This method executes the plan (mapping or reducing, if specified) to generate the result,
which is a sequence of map:map or json:array rows,
unless mapped or reduced to different output.
The Optic Plan. You can either use the XQuery
=> chaining operator or specify the variable that captures the
return value from the previous operation.
This parameter specifies the outputType as either "object" (the default)
for a map:map sequence with keys of the column names and values of the
column values or "array" for a json:array with the list of column
names as an initial header and the column values in the same order for the subsequent rows.
This parameter provides a map with the names and
values of placeholder parameters. An error is thrown if a placeholder
parameter is not bound.
Options as an array of string values. Available options are:
This parameter outputs the query's plan, optimization and execution details in
the log while getting results. ID is the identifier to identify the query in the logs.
Sets the optimization level to use. Levels of 0 (off), 1, and 2 are recognized.
The default is 1.
Sets the seed to use. The default will generate a random seed. Setting it to
0 will behave the same as the default case. The default is 0.
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