin |
This function constructs a user language plugin configuration item, suitable for use with clang:user-language. |
cma:apply-config |
Apply a named configuration, overriding parameters and setting options. |
cma:generate-config |
Retrieve an individual resource, set of resources, or full cluster configuration; generate a configuration from scenarios. |
configast:apply |
This function takes the Config AST representation of a server configuration for parsing and processing as a JSON object or XQuery map and applies the configuration using the functions of the Admin API. |
cpf:check-transition |
Verify that the current transition is the correct one for the document. |
cpf:document-get-error |
Fetch a trace of the error that caused the document's processing to fail, if any. |
cpf:document-get-last-updated |
Determine the date and time of the last update to the document's content, if any. |
cpf:document-get-processing-status |
Determine the document's current processing status, if any. |
cpf:document-get-state |
Determine the document's current state, if any. |
cpf:document-set-error |
Set the document's error trace to the given value. |
cpf:document-set-last-updated |
Set the date and time of the document's last update. |
cpf:document-set-processing-status |
Set the document's processing status to the given value. |
cpf:document-set-state |
Set the document's state to the given state. |
cpf:failure |
Concludes the state action in failure, advancing the state as defined by the state transition. |
cpf:success |
Concludes the action successfully, advancing the state as defined by the transition. |
css:convert |
Convert CSS text to an equivalent XML representation that is more suitable for analysis. |
css:get |
Fetch the CSS for the given document, be it embedded or linked. |
cts:after-query |
Returns a query matching fragments committed after a specified timestamp. |
cts:after-query-timestamp |
Returns the timestamp with which a specified query was constructed. |
cts:aggregate |
Executes a user-defined extension aggregate function against a value lexicon or n-way co-occurrence of multiple value lexicons. |
cts:and-not-query |
Returns a query specifying the set difference of the matches specified by two sub-queries. |
cts:and-not-query-negative-query |
Returns the negative (second parameter) query used to construct the specified query. |
cts:and-not-query-positive-query |
Returns the positive (first parameter) query used to construct the specified query. |
cts:and-query |
Returns a query specifying the intersection of the matches specified by the sub-queries. |
cts:and-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:and-query-queries |
Returns a sequence of the queries that were used to construct the specified query. |
cts:approx-center |
[DEPRECATED: use geo:approx-center instead] Return a point approximating the center of the given region. |
cts:arc-intersection |
[DEPRECATED: use geo:arc-intersection instead] Returns the point at the intersection of two arcs. |
cts:avg |
[DEPRECATED: use cts:avg-aggregate] Returns a frequency-weighted average of a sequence. |
cts:avg-aggregate |
Returns the average of the values given a value lexicon. |
cts:bearing |
[DEPRECATED: use geo:bearing instead] Returns the true bearing in radians of the path from the first point to the second. |
cts:before-query |
Returns a query matching fragments committed before or at a specified timestamp. |
cts:before-query-timestamp |
Returns the timestamp with which a specified query was constructed. |
cts:boost-query |
Returns a query specifying that matches to $matching-query should have their search relevance scores boosted if they also match $boosting-query. |
cts:boost-query-boosting-query |
Returns the boosting (second parameter) query used to construct the specified boost query. |
cts:boost-query-matching-query |
Returns the matching (first parameter) query used to construct the specified boost query. |
cts:bounding-boxes |
[DEPRECATED: use geo:bounding-boxes instead] Returns a sequence of boxes that bound the given region. |
cts:box |
Returns a geospatial box value. |
cts:box-east |
Returns a box's eastern boundary. |
cts:box-intersects |
[DEPRECATED: use geo:box-intersects instead] Returns true if the box intersects with a region. |
cts:box-north |
Returns a box's northern boundary. |
cts:box-south |
Returns a box's southern boundary. |
cts:box-west |
Returns a box's western boundary. |
cts:circle |
Returns a geospatial circle value. |
cts:circle-center |
Returns a circle's center point. |
cts:circle-intersects |
[DEPRECATED: use geo:circle-intersects instead] Returns true if the circle intersects with a region. |
cts:circle-radius |
Returns a circle's radius. |
cts:classify |
Classifies a sequence of nodes based on training data. |
cts:cluster |
Produces a set of clusters from a sequence of nodes. |
cts:collection-match |
Returns values from the collection lexicon that match the specified wildcard pattern. |
cts:collection-query |
Match documents in at least one of the specified collections. |
cts:collection-query-uris |
Returns the URIs used to construct the specified query. |
cts:collection-reference |
Creates a reference to the collection lexicon, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples. |
cts:collections |
Returns values from the collection lexicon. |
cts:column-range-query |
Returns a cts:query matching documents matching a TDE-view column equals to an value. |
cts:complex-polygon |
Returns a geospatial complex polygon value. |
cts:complex-polygon-contains |
[DEPRECATED: use geo:complex-polygon-contains instead] Returns true if the complex-polygon contains a region. |
cts:complex-polygon-inner |
Returns a complex polygon's inner polygons. |
cts:complex-polygon-intersects |
[DEPRECATED: use geo:complex-polygon-intersects instead] Returns true if the complex-polygon intersects with a region. |
cts:complex-polygon-outer |
Returns a complex polygon's outer polygon. |
cts:confidence |
Returns the confidence of a node, or of the context node if no node is provided. |
cts:confidence-order |
Creates a confidence-based ordering clause, for use as an option to cts:search. |
cts:contains |
Returns true if any of a sequence of values matches a query. |
cts:correlation |
Returns the frequency-weighted correlation given a 2-way co-occurrence. |
cts:count |
[DEPRECATED: use cts:count-aggregate] Returns a frequency-weighted count of a sequence. |
cts:count-aggregate |
Returns the count of a value lexicon. |
cts:covariance |
Returns the frequency-weighted sample covariance given a 2-way co-occurrence. |
cts:covariance-p |
Returns the frequency-weighted covariance of the population given a 2-way co-occurrence. |
cts:deregister |
Deregister a registered query, explicitly releasing the associated resources. |
cts:destination |
[DEPRECATED: use geo:destination instead] Returns the point at the given distance (in miles) along the given bearing (in radians) from the starting point. |
cts:directory-query |
Returns a query matching documents in the directories with the given URIs. |
cts:directory-query-depth |
Returns the depth used to construct the specified query. |
cts:directory-query-uris |
Returns the URIs used to construct the specified query. |
cts:distance |
[DEPRECATED: use geo:distance instead] Returns the distance (in miles) between two points. |
cts:distinctive-terms |
Return the most "relevant" terms in the model nodes (that is, the terms with the highest scores). |
cts:document-fragment-query |
Returns a query that matches all documents where $query matches any document fragment. |
cts:document-fragment-query-query |
Returns the query used to construct the specified query. |
cts:document-order |
Creates a document-based ordering clause, for use as an option to cts:search. |
cts:document-query |
Returns a query matching documents with the given URIs. |
cts:document-query-uris |
Returns the URIs used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-pair-geospatial-boxes |
Returns boxes derived from the specified element point lexicon(s). |
cts:element-attribute-pair-geospatial-query |
Returns a query matching elements by name which has specific attributes representing latitude and longitude values for a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point. |
cts:element-attribute-pair-geospatial-query-element-name |
Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-pair-geospatial-query-latitude-name |
Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-pair-geospatial-query-longitude-name |
Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-pair-geospatial-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-pair-geospatial-query-region |
Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-attribute-pair-geospatial-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-attribute-pair-geospatial-value-match |
Returns values from the specified element attribute pair geospatial value lexicon(s) that match the specified wildcard pattern. |
cts:element-attribute-pair-geospatial-values |
Returns values from the specified element-attribute-pair geospatial value lexicon(s). |
cts:element-attribute-range-query |
Constructs a query that matches element-attributes by name with a range-index entry equal to a given value. |
cts:element-attribute-range-query-attribute-name |
Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-range-query-element-name |
Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-range-query-operator |
Returns the operator used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-range-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-range-query-value |
Returns the value used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-range-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-attribute-reference |
Creates a reference to an element attribute value lexicon, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples. |
cts:element-attribute-value-co-occurrences |
Returns value co-occurrences from the specified element or element-attribute value lexicon(s). |
cts:element-attribute-value-geospatial-co-occurrences |
Returns value co-occurrences from the specified element-attribute value lexicon with the specified geospatial lexicon. |
cts:element-attribute-value-match |
Returns values from the specified element-attribute value lexicon(s) that match the specified pattern. |
cts:element-attribute-value-query |
Returns a query matching elements by name with attributes by name with text content equal a given phrase. |
cts:element-attribute-value-query-attribute-name |
Returns the attribute QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-value-query-element-name |
Returns the element QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-value-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-value-query-text |
Returns the text used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-value-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-attribute-value-ranges |
Returns value ranges from the specified element-attribute value lexicon(s). |
cts:element-attribute-values |
Returns values from the specified element-attribute value lexicon(s). |
cts:element-attribute-word-match |
Returns words from the specified element-attribute word lexicon(s) that match a wildcard pattern. |
cts:element-attribute-word-query |
Returns a query matching elements by name with attributes by name with text content containing a given phrase. |
cts:element-attribute-word-query-attribute-name |
Returns the attribute QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-word-query-element-name |
Returns the element QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-word-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-word-query-text |
Returns the text used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-word-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-attribute-words |
Returns words from the specified element-attribute word lexicon(s). |
cts:element-child-geospatial-boxes |
Returns boxes derived from the specified element point lexicon(s). |
cts:element-child-geospatial-query |
Returns a query matching elements by name which has specific element children representing latitude and longitude values for a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point. |
cts:element-child-geospatial-query-child-name |
Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-child-geospatial-query-element-name |
Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-child-geospatial-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:element-child-geospatial-query-region |
Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-child-geospatial-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-child-geospatial-value-match |
Returns values from the specified element child geospatial value lexicon(s) that match the specified wildcard pattern. |
cts:element-child-geospatial-values |
Returns values from the specified element-child geospatial value lexicon(s). |
cts:element-geospatial-boxes |
Returns boxes derived from the specified element point lexicon(s). |
cts:element-geospatial-query |
Returns a query matching elements by name whose content represents a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point. |
cts:element-geospatial-query-element-name |
Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-geospatial-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:element-geospatial-query-region |
Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-geospatial-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-geospatial-value-match |
Returns values from the specified element geospatial value lexicon(s) that match the specified wildcard pattern. |
cts:element-geospatial-values |
Returns values from the specified element geospatial value lexicon(s). |
cts:element-pair-geospatial-boxes |
Returns boxes derived from the specified element point lexicon(s). |
cts:element-pair-geospatial-query |
Returns a query matching elements by name which has specific element children representing latitude and longitude values for a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point. |
cts:element-pair-geospatial-query-element-name |
Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-pair-geospatial-query-latitude-name |
Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-pair-geospatial-query-longitude-name |
Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-pair-geospatial-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:element-pair-geospatial-query-region |
Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-pair-geospatial-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-pair-geospatial-value-match |
Returns values from the specified element pair geospatial value lexicon(s) that match the specified wildcard pattern. |
cts:element-pair-geospatial-values |
Returns values from the specified element-pair geospatial value lexicon(s). |
cts:element-query |
Constructs a query that matches elements by name with the content constrained by the query given in the second parameter. |
cts:element-query-element-name |
Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-query-query |
Returns the query used to construct the element query. |
cts:element-range-query |
Constructs a query that matches elements by name with range index entry equal to a given value. |
cts:element-range-query-element-name |
Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-range-query-operator |
Returns the operator used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-range-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:element-range-query-value |
Returns the value used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-range-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-reference |
Creates a reference to an element value lexicon, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples, temporal:axis-create, or any other function that takes an index reference. |
cts:element-value-co-occurrences |
Returns value co-occurrences (that is, pairs of values, both of which appear in the same fragment) from the specified element value lexicon(s). |
cts:element-value-geospatial-co-occurrences |
Returns value co-occurrences from the specified element value lexicon with the specified geospatial lexicon. |
cts:element-value-match |
Returns values from the specified element value lexicon(s) that match the specified wildcard pattern. |
cts:element-value-query |
Returns a query matching elements by name with text content equal a given phrase. |
cts:element-value-query-element-name |
Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-value-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:element-value-query-text |
Returns the text used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-value-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-value-ranges |
Returns value ranges from the specified element value lexicon(s). |
cts:element-values |
Returns values from the specified element value lexicon(s). |
cts:element-walk |
Returns a copy of the node, replacing any elements found with the specified expression. |
cts:element-word-match |
Returns words from the specified element word lexicon(s) that match a wildcard pattern. |
cts:element-word-query |
Returns a query matching elements by name with text content containing a given phrase. |
cts:element-word-query-element-name |
Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-word-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:element-word-query-text |
Returns the text used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-word-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-words |
Returns words from the specified element word lexicon. |
cts:entity |
Returns a cts:entity object. |
cts:entity-dictionary |
Returns a cts:entity-dictionary object. |
cts:entity-dictionary-get |
Retrieve an entity dictionary previously cached in the database. |
cts:entity-dictionary-parse |
Construct a cts:entity-dictionary object by parsing it from a formatted string. |
cts:entity-highlight |
Returns a copy of the node, replacing any entities found with the specified expression. |
cts:entity-walk |
Walk an XML document or element node, evaluating an expression against any matching entities. |
cts:estimate |
Returns the number of fragments selected by a search. |
cts:false-query |
Returns a query that matches no fragments. |
cts:field-range-query |
Returns a cts:query matching fields by name with a range-index entry equal to a given value. |
cts:field-range-query-field-name |
Returns the fieldname used to construct the specified query. |
cts:field-range-query-operator |
Returns the operator used to construct the specified query. |
cts:field-range-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:field-range-query-value |
Returns the value used to construct the specified query. |
cts:field-range-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:field-reference |
Creates a reference to a field value lexicon, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples. |
cts:field-value-co-occurrences |
Returns value co-occurrences (that is, pairs of values, both of which appear in the same fragment) from the specified field value lexicon(s). |
cts:field-value-match |
Returns values from the specified field value lexicon(s) that match the specified wildcard pattern. |
cts:field-value-query |
Returns a query matching text content containing a given value in the specified field. |
cts:field-value-query-field-name |
Returns the names used to construct the specified cts:field-value-query. |
cts:field-value-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified cts:field-value-query. |
cts:field-value-query-text |
Returns the values used to construct the specified cts:field-value-query. |
cts:field-value-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:field-value-ranges |
Returns value ranges from the specified field value lexicon(s). |
cts:field-values |
Returns values from the specified field value lexicon(s). |
cts:field-word-match |
Returns words from the specified field word lexicon(s) that match a wildcard pattern. |
cts:field-word-query |
Returns a query matching fields with text content containing a given phrase. |
cts:field-word-query-field-name |
Returns the names used to construct the specified cts:field-word-query. |
cts:field-word-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified cts:field-word-query. |
cts:field-word-query-text |
Returns the text used to construct the specified cts:field-word-query. |
cts:field-word-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:field-words |
Returns words from the specified field word lexicon. |
cts:fitness |
Returns the fitness of a node, or of the context node if no node is provided. |
cts:fitness-order |
Creates a fitness-based ordering clause, for use as an option to cts:search. |
cts:frequency |
Returns an integer representing the number of times in which a particular value occurs in a value lexicon lookup. |
cts:geospatial-attribute-pair-reference |
Creates a reference to a geospatial attribute pair range index, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples This function will throw an exception if the specified range index does not exist. |
cts:geospatial-boxes |
Returns boxes derived from the specified point lexicon(s). |
cts:geospatial-co-occurrences |
Find value co-occurrences from two geospatial lexicons. |
cts:geospatial-element-child-reference |
Creates a reference to a geospatial element child range index, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples. |
cts:geospatial-element-pair-reference |
Creates a reference to a geospatial element pair range index, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples. |
cts:geospatial-element-reference |
Creates a reference to a geospatial element range index, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples. |
cts:geospatial-json-property-child-reference |
Creates a reference to a geospatial json property child range index, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples cts:value-tuples. |
cts:geospatial-json-property-pair-reference |
Creates a reference to a geospatial JSON property pair range index, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples. |
cts:geospatial-json-property-reference |
Creates a reference to a geospatial json property range index, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples. |
cts:geospatial-path-reference |
Creates a reference to a geospatial path range index, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples. |
cts:geospatial-region-path-reference |
Create a reference to a geospatial region path index, for use as a parameter to cts:geospatial-region-query and other query operations on geospatial region indexes. |
cts:geospatial-region-query |
Construct a query to match regions in documents that satisfy a specified relationship relative to other regions. |
cts:geospatial-region-query-operation |
Returns the comparison operation specified when constructing the input query. |
cts:geospatial-region-query-options |
Returns the options specified when constructing the input query. |
cts:geospatial-region-query-reference |
Returns the geospatial region path index reference(s) specified when constructing the input query. |
cts:geospatial-region-query-region |
Returns the region criteria specified when constructing the input query. |
cts:geospatial-region-query-weight |
Returns the weight specified when constructing the input query. |
cts:highlight |
Returns a copy of the node, replacing any text matching the query with the specified expression. |
cts:index-order |
Creates a index-based ordering clause, for use as an option to cts:search. |
cts:json-property-child-geospatial-query |
Returns a query matching json properties by name which has specific children representing latitude and longitude values for a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point. |
cts:json-property-child-geospatial-query-child-name |
Returns the names used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-child-geospatial-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:json-property-child-geospatial-query-property-name |
Returns the names used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-child-geospatial-query-region |
Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:json-property-child-geospatial-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:json-property-geospatial-query |
Returns a query matching json properties by name whose content represents a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point. |
cts:json-property-geospatial-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:json-property-geospatial-query-property-name |
Returns the json property names used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-geospatial-query-region |
Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:json-property-geospatial-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:json-property-pair-geospatial-query |
Returns a query matching json properties by name which has specific property children representing latitude and longitude values for a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point. |
cts:json-property-pair-geospatial-query-latitude-name |
Returns the property names used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-pair-geospatial-query-longitude-name |
Returns the property names used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-pair-geospatial-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:json-property-pair-geospatial-query-property-name |
Returns the property names used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-pair-geospatial-query-region |
Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:json-property-pair-geospatial-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:json-property-range-query |
Returns a cts:query matching JSON properties by name with a range-index entry equal to a given value. |
cts:json-property-range-query-operator |
Returns the operator used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-range-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:json-property-range-query-property-name |
Returns the JSON property name used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-range-query-value |
Returns the value used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-range-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:json-property-reference |
Creates a reference to a JSON property value lexicon, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples. |
cts:json-property-scope-query |
Returns a cts:query matching JSON properties by name with the content constrained by the given cts:query in the second parameter. |
cts:json-property-scope-query-property-name |
Returns the JSON property name used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-scope-query-query |
Returns the query used to construct the property scope query. |
cts:json-property-value-query |
Returns a query matching JSON properties by name with value equal the given value. |
cts:json-property-value-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:json-property-value-query-property-name |
Returns the JSON property name used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-value-query-text |
Returns the text used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-value-query-value |
Returns the value used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-value-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:json-property-word-match |
Returns words from the specified JSON property word lexicon(s) that match a wildcard pattern. |
cts:json-property-word-query |
Returns a query matching JSON properties by name with text content containing a given phrase. |
cts:json-property-word-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:json-property-word-query-property-name |
Returns the name used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-word-query-text |
Returns the text used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-word-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:json-property-words |
Returns words from the specified JSON property word lexicon. |
cts:linear-model |
Returns a linear model that fits the frequency-weighted data set. |
cts:linestring |
Returns a geospatial linestring value. |
cts:linestring-vertices |
Returns a linestring's vertices. |
cts:locks-fragment-query |
Returns a query that matches all documents where $query matches document-locks. |
cts:locks-fragment-query-query |
Returns the query used to construct the specified query. |
cts:lsqt-query |
Returns only documents before LSQT or a timestamp before LSQT for stable query results. |
cts:lsqt-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:lsqt-query-temporal-collection |
Returns the name of the temporal collection used to construct specified query. |
cts:lsqt-query-timestamp |
Returns timestamp used to construct the specified query. |
cts:lsqt-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:match-regions |
Find regions in documents that have a spatial relationship to one or more caller-supplied regions. |
cts:max |
Returns the maximal value given a value lexicon. |
cts:median |
Returns a frequency-weighted median of a sequence. |
cts:min |
Returns the minimal value given a value lexicon. |
