$datepart as xs:string?,
$date as xs:genericDateTimeArg
) as xs:integer?
Returns an integer that represents the specified datepart of the specified
If datepart or date is the empty sequence, the
function returns the empty sequence.
The part of date that to be returned.
datepart parameter abbreviation includes:
The year part of the date
The quarter part of the date
The month part of the date
The day of the year from the date
The day of the month from the date
The week of the year from the date
The day of the week from the date
The hour of the day from the date
The minute of the hour from the date
The second of the minute from the date
The millisecond of the minute from the date
The microsecond of the minute from the date
The nanosecond of the minute from the date
The timezone offset from the date
Is an expression that can be resolved to a xs:date, xs:time, xs:dateTime.
date can be an expression, column expression,user-defined
variable, or string literal.
Usage Notes
This function is only available for use within SQL; it is
not available directly from XQuery, XSLT, or JavaScript.