Parses a string as XML, returning one or more document nodes.
Input to be unquoted.
Default namespace for nodes in the first parameter.
The options for getting this document.
The default value is ().
Options include:
Specifies that malformed XML content be repaired.
XML content with multiple top-level elements will be
parsed as multiple documents.
This option has no effect on binary or text documents.
Specifies that malformed XML content be rejected.
XML content will be parsed as a single document, so
a maximum of one document node will be returned.
This option has no effect on binary or text documents.
Specifies to get the document as a text document,
regardless of the URI specified.
Specifies to get the document as a binary document,
regardless of the URI specified.
Specifies to get the document as an XML document,
regardless of the URI specified.
Specifies to get the document as a JSON document,
regardless of the URI specified.
If the root element node specified in the first parameter does not
already have an xml:lang attribute, the language to
specify in an xml:lang attribute on the root element node.
If default-language is not specified, then nothing is
added to the root element node. Some examples are
default-language=en and default-language=fr.
Usage Notes
If no format is specified in $options, it is inferred from the input.
If the first non-whitespace character is either '{' or '[' it is JSON.
Otherwise it is XML.
If neither "repair-full" nor "repair-none" is present,
the default is specified by the XQuery version of the caller.
In XQuery version 1.0 and 1.0-ml the default is
"repair-none". In XQuery version 0.9-ml the default is
If $arg is the empty string, xdmp:unquote returns an empty
document node.
=> <foo/>
It returns this as a document node.
xdmp:unquote('<foo>hello</foo>', "",
("repair-none", "default-language=en"))
=> <foo xml:lang="en">hello</foo>
It returns this as a document node and does
not perform tag repair on the node.
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