cts:near-query |
Returns a query matching all of the specified queries, where the matches occur within the specified distance from each other. |
cts:near-query-distance |
Returns the distance used to construct the near query. |
cts:near-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:near-query-queries |
Returns the query sequence used to construct the near query. |
cts:near-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:not-in-query |
Returns a query matching the first sub-query, where those matches do not occur within 0 distance of the other query. |
cts:not-in-query-negative-query |
Returns the negative (second parameter) query used to construct the specified query. |
cts:not-in-query-positive-query |
Returns the positive (first parameter) query used to construct the specified query. |
cts:not-query |
Returns a query specifying the matches not specified by its sub-query. |
cts:not-query-query |
Returns the query used to construct the specified query. |
cts:not-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:or-query |
Returns a query specifying the union of the matches specified by the sub-queries. |
cts:or-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:or-query-queries |
Returns a sequence of the queries that were used to construct the specified query. |
cts:parse |
Parses a query string |
cts:parse-wkt |
[DEPRECATED: use geo:parse-wkt instead] Returns a sequence of geospatial regions parsed from Well-Known Text format. |
cts:part-of-speech |
Returns the part of speech for a cts:token, if any. |
cts:path-geospatial-query |
Returns a query matching path expressions whose content represents a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point. |
cts:path-geospatial-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:path-geospatial-query-path-expression |
Returns the path expressions used to construct the specified query. |
cts:path-geospatial-query-region |
Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:path-geospatial-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:path-range-query |
Returns a cts:query matching documents where the content addressed by an XPath expression satisfies the specified relationship (=, <, >, etc.) with respect to the input criteria values. |
cts:path-range-query-operator |
Returns the operator used to construct the specified query. |
cts:path-range-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:path-range-query-path-name |
Returns the path expression used to construct the specified query. |
cts:path-range-query-value |
Returns the value used to construct the specified query. |
cts:path-range-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:path-reference |
Creates a reference to a path value lexicon, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples. |
cts:percent-rank |
Returns the rank of a value in a data set as a percentage of the data set. |
cts:percentile |
Returns a sequence of percentile(s) given a sequence of percentage(s). |
cts:period |
Creates a period value, for use as a parameter to cts:period-range-query or cts:period-compare-query. |
cts:period-compare |
Compares two periods using the specified comparison operator. |
cts:period-compare-query |
Returns a cts:query matching documents that have relevant pair of period values. |
cts:period-compare-query-axis-1 |
Returns the name of the first axis used to construct the specified query. |
cts:period-compare-query-axis-2 |
Returns the name of the second axis used to construct the specified query. |
cts:period-compare-query-operator |
Returns the operator used to construct the specified query. |
cts:period-compare-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:period-range-query |
Returns a cts:query matching axis by name with a period value with an operator. |
cts:period-range-query-axis |
Returns the axis name used to construct the specified query. |
cts:period-range-query-operator |
Returns the operator used to construct the specified query. |
cts:period-range-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:period-range-query-period |
Returns the period used to construct the specified query. |
cts:point |
Returns a point value. |
cts:point-latitude |
Returns a point's latitude value. |
cts:point-longitude |
Returns a point's longitude value. |
cts:polygon |
Returns a geospatial polygon value. |
cts:polygon-contains |
[DEPRECATED: use geo:polygon-contains instead] Returns true if the polygon contains a region. |
cts:polygon-intersects |
[DEPRECATED: use geo:polygon-intersects instead] Returns true if the polygon intersects with a region. |
cts:polygon-vertices |
Returns a polygon's vertices. |
cts:properties-fragment-query |
Returns a query that matches all documents where $query matches document-properties. |
cts:properties-fragment-query-query |
Returns the query used to construct the specified query. |
cts:quality |
Returns the quality of a node, or of the context node if no node is provided. |
cts:quality-order |
Creates a quality-based ordering clause, for use as an option to cts:search. |
cts:query |
Creates a query. |
cts:range-query |
Returns a cts:query matching specified nodes with a range-index entry compared to a given value. |
cts:range-query-index |
Returns the range index used to construct the specified query. |
cts:range-query-operator |
Returns the operator used to construct the specified query. |
cts:range-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:range-query-value |
Returns the value used to construct the specified query. |
cts:range-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:rank |
Returns the rank of a value in a data set. |
cts:reference-collation |
Accessor for the collation of a reference to a string value lexicon. |
cts:reference-coordinate-system |
Accessor for the coordinate-system of a reference to a geospatial lexicon. |
cts:reference-namespaces |
Accessor for the namespaces of a reference to a [geospatial] path lexicon. |
cts:reference-nullable |
Returns true() if the reference is nullable, false() otherwise. |
cts:reference-parse |
Creates a reference to a value lexicon by parsing its XML or JSON representation, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples. |
cts:reference-scalar-type |
Accessor for the scalar type of a reference to a value lexicon. |
cts:region-contains |
[DEPRECATED: use geo:region-contains instead] Returns true if the region contains the other region. |
cts:region-intersects |
[DEPRECATED: use geo:region-intersects instead] Returns true if the region intersects with a region. |
cts:register |
Register a query for later use. |
cts:registered-query |
Returns a query matching fragments specified by previously registered queries (see cts:register). |
cts:registered-query-ids |
Returns the registered query identifiers used to construct the specified query. |
cts:registered-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:registered-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:relevance-info |
Return the relevance score computation report for a node. |
cts:remainder |
Returns an estimated search result size for a node, or of the context node if no node is provided. |
cts:reverse-query |
Construct a query that matches serialized cts queries, based on a set of model input nodes. |
cts:reverse-query-nodes |
Returns the nodes used to construct the specified query. |
cts:reverse-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:score |
Returns the score of a node, or of the context node if no node is provided. |
cts:score-order |
Creates a score-based ordering clause, for use as an option to cts:search. |
cts:search |
Returns a relevance-ordered sequence of nodes specified by a given query. |
cts:shortest-distance |
[DEPRECATED: use geo:shortest-distance instead] Returns the great circle distance (in miles) between a point and an region. |
cts:similar-query |
Returns a query matching nodes similar to the model nodes. |
cts:similar-query-nodes |
Returns the nodes used to construct the specified query. |
cts:similar-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:stddev |
Returns a frequency-weighted sample standard deviation given a value lexicon. |
cts:stddev-p |
Returns a frequency-weighted standard deviation of the population given a value lexicon. |
cts:stem |
Returns the stem(s) for a word. |
cts:sum |
[DEPRECATED: use cts:sum-aggregate] Returns a frequency-weighted sum of a sequence. |
cts:sum-aggregate |
Returns the sum of the values given a value lexicon. |
cts:thresholds |
Compute precision, recall, the F measure, and thresholds for the classes computed by the classifier, by comparing with the labels for the same set. |
cts:to-wkt |
[DEPRECATED: use geo:to-wkt instead] Returns a sequence of strings in Well-Known Text format. |
cts:tokenize |
Tokenizes text into words, punctuation, and spaces. |
cts:train |
Produces a set of classifiers from a list of labeled training documents. |
cts:triple-range-query |
Returns a cts:query matching triples with a triple index entry equal to the given values. |
cts:triple-range-query-object |
Returns the object value used to construct the specified query. |
cts:triple-range-query-operator |
Returns the operators used to construct the specified query. |
cts:triple-range-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:triple-range-query-predicate |
Returns the predicate value used to construct the specified query. |
cts:triple-range-query-subject |
Returns the subject value used to construct the specified query. |
cts:triple-range-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:triple-value-statistics |
Returns statistics from the triple index for the values given. |
cts:triples |
Returns values from the triple index. |
cts:true-query |
Returns a query that matches all fragments. |
cts:unordered |
Specifies that results should be unordered, for use with cts:search. |
cts:uri-match |
Returns values from the URI lexicon that match the specified wildcard pattern. |
cts:uri-reference |
Creates a reference to the URI lexicon, for use as a parameter to cts:value-tuples. |
cts:uris |
Returns values from the URI lexicon. |
cts:valid-document-patch-path |
Parses path expressions and resolves namespaces using the $map parameter. |
cts:valid-extract-path |
Parses path expressions and resolves namespaces using the $map parameter. |
cts:valid-index-path |
Parses path expressions and resolves namespaces based on the server run-time environment. |
cts:valid-optic-path |
Parses path expressions and resolves namespaces using the $map parameter. |
cts:valid-tde-context |
Parses path expressions and resolves namespaces using the $map parameter. |
cts:value-co-occurrences |
Returns value co-occurrences (that is, pairs of values, both of which appear in the same fragment) from the specified value lexicon(s). |
cts:value-match |
Returns values from the specified value lexicon(s) that match the specified wildcard pattern. |
cts:value-ranges |
Returns value ranges from the specified value lexicon(s). |
cts:value-tuples |
Returns value co-occurrence tuples (that is, tuples of values, each of which appear in the same fragment) from the specified value lexicons. |
cts:values |
Returns values from the specified value lexicon(s). |
cts:variance |
Returns a frequency-weighted sample variance given a value lexicon. |
cts:variance-p |
Returns a frequency-weighted variance of the population given a value lexicon. |
cts:walk |
Walks a node, evaluating an expression with any text matching a query. |
cts:word-match |
Returns words from the word lexicon that match the wildcard pattern. |
cts:word-query |
Returns a query matching text content containing a given phrase. |
cts:word-query-options |
Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:word-query-text |
Returns the text used to construct the specified query. |
cts:word-query-weight |
Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:words |
Returns words from the word lexicon. |
cvt:basename |
Return the filename part of the URI, cutting off any query strings or fragments. |
cvt:basepath |
Return the base path of the URI, cutting off the filename. |
cvt:destination-uri |
Construct the destination URI from the source URI using the following rules: The path prefix of the destination URI is the same as the source URI's. |
cvt:part-uri |
Construct the URI for the part using the following rules: The path prefix of the part URI is the same source URI's, followed by a subdirectory name. |
cvt:save-converted-documents |
Save a set of converted documents, with appropriate links. |
dbg:attach |
Attach to a request and stop it for debugging. |
dbg:attached |
Return the request ID's of attached requests in a given server. |
dbg:break |
Set a breakpoint at the given expression ID. |
dbg:breakpoints |
Returns a sequence of expression ID's representing existing breakpoints for the given request. |
dbg:clear |
Clear a breakpoint at the given expression ID. |
dbg:connect |
Connect to a Server (http, xdbc, or task) for debugging. |
dbg:connected |
Return the ID's of servers that are connected by the debugger. |
dbg:continue |
Continue evaluation of the request. |
dbg:detach |
Detach from a stopped request. |
dbg:disconnect |
End the debugging of a server. |
dbg:eval |
Evaluate a string as an XQuery for debugging. |
dbg:expr |
Returns a description/representation of a given expression. |
dbg:finish |
Continue evaluation of the request until the end of the current function. |
dbg:function |
Returns the expression ID representing the function defined in a module with a given name. |
dbg:invoke |
Invoke a module for debugging. |
dbg:line |
Returns a sequence of expression ID's found on a given line of a stopped request. |
dbg:next |
Continue evaluation of the request until the beginning or end of an expression that is not a descendant of the current expression. |
dbg:out |
Continue evaluation of the request until the end of the current expression. |
dbg:stack |
Return the stack trace for a given request. |
dbg:status |
Return the debugging status of given requests. |
dbg:step |
Continue evaluation of the request until the beginning or end of an expression. |
dbg:stop |
Placing this call in XQuery will instruct the evaluator to stop a request for debugging. |
dbg:stopped |
Return the request ID's of stopped requests in a given server. |
dbg:value |
Evaluate an expression in the context of the identified stopped request. |
dbg:wait |
Wait until at least one of the given requests stops or all complete evaluating. |
dbk:convert |
Convert XHTML to DocBook lite vocabulary, if possible. |
dls:as-of-query |
This function returns a query that matches the most recent numbered version of documents that were created before the specified date and time. |
dls:author-query |
This function returns a query that matches documents authored by the specified user. |
dls:break-checkout |
This function breaks (unlocks) a checked-out document |
dls:document-add-collections |
This function adds the named document to the specified collections. |
dls:document-add-permissions |
This function adds the specified permissions for the named document. |
dls:document-add-properties |
This function adds the specified properties to any existing properties associated with the named document. |
dls:document-checkin |
This function checks in (unlocks) the document at the specified URI to allow other users to modify the document. |
dls:document-checkout |
This function checks out (locks) the document at the specified URI to prevent other users from modifying the document. |
dls:document-checkout-status |
This function returns a checkout element containing the checkout status of the specified document. |
dls:document-checkout-update-checkin |
This function allows you to checkout, update, and checkin a managed document in a single transaction. |
dls:document-delete |
This function removes the specified managed document. |
dls:document-extract-part |
This function extracts an XML element from an existing document and creates a new document from the extracted element. |
dls:document-get-permissions |
This function gets the permissions for the specified document from the point of view of the Library Services API. |
dls:document-history |
Returns the version history of the document located at the specified URI. |
dls:document-include-query |
This function returns a query that matches any managed document that has an XInclude link that exactly matches the specified URI. |
dls:document-insert-and-manage |
This function inserts a document into the database and places the document under management. |
dls:document-is-managed |
This function determines whether or not the document at the specified URI is managed. |
dls:document-manage |
This function places a document under management. |
dls:document-purge |
This function deletes all numbered versions of the specified managed document and its referenced documents, as specified by the retention policies set by dls:retention-rule . |
dls:document-remove-collections |
This function removes the named document from the specified collection. |
dls:document-remove-permissions |
This function removes the specified permissions from the named document. |
dls:document-remove-properties |
This function removes the specified properties from the named document. |
dls:document-retention-rules |
This function returns a sequence of dls:retentionRule element nodes. |
dls:document-set-collections |
This function sets the named document to the specified collections. |
dls:document-set-permissions |
This function sets the specified permissions for the named document. |
dls:document-set-properties |
This function sets the properties of a document to the given sequence of elements. |
dls:document-set-property |
This function sets a property on a document. |
dls:document-set-quality |
This function sets the quality of the document with the given URI. |
dls:document-unmanage |
Removes the specified document from management. |
dls:document-update |
This function updates the managed document at the specified URI with the specified contents. |
dls:document-version |
This function returns a particular version of a managed document. |
dls:document-version-as-of |
This function returns the most recent version of a document as of a point in time. |
dls:document-version-delete |
This function removes the specified version of the managed document at the specified URI. |
dls:document-version-query |
This function returns a query that matches the specified version of the managed documents. |
dls:document-version-uri |
This function returns the URI of the specified version of the document located at the specified URI. |
dls:document-version-uris |
This function returns the URIs of all versions of a managed document. |
dls:document-versions-query |
This function returns a query that matches any version of the specified URI. |
dls:documents-query |
This function returns a query that matches the latest versions of the managed documents in the database. |
dls:latest-validation-results |
Returns a report describing the status of an upgrade from a pre-MarkLogic 8 DLS repository. |
dls:link-expand |
This function performs a single level expansion of a single XInclude reference. |
dls:link-references |
This function returns a list of all the distinct URIs of documents referenced (either directly or indirectly) in the expansion of the node. |
dls:node-expand |
This function recursively examines the node for XInclude references and expands them, following the rules of the XInclude specification. |
dls:purge |
This function deletes all numbered versions of managed documents and its referenced documents (such as /foo/bar.xml_versions/1-bar.xml), as specified by the retention policy set by one or more dls:retention-rule functions. |
dls:retention-rule |
This function creates and returns a retention rule element. |
dls:retention-rule-insert |
This function inserts retention rules into the database. |
dls:retention-rule-remove |
This function removes the specified retention rules from the database. |
dls:retention-rules |
This function returns the specified retention rules from the database. |
dls:set-upgrade-status |
Sets DLS the upgrade status to current or compatibility-mode. |
dls:start-upgrade |
Upgrades a previous version DLS Database to the current format. |
dls:validate-all-documents |
Returns a report of the status of the DLS upgrade process. |
dom:add-permissions |
Add permissions to the domain. |
dom:add-pipeline |
Add another pipeline to the set of pipelines bound to the domain. |
dom:collection |
Return the name of the collection in which domains are stored. |
dom:configuration-create |
Create a new CPF configuration. |
dom:configuration-get |
Returns the CPF configuration. |
dom:configuration-set-default-domain |
Set a new default domain for the CPF configuration. |
dom:configuration-set-evaluation-context |
Set a new context for the CPF configuration. |
dom:configuration-set-permissions |
Set new permissions for the CPF configuration. |
dom:configuration-set-restart-user |
Set a new restart user for the CPF configuration. |
dom:create |
Create a new content processing domain, along with the triggers that perform work in that domain. |
dom:domain-scope |
Create a domain scope element. |
dom:domains |
Return all the domains. |
dom:evaluation-context |
Create an evaluation context element. |
dom:get |
Find a particular domain. |
dom:remove |
Remove the domain and any associated triggers. |
dom:remove-permissions |
Remove permissions to the domain. |
dom:remove-pipeline |
Remove the association between a pipeline and the domain. |
dom:set-description |
Set the description of the domain. |
dom:set-domain-scope |
Set the scope of the domain. |
dom:set-evaluation-context |
Set the evaluation context of the domain. |
dom:set-name |
Set the name of the domain to something else. |
dom:set-permissions |
Set the permissions of the domain. |
dom:set-pipelines |
Bind a new set of pipelines to the domain. |
ec2:add-snapshot-create-volume-permission-groups |
This function calls the Amazon ModifySnapshotAttribute function and passes the names of the groups to be given permission to create the snapshot. |
ec2:add-snapshot-create-volume-permission-users |
This function calls the Amazon ModifySnapshotAttribute function and passes the IDs of the users to be given permission to create the snapshot. |
ec2:allocate-address |
This function calls the Amazon AllocateAddress function. |
ec2:associate-address |
This function calls the Amazon AssociateAddress function. |
ec2:attach-volume |
This function calls the Amazon AttachVolume function. |
ec2:authorize-group-ingress |
This function calls the Amazon AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress function. |
ec2:authorize-icmp-ingress |
This function calls the Amazon AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress function and passes icmp as the IpPermissions.n.IpProtocol parameter. |
ec2:authorize-tcp-ingress |
This function calls the Amazon AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress function and passes tcp as the IpPermissions.n.IpProtocol parameter. |
ec2:authorize-udp-ingress |
This function calls the Amazon AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress function and passes udp as the IpPermissions.n.IpProtocol parameter. |
ec2:create-key-pair |
This function calls the Amazon CreateKeyPair function. |
ec2:create-security-group |
This function calls the Amazon CreateSecurityGroup function. |
ec2:create-snapshot |
This function calls the Amazon CreateSnapshot function. |
ec2:create-volume |
This function calls the Amazon CreateVolume function without a SnapshotId parameter. |
ec2:create-volume-from-snapshot |
This function calls the Amazon CreateVolume function with a $snapshot-id parameter. |
ec2:delete-key-pair |
This function calls the Amazon DeleteKeyPair function. |
ec2:delete-security-group |
This function calls the Amazon DeleteSecurityGroup function. |
ec2:delete-snapshot |
This function calls the Amazon DeleteSnapshot function. |
ec2:delete-volume |
This function calls the Amazon DeleteVolume function. |
ec2:describe-addresses |
This function calls the Amazon DescribeAddresses function. |
ec2:describe-availability-zones |
This function calls the Amazon DescribeAvailabilityZones function. |
ec2:describe-images |
This function calls the Amazon DescribeImages function. |
ec2:describe-instance-block-device-mapping |
This function calls the Amazon DescribeInstanceAttribute function and passes blockDeviceMapping as the Attribute parameter. |
ec2:describe-instance-disable-api-termination |
This function calls the Amazon DescribeInstanceAttribute function and passes disableApiTermination as the Attribute parameter. |
ec2:describe-instance-initiated-shutdown-behavior |
This function calls the Amazon DescribeInstanceAttribute function and passes instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior as the Attribute parameter. |
ec2:describe-instance-kernel |
This function calls the Amazon DescribeInstanceAttribute function and passes kernel as the Attribute parameter. |
ec2:describe-instance-ramdisk |
This function calls the Amazon DescribeInstanceAttribute function and passes ramdisk as the Attribute parameter. |
ec2:describe-instance-root-device-name |
This function calls the Amazon DescribeInstanceAttribute function and passes rootDeviceName as the Attribute parameter. |
ec2:describe-instance-type |
This function calls the Amazon DescribeInstanceAttribute function and passes instanceType as the Attribute parameter. |
ec2:describe-instance-user-data |
This function calls the Amazon DescribeInstanceAttribute function and passes userData as the Attribute parameter. |
ec2:describe-instances |
This function calls the Amazon DescribeInstances function. |
ec2:describe-key-pairs |
This function calls the Amazon DescribeKeyPairs function. |
ec2:describe-regions |
This function calls the Amazon DescribeRegions function. |
ec2:describe-security-groups |
This function calls the Amazon DescribeSecurityGroups function. |
ec2:describe-snapshot-create-volume-permission |
This function calls the Amazon DescribeSnapshotAttribute function and passes createVolumePermission as the Attribute parameter. |
ec2:describe-snapshots |
This function calls the Amazon DescribeSnapshots function. |
ec2:describe-volumes |
This function calls the Amazon DescribeVolumes function. |
ec2:detach-volume |
This function calls the Amazon DetachVolume function. |
ec2:disassociate-address |
This function calls the Amazon DisassociateAddress function. |
ec2:get-console-output |
This function calls the Amazon GetConsoleOutput function. |
ec2:modify-instance-block-device-mapping |
This function calls the Amazon ModifyInstanceAttribute function and passes blockDeviceMapping as the Attribute parameter. |
ec2:modify-instance-disable-api-termination |
This function calls the Amazon ModifyInstanceAttribute function and passes disableApiTermination as the Attribute parameter. |
ec2:modify-instance-initiated-shutdown-behavior |
This function calls the Amazon ModifyInstanceAttribute function and passes instanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior as the Attribute parameter. |
ec2:modify-instance-kernel |
This function calls the Amazon ModifyInstanceAttribute function and passes kernel as the Attribute parameter. |
ec2:modify-instance-ramdisk |
This function calls the Amazon ModifyInstanceAttribute function and passes ramdisk as the Attribute parameter. |
ec2:modify-instance-root-device-name |
This function calls the Amazon ModifyInstanceAttribute function and passes rootDeviceName as the Attribute parameter. |
ec2:modify-instance-type |
This function calls the Amazon ModifyInstanceAttribute function and passes instanceType as the Attribute parameter. |
ec2:modify-instance-user-data |
This function calls the Amazon ModifyInstanceAttribute function and passes userData as the Attribute parameter. |
ec2:monitor-instances |
This function calls the Amazon MonitorInstances function. |
ec2:reboot-instances |
This function calls the Amazon RebootInstances function. |
ec2:release-address |
This function calls the Amazon ReleaseAddress function. |
ec2:remove-snapshot-create-volume-permission-groups |
This function calls the Amazon ModifySnapshotAttribute function and passes the names of the groups to be denied permission to create the snapshot. |
ec2:remove-snapshot-create-volume-permission-users |
This function calls the Amazon ModifySnapshotAttribute function and passes the IDs of the users to be denied permission to create the snapshot. |
ec2:reset-instance-kernel |
This function calls the Amazon ResetInstanceAttribute function and passes kernel as the Attribute parameter. |
ec2:reset-instance-ramdisk |
This function calls the Amazon ResetInstanceAttribute function and passes ramdisk as the Attribute parameter. |
ec2:reset-snapshot-create-volume-permission |
This function calls the Amazon ResetSnapshotAttribute function. |
ec2:revoke-group-ingress |
This function calls the Amazon RevokeSecurityGroupIngress function and sets the UserId and GroupName parameters. |
ec2:revoke-icmp-ingress |
This function calls the Amazon RevokeSecurityGroupIngress function, passes icmp as the IpProtocol parameter, and sets the FromPort, ToPort, and CidrIp parameters. |
ec2:revoke-tcp-ingress |
This function calls the Amazon RevokeSecurityGroupIngress function, passes tcp as the IpProtocol parameter. |
