entity:dictionary-load( $path as xs:string, $uri as xs:string, [$options as xs:string*] ) as empty-sequence()
Load an entity dictionary from the filesystem into the database in the appropriate format.
(: Assuming "/data/example.txt" contains 11208172 Nixon Nixon person:head of state 11208172 Nixon Richard Nixon person:head of state 11208172 Nixon Richard M. Nixon person:head of state 11208172 Nixon Richard Milhous Nixon person:head of state 11208172 Nixon President Nixon person:head of state:person 08932568 Paris Paris administrative district:national capital 09145751 Paris Paris administrative district:town 09500217 Paris Paris imaginary being:mythical being The URI "/ontology/people" will contain an entity dictionary with four entities (11208172 with 5 alternative matching texts, and the three entities 08932568, 09145751, and 09500217 with the same matching text). :) import module namespace entity="http://marklogic.com/entity" at "/MarkLogic/entity.xqy"; entity:dictionary-load("/data/example.txt","/ontology/people")
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