ec2:revoke-udp-ingress |
This function calls the Amazon RevokeSecurityGroupIngress function, passes udp as the IpProtocol parameter. |
ec2:run-instances |
This function calls the Amazon RunInstances function. |
ec2:start-instances |
This function calls the Amazon StartInstances function. |
ec2:stop-instances |
This function calls the Amazon StopInstances function. |
ec2:terminate-instances |
This function calls the Amazon TerminateInstances function. |
ec2:unmonitor-instances |
This function calls the Amazon UnmonitorInstances function. |
entity:dictionary-insert |
Put an entity dictionary into the database in the appropriate format. |
entity:dictionary-load |
Load an entity dictionary from the filesystem into the database in the appropriate format. |
entity:enrich |
Returns the entity-enriched XML for the given XML node using the provided dictionary. |
entity:extract |
Extract entities from a document using the provided entity dictionary. |
entity:skos-dictionary |
Construct an entity dictionary from a SKOS ontology loaded into the database as triples. |
es:add-attachments |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
es:copy-attachments |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
es:database-properties-generate |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
es:extract-array |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
es:extraction-template-generate |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
es:init-instance |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
es:init-source |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
es:init-translation-source |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
es:instance-converter-generate |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
es:instance-from-document |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
es:instance-get-attachments |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
es:instance-json-from-document |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
es:instance-xml-from-document |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
es:model-from-xml |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
es:model-get-test-instances |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
es:model-to-xml |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
es:model-validate |
Validates an entity services model descriptor. |
es:optional |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
es:pii-generate |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
es:schema-generate |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
es:search-options-generate |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
es:serialize-attachments |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
es:version-translator-generate |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
es:with-namespace |
This function is deprecated and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
excel:clean |
Clean up any conversion artifacts or other infelicities, putting each sheet into its own div element. |
exsl:node-set |
Returns a sequence of nodes based on the input object. |
exsl:object-type |
Returns a string that contains the type-name of the object passed as the argument. |
flexrep:apply |
This function applies an update element to the current database. |
flexrep:binary-chunk-uris |
This function returns the URIs of binary chunks that were created before the given dateTime. |
flexrep:configuration-create |
This function creates a new replication configuration element. |
flexrep:configuration-delete |
This function deletes a replication configuration. |
flexrep:configuration-domain-ids |
This function returns the IDs of the domains configured for the Master database. |
flexrep:configuration-get |
This function gets the replication configuration for a CPF domain. |
flexrep:configuration-get-alerting-uri |
Get the alerting URI associated with a FlexRep configuration. |
flexrep:configuration-get-domain-name |
This function returns the domain name associated with the specified replication configuration. |
flexrep:configuration-get-id |
This function returns the ID of the replication configuration. |
flexrep:configuration-insert |
This function inserts a replication configuration to the database. |
flexrep:configuration-set-alerting-uri |
Set the alerting URI for a FlexRep configuration. |
flexrep:configuration-target |
This function returns a specified target for a configuration, or throws an error if it does not exist. |
flexrep:configuration-target-get-documents-per-batch |
This function returns the value of the documents-per-batch setting for the replication target. |
flexrep:configuration-target-get-enabled |
This function returns true if the specified replication target is enabled, otherwise it returns false. |
flexrep:configuration-target-get-external-user |
This function returns the external user information for a target, if any exists. |
flexrep:configuration-target-get-filter-module |
This function returns the filter module used by the specified replication target. |
flexrep:configuration-target-get-filter-options |
This function returns the filter options configured for the specified replication target. |
flexrep:configuration-target-get-http-options |
This function returns the HTTP options configured for the specified replication target. |
flexrep:configuration-target-get-id |
This function returns the ID of the named replication target. |
flexrep:configuration-target-get-immediate-push |
Get the immediate push flag for a target. |
flexrep:configuration-target-get-name |
This function returns the name of the specified target. |
flexrep:configuration-target-get-replicate-cpf |
This function returns true if CFG replication is enabled for the specified replication target, otherwise it returns false. |
flexrep:configuration-target-get-retry-seconds-max |
This function sets the replication retry maximum value for the specified replication target. |
flexrep:configuration-target-get-retry-seconds-min |
This function returns the value of the minimum retry setting for the replication target. |
flexrep:configuration-target-get-urls |
This function returns the URLs for the specified targets. |
flexrep:configuration-target-get-user-id |
Get the user ID associated with a target, if one exists. |
flexrep:configuration-target-set-documents-per-batch |
This function sets the documents-per-batch value for the specified replication target. |
flexrep:configuration-target-set-enabled |
This function enables or disables the specified replication target. |
flexrep:configuration-target-set-filter-module |
This function sets the specified filter for this replication configuration. |
flexrep:configuration-target-set-filter-options |
This function sets the specified filter options for this replication configuration. |
flexrep:configuration-target-set-http-options |
This function sets the HTTP options on the specified replication target. |
flexrep:configuration-target-set-immediate-push |
Set a target's "immediate push" flag. |
flexrep:configuration-target-set-name |
This function sets the name of the specified replication target. |
flexrep:configuration-target-set-replicate-cpf |
This function enables and disables CPF replication. |
flexrep:configuration-target-set-retry-seconds-max |
This function sets the replication retry maximum value for the specified replication target. |
flexrep:configuration-target-set-retry-seconds-min |
This function sets the replication retry minimum value for the specified replication target. |
flexrep:configuration-target-set-urls |
This function sets the URLs for the specified replication target. |
flexrep:configuration-target-set-user-id |
Set a target's user-id. |
flexrep:configuration-targets |
This function returns the replication targets for a configuration. |
flexrep:configure-database |
This function creates any indexes needed for CPF based replication. |
flexrep:create-appserver |
This function creates a flexrep App Server programatically, without needing to know all of the specific settings. |
flexrep:database-needs-configuration |
This function checks the configuration of a database to see if it has all of the necessary indexes for Flexible Replication to work at its best. |
flexrep:delete |
This function applies a delete element to the current database. |
flexrep:do-pull |
This function is used by a Replica to pull updates from the Master. |
flexrep:document-reset |
This function resets the URI status for all replication targets. |
flexrep:document-status |
This function returns the flexrep:document-status element for the document at the specified URI in the specified domain. |
flexrep:domain-alerting-uri |
Generate an alerting URI for a CPF domain. |
flexrep:domain-status |
This function returns the replication status for the specified replicated CPF domain. |
flexrep:domain-target-reset |
This function resets the domain for the specified replication targets. |
flexrep:domain-target-statuses |
This function returns the status for each domain target. |
flexrep:get-domain-name |
Get a CPF domain's name. |
flexrep:get-target-name |
Get a target's name, or nothing if the domain or target does not exist. |
flexrep:inbound-filter-create |
This function creates an inbound filter element. |
flexrep:inbound-filter-delete |
This function deletes the inbound filter for this database. |
flexrep:inbound-filter-get |
This function gets any inbound filter that is contained in the database, or an empty sequence if none is configured. |
flexrep:inbound-filter-insert |
This function inserts an inbound filter configuration into the database. |
flexrep:process |
This function processes one or more replicated updates for the specified domain ID, ordered by oldest changes first, and returns the results. |
flexrep:pull-create |
This function creates a configuration on a Replica database to pull updates from the Master database. |
flexrep:pull-delete |
This function deletes the pull configuration from the Replica database. |
flexrep:pull-get |
This function returns the pull replication configuration for the specified domain. |
flexrep:pull-get-all |
This function returns the pull replication configurations for all of the domains. |
flexrep:pull-get-by-id |
This function returns the pull replication configuration for the specified Pull ID. |
flexrep:pull-get-domain-id |
This function returns the ID of the domain associated with the specified pull configuration. |
flexrep:pull-get-enabled |
Get the enabled flag for a pull configuration. |
flexrep:pull-get-http-options |
This function returns the HTTP options associated with the specified pull configuration. |
flexrep:pull-get-id |
This function returns the ID for the specified pull configuration. |
flexrep:pull-get-name |
This function returns the name of the specified pull configuration. |
flexrep:pull-get-target-id |
This function returns the ID of the target associated with the specified pull configuration. |
flexrep:pull-get-urls |
This function returns the URLs associated with the specified pull configuration. |
flexrep:pull-insert |
This function inserts the specified pull configuration into the Replica database. |
flexrep:pull-set-domain-id |
This function sets the domain ID for the specified pull configuration. |
flexrep:pull-set-enabled |
Set the enabled flag for a pull. |
flexrep:pull-set-http-options |
This function sets the HTTP options for the specified pull configuration. |
flexrep:pull-set-name |
This function sets the name of the specified pull configuration. |
flexrep:pull-set-target-id |
This function sets the ID of the replication target for the specified pull replication configuration. |
flexrep:pull-set-urls |
This function sets the URLs for the specified pull configuration. |
flexrep:push-local-forest |
This function pushes pending replication updates (either retries or zero-day) for the specified forest on the current host. |
flexrep:push-local-forest-target |
Push a batch of documents from a single forest to a single target, and respawn a new task to do this repeatedly until either nothing remains to replicate or the spawn limit is reached. |
flexrep:push-local-forests |
This function pushes deletes and any pending replication updates (either retries or zero-day) from all of the forests on the current host. |
flexrep:remote-target-status |
This function returns the status of the target in a pull replication configuration. |
flexrep:target-create |
This function creates a new target and add it to the specified configuration. |
flexrep:target-delete |
This function deletes a target from a replication configuration. |
flexrep:target-error-documents |
This function returns status information for documents that failed to replicate for the specified domain and targets. |
flexrep:target-status |
This function returns the replication status for the specified targets within the specified replicated domain. |
flexrep:upgrade-appserver |
This function is used by appserver upgrade code. |
fn:abs |
Returns the absolute value of $arg. |
fn:adjust-date-to-timezone |
Adjusts an xs:date value to a specific timezone, or to no timezone at all. |
fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone |
Adjusts an xs:dateTime value to a specific timezone, or to no timezone at all. |
fn:adjust-time-to-timezone |
Adjusts an xs:time value to a specific timezone, or to no timezone at all. |
fn:analyze-string |
The result of the function is a new element node whose string value is the original string, but which contains markup to show which parts of the input match the regular expression. |
fn:avg |
Returns the average of the values in the input sequence $arg, that is, the sum of the values divided by the number of values. |
fn:base-uri |
Returns the value of the base-uri property for the specified node. |
fn:boolean |
Computes the effective boolean value of the sequence $arg. |
fn:ceiling |
Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) number with no fractional part that is not less than the value of $arg. |
fn:codepoint-equal |
Returns true if the specified parameters are the same Unicode code point, otherwise returns false. |
fn:codepoints-to-string |
Creates an xs:string from a sequence of Unicode code points. |
fn:collection |
Returns all of the documents that belong to the specified collection(s). |
fn:compare |
Returns -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether the value of the $comparand1 is respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the value of $comparand2, according to the rules of the collation that is used. |
fn:concat |
Returns the xs:string that is the concatenation of the values of the specified parameters. |
fn:contains |
Returns true if the first parameter contains the string from the second parameter, otherwise returns false. |
fn:count |
Returns the number of items in the value of $arg. |
fn:current |
Returns the item that was the context item at the point where the expression was invoked from the XSLT stylesheet. |
fn:current-date |
Returns xs:date(fn:current-dateTime()). |
fn:current-dateTime |
Returns the current dateTime value (with timezone) from the dynamic context. |
fn:current-group |
Returns the current regex group. |
fn:current-grouping-key |
Returns the current regex grouping key. |
fn:current-time |
Returns xs:time(fn:current-dateTime()). |
fn:data |
Takes a sequence of items and returns a sequence of atomic values. |
fn:dateTime |
Returns an xs:dateTime value created by combining an xs:date and an xs:time. |
fn:day-from-date |
Returns an xs:integer between 1 and 31, both inclusive, representing the day component in the localized value of $arg. |
fn:day-from-dateTime |
Returns an xs:integer between 1 and 31, both inclusive, representing the day component in the localized value of $arg. |
fn:days-from-duration |
Returns an xs:integer representing the days component in the canonical lexical representation of the value of $arg. |
fn:deep-equal |
This function assesses whether two sequences are deep-equal to each other. |
fn:default-collation |
Returns the value of the default collation property from the static context. |
fn:distinct-nodes |
[0.9-ml only] Returns the sequence resulting from removing from the input sequence all but one of a set of nodes that have the same identity as one another. |
fn:distinct-values |
Returns the sequence that results from removing from $arg all but one of a set of values that are eq to one other. |
fn:doc |
Returns the document(s) stored in the database at the specified URI(s). |
fn:doc-available |
If fn:doc($uri) returns a document node, this function returns true. |
fn:document |
Returns the document(s) stored in the database at the specified URI(s). |
fn:document-uri |
Returns the value of the document-uri property for the specified node. |
fn:element-available |
Returns true if and only if the name of an XSLT instruction is passed in. |
fn:empty |
If the value of $arg is the empty sequence, the function returns true; otherwise, the function returns false. |
fn:encode-for-uri |
Invertible function that escapes characters required to be escaped inside path segments of URIs. |
fn:ends-with |
Returns true if the first parameter ends with the string from the second parameter, otherwise returns false. |
fn:error |
[1.0 and 1.0-ml only, 0.9-ml has a different signature] Throw the given error. |
fn:escape-html-uri |
%-escapes everything except printable ASCII characters. |
fn:escape-uri |
This is a May 2003 function, and is only available in compatibility mode (XQuery 0.9-ML)--it has been replaced with fn:encode-for-uri, fn:iri-to-uri, and fn:escape-html-uri. |
fn:exactly-one |
Returns $arg if it contains exactly one item. |
fn:exists |
If the value of $arg is not the empty sequence, the function returns true; otherwise, the function returns false. |
fn:expanded-QName |
[0.9-ml only, use fn:QName instead] Returns an xs:QName with the namespace URI given in $paramURI and the local name in $paramLocal. |
fn:false |
Returns the xs:boolean value false. |
fn:filter |
Returns those items from the sequence $seq for which the supplied function $function returns true. |
fn:floor |
Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) number with no fractional part that is not greater than the value of $arg. |
fn:fold-left |
Processes the supplied sequence from left to right, applying the supplied function repeatedly to each item in turn, together with an accumulated result value. |
fn:fold-right |
Processes the supplied sequence from right to left, applying the supplied function repeatedly to each item in turn, together with an accumulated result value. |
fn:format-date |
Returns a formatted date value based on the picture argument. |
fn:format-dateTime |
Returns a formatted dateTime value based on the picture argument. |
fn:format-number |
Returns a formatted string representation of value argument based on the supplied picture. |
fn:format-time |
Returns a formatted time value based on the picture argument. |
fn:function-arity |
Returns the arity of the function(s) that the argument refers to. |
fn:function-available |
Returns true if and only if there is an XQuery or XSLT function whose name and optionally arity matches the value of the $function-name and the optional $arity arguments. |
fn:function-lookup |
Returns a function with the given name and arity, or the empty sequence if none exists. |
fn:function-name |
Returns the QName of the function(s) that the argument refers to. |
fn:generate-id |
Returns a string that uniquely identifies a given node. |
fn:head |
Returns the first item in a sequence. |
fn:hours-from-dateTime |
Returns an xs:integer between 0 and 23, both inclusive, representing the hours component in the localized value of $arg. |
fn:hours-from-duration |
Returns an xs:integer representing the hours component in the canonical lexical representation of the value of $arg. |
fn:hours-from-time |
Returns an xs:integer between 0 and 23, both inclusive, representing the value of the hours component in the localized value of $arg. |
fn:id |
Returns the sequence of element nodes that have an ID value matching the value of one or more of the IDREF values supplied in $arg. |
fn:idref |
Returns the sequence of element or attribute nodes that have an IDREF value matching the value of one or more of the ID values supplied in $arg. |
fn:implicit-timezone |
Returns the value of the implicit timezone property from the dynamic context. |
fn:in-scope-prefixes |
Returns the prefixes of the in-scope namespaces for $element. |
fn:index-of |
Returns a sequence of positive integers giving the positions within the sequence $seqParam of items that are equal to $srchParam. |
fn:insert-before |
Returns a new sequence constructed from the value of $target with the value of $inserts inserted at the position specified by the value of $position. |
fn:iri-to-uri |
Idempotent function that escapes non-URI characters. |
fn:key |
The key function does for keys what the id function does for IDs. |
fn:lang |
This function tests whether the language of $node, or the context node if the second argument is omitted, as specified by xml:lang attributes is the same as, or is a sublanguage of, the language specified by $testlang. |
fn:last |
Returns the context size from the dynamic context. |
fn:local-name |
Returns the local part of the name of $arg as an xs:string that will either be the zero-length string or will have the lexical form of an xs:NCName. |
fn:local-name-from-QName |
Returns an xs:NCName representing the local part of $arg. |
fn:lower-case |
Returns the specified string converting all of the characters to lower-case characters. |
fn:map |
Applies the function item $function to every item from the sequence $seq in turn, returning the concatenation of the resulting sequences in order. |
fn:map-pairs |
Applies the function item $function to successive pairs of items taken one from $seq1 and one from $seq2, returning the concatenation of the resulting sequences in order. |
fn:matches |
Returns true if the specified $input matches the specified $pattern, otherwise returns false. |
fn:max |
Selects an item from the input sequence $arg whose value is greater than or equal to the value of every other item in the input sequence. |
fn:min |
Selects an item from the input sequence $arg whose value is less than or equal to the value of every other item in the input sequence. |
fn:minutes-from-dateTime |
Returns an xs:integer value between 0 and 59, both inclusive, representing the minute component in the localized value of $arg. |
fn:minutes-from-duration |
Returns an xs:integer representing the minutes component in the canonical lexical representation of the value of $arg. |
fn:minutes-from-time |
Returns an xs:integer value between 0 to 59, both inclusive, representing the value of the minutes component in the localized value of $arg. |
fn:month-from-date |
Returns an xs:integer between 1 and 12, both inclusive, representing the month component in the localized value of $arg. |
fn:month-from-dateTime |
Returns an xs:integer between 1 and 12, both inclusive, representing the month component in the localized value of $arg. |
fn:months-from-duration |
Returns an xs:integer representing the months component in the canonical lexical representation of the value of $arg. |
fn:name |
Returns the name of a node, as an xs:string that is either the zero-length string, or has the lexical form of an xs:QName. |
fn:namespace-uri |
Returns the namespace URI of the xs:QName of the node specified by $arg. |
fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix |
Returns the namespace URI of one of the in-scope namespaces for $element, identified by its namespace prefix. |
fn:namespace-uri-from-QName |
Returns the namespace URI for $arg as an xs:string. |
fn:nilled |
Summary: Returns an xs:boolean indicating whether the argument node is "nilled". |
fn:node-kind |
[0.9-ml only, use xdmp:node-kind in 1.0 and 1.0-ml] Returns an xs:string representing the node's kind: either "document", "element", "attribute", "text", "namespace", "processing-instruction", "binary", or "comment". |
fn:node-name |
Returns an expanded-QName for node kinds that can have names. |
fn:normalize-space |
Returns the specified string with normalized whitespace, which strips off any leading or trailing whitespace and replaces any other sequences of more than one whitespace characters with a single space character (#x20). |
fn:normalize-unicode |
Return the argument normalized according to the normalization criteria for a normalization form identified by the value of $normalizationForm. |
fn:not |
Returns true if the effective boolean value is false, and false if the effective boolean value is true. |
fn:number |
Returns the value indicated by $arg or, if $arg is not specified, the context item after atomization, converted to an xs:double. |
fn:one-or-more |
Returns $arg if it contains one or more items. |
fn:position |
Returns the context position from the dynamic context. |
fn:prefix-from-QName |
Returns an xs:NCName representing the prefix of $arg. |
fn:QName |
Returns an xs:QName with the namespace URI given in $paramURI. |
fn:regex-group |
While the xsl:matching-substring instruction is active, a set of current captured substrings is available, corresponding to the parenthesized sub-expressions of the regular expression. |
fn:remove |
Returns a new sequence constructed from the value of $target with the item at the position specified by the value of $position removed. |
fn:replace |
Returns a string constructed by replacing the specified $pattern on the $input string with the specified $replacement string. |
fn:resolve-QName |
Returns an xs:QName value (that is, an expanded QName) by taking an xs:string that has the lexical form of an xs:QName (a string in the form "prefix:local-name" or "local-name") and resolving it using the in-scope namespaces for a given element. |
fn:resolve-uri |
Resolves a relative URI against an absolute URI. |
fn:reverse |
Reverses the order of items in a sequence. |
fn:root |
Returns the root of the tree to which $arg belongs. |
fn:round |
Returns the number with no fractional part that is closest to the argument. |
fn:round-half-to-even |
The value returned is the nearest (that is, numerically closest) numeric to $arg that is a multiple of ten to the power of minus $precision. |
fn:seconds-from-dateTime |
Returns an xs:decimal value between 0 and 60.999..., both inclusive representing the seconds and fractional seconds in the localized value of $arg. |
fn:seconds-from-duration |
Returns an xs:decimal representing the seconds component in the canonical lexical representation of the value of $arg. |
fn:seconds-from-time |
Returns an xs:decimal value between 0 and 60.999..., both inclusive, representing the seconds and fractional seconds in the localized value of $arg. |
fn:starts-with |
Returns true if the first parameter starts with the string from the second parameter, otherwise returns false. |
fn:static-base-uri |
Returns the value of the base-uri property from the static context. |
fn:string |
Returns the value of $arg represented as an xs:string. |
fn:string-join |
Returns an xs:string created by concatenating the members of the $parameter1 sequence using $parameter2 as a separator. |
fn:string-length |
Returns an integer representing the length of the specified string. |
fn:string-pad |
[0.9-ml only] Returns a string representing the $padString concatenated with itself the number of times specified in $padCount. |
fn:string-to-codepoints |
Returns the sequence of Unicode code points that constitute an xs:string. |
fn:subsequence |
Returns the contiguous sequence of items in the value of $sourceSeq beginning at the position indicated by the value of $startingLoc and continuing for the number of items indicated by the value of $length. |
fn:substring |
Returns a substring starting from the $startingLoc and continuing for $length characters. |
fn:substring-after |
Returns the substring created by taking all of the input characters that occur after the specified $after characters. |
fn:substring-before |
Returns the substring created by taking all of the input characters that occur before the specified $before characters. |
fn:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration |
[0.9-ml only, use the minus operator ( - ) instead] Returns the xdt:dayTimeDuration that corresponds to the difference between the normalized value of $srcval1 and the normalized value of $srcval2. |
fn:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-yearMonthDuration |
[0.9-ml only, use the minus operator ( - ) instead] Returns the xdt:yearMonthDuration that corresponds to the difference between the normalized value of $srcval1 and the normalized value of $srcval2. |
fn:sum |
Returns a value obtained by adding together the values in $arg. |
fn:system-property |
Returns a string representing the value of the system property identified by the name. |
fn:tail |
Returns all but the first item in a sequence. |
fn:timezone-from-date |
Returns the timezone component of $arg if any. |
fn:timezone-from-dateTime |
Returns the timezone component of $arg if any. |
fn:timezone-from-time |
Returns the timezone component of $arg if any. |
fn:tokenize |
Returns a sequence of strings constructed by breaking the specified input into substrings separated by the specified $pattern. |
fn:trace |
Return the input $value unchanged and, if $label is the name of an enabled server event, log event to the App Server log file <install_dir>/Logs/<port>_ErrorLog.txt; where <install_dir> is the MarkLogic install directory, and <port> is the port number of the current App Server or "TaskServer" if the current request is running on the Task Server. |
fn:translate |
Returns a string where every character in $src that occurs in some position in the $mapString is translated into the $transString character in the corresponding location of the $mapString character. |
fn:true |
Returns the xs:boolean value true. |
fn:type-available |
Returns true if and only if there is a type whose name matches the value of the $type-name argument is present in the static context. |
fn:unordered |
Returns the items of $sourceSeq in an implementation dependent order. |
fn:unparsed-entity-public-id |
Returns the public identifier of the unparsed entity specified by the $entity-name parameter. |
fn:unparsed-entity-uri |
Always returns the zero length string. |
fn:unparsed-text |
Reads a file stored in the database as either text or binary file and returns its contents as a string. |
fn:unparsed-text-available |
Returns true if a call to unparsed-text would succeed with identical arguments. |
fn:upper-case |
Returns the specified string converting all of the characters to upper-case characters. |
fn:year-from-date |
Returns an xs:integer representing the year component in the localized value of $arg. |
fn:year-from-dateTime |
Returns an xs:integer representing the year component in the localized value of $arg. |
fn:years-from-duration |
Returns an xs:integer representing the years component in the canonical lexical representation of the value of $arg. |
fn:zero-or-one |
Returns $arg if it contains zero or one items. |
geo:approx-center |
Return a point approximating the center of the given region. |
geo:arc-intersection |
Returns the point at the intersection of two arcs. |
geo:bearing |
Returns the true bearing in radians of the path from the first point to the second. |
geo:bounding-boxes |
Returns a sequence of boxes that bound the given region. |
geo:box |
Create a cts:box value from a node representing a box in one of the supported markup vocabularies, such as KML, GML, or GeoJSON. |
geo:box-intersects |
Returns true if the box intersects with a region. |
geo:circle |
Create a cts:circle value from a radius and a node representing a point in one of the supported markup vocabularies, such as KML, GML, or GeoJSON. |
geo:circle-intersects |
Returns true if the circle intersects with a region. |
geo:circle-polygon |
Construct a polygon approximating a circle. |
geo:complex-polygon |
Create a cts:complex-polygon value from a node representing a complex polygon in one of the supported markup vocabularies, such as KML, GML, or GeoJSON. |
geo:complex-polygon-contains |
Returns true if the complex-polygon contains a region. |
geo:complex-polygon-intersects |
Returns true if the complex-polygon intersects with a region. |
geo:coordinate-system-canonical |
Get the canonical name for the coordinate system. |
geo:count-distinct-vertices |
Return a count of the distinct number of vertices in a region, taking tolerance into account. |
geo:count-vertices |
This function returns a count of the number of vertices in a region. |
geo:default-coordinate-system |
Get the canonical name for the coordinate system currently in effect. |
geo:destination |
Returns the point at the given distance (in units) along the given bearing (in radians) from the starting point. |
geo:distance |
Returns the distance (in units) between two points. |
geo:distance-convert |
This function converts a distance from one unit of measure to another. |
geo:ellipse-polygon |
Construct a polygon approximating an ellipse. |
geo:geohash-decode |
Given a geohash string, return the bounding box for that hash. |
geo:geohash-decode-point |
Given a geohash string, return the point for that hash. |
geo:geohash-encode |
Compute a set of covering geohashes for the given region, to the given level of precision. |
geo:geohash-neighbors |
Given a geohash string, return hashes for the neighbors. |
geo:geohash-precision-dimensions |
Given a geohash string, return the height and width for the given precision. |
geo:geohash-subhashes |
Given a geohash string, return the 32 subhashes. |
geo:geospatial-query |
Returns a query matching points within given regions. |
geo:geospatial-query-from-elements |
Returns a query matching points within given regions. |
geo:geospatial-query-from-nodes |
Returns a query matching points within given regions. |
geo:interior-point |
This function returns a point that is guaranteed to be inside the bounds of the given region. |
geo:interior-polygon |
Create a sequence of cts:polygon values from a polygon node in one of the supported markup vocabularies, such as KML or GML. |
geo:linestring |
Create a cts:linestring value from a node representing a linestring in one of the supported markup vocabularies, such as GML or KML. |
geo:linestring-concat |
Construct a linestring by concatenating the vertices of the input linestrings, in order. |
geo:linestring-reverse |
Construct a linestring with the vertices in reverse order. |
geo:parse |
Convert nodes in one or more of the supported geospatial representations into cts:region values. |
geo:parse-wkb |
Returns a sequence of geospatial regions parsed from Well-Known Binary format. |
geo:parse-wkt |
Returns a sequence of geospatial regions parsed from Well-Known Text format. |
geo:point |
Create a cts:point value from a node representing a point in one of the supported markup vocabularies, such as KML or GML. |
geo:polygon |
Create a cts:polygon value from a sequence of point nodes in one of the supported markup vocabularies, such as KML or GML. |
geo:polygon-contains |
Returns true if the polygon contains a region. |
geo:polygon-intersects |
Returns true if the polygon intersects with a region. |
geo:polygon-to-linestring |
Construct a linestring from the vertices of a polygon, or construct a sequence of linestrings from the outer and inner polygons of a complex polygon. |
geo:region-affine-transform |
Perform an affine transformation on a geospatial region. |
geo:region-approximate |
This function returns a simplified approximation of the region, using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm. |
geo:region-clean |
This function fixes various problems with the region or raises an error if it is not repairable. |
geo:region-contains |
Returns true if one region contains the other region. |
geo:region-de9im |
Calculates the Dimensionally Extended nine-Intersection Matrix (DE-9IM) of two geospatial regions. |
geo:region-intersects |
Returns true if the target region intersects with a region. |
geo:region-relate |
Compares geospatial regions based on a specified relationship. |
geo:remove-duplicate-vertices |
Remove duplicate (adjacent) vertices. |
geo:shortest-distance |
Returns the great circle distance (in units) between a point and a region. |
geo:to-wkb |
Returns a binary node in Well-Known Binary format. |
geo:to-wkt |
Returns a sequence of strings in Well-Known Text format. |
geo:validate-wkb |
Returns true if the binary data can be parsed as WKB into a supported region type. |
geo:validate-wkt |
Returns true if the string is valid Well-Known Text for a supported region type. |
geogml:box |
Create a cts:box value from a GML Envelope element. |
geogml:circle |
Create a cts:circle value from a radius and GML Point element. |
geogml:complex-polygon |
Create a cts:complex-polygon value from a GML Polygon element. |
geogml:geospatial-query |
Returns a cts:query matching points within given regions. |
geogml:geospatial-query-from-elements |
Returns a cts:query matching points within given regions. |
geogml:interior-polygon |
Create a sequence of cts:polygon values from a GML Polygon element. |
geogml:linestring |
Create a cts:linestring value from a GML LineString element. |
geogml:parse-gml |
Construct regions from GML elements. |
geogml:point |
Create a cts:point value from a GML Point element. |
geogml:polygon |
Create a cts:polygon value from a sequence of GML Point elements or a GML Polygon element. |
geogml:to-gml |
Construct GML elements from cts:region values. |
geojson:box |
Create a cts:box value from GeoJSON bbox property. |
geojson:circle |
Create a cts:circle value from a radius and a GeoJSON "Point" type geometry object. |
geojson:complex-polygon |
Create a cts:complex-polygon value from a GeoJSON "Polygon" type geometry object. |
geojson:geospatial-query |
Returns a cts:query matching points within given regions. |
geojson:geospatial-query-from-nodes |
Returns a cts:query matching points within given regions. |
geojson:interior-polygon |
Create a sequence of cts:polygon values from a GeoJSON "Polygon" type geometry object. |
geojson:linestring |
Create a cts:linestring value from a GeoJSON "LineString" type geometry object. |
geojson:multi-linestring |
Create a set of cts:linestring values from a GeoJSON "MultiLineString" type geometry object. |
geojson:multi-point |
Create a set of cts:point values from a GeoJSON "MultiPoint" type geometry object. |
geojson:parse-geojson |
Convert GeoJSON object nodes into cts:region values. |
geojson:point |
Create a cts:point value from a GeoJSON "Point" type geometry object. |
geojson:polygon |
Create a cts:polygon value from a GeoJSON "Polygon" type geometry object or a sequence of GeoJSON "Point" type geometry objects. |
geojson:to-geojson |
Convert cts:region values into GeoJSON object nodes. |
geokml:box |
Create a cts:box value from a KML LatLongBox element. |
geokml:circle |
Create a cts:circle value from a radius and KML Point or Location element. |
geokml:complex-polygon |
Create a cts:complex-polygon value from a KML Polygon element. |
geokml:geospatial-query |
Returns a cts:query matching points within given regions. |
geokml:geospatial-query-from-elements |
Returns a cts:query matching points within given regions. |
geokml:interior-polygon |
Create a sequence of cts:polygon values from a KML Polygon element. |
geokml:linestring |
Create a cts:linestring value from a KML LineString element. |
geokml:parse-kml |
Construct regions from KML elements. |
geokml:point |
Create a cts:point value from a KML Point or Location element. |
geokml:polygon |
Create a cts:polygon value from a KML polygon or a sequence of KML Point or Location elements. |
geokml:to-kml |
Construct KML elements from cts:region values. |
georss:circle |
Create a cts:circle value from a radius and GeoRSS point element. |
georss:complex-polygon |
Create a cts:complex-polygon value from a GeoRSS "Polygon" element. |
georss:geospatial-query |
Returns a cts:query matching points within given regions. |
georss:linestring |
Create a cts:linestring value from a GeoRSS line element. |
georss:parse-georss |
Construct zero or more cts:region values from GeoRSS XML elements. |
georss:point |
Create a cts:point value from a GeoRSS point element. |
georss:polygon |
Create a cts:polygon value from a sequence of GeoRSS point elements or a GeoRSS polygon element. |
georss:to-georss |
Convert cts:region values to GeoRSS XML elements. |
hadoop:get-splits |
This function returns (forest_id, record_count, host_name) tuples where forest_id and host_name identify the target forest of the split input, and record_count is a rough estimate of the number of input key-value pairs in the split. |
info:database-create |
[DEPRECATED] This function creates a database with attached forests. |
info:database-delete |
[DEPRECATED] This function deletes the specified database and its forest. |
info:database-get-feature |
[DEPRECATED] This function returns the a node representing support for database features of wildcarding, word positions, and reverse search. |
info:database-set-feature |
[DEPRECATED] This function adds or removes the related database settings for wildcarding, word positions, and/or reverse search. |
info:error-detail |
[DEPRECATED] This function returns the error detail associated with the specified error-id. |
info:flow-cancel |
[DEPRECATED] [DEPRECATED] This function cancels all active tickets associated with a flow. |
info:flow-id |
[DEPRECATED] This function returns the id of the flow with the specified name. |
info:flow-policy |
[DEPRECATED] This function returns the name of the policy associated with a flow. |
info:flow-start |
[DEPRECATED] This function starts (or "plays") the flow. |
info:flow-tickets |
[DEPRECATED] This function returns a sequence of IDs for all of the tickets started by this flow. |
info:load |
[DEPRECATED] This function does a one-time scan of the named directory path (local filesystem only), and attempts to load the files, spawning multiple transactions if necessary. |
info:policy |
[DEPRECATED] This function returns the stored policy matching the specified policy. |
info:policy-delete |
[DEPRECATED] This function deletes a named policy. |
info:policy-names |
[DEPRECATED] This function returns the names of all stored policies. |
info:policy-set |
[DEPRECATED] This function sets an ingestion policy, which consists of a reusable <options> node defining parameters for content loading and transformation. |
info:ticket |
[DEPRECATED] This function returns a ticket element containing the status information for a long-running process. |
info:ticket-delete |
[DEPRECATED] This function deletes a ticket and all associated state information. |
info:ticket-errors |
[DEPRECATED] This function returns any errors that may have occurred when loading content. |
info:tickets |
[DEPRECATED] This function returns a sequence of ticket IDs, optionally narrowed by database name. |
info:unload |
[DEPRECATED] This function deletes all of the documents associated with the specified $ticket-id from one or more databases. |
infodev:check-options |
[DEPRECATED] This function checks the options node to ensure that the structure and values are correct. |
infodev:collector-options |
[DEPRECATED] This function returns an options node in the xdmp:document-get namespace that is ready to pass into xdmp:document-get, including default-namespace, repair, format, default-language, encoding if they are defined by policy or options. |
infodev:effective-policy |
[DEPRECATED] This function temporarily resets the specified deltas on the named policy, while leaving the policy itself unchanged. |
infodev:file-filter |
[DEPRECATED] This function returns a string representing a matching pattern to be applied to file paths on ingest. |
infodev:filesystem-walk |
[DEPRECATED] This function can be used along with the infodev:ingest function to build custom load operations. |
infodev:get-external-binary-file |
[DEPRECATED] This function gets the specified binary file from the filesystem. |
infodev:get-file |
[DEPRECATED] This is a convenience function that wraps xdmp:document-get. |
infodev:handle-error |
[DEPRECATED] This function provides configuration-aware error handling. |
infodev:ingest |
[DEPRECATED] This function ingests a single document into the database specified in the ticket, according to the rules defined by the named policy and user-supplied options. |
infodev:log-progress |
[DEPRECATED] This function writes log information into a ticket's progress file that is written to the App-Services database. |
infodev:ticket-add-annotation |
[DEPRECATED] This function adds annotation to the specified ticket. |
infodev:ticket-create |
[DEPRECATED] This function generates a ticket and stores it in the specified database. |
infodev:ticket-get-status |
[DEPRECATED] This function returns the status of the specified ticket. |
infodev:ticket-set-status |
[DEPRECATED] This function sets the status of the specified ticket. |
infodev:ticket-set-total-documents |
[DEPRECATED] This function sets the number of documents to load into the database. |
infodev:ticket-set-total-transactions |
[DEPRECATED] This function adds and sets the value of a total-transactions element in the specified ticket. |
infodev:transaction |
[DEPRECATED] This function ingests a batch of documents in a single invoked transaction. |
infodev:transaction-size |
[DEPRECATED] This function resolves the transaction size parameter based on stored policy and runtime options and returns an integer that represents the maximum number of documents to handled in a single transaction. |
json:array |
Creates a (JSON) array, which is like a sequence of values, but allows for nesting. |
json:array-pop |
Pop a value from the end of the array. |
json:array-push |
Push a value to the end of the array, increasing the size of the array by one. |
json:array-resize |
Resize the array to the new size. |
json:array-set-javascript-by-ref |
If true is specified, sets a json:array to be passed to JavaScript by reference. |
json:array-size |
Returns the size of the array. |
json:array-values |
Returns the array values as an XQuery sequence. |
json:array-with |
Push a value to the end of the array, increasing the size of the array by one. |
json:check-config |
This function checks a json configuration object and returns a report. |
json:config |
This function creates a configuration object for a specified strategy. |
json:null |
Returns the JSON null value, which is an empty sequence to XQuery, but not a Sequence when passed to JavaScript. |
json:object |
Creates a JSON object, which is a kind of map with a fixed and ordered set of keys. |
json:object-define |
Creates a JSON object. |
json:set-item-at |
Sets a value in an array at a specified position. |
json:subarray |
Extract a subarray from an array, producing a new array. |
json:to-array |
Constructs a json:array from a sequence of items. |
json:transform-from-json |
This function transforms a JSON document to XML using the default ("basic") strategy. |
json:transform-to-json |
This function transforms an XML document to JSON using the default ("basic") strategy if none is supplied. |
json:transform-to-json-object |
This function transforms an XML document to JSON and returns an object. |
json:transform-to-json-xml |
This function transforms an XML document to JSON and returns an xml element. |
lnk:create |
Create a link between the two given documents with the given role labels and strength. |
lnk:from |
Find and return all the links from the given document to some other. |
lnk:get |
Find and return the link between the two documents, if any. |
lnk:insert |
Insert the given link. |
lnk:remove |
Remove the link between the two given documents and return the removed link. |
lnk:to |
Find and return all the links to the given document from some other. |
map:clear |
Clear a map. |
map:contains |
Returns true if the key exists in the map. |
map:count |
Returns the number of keys used in the map. |
map:delete |
Delete a value from a map. |
map:entry |
Constructs a new map with a single entry consisting of the key and value specified as arguments. |
map:get |
Get a value from a map. |
map:keys |
Get the keys used in the map. |
map:map |
Creates a map. |
map:new |
Constructs a new map by combining the keys from the maps given as an argument. |
map:put |
Put a value into a map at the given key. |
map:set-javascript-by-ref |
If true is specified, sets a map:map to be passed to JavaScript by reference. |
map:with |
Updates a map, inserting a value into it at the given key. |
math:acos |
Returns the arc cosine of x, in radians, in the range from 0 to pi (inclusive). |
math:asin |
Returns the arc sine of x, in radians, in the range from -pi/2 to +pi/2 (inclusive). |
math:atan |
Returns the arc tangent of x, in radians. |
math:atan2 |
Returns the arc tangent of y/x, in radians, in the range from -pi/2 to +pi/2 (inclusive), using the signs of y and x to determine the appropriate quadrant. |
math:ceil |
Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to x. |
math:correlation |
Returns the Pearson correlation coefficient of a data set. |
math:cos |
Returns the cosine of x, in the range from -1 to +1 (inclusive). |
math:cosh |
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x. |
math:cot |
Returns the cotangent of x. |
math:covariance |
Returns the sample covariance of a data set. |
math:covariance-p |
Returns the population covariance of a data set. |
math:degrees |
Returns numeric expression converted from radians to degrees. |
math:exp |
Returns e (approximately 2.71828182845905) to the xth power. |
math:fabs |
Returns the absolute value of x. |
math:floor |
Returns the largest integer less than or equal to x. |
math:fmod |
Returns the remainder of x/y. |
math:frexp |
Returns x broken up into mantissa and exponent, where x = mantissa*2^exponent. |
math:ldexp |
Returns x*2^i. |
math:linear-model |
Returns a linear model that fits the given data set. |
math:linear-model-coeff |
Returns the coefficients of the linear model. |
math:linear-model-intercept |
Returns the intercept of the linear model. |
math:linear-model-rsquared |
Returns the R^2 value of the linear model. |
math:log |
Returns the base-e logarithm of x. |
math:log10 |
Returns the base-10 logarithm of x. |
math:median |
Returns the median of a sequence of values. |
math:mode |
Returns the mode of a sequence. |
math:modf |
Returns x broken up into fraction and integer. |
math:percent-rank |
Returns the rank of a value in a data set as a percentage of the data set. |
math:percentile |
Returns a sequence of percentile(s) given a sequence of percentage(s). |
math:pi |
Returns the value of pi. |
math:pow |
Returns x^y. |
math:radians |
Returns numeric expression converted from degrees to radians. |
math:rank |
Returns the rank of a value in a data set. |
math:sin |
Returns the sine of x, in the range from -1 to +1 (inclusive). |
math:sinh |
Returns the hyperbolic sine of x. |
math:sqrt |
Returns the square root of x. |
math:stddev |
Returns the sample standard deviation of a sequence of values. |
math:stddev-p |
Returns the standard deviation of a population. |
math:tan |
Returns the tangent of x. |
math:tanh |
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x, in the range from -1 to +1 (inclusive). |
math:trunc |
Returns the number truncated to a certain number of decimal places. |
math:variance |
Returns the sample variance of a sequence of values. |
math:variance-p |
Returns the population variance of a sequence of values. |
mcgm:circle |
Create a cts:circle value from a radius and MCGM Dot element. |
mcgm:geospatial-query |
Returns a cts:query matching points within given regions. |
mcgm:geospatial-query-from-elements |
Returns a cts:query matching points within given regions. |
mcgm:point |
Create a cts:point value from a MCGM Dot element. |
mcgm:polygon |
Construct a cts:polygon value from a sequence of MCGM Dot elements. |
msword:clean |
Clean up any conversion artifacts or other infelicities. |
ooxml:runs-merge |
This function updates document or paragraph node(s) (from a Word 2007 document) so that all similar runs are merged, retaining formatting, and removing text split across elements. |
op:add |
This function returns the sum of the specified numeric expressions. |
op:and |
This function returns true if the specified expressions all return true. |
op:array-aggregate |
This function constructs an array whose items are the result of evaluating the column for each row in the group or row set. |
op:as |
This function defines a column by assigning the value of an expression over the rows in the row set. |
op:asc |
This function sorts the rows by the values of the specified column in ascending order. |
op:avg |
This function averages the non-null values of the column for the rows in the group or row set. |
op:bind |
This function adds new columns or modifies existing columns based on expressions while preserving existing unmodified columns in the row set. |
op:bind-as |
This function is deprecated in favor of the bind() function and will not be supported in MarkLogic 11. |
op:bucket-group |
This function can be used as a named group in functions op:group-to-arrays or op:facet-by. |
op:call |
This function to calls a built-in function on every row. |
op:case |
This function returns the specified valueExpression if the specified valueExpression is true. |
op:col |
This method identifies a column, where the column name is unique. |
op:count |
This function counts the rows where the specified input column has a value. |
op:cube |
This function specifies a list of grouping keys for a group and returns that group and every possible larger group (including all rows) formed from any subset of keys. |
op:desc |
This function sorts the rows by the values of the specified column in descending order. |
op:divide |
This function divides the left numericExpression by the right numericExpression and returns the value. |
op:eq |
This function takes two or more expressions and returns true if all of the expressions return the same value. |
op:except |
This method restricts the left row set to rows where a row with the same columns and values doesn't exist in the right row set. |
op:exists-join |
This method is a filtering join that filters based on whether the join exists or not but doesn't add any columns. |
op:explain |
This method returns a representation of the builtin execution plan. |
op:export |
This method generates a serialized representation of the Optic query to JSON so that it can be persisted as a file or used as a REST payload. |
op:facet-by |
This method counts values for multiple grouping key columns. |
op:fragment-id-col |
Specifies a name for adding a fragment id column to the row set identifying the source documents for the rows from a view, lexicons or triples. |
op:from-lexicons |
This function dynamically constructs a view from range indexes or the uri or collection lexicons. |
op:from-literals |
Constructs a literal row set as in the SQL VALUES or SPARQL VALUES statements. |
op:from-search |
This function dynamically constructs a row set based on a cts.query where the columns for the document fragment id and score reflecting the degree of match of the document with the query criteria. |
op:from-search-docs |
This function matches and returns the uri, content, and score for documents. |
op:from-sparql |
This function dynamically constructs a row set based on a SPARQL SELECT query from triples. |
op:from-sql |
This function dynamically constructs a row set based on a SQL SELECT query from views. |
op:from-triples |
Reads rows by matching patterns in the triple index. |
op:from-view |
This function reads a row set from a configured view over TDE-indexed rows or a predefined view over range indexes. |
op:ge |
This function returns true if the value of the left expression is greater than or equal to the value of the right expression. |
op:generate-view |
This method generates a view that encapsulates a query. |
op:graph-col |
Identifies the graph for a triple providing one or more columns for a row. |
op:group |
This function specifies the grouping keys for a group as a list of zero or more columns. |
op:group-by |
This method collapses a group of rows into a single row. |
op:group-by-union |
This method performs the union of multiple group-by operations on a row set. |
op:group-concat |
This function concatenates the non-null values of the column for the rows in the group or row set. |
op:group-to-arrays |
This method performs multiple group-by operations on a row set and produces a single row with a column for each group having an array value whose items are the rows for the group. |
op:gt |
This function returns true if the value of the left expression is greater than the value of the right expression. |
op:has-group-key |
This aggregate function adds a flag to a grouped row specifying whether a column acted as a grouping key for the row. |
op:import |
This function instantiates a plan from the JSON representation of a plan that was exported by the op:export function. |
op:in |
This function returns true if a test expression evaluates to the same value as any of a list of candidate expressions. |
op:intersect |
This method restricts the left row set to rows where a row with the same columns and values exists in the right row set. |
op:is-defined |
This function tests whether the value of an expression is null in the row where the expression might be as simple as a column identified by op:col. |
op:join-cross-product |
This method yields one output row set that concatenates every left row with every right row. |
op:join-doc |
This function specifies a document column to add to the rows by reading the documents for an existing source column having a value of a document uri (which can be used to read other documents) or a fragment id (which can be used to read the source documents for rows). |
op:join-doc-uri |
This method adds a uri column to rows based on an existing fragment id column to identify the source document for each row. |
op:join-full-outer |
This method yields one output row set with the rows from an inner join as well as the other rows from both the left and right row sets. |
op:join-inner |
This method returns all rows from multiple tables where the join condition is met. |
op:join-left-outer |
This method yields one output row set with the rows from an inner join as well as the other rows from the left row set. |
op:json-array |
This function constructs a JSON array during row processing. |
op:json-boolean |
This function constructs a JSON boolean node with the specified value. |
op:json-document |
This function constructs a JSON document with the root content, which must be exactly one JSON object or array node. |
op:json-null |
This function constructs a JSON null node. |
op:json-number |
This function constructs a JSON number node with the specified value. |
op:json-object |
This function constructs a JSON object with the specified properties. |
op:json-string |
This function constructs a JSON text node with the specified value. |
op:le |
This function returns true if the value of the left expression is less than or equal to the value of the right expression. |
op:limit |
This method specifies the maximum number of rows to be returned by this Plan. |
op:lt |
This function returns true if the value of the left expression is less than the value of the right expression. |
op:map |
This method applies the specified function to each row returned by the plan to produce a different result row. |
op:max |
This function gets the largest non-null value of the column for the rows in the group or row set. |
op:min |
This function gets the smallest non-null value of the column for the rows in the group or row set. |
op:modulo |
This function returns the remainder afer the division of the dividend and divisor expressions. |
op:multiply |
This function multiplies the left numericExpression by the right numericExpression and returns the value. |
op:named-group |
This function specifies the grouping keys for a group as a named list of zero or more columns. |
op:ne |
This function returns true if the value of the left expression is not equal to the value of the right expression. |
op:not |
This function returns true if neither of the specified boolean expressions return true. |
op:not-exists-join |
This method is a filtering join that filters based on whether the join exists or not but doesn't add any columns. |
op:offset |
This method returns a subset of the rows in the result set. |
op:offset-limit |
This method returns a subset of the rows in the result set by skipping the number of rows specified by start and returning the remaining rows up to the length limit. |
op:on |
Specifies an equijoin using one columndef each from the left and right rows. |
op:or |
This function returns true if the specified expressions all return true. |
op:order-by |
This method sorts the row set by the specified order definition. |
op:param |
This function creates a placeholder for a literal value in an expression or as the offset or max for a limit. |
op:pattern |
This function builds the parameters for the op:from-triples function. |
op:prefixer |
This function factory returns a new function that takes a name parameter and returns a sem:iri, prepending the specified base URI onto the name. |
op:prepare |
This method prepares the specified plan for execution as an optional final step before execution. |
op:prop |
This function specifies the key expression and value content for a JSON property of a JSON object constructed by the op:json-object function. |
op:reduce |
This method applies a function or the builtin reducer to each row returned by the plan to produce a single result as with the reduce() method of JavaScript Array. |
op:result |
This method executes the plan (mapping or reducing, if specified) to generate the result, which is a sequence of map:map or json:array rows, unless mapped or reduced to different output. |
op:rollup |
This function specifies a list of grouping keys for a group and returns that group and larger groups (including all rows) formed by dropping columns from right to left. |
op:sample |
This function randomly selects one non-null value of the column from the rows in the group or row set. |
op:sample-by |
This function samples rows from a view or from a pattern match on the triple index. |
op:schema-col |
Unambiguously identifies a column with the schema name, view name, and column name. |
op:select |
This call projects the specified columns from the current row set and / or applies a qualifier to the columns in the row set. |
op:sequence-aggregate |
This call constructs a sequence whose items are the values of a column for each row in the group or row set. |
op:sql-condition |
This function returns a filter definition as input for a WHERE operation. |
op:subtract |
This function subtracts the right numericExpression from the left numericExpression and returns the value. |
op:sum |
This function adds the non-null values of the column for the rows in the group or row set. |
op:to-source |
This function generates an XQuery source code representation of a plan from the JSON or JavaScript literal object representation of a plan that was exported by the op:export function. |
op:uda |
This function processes the values of column for each row in the group or row set with the specified user-defined aggregate as implemented by an aggregate user-defined function (UDF) plugin. |
op:union |
This method yields all of the rows from the input row sets. |
op:view-col |
Identifies a column where the combination of view and column name is unique. |
op:when |
This function executes the specified expression if the specified condition is true for the row. |
op:where |
This method restricts the row set to rows matched by the boolean expression. |
op:where-distinct |
This method removes duplicate rows from the row set. |
op:xml-attribute |
This function constructs an XML attribute with the name (which can be a string or QName) and atomic value. |
op:xml-comment |
This function constructs an XML comment with the atomic value. |
op:xml-document |
This function constructs an XML document with the root content, which must be exactly one node. |
op:xml-element |
This function constructs an XML element with the name (which can be a string or QName), zero or more attributes, and child content. |
op:xml-pi |
This function constructs an XML processing instruction with the atomic value. |
op:xml-text |
This function constructs an XML text node with the specified value. |
op:xpath |
This function extracts a sequence of child nodes from a column with node values -- especially, the document nodes from a document join. |
ordt:mask-deterministic |
This function redacts a column with string values by replacing each value with deterministic masking text. |
ordt:mask-random |
This function redacts a column with string values by replacing each value with random masking text. |
ordt:redact-datetime |
This function redacts a column with date or datetime values either by masking part of the existing value or by generating a random value. |
ordt:redact-email |
This function redacts a column with email address string that conforms to the pattern name@domain. |
ordt:redact-ipv4 |
This function redacts a column with IPv4 address string that conforms to a pattern with four blocks of 1-3 decimal digits separated by period (.) where the value of each block of digits is less than or equal to 255 as in and 123.45.678.0. |
ordt:redact-number |
This function redacts a column by generating a random number within a configurable range either as a numeric data type or as a formatted string. |
ordt:redact-regex |
This function redacts a string column by applying a regular expression. |
ordt:redact-us-phone |
This function redacts a column with a 10-digit US phone number string by generating random numbers or replacing numbers with a masking character. |
ordt:redact-us-ssn |
This function redacts a column with a 9-digit US SSN (Social Security Number) string by generating random numbers or replacing numbers with a masking character. |
ort:get-value |
For an ort:value with value type "SEQUENCE", returns the ort:value at specified index; for value type "MAP", index 0 returns the key, and index 1 returns the value. |
ort:map |
Creates a value with type "MAP", using an ort:value as key and an ort:value as value. |
ort:run |
Perform inference of a session, based on supplied input values. |
ort:sequence |
Creates a value with type "SEQUENCE". |
ort:session |
Load an ONNX model from the database, as an inference session. |
ort:session-input-count |
Returns the number of inputs of a session. |
ort:session-input-name |
Returns the name of an input of a session, specified by an index. |
ort:session-input-type |
Returns a map:map containing the type information of an input of a session, specified by an index. |
ort:session-output-count |
Returns the number of outputs of a session. |
ort:session-output-name |
Returns the name of an output of a session, specified by an index. |
ort:session-output-type |
Returns a map:map containing the type information of an output of a session, specified by an index. |
ort:string |
Creates a string tensor. |
ort:string-content |
Returns the content of a string tensor. |
ort:value |
Constructs an ort:value to be supplied to an ort:session to perform inference. |
ort:value-count |
Returns the number of ort:value in an ort:value with value type "SEQUENCE", and always return 2 for "MAP". |
ort:value-get-array |
Returns the tensor represented by the ort:value as a flattened one-dimensional array. |
ort:value-get-shape |
Returns the shape of the ort:value as a sequence of xs:long. |
ort:value-get-type |
Returns the tensor element type of the ort:value as an xs:string. |
ort:value-is-tensor |
Returns if the ort:value has value type "TENSOR". |
p:action |
Construct an action element. |
p:collection |
Return the name of the collection in which pipelines are stored. |
p:condition |
Construct a condition element. |
p:create |
Create a new content processing pipeline. |
p:execute |
Construct a execute element. |
p:get |
Find a particular pipeline. |
p:get-by-id |
Find a particular pipeline. |
p:insert |
Insert a fully constructed content processing pipeline, returning its unique ID. |
p:pipelines |
Return all the pipelines. |
p:remove |
Remove the named pipeline. |
p:state-transition |
Construct a new state transition element. |
p:status-transition |
Construct a new status transition element. |
pdf:clean |
Clean up any conversion artifacts or other infelicities. |
pdf:get-toc |
Fetch the linked TOC, if any. |
pdf:insert-toc-headers |
Locate TOC anchors and make them properly refer to headers at the appropriate level. |
pdf:make-toc |
Clean and normalize the TOC produced by raw conversion. |
pki:authority-create-client-certificate |
This function creates a client certificate, signed by the specified secure credential, and returns a PEM encoded client certificate and private key. |
pki:authority-create-host-certificate |
This function creates a host certificate, signed by the specified secure credential, and returns a PEM encoded host certificate and private key. |
pki:authority-sign-host-certificate-request |
This function signs a host certificate request. |
pki:create-authority |
This function creates a new self-signed certificate authority, inserts it into the Security database as a trusted authority, and returns the ID of the newly created secure credential. |
pki:create-template |
This function creates a new X.509 certificate request template. |
pki:delete-authority |
This function deletes a certificate authority that was created using pki:create-authority. |
pki:delete-certificate |
This function removes the specified certificate from the Security database. |
pki:delete-template |
This function removes the specified certificate request template from the Security database. |
pki:generate-certificate-request |
This function generates a PEM encoded X.509 certificate request from the template for the specified id. |
pki:generate-template-certificate-authority |
This function creates a common temporary certificate authority to sign all the certificates for the specified certificate template. |
pki:generate-temporary-certificate |
This function generates a new key pair and temporary certificate from the specified certificate template. |
pki:generate-temporary-certificate-if-necessary |
This function generates a new key pair and temporary certificate from the specified certificate template. |
pki:get-certificate |
This function returns the certificate for the specified template and host. |
pki:get-certificate-pem |
This function returns the PEM encoded certificate for the specified certificate template and common name combination. |
pki:get-certificate-xml |
This function returns the XML representation of the certificate for the specified id and common host name combination. |
pki:get-certificates |
This function returns the certificate data for the specified certificates. |
pki:get-certificates-for-template |
This function returns all of the certificates for the specified certificate template. |
pki:get-certificates-for-template-xml |
This function returns all of the certificates for the specified certificate template in XML format. |
pki:get-pending-certificate-request |
This function returns any pending certificate requests for the specified template id and host combination. |
pki:get-pending-certificate-requests-pem |
This function returns any pending certificate requests for the specified template. |
pki:get-pending-certificate-requests-xml |
This function returns any pending certificate requests for the specified template. |
pki:get-template |
This function returns the certificate template for the specified id. |
pki:get-template-by-name |
This function returns the certificate template with the specified name. |
pki:get-template-certificate-authority |
This function returns the certificate authority for the specified certificate template. |
pki:get-template-ids |
This function returns the ids for all of the certificate templates. |
pki:get-trusted-certificate-ids |
This function returns the ids of all of the trusted certificates in the Security database. |
pki:insert-certificate-revocation-list |
This function inserts a PEM- or DER-encoded Certificate Revocation List (CRL) into the security database. |
pki:insert-host-certificate |
This function inserts externally generated certificate into the database. |
pki:insert-signed-certificates |
This function inserts one or more PEM-encoded signed certificates into the database. |
pki:insert-template |
This function inserts the specified certificate request template into the Security database and returns the certificate template id. |
pki:insert-trusted-certificates |
This function inserts PEM-encoded certificates into the database without checking for a matching certificate request. |
pki:is-temporary |
This function returns true if the certificate is temporary. |
pki:need-certificate |
This function returns true if the certificate specified by the template id and host combination are not signed by a trusted certificate authority. |
pki:template-get-description |
This function returns the description of the specified certificate template. |
pki:template-get-id |
This function returns the id of the specified certificate template. |
pki:template-get-key-options |
This function returns all of the template key options set in the specified certificate template. |
pki:template-get-key-type |
This function returns the key type for the specified certificate template. |
pki:template-get-name |
This function returns the name of the specified certificate template. |
pki:template-get-request |
This function returns the request portion of the certificate template. |
pki:template-get-version |
This function returns the version number for the specified certificate template. |
pki:template-in-use |
This function checks whether a certificate template is in use by an App Server. |
pki:template-set-description |
This function changes the description of the specified certificate template and returns the XML containing the change. |
pki:template-set-key-options |
This function sets the options for generating new keys in the specified certificate template. |
pki:template-set-key-type |
This function changes the key type for the specified certificate template and returns the XML containing the change. |
pki:template-set-name |
This function changes the name of the specified certificate template and returns the XML containing the change. |
pki:template-set-request |
This function sets the request portion for the specified certificate template. |
plugin:asset |
Returns the named asset, which must exist in the assets/ directory of the plugin, as stored in the Extensions database. |
plugin:asset-exists |
Returns true if the named asset exists, otherwise returns false. |
plugin:capability |
This function returns a function pointer implementing a given capability from a particular plugin. |
plugin:enumerate |
This function enumerates functions implementing all capabilities supported by the given plugin. |
plugin:flush-scope |
This function unloads all application plugins from a given scope. |
plugin:implementations |
This function returns a map referencing all of the plugins that implement the specified capability. |
plugin:initialize-scope |
This function ensures the availability of all plugins from a given scope. |
plugin:install-from-filesystem |
This function installs a Library Module plugin from a fixed location on the filesystem (Assets/plugins/...) into the Extensions database. |
plugin:install-from-zip |
Installs a Library Module plugin from a zip file provided as a parameter into the Extensions database. |
plugin:plugins |
This function returns unique IDs of the registered plugins that have the specified capabilities. |
plugin:register |
This function registers the capabilities map for use by MarkLogic Server. |
plugin:uninstall |
This function removes a named plugin or set of plugins from the extensions database. |
ppt:clean |
Clean up any conversion artifacts or other infelicities, putting each slide into its own div element. |
prof:allowed |
Returns the value of the Profile Allow setting for the App Server or Task Server upon which the target request is running. |
prof:disable |
Disable profiling for this request. |
prof:enable |
Enable profiling for this request. |
prof:eval |
Evaluate a string as XQuery code for profiling. |
prof:invoke |
Profiles and returns the result of evaluating a module at the given path. |
prof:report |
Return a prof:report node containing the current state of profiling statistics for the given request. |
prof:reset |
Clear any accumulated profiling statistics for the requests. |
prof:value |
Evaluate an expression in the context of the current evaluating statement and return the profiling report for its evaluation. |
prof:xslt-eval |
Evaluate a string as an XSLT stylesheet for profiling. |
prof:xslt-invoke |
Profiles and returns the result of evaluating an XSLT stylesheet at the given path. |
qbe:by-example |
This function transforms a query by example into a cts:query object. |
qbe:validate |
This function validates a query by example. |
rdf:langString |
Returns an rdf:langString value with the given value and language tag. |
rdf:langString-language |
Returns the language of an rdf:langString value. |
rdt:redact |
Apply redaction rules to a set of XML and/or JSON documents, returning the resulting documents. |
rdt:rule-validate |
Validate the redaction rules in one or more redaction rule collections and return the URIs of the rule documents validated. |
rest:check-options |
This function validates the specified options node. |
rest:check-request |
This function takes a request element and returns a report of the problems found. |
rest:get-raw-query-params |
This function extracts all of the query parameters and returns them in a map. |
rest:matching-request |
This function returns the request element in the options node that matches the specified URI. |
rest:process-request |
This function is used in the endpoint main module to parse the incoming request against the options. |
rest:report-error |
This function formats the specified error structure. |
rest:rewrite |
This function is used in the URL rewriter to map the incoming request to an endpoint. |
sc:annotations |
Returns the schema annotations of the component, if any. |
sc:attribute-decl |
Returns the attribute declaration of item, as a schema component, if any. |
sc:attributes |
Returns the attribute declarations of the schema component, if any. |
sc:canonical-path |
Returns the canonical schema component path of the component. |
sc:complex-type |
Returns the complex type of item, as a schema component, if any. |
sc:component-property |
Returns the named property of the schema component. |
sc:element-decl |
Returns the element declaration of item, as a schema component, if any. |
sc:facets |
Returns the facets of the component, if any. |
sc:function-parameter-type |
Returns the declared parameter type of a specific parameter of the function item as a schema component. |
sc:function-return-type |
Returns the return type of a function item as a schema component. |
sc:name |
Returns the name of the schema component, if any. |
sc:particles |
Returns the particles of the schema component, if any. |
sc:schema |
Returns the root schema of the item. |
sc:schema-from-path |
Get a schema object as a value based on its namespace and schema location hint. |
sc:simple-type |
Returns the simple type of item, as a schema component, if any. |
sc:type |
Returns the type of item, as a schema component, if any. |
sc:type-apply |
Apply a type to an item to construct a typed instance of that type. |
sc:type-named |
Returns the type with the given name, if any, as a schema component. |
schematron:compile |
This function compiles the Schematron schema. |
schematron:delete |
This function deletes the Schematron schema from the schema database and, if found, the validator XSLT from the modules database. |
schematron:get |
This function returns the validator XSLT from the modules database. |
schematron:put |
This function compiles the Schematron schema with $schematron-uri as the URI of the Schematron document in the schema database and inserts the generated validator XSLT in the modules database with the URI, {$schematron-uri}-validator.xsl. |
schematron:validate |
This function accepts the document to be validated and the validator XSLT and returns the output of the validation in SVRL (Schematron Validation Report Language) format, which is a simple XML based language used to report the results of Schematron validation. |
sec:add-query-rolesets |
This function adds query rolesets to the Security database. |
sec:amp-add-roles |
Adds the roles ($role-names) to the list of roles granted to the amp ($namespace, $local-name, $document-uri). |
sec:amp-doc-collections |
Returns a sequence of strings corresponding to the collection uri's that amps belong to. |
sec:amp-doc-permissions |
Returns a sequence of permission elements that all newly created amp documents receive. |
sec:amp-exists |
This function returns true if the specified amp exists in the security database. |
sec:amp-get-roles |
Returns a sequence of role names for the roles directly assigned to the amp ($namespace, $local-name, $document-uri). |
sec:amp-remove-roles |
Removes a role ($role-name) from the set of roles included by the amp ($namespace, $local-name, $document-uri). |
sec:amp-set-roles |
Assigns the amp identified by $namespace, $local-name and $document-uri to have the roles identified by $roles-names. |
sec:amps-change-modules-database |
This function changes all amps that refer to one modules database to refer to a different database. |
sec:amps-collection |
Returns a string corresponding to the uri for the amps collection. |
sec:check-admin |
Throws an error if the current user does not have the admin-ui privilege. |
sec:collection-add-permissions |
Add the permissions $permissions to the protected collection identified by $uri. |
sec:collection-get-permissions |
Returns a sequence of permission elements corresponding to the current permissions granted to the protected collection identified by $uri. |
sec:collection-remove-permissions |
Removes the permissions $permissions from the protected collection identified by $uri. |
sec:collection-set-permissions |
Sets the permissions of a protected collection identified by $uri to $permissions. |
sec:collections-collection |
Returns a string corresponding to the uri for the protected collections collection. |
sec:compartment-get-roles |
This function returns a list of roles in the specified compartment. |
sec:create-amp |
Creates a new amp in the system database for the context database. |
sec:create-credential |
This function creates a new security credential with the specified values. |
sec:create-external-security |
This function creates an external authentication configuration object and returns the id of the configuration. |
sec:create-privilege |
Creates a new privilege and returns the new privilege-id. |
sec:create-role |
Creates a new role in the system database for the context database. |
sec:create-user |
Creates a new user in the system database for the context database. |
sec:create-user-with-role |
Creates a new user in the system database for the context database. |
sec:credential-get-certificate |
This function returns the certificate for a credential, if it exists. |
sec:credential-get-description |
This function returns the description of the specified credential. |
sec:credential-get-id |
This function returns the ID of the specified credential. |
sec:credential-get-password |
This function returns the encrypted password for a credential, if it exists. |
sec:credential-get-permissions |
This function returns the permissions for a credential. |
sec:credential-get-private-key |
This function returns the private key for a credential, if it exists. |
sec:credential-get-signing |
This function returns the signing flag for a credential. |
sec:credential-get-targets |
This function returns the targets for a credential, if they exist. |
sec:credential-get-username |
This function returns the username for a credential, if it exists. |
sec:credential-set-certificate |
This function updates the certificate for the credential. |
sec:credential-set-description |
This function updates the description for the specified credential. |
sec:credential-set-name |
This function updates the name of a credential. |
sec:credential-set-password |
This function updates the password for the specified credential. |
sec:credential-set-permissions |
This function updates the permission for the specified credential. |
sec:credential-set-signing |
This function updates the signing flag for the specified credential. |
sec:credential-set-targets |
This function updates the targets for the specified credential. |
sec:credential-set-username |
This function updates the username for the specified credential. |
sec:credentials-get-aws |
Returns the Amazon Web Services access key, secret key, and session token (if one exists) used to access the Amazon Simple Storage Service. |
sec:credentials-get-azure |
Returns the Azure storage account name and access key used to access Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. |
sec:credentials-set-aws |
Sets the Amazon Web Services credentials. |
sec:credentials-set-azure |
Sets the Azure storage account name and access key. |
sec:external-security-clear-cache |
This function clears the login cache in the named external authorization configuration object. |
sec:external-security-get-authentication |
This function returns the authentication protocol set in the named external authorization configuration object. |
sec:external-security-get-authorization |
This function returns the authorization scheme set in the named external authorization configuration object. |
sec:external-security-get-cache-timeout |
This function returns the login cache timeout (in seconds) set in the named external authorization configuration object. |
sec:external-security-get-description |
This function returns the description set in the named external authorization configuration object. |
sec:external-security-get-http-options |
This function returns the http options for the named SAML server configuration. |
sec:external-security-get-ldap-attribute |
This function returns the LDAP attribute for user lookup set in the named external authorization configuration object. |
sec:external-security-get-ldap-base |
This function returns the LDAP base for user lookup set in the named external authorization configuration object. |
sec:external-security-get-ldap-bind-method |
This function returns the bind method set on the named external security object. |
sec:external-security-get-ldap-certificate |
This function returns the LDAP client certificate set for the name external security configuration. |
sec:external-security-get-ldap-default-user |
This function returns the default LDAP user name set in the named external authorization configuration object. |
sec:external-security-get-ldap-member-attribute |
This function returns the member attribute for the specified LDAP server. |
sec:external-security-get-ldap-memberof-attribute |
This function returns the memberof attribute for the specified LDAP server. |
sec:external-security-get-ldap-nested-lookup |
This function returns a boolean value specifying whether ldap nested group lookups are enabled. |
sec:external-security-get-ldap-private-key |
This function returns the private key set for the name external security configuration. |
sec:external-security-get-ldap-remove-domain |
This function returns the ldap-remove-domain setting for the named external security configuration. |
sec:external-security-get-ldap-server-uri |
This function returns the LDAP server uri set in the named external authorization configuration object. |
sec:external-security-get-ldap-start-tls |
This function returns the ldap-start-tls setting for the named external security configuration. |
sec:external-security-get-saml-assertion-host |
This function returns the SAML assertion host for the named external security configuration. |
sec:external-security-get-saml-attribute-names |
This function returns the SAML attribute names set for the named external security configuration. |
sec:external-security-get-saml-destination |
This function returns the saml destination in the external security configuration. |
sec:external-security-get-saml-entity-id |
This function returns the SAML entity id set for the named external security configuration. |
sec:external-security-get-saml-idp-certificate-authority |
This function returns the saml idp certificate authority in the external security configuration. |
sec:external-security-get-saml-issuer |
This function returns the saml issuer in the external security configuration. |
sec:external-security-get-saml-privilege-attribute-name |
This function returns the SAML privilege attribute name set for the named external security configuration. |
sec:external-security-get-saml-sp-certificate |
This function returns the saml Service Provider certificate in the external security configuration. |
sec:external-security-set-authentication |
This function sets the authentication protocol for the named external authorization configuration object. |
sec:external-security-set-authorization |
This function sets the authentication scheme for the named external authorization configuration object. |
sec:external-security-set-cache-timeout |
This function sets the login cache timeout for the named external authorization configuration object. |
sec:external-security-set-description |
This function sets the description for the named external authorization configuration object. |
sec:external-security-set-http-options |
This function sets the http options for the named SAML server configuration. |
sec:external-security-set-ldap-attribute |
This function sets the LDAP attribute for user lookup for the named external authorization configuration object. |
sec:external-security-set-ldap-base |
This function sets the LDAP base for user lookup for the named external authorization configuration object. |
sec:external-security-set-ldap-bind-method |
This function sets the bind method on the named external security object. |
sec:external-security-set-ldap-certificate |
This function sets the LDAP certificate and private key for the named external security configuration. |
sec:external-security-set-ldap-default-user |
This function sets the default user name for the named external authorization configuration object. |
sec:external-security-set-ldap-member-attribute |
This function sets the member LDAP attribute for group lookup. |
sec:external-security-set-ldap-memberof-attribute |
This function sets the memberof LDAP attribute for group lookup. |
sec:external-security-set-ldap-nested-lookup |
This function sets the nested-lookup boolean. |
sec:external-security-set-ldap-password |
This function sets the default user password for the named external authorization configuration object. |
sec:external-security-set-ldap-remove-domain |
This function updates the ldap-remove-domain setting in the external security configuration. |
sec:external-security-set-ldap-server-uri |
This function sets the LDAP server uri for the named external authorization configuration object. |
sec:external-security-set-ldap-start-tls |
This function updates the ldap-start-tls setting in the external security configuration. |
sec:external-security-set-name |
This function sets the name of the external authorization configuration object. |
sec:external-security-set-saml-assertion-host |
This function sets the SAML assertion host in the SAML configuration. |
sec:external-security-set-saml-attribute-names |
This function sets one or more SAML attribute named used by other security objects to identify the named SAML configuration. |
sec:external-security-set-saml-destination |
This function updates the saml destination in the external security configuration. |
sec:external-security-set-saml-entity-id |
\ This function sets the SAML entity ID used by other security objects to identify the named SAML configuration. |
sec:external-security-set-saml-idp-certificate-authority |
This function updates the saml idp certificate authority in the external security configuration. |
sec:external-security-set-saml-issuer |
This function updates the saml issuer in the external security configuration. |
sec:external-security-set-saml-privilege-attribute-name |
This function sets the SAML privilege attribute name in the SAML configuration. |
sec:external-security-set-saml-sp-certificate |
This function updates the saml sp certificate and private key in the external security configuration. |
sec:get-amp |
Returns an sec:amp element corresponding to an amp identified by ($namespace, $local-name, $document-uri). |
sec:get-collection |
Gets the security document corresponding to a protected collection with uri equal to $uri. |
sec:get-compartments |
This function returns a list of all of the compartments. |
sec:get-credential |
Gets a credential. |
sec:get-credential-by-id |
This function returns the specified PEM encoded X509 certificate. |
sec:get-credential-ids |
This function returns a list of all of the credential IDs in the security database. |
sec:get-credential-names |
This function returns a list of all of the credential names in the security database. |
sec:get-distinct-permissions |
Returns a sequence of permission elements made up of a concatenation of $output-perms and the distinct permission elements of $input-perms. |
sec:get-privilege |
Returns a sec:privilege element corresponding to a privilege identified by ($action,$kind). |
sec:get-role-ids |
Returns a sequence of unique sec:role-id elements that corresponds to the sequence of role names $role-names. |
sec:get-role-names |
Returns sequence of unique sec:role-name's that corresponds to the sequence of role IDs $role-ids. |
sec:get-saml-entity |
This function returns the named SAML entity. |
sec:get-saml-entity-ids |
This function returns the SAML entity ids stored in the Security database. |
sec:get-user-names |
Returns sequence of unique sec:user-names that corresponds to the sequence of user IDs $user-ids. |
sec:ldap-server |
This function configures an LDAP server for use by the sec:create-external-security function. |
sec:path-add-permissions |
This function adds permissions for a protected path. |
sec:path-get-permissions |
This function gets a list of permissions for the path named. |
sec:path-remove-permissions |
This function removes permissions for a protected path. |
sec:path-set-permissions |
This function sets the permissions for a protected path. |
sec:priv-doc-collections |
Returns a sequence of strings corresponding to the collection uri's that privileges belong to. |
sec:priv-doc-permissions |
Returns a sequence of permission elements that all newly created privilege documents receive. |
sec:privilege-add-roles |
Adds the roles ($role-names) to the list of roles assigned to the privilege ($action,$kind). |
sec:privilege-exists |
This function returns true if the specified privilege exists. |
sec:privilege-get-roles |
Returns a sequence of role names for the roles assigned to the privilege ($action,$kind). |
sec:privilege-remove-roles |
Removes roles ($role-names) from the roles assigned to the privilege ($action,$kind). |
sec:privilege-set-name |
Changes the sec:privilege-name of a sec:privilege to $new-privilege-name. |
sec:privilege-set-roles |
Assigns the privilege ($action,$kind) to have the roles identified by $role-names. |
sec:privileges-collection |
Returns a string corresponding to the uri for the privileges collection. |
sec:protect-collection |
Protects a collection $uri with the given permissions ($permissions). |
sec:protect-path |
This function protects the path specified, restricting the ability to view content based on the user's permissions. |
sec:protected-path-doc-permissions |
Returns a sequence of permission elements that all newly created protected-path documents receive. |
sec:protected-paths-collection |
This function returns the collection of protected paths. |
sec:query-roleset |
This function creates a query roleset that can be passed into a function used to add or remove rolesets. |
sec:query-rolesets |
This is a helper function to return a query-rolesets element from a list of query-roleset elements. |
sec:query-rolesets-collection |
This function returns the collection of query rolesets. |
sec:query-rolesets-doc-permissions |
Returns a sequence of permission elements that all newly created query-rolesets documents receive. |
sec:query-rolesets-id |
This function returns the ID of a query-rolesets. |
sec:remove-amp |
Removes the amp ($namespace, $local-name, $document-uri, $database) and returns empty-sequence(). |
sec:remove-credential |
This function removes the specified credential. |
sec:remove-credential-by-id |
This function removes the specified credential. |
sec:remove-external-security |
This function deletes the named external authentication configuration object. |
sec:remove-path |
This function removes protection from the specified protected path and removes the path from the Security database. |
sec:remove-privilege |
Removes the privilege identified by ($action,$kind). |
sec:remove-query-rolesets |
This function removes query rolesets from the Security database. |
sec:remove-role |
Removes the role ($role-name). |
sec:remove-role-from-amps |
Removes references to the role ($role-name) from all amps. |
sec:remove-role-from-privileges |
Removes references to the role ($role-name) from all privileges. |
sec:remove-role-from-roles |
Removes references to the role ($role-name) from all other roles. |
sec:remove-role-from-users |
Removes references to the role ($role-name) from all users. |
sec:remove-user |
Removes the user with name $user-name. |
sec:resecure-credentials |
This function re-encrypts credentials, if necessary. |
sec:role-add-roles |
Adds new roles ($new-roles) to the role specified by $role-name. |
sec:role-doc-collections |
Returns a sequence of strings corresponding to the collection uri's that roles belong to. |
sec:role-doc-permissions |
Returns a sequence of permission elements that all newly created role documents receive. |
sec:role-exists |
This function returns true if the specified role exists in the security database. |
sec:role-get-compartment |
This function returns the compartment for the specified role. |
sec:role-get-default-collections |
Returns a sequence of strings corresponding to the uri's of the role's default collections. |
sec:role-get-default-permissions |
Returns a sequence of permission elements corresponding to the role's default permissions. |
sec:role-get-description |
Returns the description for the specified role. |
sec:role-get-external-names |
This function returns the external LDAP group names assigned to the named role. |
sec:role-get-queries |
Returns the queries for the specified role. |
sec:role-get-roles |
Returns a sequence of role names for the roles directly assigned to the given role ($role-name). |
sec:role-privileges |
Returns a set of privilege elements corresponding to all privileges that a role has. |
sec:role-remove-roles |
Removes the roles ($role-names) from the set of roles included by the role ($role-name). |
sec:role-set-default-collections |
Sets the default collections of a role with name $role-name to $collections. |
sec:role-set-default-permissions |
Sets the default permissions for a role with name $role-name. |
sec:role-set-description |
Changes the description of the role identified by $role-name to $description. |
sec:role-set-external-names |
This function sets a role to be matched to one or more external LDAP distinguished names. |
sec:role-set-name |
Changes the sec:role-name of a role from $role-name to $new-role-name. |
sec:role-set-queries |
Sets the queries of a role with name $role-name to $queries. |
sec:role-set-query |
Sets the $capability query of a role with $role-name to $query. |
sec:role-set-roles |
Assigns roles (named $role-names) to be the set of included roles for the role ($role-name). |
sec:roles-collection |
Returns a string corresponding to the uri for the roles collection. |
sec:saml-entity-delete |
This function deletes the named SAML entity. |
sec:saml-entity-insert |
This function inserts a SAML entity into the Security database. |
sec:saml-server |
This function configures an SAML server for use by the sec:create-external-security function. |
sec:security-collection |
Returns a string corresponding to the uri for the Security collection. |
sec:security-installed |
Returns fn:true() if security has been installed on the current database. |
sec:security-namespace |
Returns a string corresponding to the uri of the security namespace. |
sec:security-path-namespace |
This function creates a protected namespace. |
sec:security-version |
Returns the current version of the security database. |
sec:set-realm |
Changes the realm of this security database to $realm. |
sec:uid-for-name |
Returns the uids for the named user or () if no such user exists. |
sec:unprotect-collection |
Removes the protection of a collection $uri. |
sec:unprotect-path |
This function removes protection from the specified protected path, without removing the path itself from the Security database. |
sec:uri-credential-target |
This function generates a sec:credential-target element, for use with sec:create-credential. |
sec:user-add-roles |
Adds the roles ($role-names) to the list of roles granted to the user ($user-name). |
sec:user-doc-collections |
Returns a sequence of strings corresponding to the collection uri's that users belong to. |
sec:user-doc-permissions |
Returns a sequence of permission elements that all newly created user documents receive. |
sec:user-exists |
This function returns true if the specified user exists in the security database. |
sec:user-get-default-collections |
Returns a sequence of strings corresponding to the uri's of the user's default collections. |
sec:user-get-default-permissions |
Returns a sequence of permission elements corresponding to the user's default permissions. |
sec:user-get-description |
Returns the user's description. |
sec:user-get-external-names |
This function returns the external LDAP group names assigned to the named user. |
sec:user-get-password-extra |
This function returns the extra information for the specified user. |
sec:user-get-queries |
Returns the queries for the specified user. |
sec:user-get-roles |
Returns a sequence of role names for the roles directly assigned to the user ($user-name). |
sec:user-privileges |
Returns a set of privilege elements corresponding to all privileges that a user has. |
sec:user-remove-roles |
Removes the roles ($role-names) from the list of roles granted to the user ($user-name). |
sec:user-set-default-collections |
Sets the default collections of a user with name $user-name to $collections. |
sec:user-set-default-permissions |
Sets the default permissions for a user with name $user-name. |
sec:user-set-description |
Changes the description of the user identified by $user-name to $description. |
sec:user-set-external-names |
This function sets the external names for the named user. |
sec:user-set-name |
Changes the name of the user from $user-name to $new-user-name. |
sec:user-set-password |
Changes the password for the user identified by $user-name to $password. |
sec:user-set-password-extra |
This function sets extra information for the specified user. |
sec:user-set-queries |
Sets the queries of a user with name $user-name to $queries. |
sec:user-set-query |
Sets the $capability query of a user with $user-name to $query. |
sec:user-set-roles |
Assigns the user with name $user-name to have the roles identified by $role-names. |
sec:users-collection |
Returns a string corresponding to the uri for the users collection. |
sec:validate-permissions |
This function throws the SEC_NOPERMCAP exception if a permission has no capability specified and it throws the SEC-NOPERMROLEID exception if there is no role specified in the permission. |
sem:binding |
Creates a sem:binding object, which is a sub-type of json:object (and map:map). |
sem:bnode |
This function returns an identifier for a blank node, allowing the construction of a triple that refers to a blank node. |
sem:coalesce |
Returns the value of the first argument that evaluates without error. |
sem:curie-expand |
This function expands a CURIE (Compact URI) into a sem:iri object. |
sem:curie-shorten |
This function shortens an IRI into a CURIE (Compact URI) into a sem:iri object. |
sem:database-nodes |
This function returns database nodes backing given triples. |
sem:datatype |
Returns the name of the simple type of the atomic value argument as a SPARQL style IRI. |
sem:default-graph-iri |
Returns the iri of the default graph. |
sem:describe |
This function implements the Concise Bounded Description (CBD) specification to describe one or more nodes in the graph. |
sem:graph |
This function returns all triples from a named graph in the database. |
sem:graph-add-permissions |
Add permissions to the graph specified. |
sem:graph-delete |
This function deletes a named graph, and its graph document containing metadata, from the database. |
sem:graph-get-permissions |
Get permissions to the graph specified. |
sem:graph-insert |
This function inserts triples into a named graph, creating the graph if necessary. |
sem:graph-remove-permissions |
Remove permissions from the graph specified. |
sem:graph-set-permissions |
Set permissions to the graph specified. |
sem:if |
The IF function form evaluates the first argument, interprets it as a effective boolean value, then returns the value of expression2 if the EBV is true, otherwise it returns the value of expression3. |
sem:in-memory-store |
Returns a sem:store constructor that queries from the sequence of sem:triple values passed in as an argument. |
sem:invalid |
Returns a sem:invalid value with the given literal value and datatype IRI. |
sem:invalid-datatype |
Returns the datatype IRI of a sem:invalid value. |
sem:iri |
This is a constructor function that takes a string and constructs an item of type sem:iri from it. |
sem:isBlank |
Returns true if the argument is an RDF blank node - that is, derived from type sem:blank. |
sem:isIRI |
Returns true if the argument is an RDF IRI - that is, derived from type sem:iri, but not derived from type sem:blank. |
sem:isLiteral |
Returns true if the argument is an RDF literal - that is, derived from type xs:anyAtomicType, but not derived from type sem:iri. |
sem:isNumeric |
Returns true if the argument is a valid numeric RDF literal. |
sem:lang |
Returns the language of the value passed in, or the empty string if the value has no language. |
sem:langMatches |
Returns true if $lang-tag matches $lang-range according to the basic filtering scheme defined in RFC4647. |
sem:prefixes |
This function returns a set of prefix mappings for use with CURIE processing. |
sem:query-results-serialize |
This function implements the W3C SPARQL Query Results format. |
sem:random |
Returns a random double between 0 and 1. |
sem:rdf-builder |
This function returns a function that builds triples from CURIE and blank node syntax. |
sem:rdf-get |
This function returns sem:triples from a specified location. |
sem:rdf-insert |
This function inserts triples into a specified database as one or more sem:triples documents. |
sem:rdf-load |
This function inserts an RDF document from a specified location into the designated database. |
sem:rdf-parse |
This function returns parsed sem:triple objects from a text format or XML. |
sem:rdf-serialize |
This function returns a string or json or XML serialization of the provided triples. |
sem:resolve-iri |
Resolves a relative URI against an absolute URI. |
sem:ruleset-store |
The sem:ruleset-store function returns a set of triples derived by applying the ruleset to the triples in the sem:store constructor provided in $store ("the triples that can be inferred from these rules"). |
sem:sameTerm |
Returns true if the arguments are the same RDF term as defined by the RDF concepts specification. |
sem:sparql |
Executes a SPARQL query against the database. |
sem:sparql-plan |
Return a node representing the query plan of the given SPARQL query. |
sem:sparql-update |
Executes a SPARQL Update operation against the database. |
sem:sparql-values |
This function executes a SPARQL SELECT query using passed-in bindings participating as a starting point for the query. |
sem:store |
The sem:store function defines a set of criteria, that when evaluated, selects a set of triples to be passed in to sem:sparql(), sem:sparql-update(), or sem:sparql-values() as part of the options argument. |
sem:timezone-string |
Returns the timezone of an xs:dateTime value as a string. |
sem:transitive-closure |
From a starting set of seeds, follow a given set of predicates, to a given depth, and return all unique node IRIs. |
sem:triple |
Creates a triple object, which represents an RDF triple containing atomic values representing the subject, predicate, object, and optionally graph identifier (graph IRI). |
sem:triple-graph |
Returns the graph identifier (graph IRI) from a sem:triple value. |
sem:triple-object |
Returns the object from a sem:triple value. |
sem:triple-predicate |
Returns the predicate from a sem:triple value. |
sem:triple-subject |
Returns the subject from a sem:triple value. |
sem:typed-literal |
Returns a value to represent the RDF typed literal with lexical value $value and datatype IRI $datatype. |
sem:unknown |
Returns a sem:unknown value with the given literal value and datatype IRI. |
sem:unknown-datatype |
Returns the datatype IRI of a sem:unknown value. |
sem:uuid |
Return a UUID URN (RFC4122) as a sem:iri value. |
sem:uuid-string |
Return a string that is the scheme specific part of random UUID URN (RFC4122). |
spell:add-word |
Add the word $word to the dictionary at $uri. |
spell:double-metaphone |
Given a word returns the two metaphone keys. |
spell:insert |
Load the words in $dict into the dictionary at $uri. |
spell:is-correct |
Returns true() if the specified word is spelled correctly, otherwise returns false(). |
spell:levenshtein-distance |
Given two strings, returns the Levenshtein distance between those strings. |
spell:load |
Add the words from the file specified in $path to the dictionary at $uri. |
spell:make-dictionary |
Creates a dictionary node from a sequence of words. |
spell:remove-word |
Remove the word $word from the dictionary at $uri. |
spell:romanize |
Returns the romanization of the string, substituting basic Latin letters for the letters in the string, according to their sound. |
spell:suggest |
Suggests a list of spellings for a word. |
spell:suggest-detailed |
Suggests a list of spellings for a word. |
sql:bit-length |
Returns the length of the string "str" in bits. |
sql:bucket |
Returns an unsignedLong specifying the index of the bucket the second parameter belongs to in buckets formed by the first parameter. |
sql:collated-string |
Returns an rdf:collatedString value with the given value and collation tag. |
sql:collatedString-collation |
Returns the collation of an sql:collatedString value. |
sql:columnID |
Returns the column ID from a schema name, a view name and a column name. |
sql:dateadd |
Returns a specified date with the specified number interval (signed integer) added to a specified datepart of that date |
sql:datediff |
Returns the count (signed integer) of the specified datepart boundaries crossed between the specified startdate and enddate. |
sql:datepart |
Returns an integer that represents the specified datepart of the specified date. |
sql:day |
Returns an xs:integer between 1 and 31, both inclusive, representing the day component in the localized value of $arg. |
sql:dayname |
Returns an xs:string representing the dayname value in the localized value of $arg. |
sql:difference |
Returns an integer value that indicates the difference between the SOUNDEX values of two character expressions. |
sql:glob |
Returns true if the specified $input glob the specified $pattern, otherwise returns false. |
sql:hours |
Returns an xs:integer between 0 and 23, both inclusive, representing the value of the hours component in the localized value of $arg. |
sql:ifnull |
If the first expression is NULL, then the value of the second expression is returned. |
sql:insert |
Returns a string that that is the first argument with length characters removed starting at start and the second string has been inserted beginning at start. |
sql:instr |
Find the starting location of a pattern in a string. |
sql:left |
Returns a string that is the leftmost characters of the target string. |
sql:like |
Returns true if the specified $input like the specified $pattern, otherwise returns false. |
sql:ltrim |
Return a string that removes leading empty spaces in the input string. |
sql:minutes |
Returns an xs:integer value between 0 to 59, both inclusive, representing the value of the minutes component in the localized value of $arg. |
sql:month |
Returns an xs:integer between 1 and 12, both inclusive, representing the month component in the localized value of $arg. |
sql:monthname |
Returns month name, calculated from the localized value of $arg. |
sql:nullif |
Returns a NULL value if the two specified values are equal. |
sql:octet-length |
Returns the length of the string "str" in bits. |
sql:quarter |
Returns an xs:integer between 1 and 4, both inclusive, calculating the quarter component in the localized value of $arg. |
sql:rand |
Return a random number. |
sql:repeat |
Returns a string that concatenates the first argument as many times as specified by the second argument. |
sql:right |
Returns a string that is the rightmost characters of the target string. |
sql:rtrim |
Return a string that removes trailing empty spaces in the input string. |
sql:seconds |
Returns an xs:decimal value between 0 and 60.999..., both inclusive, representing the seconds and fractional seconds in the localized value of $arg. |
sql:sign |
Returns the sign of number x. |
sql:soundex |
Returns a four-character (SOUNDEX) code to evaluate the similarity of two strings. |
sql:space |
Returns a string that is the given number of spaces. |
sql:strpos |
Returns an integer value representing the starting position of a string within the search string. |
sql:timestampadd |
Returns a xs:string? timestamp created by adding a number to the given dateTimeType field of a given timestamp. |
sql:timestampdiff |
Returns the difference in dateTimeType field of two given timestamps. |
sql:trim |
Return a string that removes leading and trailing empty spaces in the input string. |
sql:week |
Returns an xs:integer between 1 and 53, both inclusive, representing the week value in the localized value of $arg. |
sql:year |
Returns an xs:integer representing the year component in the localized value of $arg. |
sql:yearday |
Returns an xs:integer between 1 and 366, both inclusive, representing the yearday value in the localized value of $arg. |
tde:column-get-permissions |
This function returns the permissions granted to a protected column. |
tde:column-remove-permissions |
This function removes all permissions from a protected column. |
tde:column-set-permissions |
This function sets the permissions of a protected column. |
tde:get-view |
This function returns a view's description using a schema and a view name. |
tde:node-data-extract |
Extracts row or triple data from a list of specified documents by applying extraction templates that are either stored in the schema database or provided as a second argument. |
tde:template-batch-insert |
This function validates and inserts multiple templates, is similar to tde:template-insert for individual template, throw errors for any invalid template or duplicate template URIs provided by sequence of argument with tde:template-info . |
tde:template-info |
This function returns a map:map (object[]) containing individual template information used for inserting templates with tde:template-batch-insert(). |
tde:template-insert |
This function validates the template, inserts the template as a document into the tde collection of the schema database (if executed on the content database) with the default permissions, and reindexes the database. |
tde:validate |
In addition to xdmp:validate that can be used for validating against the extraction template schema. |
temporal:advance-lsqt |
This function enables Last Stable Query Time (LSQT) on the named collection and advances the LSQT for the collection to the maximum system start time. |
temporal:axes |
This function returns all the axis names defined in the schema databases. |
temporal:axis-create |
This function constructs an axis definition based on the existing range indexes that can be added to a temporal collection in subsequent API calls. |
temporal:axis-get-end |
This function returns the range index used to define the end of the period by the named axis. |
temporal:axis-get-start |
This function returns the range index used to define the start of the period by the named axis. |
temporal:axis-remove |
This function removes an axis definition from the schema database. |
temporal:collection-create |
This function constructs a named and protected temporal collection in the schema database with the specified system and optional valid axes. |
temporal:collection-get-axis |
This function returns the name of either the system or valid axis in the named temporal collection. |
temporal:collection-get-options |
This function returns the options set on the temporal collection. |
temporal:collection-remove |
This function removes the named temporal collection from the Schemas database. |
temporal:collection-set-options |
This function sets the options on the temporal collection. |
temporal:collections |
This function returns all of the temporal collection names in the schema database. |
temporal:document-delete |
This function deletes the temporal document identified by the given URI. |
temporal:document-insert |
This function inserts a document into the database and stores it as a temporal document. |
temporal:document-load |
This function inserts a document into the database and stores it as a temporal document. |
temporal:document-period |
This function returns the period (as a dateTime pair) for the named axis in the document identified by its root node in the named collection. |
temporal:document-protect |
Protects a temporal document from certain temporal operations, such as update, delete or wipe for a specific period of time. |
temporal:document-wipe |
Deletes all versions of a temporal document. |
temporal:get-lsqt |
This function returns the Last Stable Query Time (LSQT) for the collection at current moment. |
temporal:get-lsqt-automation |
This function returns whether Last Stable Query Time (LSQT) management is automatically managed (true) or not automatically managed (false). |
temporal:get-lsqt-automation-lag |
When the LSQT is advanced automatically, this function returns how far behind (in milliseconds) the Last Stable Query Time (LSQT) is from latest system time. |
temporal:get-lsqt-automation-period |
This function returns how often Last Stable Query Time (LSQT) is automatically advanced, in milliseconds. |
temporal:get-use-lsqt |
This function specifies whether the named temporal collection has LSQT (Last Stable Query Time) enabled (true) or disabled (false). |
temporal:node-delete |
Deletes a node from the database. |
temporal:node-insert-after |
Adds an immediately following sibling to a node in a temporal document. |
temporal:node-insert-before |
Adds an immediately preceding sibling to a node in a temporal document. |
temporal:node-insert-child |
Adds a new last child to a node in a temporal document. |
temporal:node-replace |
Replaces a node in a temporal document. |
temporal:set-lsqt-automation |
This function sets whether Last Stable Query Time (LSQT) management is automatic. |
temporal:set-use-lsqt |
This function enables or disables the use of LSQT (Last Stable Query Time) on the named collection. |
temporal:statement-get-system-time |
This function gets the system start time on temporal documents that are inserted or deleted in the same statement as this function. |
temporal:statement-set-document-version-uri |
This function sets document URI for a temporal document to be used for the new version of temporal document to be generated in the current statement. |
temporal:statement-set-system-time |
This function sets the system start time on temporal documents that are inserted or deleted in the same statement as this function. |
thsr:add-synonym |
Adds a synonym to the specified thesaurus entry. |
thsr:expand |
Returns a query that searches for all the query strings specified in $query and their synonyms as found in $entries. |
thsr:insert |
Load the entries in $thsr into the thesaurus at $uri. |
thsr:load |
Load the file specified in $path to the thesaurus at $uri. |
thsr:lookup |
Returns all entries for term $term in the thesaurus document(s) at $uri. |
thsr:query-lookup |
Returns a sequence of all entries that are found by looking up terms in the query and/or subqueries of $query in the thesaurus document(s) at $uri. |
thsr:remove-entry |
Removes all entries that exactly match $entry from the thesaurus documents(s) at $uri. |
thsr:remove-synonym |
Removes synonym $synonym from thesaurus entry $entry. |
thsr:remove-term |
Removes all entries with term $term from the thesaurus document(s) at $uri. |
thsr:set-entry |
Adds the entry $entry to the thesaurus at $uri. |
tieredstorage:database-create-sub-database |
This function creates a database with the name $database-name and make the created database the sub database of the database designated by $database-id. |
tieredstorage:database-create-super-database |
This function creates a database with the name $database-name and make the created database the super database of the database designated by $database-id. |
tieredstorage:database-delete-sub-database |
This function disassociates the sub database designated by $delete-dbid with the super-database designated by $database-id and deletes the sub database. |
tieredstorage:database-delete-super-database |
This function disassociates the super database designated by $delete-dbid with the sub-database designated by $database-id and deletes the super database. |
tieredstorage:database-partition-numbers |
This function returns the partition numbers of the forests in the database |
tieredstorage:database-partitions |
This function returns the names of the partitions in the named database. |
tieredstorage:forest-combine |
This function combines data in multiple forests into one new forest. |
tieredstorage:forest-migrate |
This function moves data in a forest to new data directories and optionally sets new host for the forest. |
tieredstorage:partition-delete |
This function deletes all forests in the specified partition. |
tieredstorage:partition-delete-query |
This function deletes the query from the specified partition. |
tieredstorage:partition-forests |
This function returns a sequence of ids for the forests in the named partition. |
tieredstorage:partition-get-exclusion-enabled |
This function returns the safe-to-exclude setting for the database. |
tieredstorage:partition-get-query |
This function returns the query of a partition specified by the partition number. |
tieredstorage:partition-migrate |
This function migrates all forests in a partition to the specified data directory and hosts. |
tieredstorage:partition-number-forests |
This function returns the IDs of the forests with the specified partition-number in the named database. |
tieredstorage:partition-queries |
This function returns all the queries in this schema database. |
tieredstorage:partition-resize |
This function either creates or combines forests in a partition. |
tieredstorage:partition-set-availability |
This function sets the availability of the partition to either online or offline. |
tieredstorage:partition-set-exclusion-enabled |
By default, when a search query is given to MarkLogic, all query partitions are searched, regardless of the query assignment policy set on the partition. |
tieredstorage:partition-set-query |
This function sets the query for a partition specified by the partition number. |
tieredstorage:partition-set-updates-allowed |
This function sets update-allowed state for the forests in the specified partition. |
tieredstorage:partition-transfer |
This function detaches forests in a partition from one database and attaches them to another. |
tieredstorage:query-partition-create |
This function creates forests on specified hosts and forms a partition with the specified partition number. |
tieredstorage:range-partition-create |
This function creates forests on the specified hosts and forms a range partition with the specified partition range. |
trgr:any-property-content |
Returns the XML representation of an all-properties part to a triggering event, usable as the content parameter of a trigger event constructor such as trgr:trigger-data-event . |
trgr:collection-scope |
Returns the XML representation of a collection scope, usable as the scope parameter of a trigger event constructor such as trgr:trigger-data-event . |
trgr:create-trigger |
Creates a new trigger in the context database. |
trgr:directory-scope |
Returns the XML representation of a directory scope, usable as the scope parameter of a trigger event constructor such as trgr:trigger-data-event . |
trgr:document-content |
Returns the XML representation of a document part of a triggering event, usable as the content parameter of a trigger event constructor such as trgr:trigger-data-event . |
trgr:document-scope |
Returns the XML representation of a document scope, usable as the scope parameter of a trigger event constructor such as trgr:trigger-data-event . |
trgr:get-trigger |
Returns the XML representation of a trigger with the given name. |
trgr:get-trigger-by-id |
Returns the XML representation of the trigger with the given trigger id. |
trgr:post-commit |
Returns the XML representation of a post-commit trigger timing. |
trgr:pre-commit |
Returns the XML representation of a pre-commit trigger timing. |
trgr:property-content |
Returns the XML representation of a property part to a triggering event, usable as the content parameter of a trigger event constructor such as trgr:trigger-data-event . |
trgr:remove-trigger |
Removes the named trigger. |
trgr:trigger-add-permissions |
Adds permissions to the set of permissions on the named trigger. |
trgr:trigger-data-event |
Returns the XML representation of a triggering eventa, usable as the event parameter of trgr:create-trigger . |
trgr:trigger-database-online-event |
Returns the XML representation of a database coming online event, usable as the event parameter of trgr:create-trigger . |
trgr:trigger-disable |
Disables the named trigger. |
trgr:trigger-enable |
Enables the named trigger. |
trgr:trigger-get-permissions |
Returns the permissions for the named trigger. |
trgr:trigger-module |
Returns the XML representation of a trigger module which can be used as the module parameter of trgr:create-trigger . |
trgr:trigger-remove-permissions |
Removes a set of permissions from the set of permissions on the named trigger. |
trgr:trigger-set-description |
Sets the description of the named trigger. |
trgr:trigger-set-event |
Assigns a triggering event to the named trigger. |
trgr:trigger-set-module |
Sets or replaces the action module associated with the named trigger. |
trgr:trigger-set-name |
Changes the name of a trigger. |
trgr:trigger-set-permissions |
Sets the permissions that determine which roles are permitted to modify the named trigger. |
trgr:trigger-set-recursive |
Sets the recursive setting of the identified trigger. |
trgr:trigger-set-task-priority |
Sets the task priority setting of the identified trigger. |
trgr:triggers-change-modules-database |
Any Trigger with a module referring to $old-db will be updated to refer to $new-db. |
view:add-column |
This function adds column specifications to the current set of column specifications on the named view in the named schema. |
view:add-field |
This function adds a field to the named view. |
view:add-permissions |
This function adds permissions to those already set for the named view in the named schema specification. |
view:collection |
This function return the URI of the protected collection holding all the views. |
view:collection-view-scope |
This function constructs a new collection-style view scope specification. |
view:column |
This function constructs a new column specification. |
view:columns |
This function returns the sequence of column specifications set in the named view in the named schema. |
view:create |
This function creates a new view in the specified schema specification. |
view:element-view-scope |
This function constructs a new element-style view scope specification. |
view:field |
This function constructs a new element-style field specification for the named field. |
view:fields |
This function returns the fields set on the named view. |
view:get |
This function returns the named view from the named schema specification. |
view:get-bindings |
This function generates a binding map suitable for use with cts:parse from the named view. |
view:get-by-id |
This function returns the view with the specified id. |
view:get-column |
This function returns the named column specification set in the named view in the named schema. |
view:get-field |
This function returns the element specification for the named field. |
view:get-permissions |
This function returns the permissions set on the specified view. |
view:get-view-scope |
This function returns the scope of the named view in the named schema. |
view:remove |
This function removes the named view from the named schema specification. |
view:remove-by-id |
This function removes the view with the specified id. |
view:remove-column |
This function removes a column specification from the named view in the named schema. |
view:remove-field |
This function removes a field from the named view. |
view:remove-permissions |
This function removes permissions from those set for the named view in the named schema specification. |
view:schema-add-permissions |
This function adds permissions to the specified schema specification. |
view:schema-create |
This function creates a new relational schema in the Schema database. |
view:schema-get |
This function returns the named schema specification document. |
view:schema-get-permissions |
This function returns the permissions set on the specified schema. |
view:schema-remove |
This function removes the specified schema. |
view:schema-remove-permissions |
This function removes permissions from the specified schema specification. |
view:schema-set-permissions |
This function sets permissions on the specified schema specification. |
view:schemas |
This function returns all of the schema specifications. |
view:set-columns |
This function replaces the current set of column specifications on the named view in the named schema with a new set of columns. |
view:set-fields |
This function sets the specified fields on the specified view. |
view:set-name |
This function renames the named view in the named schema specification. |
view:set-permissions |
This function sets the permissions for the named view in the named schema specification. |
view:set-view-scope |
This function sets the scope of the named view in the named schema specification. |
view:views |
This function returns all of the view specifications in the named schema. |
xdmp:access |
Returns whether a given action on the specified document URI would succeed. |
xdmp:add-response-header |
Adds an HTTP response header field. |
xdmp:add-response-trailer |
Adds a HTTP Trailer when HTTP chunked transfer is enabled. |
xdmp:add64 |
Add two 64-bit integer values, discarding overflow. |
xdmp:amp |
Returns the amp ID for the specified amp. |
xdmp:amp-roles |
Returns the set of all roles assigned to an amp, including roles directly assigned to the amp and roles inherited by other roles. |
xdmp:and64 |
AND two 64-bit integer values. |
xdmp:annotation |
Returns the named annotation from the function. |
xdmp:apply |
Applies an xdmp:function with the given parameters. |
xdmp:architecture |
Returns the hardware architecture upon which MarkLogic Server is running. |
xdmp:atomizable |
Returns true if a value could be atomized without error. |
xdmp:aws-region |
Returns the current Amazon Web Services region. |
xdmp:aws-services-domain |
Returns the current Amazon Web Services services domain. |
xdmp:aws-services-partition |
Returns the current Amazon Web Services services partition. |
xdmp:azure-environment |
Returns the current Microsoft Azure Environment. |
xdmp:azure-region |
Returns the current Microsoft Azure Region. |
xdmp:base64-decode |
Converts base64-encoded string to plaintext. |
xdmp:base64-encode |
Converts plaintext into base64-encoded string. |
xdmp:binary-decode |
Converts an encoded byte sequence, passed in as a binary node, from the specified encoding to a unicode string. |
xdmp:binary-is-external |
Test whether or not a binary node represents an external binary. |
xdmp:binary-is-large |
Check whether a binary node is a large binary. |
xdmp:binary-is-small |
Check whether a binary node is a small binary. |
xdmp:binary-size |
Returns the size of the data, in bytes, represented by a binary node. |
xdmp:binary-to-integer |
Parses a binary string, returning an integer. |
xdmp:bootstrap-hosts |
Returns a sequence of the IDs of all the bootstrap hosts in the cluster. |
xdmp:cache-status |
Returns the status of the caches. |
xdmp:caller-dialect |
Returns the dialect (e.g., "javascript", "1.0-ml", etc) of the caller or the empty sequence if no dialect information is available. |
xdmp:can-grant-roles |
Tests whether a user can grant or revoke a set of roles. |
xdmp:castable-as |
Returns true if a value is castable. |
xdmp:certificate-validate-key-pair |
Checks if a public key and private key match within an asymmetric encryption sequence. |
xdmp:cluster |
Returns the ID of the cluster named in the parameter. |
xdmp:cluster-effective-version |
Returns the current MarkLogic Server effective version. |
xdmp:cluster-fedramp |
Returns whether MarkLogic Server is running in a FedRAMP certified environment. |
xdmp:cluster-name |
Returns the name of the cluster with the specified ID. |
xdmp:cluster-version-at-least |
Returns true current MarkLogic Server effective version is equal or greater that the version |
xdmp:collation-canonical-uri |
Returns the canonical URI for the given URI, if it represents a valid collation. |
xdmp:collation-locales |
Returns an enumeration of supported collation locales. |
xdmp:collection-delete |
Deletes from the database every document in a collection. |
xdmp:collection-id |
Return the ID of a collection specified by URI. |
xdmp:collection-locks |
Returns locks of documents in a collection. |
xdmp:collection-properties |
Returns a sequence of properties documents, one for each document in the specified collection(s) that has a corresponding properties document. |
xdmp:collections |
Returns the IDs of all collections in the system. |
xdmp:commit |
Commit the current transaction to the database. |
xdmp:configuration-timestamp |
Returns timestamp of last configuration changed |
xdmp:credential |
Returns the credential |
xdmp:credential-id |
Returns the id of a named credential. |
xdmp:credentials |
Returns the credentials that the current user is allowed to use. |
xdmp:crypt |
Calculates the password hash for the given password and salt. |
xdmp:crypt2 |
Calculates the password hash for the given plain-text password. |
xdmp:current-last |
Returns the size of the current node list. |
xdmp:current-position |
Returns the position of the current item. |
xdmp:database |
Returns the ID of the database named in the parameter. |
xdmp:database-assignment-policy |
This function returns the assignment policy for the specified database. |
xdmp:database-backup |
Starts an asynchronous backup of the specified list of forests to the backup data directory. |
xdmp:database-backup-cancel |
Cancels an outstanding backup job with the specified job ID, returning true if the cancel operation is successful, false if the cancel operation is not successful. |
xdmp:database-backup-purge |
Purge old backups from a directory. |
xdmp:database-backup-status |
Checks the status of the outstanding backup job with the specified job ID. |
xdmp:database-backup-validate |
Validates that the specified list of forests can be backed up to the backup data directory. |
xdmp:database-directory-creation |
This function returns the directory creation setting for the specified database. |
xdmp:database-encryption-at-rest |
Returns the encryption at rest setting for the database identified by database-id |
xdmp:database-encryption-key-id |
Returns the encryption key ID for the database identified by database-id |
xdmp:database-forests |
Returns a sequence of forest IDs in the specified database. |
xdmp:database-global-nonblocking-timestamp |
Returns the most recent commit timestamp for which a query on the database including its foreign database will not block waiting for transactions to commit or journal frames to arrive from a foreign master. |
xdmp:database-incremental-backup |
Starts an asynchronous incremental backup of the specified list of forests to the backup data directory. |
xdmp:database-incremental-backup-validate |
Validates that the specified list of forests can be backed up to the backup data directory. |
xdmp:database-is-forest-retired |
This function returns true if the specified forest is retired and false the specified forest is not retired. |
xdmp:database-is-rebalancer-enable |
This function returns the rebalancer enable setting for the specified database. |
xdmp:database-is-replica |
Tests if a database is a replica of a foreign database. |
xdmp:database-journal-archive-purge |
Purge journal archive before last incremental backup from a directory. |
xdmp:database-name |
Return the name of the database with the given ID. |
xdmp:database-node-query-rolesets |
Return a sequence of query-rolesets that are required for proper querying of the given database nodes with Element Level Security. |
xdmp:database-nonblocking-timestamp |
Returns the most recent commit timestamp for which a query on the database will not block waiting for transactions to commit or journal frames to arrive from a foreign master. |
xdmp:database-path-namespaces |
Returns the list of path namespaces for the given database id. |
xdmp:database-restore |
Starts an asynchronous restore of the specified list of destination forests from the backup data directory. |
xdmp:database-restore-cancel |
Cancels an outstanding restore job with the specified job ID, returning true if the cancel operation is successful, false if the cancel operation is not successful. |
xdmp:database-restore-status |
Checks the status of the outstanding restore job with the specified job ID. |
xdmp:database-restore-validate |
Validates that the specified list of destination forests can be restored from the backup data directory. |
xdmp:databases |
Returns a sequence of the IDs of all the databases in the system. |
xdmp:dayname-from-date |
Returns string representing the dayname value in the localized value of $arg. |
xdmp:decode-from-NCName |
Invertible function that decodes characters an NCName produced by xdmp:encode-for-NCName. |
xdmp:default-collections |
Returns the collections any new document would get if the current user were to insert a document without specifying the collections. |
xdmp:default-permissions |
Returns the permissions any new document would get if the current user were to insert a document without specifying the default permissions. |
xdmp:describe |
Returns a string representing the description of a given item sequence. |
xdmp:diacritic-less |
Returns the specified string, converting all of the characters with diacritics to characters without diacritics. |
xdmp:directory |
Returns the documents from the database in a directory. |
xdmp:directory-create |
Creates a directory. |
xdmp:directory-delete |
Deletes a directory and all of its child and descendant documents and directories from the database. |
xdmp:directory-locks |
Returns locks of documents in a directory. |
xdmp:directory-properties |
Returns a sequence of properties documents, one for each document in the specified directory that has a corresponding properties document. |
xdmp:document-add-collections |
Adds the named document to the given collections. |
xdmp:document-add-permissions |
Adds the given permissions to the given document or directory. |
xdmp:document-add-properties |
Adds a sequence of properties to the properties of a document. |
xdmp:document-assign |
Assign a document URI to a forest index, using the same algorithm as xdmp:document-insert. |
xdmp:document-delete |
Deletes a document from the database. |
xdmp:document-filter |
Filters a wide variety of document formats, extracting metadata and text, and returning XHTML. |
xdmp:document-forest |
Returns the forest ID of the forest in which a document (or a lock or a property) with the specified URI is stored. |
xdmp:document-get |
Returns the document in the file specified by $location. |
xdmp:document-get-collections |
Returns the collections to which a given document belongs. |
xdmp:document-get-metadata |
Returns the metadata value of a given document. |
xdmp:document-get-metadata-value |
Returns the metadata value of a given document. |
xdmp:document-get-permissions |
Returns the permissions to a given document. |
xdmp:document-get-properties |
Returns the property values for a document's property. |
xdmp:document-get-quality |
Returns the quality of the specified document if the document exists. |
xdmp:document-insert |
Inserts a new document into the database if a document with the specified URI does not already exist. |
xdmp:document-load |
Inserts a new document with the specified URI. |
xdmp:document-locks |
Returns the locks for one or more documents or directories. |
xdmp:document-partition-assign |
Assign a document to a partition number, using the partition queries in the database or in the second argument. |
xdmp:document-properties |
Returns a sequence of properties documents, one for each of the specified documents that has a corresponding properties document. |
xdmp:document-put-metadata |
Adds metadata to the document. |
xdmp:document-remove-collections |
Removes the named document from the given collections. |
xdmp:document-remove-metadata |
Removes metadata with certain keys from a document. |
xdmp:document-remove-permissions |
Removes the given permissions from the named document or directory. |
xdmp:document-remove-properties |
Removes a sequence of properties from the properties of a document. |
xdmp:document-set-collections |
Sets the named document to belong to the given collections, replacing any previously set collections on the named document. |
xdmp:document-set-metadata |
Sets metadata to the document. |
xdmp:document-set-permissions |
Sets the permissions on the named document (or directory) to the given permissions, replacing any permissions previously set on the document (or directory). |
xdmp:document-set-properties |
Sets the properties of a document to the given sequence of elements, replacing any properties that already exist on the document. |
xdmp:document-set-property |
Sets a property on a document. |
xdmp:document-set-quality |
Sets the quality of the document with the given URI. |
xdmp:document-timestamp |
Returns timestamp of the most recent visible update to a document, lock, or property. |
xdmp:eager |
Returns the value of its argument, evaluated eagerly. |
xdmp:effective-version |
Returns the effective version of this host |
xdmp:elapsed-time |
Returns the elapsed time since the start of processing of this query. |
xdmp:element-content-type |
Returns the schema-defined content-type of an element ("empty", "simple", "element-only", or "mixed"). |
xdmp:email |
Send an email in an XQuery program. |
xdmp:encode-for-NCName |
Invertible function that escapes characters required to be part of an NCName. |
xdmp:encoding-language-detect |
Analyzes binary, text, or XML data and suggests possible pairs of encoding and language, with a confidence score for each pair. |
xdmp:estimate |
Returns the number of fragments selected by an expression. |
xdmp:eval |
Returns the result of evaluating a string as an XQuery module. |
xdmp:eval-in |
[DEPRECATED: use xdmp:eval with the database option instead] Returns the result of evaluating a string as an XQuery module in a given database. |
xdmp:excel-convert |
Converts a Microsoft Excel document to XHTML. |
xdmp:exists |
Returns true if any fragment is selected by an expression, false if no fragments are selected. |
xdmp:external-binary |
Returns an external binary node. |
xdmp:external-binary-path |
Return the path to the external file associated with an external binary document. |
xdmp:external-security |
Returns the external security ID for the specified external security name. |
xdmp:filesystem-directory |
Performs a directory listing of the given file pathname. |
xdmp:filesystem-directory-create |
Creates the directory specified by pathname. |
xdmp:filesystem-directory-delete |
Deletes the directory specified by pathname. |
xdmp:filesystem-file |
Reads a file from the filesystem. |
xdmp:filesystem-file-delete |
Deletes the file specified by pathname. |
xdmp:filesystem-file-encryption-status |
Return the encryption status of a file. |
xdmp:filesystem-file-exists |
Return true if a file exists on a host; otherwise false. |
xdmp:filesystem-file-get-time |
Returns access and modification time for a file. |
xdmp:filesystem-file-length |
Reads the length of a file from the filesystem. |
xdmp:filesystem-file-set-time |
Sets access and modification time for a file. |
xdmp:filesystem-filepath |
Returns the canonicalized file path of the input path. |
xdmp:foreign-cluster-status |
Returns the status of a foreign cluster from a host's point of view. |
xdmp:foreign-clusters |
Returns the IDs of the foreign clusters. |
xdmp:forest |
Returns the ID of the forest specified as the parameter. |
xdmp:forest-backup |
Backs up forest data files. |
xdmp:forest-backup-status |
Checks the status of the specified forests for any outstanding backup jobs. |
xdmp:forest-clear |
Clears forest data files, including all stands and journals. |
xdmp:forest-counts |
Returns detailed forest statistics for a given forest . |
xdmp:forest-database-replication-resume |
Resume database replication with the specified forest IDs. |
xdmp:forest-database-replication-suspend |
Suspend database replication with the specified forest IDs. |
xdmp:forest-databases |
Returns the database ID corresponding to the database to which the specified forest belongs, or empty sequence if the forest belongs to no database. |
xdmp:forest-failover-info |
Return a sequence of pair of the forest IDs and host IDs for the failover forests and hosts of the given forest. |
xdmp:forest-host |
Return the host of the forest with the given id. |
xdmp:forest-name |
Return the name of the forest with the given ID. |
xdmp:forest-online |
Returns true if the specified forest is online with a state of open, open replica or sync replicating if isReplica is true, or syncing replica if syncingOk is true, otherwise returns false. |
xdmp:forest-open-replica |
Returns the forest ID for each specified forest or for each forest's replica if the forest is currently experiencing a local disk failover. |
xdmp:forest-restart |
Restarts a forest. |
xdmp:forest-restore |
Restores forest data files. |
xdmp:forest-rollback |
Rolls forests back to a previous point in time, marking any fragment newer than the specified timestamp as deleted. |
xdmp:forest-state |
Returns state of the forests |
xdmp:forest-status |
Returns the status of a forest. |
xdmp:forest-updates-allowed |
Return updates allowed state of the forest with the given ID. |
xdmp:forest-validate-replica-index |
Validate index data for the database replica forests of the specified forests. |
xdmp:forests |
Returns a sequence of the IDs of all the forests in the system. |
xdmp:format-number |
Returns a formatted number value based on the picture argument. |
xdmp:from-json |
Atomizes a JSON node, returning a JSON value. |
xdmp:from-json-string |
Parses a string as JSON, returning an item sequence. |
xdmp:function |
Returns a function value as an xdmp:function type. |
xdmp:function-module |
Returns the module location (if any) that the xdmp:function value refers to. |
xdmp:function-name |
Returns the QName of the function(s) that the xdmp:function refers to. |
xdmp:function-parameter-name |
Returns the name of the parameter at the designated (1-based) position from the given function's signature. |
xdmp:function-parameter-type |
Returns the type of the parameter at the designated (1-based) position from the given function's signature. |
xdmp:function-return-type |
Returns the return type from the given function's signature. |
xdmp:function-signature |
Returns the signature of the function that the argument refers to. |
xdmp:functions |
Returns all in-scope functions. |
xdmp:get |
[DEPRECATED: use xdmp:document-get instead] Returns the document in the XML file specified by $path. |
xdmp:get-current-roles |
Returns all the current roles, both assigned and inherited by the current user and any received from amps. |
xdmp:get-current-user |
Returns the name of the current user. |
xdmp:get-current-userid |
Returns the ID of the current user. |
xdmp:get-invoked-path |
Returns the path of the module that is being invoked. |
xdmp:get-original-url |
Returns the portion of the URL following the host_name:port_number. |
xdmp:get-orphaned-binaries |
Returns a sequence of the IDs of all orphaned large binaries in a given forest. |
xdmp:get-request-body |
For PUT or DELETE requests, returns the body of the request. |
xdmp:get-request-client-address |
Returns as a string the internet address of the client from which the HTTP server request is issued. |
xdmp:get-request-client-certificate |
Returns the PEM encoded client certificate if one was presented. |
xdmp:get-request-error-format |
Returns the current error format for the request. |
xdmp:get-request-field |
Returns the value of a named request field. |
xdmp:get-request-field-content-type |
This function is used to extract the content type from the request field. |
xdmp:get-request-field-filename |
Returns a list of filenames from a multipart request for the field name specified. |
xdmp:get-request-field-names |
Returns a sequence of the request field names. |
xdmp:get-request-header |
Returns the value of a named request header. |
xdmp:get-request-header-names |
Returns a sequence of request header names. |
xdmp:get-request-method |
Returns the HTTP request method. |
xdmp:get-request-path |
Returns the HTTP request path. |
xdmp:get-request-port |
Returns the port of the request. |
xdmp:get-request-protocol |
Returns as a string the request protocol (either "http" or "https") Returns the empty sequence if it is not called from an HTTP server. |
xdmp:get-request-url |
Returns the portion of the URL following the host_name:port_number. |
xdmp:get-request-user |
If this App Server is using application-level authentication, returns the ID of the user in the last successful call to xdmp:login . |
xdmp:get-request-username |
If this App Server is using application-level authentication, returns the username in the last successful call to xdmp:login . |
xdmp:get-response-code |
Returns two nodes, the first containing the HTTP response code and the second containing the HTTP response message. |
xdmp:get-response-encoding |
Returns the encoding that the response from this server is in. |
xdmp:get-server-field |
Returns the value of a named server field. |
xdmp:get-server-field-names |
Returns a sequence of the server field names. |
xdmp:get-session-field |
Returns the value of a named session field from the session created by the xdmp:login function. |
xdmp:get-session-field-names |
Returns a sequence of the HTTP session field names from the session created by the xdmp:login function. |
xdmp:get-transaction-mode |
Retrieve the transaction mode for the current session. |
xdmp:get-url-rewriter-path |
Returns the URL of the URL rewriter handler for this application server. |
xdmp:group |
Returns the ID of the group specified in the parameter. |
xdmp:group-get-audit-event-type-enabled |
This function returns the audit event type's enabled setting for the audit configuration. |
xdmp:group-hosts |
Returns the IDs of all hosts belonging to the group with the given ID. |
xdmp:group-name |
Returns the name of the group with the given ID. |
xdmp:group-port-servers |
Returns the IDs of all port App Servers belonging to the group with the given ID. |
xdmp:group-servers |
Returns the IDs of all App Servers belonging to the group with the given ID. |
xdmp:group-task-server |
Returns the ID of the Task Server belonging to the group with the given ID. |
xdmp:groups |
Returns a sequence of the IDs of all the groups in the system. |
xdmp:gss-server-negotiate |
This function is used for kerberos GSS authentication in application level authentication. |
xdmp:gunzip |
Get a node from a gzip node. |
xdmp:gzip |
Create a gzip node from a node. |
xdmp:has-privilege |
Tests whether the current user has at least one of a given set of privileges. |
xdmp:hash32 |
Returns the 32-bit hash of a string. |
xdmp:hash64 |
Returns the 64-bit hash of a string. |
xdmp:hex-to-integer |
Parses a hexadecimal string, returning an integer. |
xdmp:hmac-md5 |
Calculates the Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) using the md5 hash function of the given secret key and message arguments. |
xdmp:hmac-sha1 |
Calculates the Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) using the SHA1 hash function of the given secret key and message arguments. |
xdmp:hmac-sha256 |
Calculates the Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) using the SHA256 hash function of the given secret key and message arguments. |
xdmp:hmac-sha512 |
Calculates the Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) using the SHA512 hash function of the given secret key and message arguments. |
xdmp:host |
Returns the ID of the host named in the parameter. |
xdmp:host-forests |
Returns a sequence of forest IDs in the specified host. |
xdmp:host-get-ssl-fips-enabled |
Returns whether fips mode is enabled. |
xdmp:host-group |
Returns the ID of the group that the specified host belongs to. |
xdmp:host-mode |
Returns this host mode |
xdmp:host-mode-description |
Return the description string for this host mode setting |
xdmp:host-name |
Returns the name of the specified host. |
xdmp:host-status |
Returns the status of a host. |
xdmp:hosts |
Returns a sequence of the IDs of all the hosts in the cluster. |
xdmp:http-delete |
Sends an http DELETE request to the http server specified in the URI to delete the specified resource. |
xdmp:http-get |
Sends the http GET method to the specified URI. |
xdmp:http-head |
Sends the http HEAD method to the specified URI. |
xdmp:http-options |
Sends the http OPTIONS method to the specified URI. |
xdmp:http-post |
Sends an http POST request to the server. |
xdmp:http-put |
Sends an HTTP PUT request to an HTTP server. |
xdmp:initcap |
Returns the string where the first letter of each token has been uppercased. |
xdmp:integer-to-binary |
Returns a binary representation of an integer. |
xdmp:integer-to-hex |
Returns a hexadecimal representation of an integer. |
xdmp:integer-to-octal |
Returns an octal representation of an integer. |
xdmp:invoke |
Returns the result of evaluating an XQuery or Server-Side JavaScript module at the given path. |
xdmp:invoke-function |
Returns the result of evaluating an XQuery function value. |
xdmp:invoke-in |
[DEPRECATED: use xdmp:invoke with the database option instead] Returns the result of evaluating a module at the given path. |
xdmp:is-whitespace-node |
Returns true if the node is a text node containing only whitespace. |
xdmp:javascript-eval |
Returns the result of evaluating a string as a JavaScript module. |
xdmp:json-pointer |
Resolve a (relative) JSON pointer (see RFC 6901) in the context of a node and return the result, if any. |
xdmp:json-validate |
Validate a JSON node against a JSON Schema. |
xdmp:json-validate-node |
Validate a JSON node against a JSON Schema. |
xdmp:json-validate-report |
Validate a JSON node against a JSON Schema and return an error report. |
xdmp:json-validate-report-node |
Validate a JSON node against a JSON Schema and return an error report. |
xdmp:key-from-QName |
Construct a context-independent string from a QName. |
xdmp:keystore-export |
Exports all encryption keys stored in the MarkLogic embedded KMS. |
xdmp:keystore-import |
Import encryption keys into the MarkLogic embedded KMS from an exported encrypted file (see keystore-export). |
xdmp:keystore-set-current-host |
Set current KMS host to the first one matching the user-specified name for all online MarkLogic nodes in the cluster. |
xdmp:keystore-synchronize |
Synchronize the Keystore's cache containing the keys used for encryption and decryption. |
xdmp:keystore-validate-exported |
Validates the content of an exported keystore file, see keystore-export and keystore-import |
xdmp:lazy |
Returns the value of its argument, evaluated lazily. |
xdmp:ldap-lookup |
Returns an ldap entry. |
xdmp:ldap-search |
Returns ldap search result. |
xdmp:load |
[DEPRECATED: use xdmp:document-load instead] Inserts a new document from the XML file at $path if a document with the specified URI does not already exist. |
xdmp:lock-acquire |
Acquire a lock on a document or directory for an extended amount of time. |
xdmp:lock-for-update |
Acquires an intent exclusive transaction lock on a URI. |
xdmp:lock-release |
Unlock a document or directory. |
xdmp:log |
Logs a message into a specific app server error log file. |
xdmp:log-level |
Retrieves the current server log level. |
xdmp:logfile-scan |
Scan a file in ErrorLog.txt format filtering by date range and regular expression. |
xdmp:login |
Logs in a user on an application server that is using application-level authentication and sends a session cookie containing the session ID to the user's browser. |
xdmp:logmessage-parse |
Parse messages from logfile to xml, json, raw, or complex (XML with more elements) format. |
xdmp:logout |
Logs the current user out of the session on the server. |
xdmp:lshift64 |
Left-shift a 64-bit integer value. |
xdmp:md5 |
Calculates the md5 hash of the given argument. |
xdmp:merge |
Starts merging the forests of the database, subject to specified options. |
xdmp:merge-cancel |
Cancel the merge with the specified merge ID on a forest with the specified forest ID. |
xdmp:merging |
Returns the forest IDs of any currently merging database forests. |
xdmp:mimetypes |
This function returns all the mimetypes specifications of the cluster. |
xdmp:modules-database |
Returns the database ID of the modules database. |
xdmp:modules-root |
Returns the current root path for modules. |
xdmp:month-name-from-date |
Returns month name, calculated from the localized value of $arg. |
xdmp:mul64 |
Multiply two 64-bit integer values, discarding overflow. |
xdmp:multipart-decode |
Extract the parts from a multipart encoding. |
xdmp:multipart-encode |
Create a multipart encoding of the specified node. |
xdmp:node-collections |
Returns any collections for the node's document in the database. |
xdmp:node-database |
Returns the database id where the parameter is stored. |
xdmp:node-delete |
Deletes a node from the database. |
xdmp:node-insert-after |
Adds an immediately following sibling to a node. |
xdmp:node-insert-before |
Adds an immediately preceding sibling to a node. |
xdmp:node-insert-child |
Adds a new last child to a node. |
xdmp:node-kind |
Returns an xs:string representing the node's kind: either "document", "element", "attribute", "text", "namespace", "processing-instruction", "binary", or "comment". |
xdmp:node-metadata |
Returns the metadata value of a given node. |
xdmp:node-metadata-value |
Returns the metadata value of a node for a particular key. |
xdmp:node-permissions |
Returns the permissions to a node's document. |
xdmp:node-query-rolesets |
Return a sequence of query-rolesets that are required for proper querying with Element Level Security if the node is inserted into the database with the given document-insert options. |
xdmp:node-replace |
Replaces a node. |
xdmp:node-uri |
Returns the document-uri property of the parameter or its ancestor. |
xdmp:not64 |
NOT a 64-bit integer value. |
xdmp:octal-to-integer |
Parses an octal string, returning an integer. |
xdmp:or64 |
OR two 64-bit integer values. |
xdmp:parse-dateTime |
Parses a string containing date, time or dateTime using the supplied picture argument and returns a dateTime value. |
xdmp:parse-yymmdd |
Parses a string containing date, time or dateTime using the supplied picture argument and returns a dateTime value. |
xdmp:partition-forests |
Returns a sequence of forest IDs with the specified partition number |
xdmp:passive-has-privilege |
Tests whether the current user has at least one of a given set of privileges. |
xdmp:passive-security-assert |
Tests whether the current user has at least one of a given set of privileges. |
xdmp:path |
Returns a string whose value corresponds to the path of the node. |
xdmp:pdf-convert |
Converts a PDF file to XHTML. |
xdmp:permission |
Returns a permission element in the security namespace corresponding to the named role and capability given. |
xdmp:plan |
Returns an XML element recording information about how the given expression will be processed by the index. |
xdmp:plannable |
Returns a boolean showing whether the given expression is suitable to use with xdmp:plan. |
xdmp:platform |
Returns the operating-system platform upon which MarkLogic Server is running ("winnt", "linux", or "macosx"). |
xdmp:position |
Returns an integer value representing the starting position of a string within the search string. |
xdmp:powerpoint-convert |
Converts a Microsoft Powerpoint document to XHTML. |
xdmp:pretty-print |
Returns a well-formatted XQuery module. |
xdmp:privilege |
Returns the privilege ID for the specified privilege name. |
xdmp:privilege-kind |
Return the kind of the specified privilege. |
xdmp:privilege-name |
Return the name of the specified privilege. |
xdmp:privilege-roles |
Returns the set of all roles that have a given privilege. |
xdmp:privileges |
Returns the IDs of all privileges in the system. |
xdmp:product-edition |
Returns the current MarkLogic product edition. |
xdmp:product-environment |
Returns the current MarkLogic product environment. |
xdmp:QName-from-key |
Construct a QName from a string of the form "{namespaceURI}localname". |
xdmp:quarter-from-date |
Returns an integer between 1 and 4, both inclusive, calculating the quarter component in the localized value of $arg. |
xdmp:query-meters |
Returns the current value of the resource meters for this query sequence. |
xdmp:query-partitions |
This function returns the partition numbers of the partitions that the specified query will be searched on. |
xdmp:query-trace |
Enables or disables tracing of this query. |
xdmp:quote |
Returns the unevaluated serialized representation of the input parameter as a string. |
xdmp:random |
Returns a random unsigned integer between 0 and a number up to 64 bits long. |
xdmp:range-partition-forests |
Given a value, the function returns a list of forests that have ranges the value falls into. |
xdmp:redirect-response |
Redirects the App Server response to a given location. |
xdmp:remove-orphaned-binary |
Remove an orphaned large binary |
xdmp:request |
Returns the unique key of the current request. |
xdmp:request-cancel |
Cancel the request with the given host, server, and request IDs. |
xdmp:request-log-delete |
Deletes the value stored under the specified $key for the current request. |
xdmp:request-log-get |
Retrieves the value stored under the specified $key for the current request. |
xdmp:request-log-put |
Stores or updates a (key, value) pair for the current request. |
xdmp:request-status |
Returns the status of a running request . |
xdmp:request-timestamp |
Returns the system timestamp for this request if the request is a query statement. |
xdmp:resolve-uri |
Resolves a relative URI against an absolute URI. |
xdmp:restart |
Restart servers on hosts. |
xdmp:rethrow |
Within the catch section of a try-catch expression, re-throw the currently caught error. |
xdmp:role |
Returns the role ID for the specified role name. |
xdmp:role-compartment |
Return the compartment of the specified role. |
xdmp:role-description |
Return the description of the specified role. |
xdmp:role-get-default-collections |
Return the default collections of specified role. |
xdmp:role-get-default-permissions |
Return the default permissions of specified role. |
xdmp:role-name |
Returns the role name for the specified role id. |
xdmp:role-privileges |
Return the IDs of privileges of specified role. |
xdmp:role-roles |
If the parameter $inherit is true, returns the set of all roles inherited by a given role, including roles directly assigned to the role and roles inherited from other roles. |
xdmp:roles |
Returns the IDs of all roles in the system. |
xdmp:rollback |
Roll back the current transaction. |
xdmp:rsa-generate |
Generate a new RSA public/private key pair. |
xdmp:rshift64 |
Right-shift a 64-bit integer value. |
xdmp:save |
Serializes a node as text and saves it to a file. |
xdmp:schema-database |
Returns the database ID of the schema database associated with the current database. |
xdmp:security-assert |
Tests whether the current user has at least one of a given set of privileges. |
xdmp:security-database |
Returns the database ID of the security database associated with the current database. |
xdmp:server |
Return the ID(s) of the App Servers, XDBC Servers, ODBC Servers, or Task Servers with the given name. |
xdmp:server-collation |
Return the default collation of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID. |
xdmp:server-coordinate-system |
Return the default coordinate system of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID. |
xdmp:server-database |
Return the database ID of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID. |
xdmp:server-default-xquery-version |
Return the default xquery version of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID. |
xdmp:server-group |
Return the ID of the group for an App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server. |
xdmp:server-kind |
Return the kind of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID. |
xdmp:server-max-threads |
Return the maximum number of server threads allowed on each host in the group of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID. |
xdmp:server-modules-database |
Return the modules database ID of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID. |
xdmp:server-name |
Return the name of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID. |
xdmp:server-port |
Return the port of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID. |
xdmp:server-root |
Return the root of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID. |
xdmp:server-session-timeout |
Return the session timeout of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID. |
xdmp:server-ssl-certificate-template |
Return the SSL certificate template ID of the App Server, XDBC Server, ODBC Server, or Task Server with the given ID. |
xdmp:server-status |
Returns the status of an app-server on a host. |
xdmp:servers |
Returns a sequence of the IDs of all the App Servers (HTTP, XDBC, ODBC, and TaskServer) in the system. |
xdmp:set |
Set the value of a variable to the specified expression. |
xdmp:set-request-limit |
Changes the meter limit ( elapsed-time/lock-count/read-size ) for an actively running request to the specified value. |
xdmp:set-request-time-limit |
Changes the time limit for an actively running request to the specified value. |
xdmp:set-response-chunked-encoding |
Enabble/disables chunked encoding |
xdmp:set-response-code |
Sets the response code and message. |
xdmp:set-response-compression |
Enabble/disables HTTP GZIP Response compression |
xdmp:set-response-content-type |
Sets the response content-type. |
xdmp:set-response-encoding |
Sets the response encoding. |
xdmp:set-response-output-method |
Sets the serialization method. |
xdmp:set-server-field |
Sets the value of a named server field. |
xdmp:set-server-field-privilege |
Sets the privilege of a named server field. |
xdmp:set-session-field |
Sets the value of a named session field for the session created by the xdmp:login function. |
xdmp:set-transaction-mode |
Set the transaction mode for the current session. |
xdmp:set-transaction-name |
Set the name of a local or remote transaction. |
xdmp:set-transaction-time-limit |
Set the transaction time limit for a local or remote transaction. |
xdmp:sha1 |
Calculates the SHA1 hash of the given argument. |
xdmp:sha256 |
Calculates the SHA256 hash of the given argument. |
xdmp:sha384 |
Calculates the SHA384 hash of the given argument. |
xdmp:sha512 |
Calculates the SHA512 hash of the given argument. |
xdmp:shutdown |
Shutdown servers on hosts. |
xdmp:sleep |
Delays for a specific amount of time. |
xdmp:software-version |
Returns this host's software version |
xdmp:spawn |
Place the specified module on the task queue for evaluation. |
xdmp:spawn-function |
Place the specified function value on the task queue for evaluation. |
xdmp:spawn-in |
[DEPRECATED: use xdmp:spawn with the database option instead] Place the specified module on the task queue for evaluation. |
xdmp:sql |
Executes an ad hoc SQL query. |
xdmp:sql-plan |
Returns a node representing the query plan of the given SQL SELECT query. |
xdmp:start-journal-archiving |
Starts journal archiving to the specified list of forests. |
xdmp:step64 |
Combines an initial hash with a subsequent hash. |
xdmp:stop-journal-archiving |
Stops journal archiving to the specified list of forests. |
xdmp:streamable |
Returns a sequence of strings describing the streaming nature of the argument value. |
xdmp:strftime |
Formats a dateTime value using POSIX strftime. |
xdmp:subbinary |
Returns a binary node made up of a subset of the given binary node. |
xdmp:tidy |
Run tidy on the specified html document to convert the document to well-formed and clean XHTML. |
xdmp:timestamp-to-wallclock |
Converts a 64 bit timestamp value to an xs:dateTime. |
xdmp:to-json |
Constructs a JSON document. |
xdmp:to-json-string |
Returns a string representing a JSON serialization of a given item sequence. |
xdmp:trace |
Signal a trace event. |
xdmp:trace-enabled |
Returns whether or not a trace event is enabled. |
xdmp:transaction |
Returns the transaction ID for the current transaction, or transaction IDs for all transactions with the given name. |
xdmp:transaction-commit |
Explicitly commit a transaction running on a named host. |
xdmp:transaction-locks |
Returns all URIs currently locked for read or write by a transaction. |
xdmp:transaction-rollback |
Explicitly roll back a transaction running on a named host. |
xdmp:triggers-database |
Returns the database ID of the triggers database associated with the current database. |
xdmp:type |
Returns the name of the simple type of the atomic value argument as an xs:QName. |
xdmp:unpath |
Evaluate a string as an XPath and return the corresponding node(s). |
xdmp:unquote |
Parses a string as XML, returning one or more document nodes. |
xdmp:uri-content-type |
Returns the content type of the given URI as matched in the mimetypes configuration. |
xdmp:uri-format |
Returns the format of the given URI as matched in the mimetypes configuration. |
xdmp:uri-is-file |
Returns true if a given URI refers to a file which exists on the current application server. |
xdmp:url-decode |
Converts URL-encoded string to plaintext. |
xdmp:url-encode |
Converts plaintext into URL-encoded string. |
xdmp:user |
Returns the user ID for the specified user name. |
xdmp:user-external-security |
Returns external security id and user name for an external user. |
xdmp:user-get-default-collections |
Return the default collections of specified user. |
xdmp:user-get-default-permissions |
Return the default permissions of specified user. |
xdmp:user-last-login |
Returns the last-login node for the current user. |
xdmp:user-privileges |
Return IDs of all privileges that a user have. |
xdmp:user-roles |
Returns all roles assigned to a user, including roles directly assigned to the user and roles inherited by other roles. |
xdmp:userid-roles |
Returns all roles assigned to a user, including roles directly assigned to the user and roles inherited by other roles. |
xdmp:validate |
Returns an element containing a summary of validation errors in a node. |
xdmp:value |
Evaluate an expression in the context of the current evaluating statement. |
xdmp:version |
Returns the current MarkLogic Server version. |
xdmp:wallclock-to-timestamp |
Converts an xs:dateTime to a 64 bit timestamp value. |
xdmp:week-from-date |
Returns an integer between 1 and 53, both inclusive, representing the week value in the localized value of $arg. |
xdmp:weekday-from-date |
Returns an integer in the range 1 to 7, inclusive, representing the weekday value in the localized value of $arg. |
xdmp:with-namespaces |
Evaluates the expression in the context of a specific set of namespace bindings. |
xdmp:word-convert |
Converts a Microsoft Word document to XHTML. |
xdmp:x509-certificate-extract |
Returns the XML representation of the specified X.509 certificate. |
xdmp:x509-certificate-generate |
Generate a new PEM-encoded X.509 certificate. |
xdmp:x509-certificate-issuer-name |
Returns the issuer distinguished name for the specified X.509 certificate. |
xdmp:x509-certificate-subject-name |
Returns the subject distinguished name for the specified X.509 certificate. |
xdmp:xa-complete |
Completes (commits or rolls back) a prepared XA transaction. |
xdmp:xa-forget |
Forgets a remembered completed XA transaction. |
xdmp:xor64 |
XOR two 64-bit integer values. |
xdmp:xquery-version |
Returns the XQuery language version of the calling module. |
xdmp:xslt-eval |
Executes an XSLT stylesheet against a node. |
xdmp:xslt-invoke |
Executes an XSLT stylesheet against a node. |
xdmp:yearday-from-date |
Returns an integer between 1 and 366, both inclusive, representing the yearday value in the localized value of $arg. |
xdmp:zip-create |
Create a zip file from a list of nodes. |
xdmp:zip-get |
Get a named file from a zip document. |
xdmp:zip-manifest |
Return a manifest for this zip file. |
xhtml:add-lists |
Infer numbered or bulleted lists and insert appropriate markup. |
xhtml:clean |
Clean up the XHTML: pruning empty spans, consolidating adjacent spans, etc. |
xhtml:restructure |
Turn an XHTML with flat structure into one with div structure based on the header elements. |
xinc:link-expand |
This function performs a single level expansion of a single XInclude reference. |
xinc:link-references |
This function returns a list of all the distinct URIs of documents referenced (either directly or indirectly) in the expansion of the node. |
xinc:node-expand |
This function recursively examines the node for XInclude references and expands them, following the rules of the XInclude specification. |
xp:dereference |
This function resolves an XPointer in the context of a particular node. |