Portal Roles

Portal administrators manage the Data Hub Service (DHS) subscription and services.

Role Identifier Description
Security AdministratorSEC-ADMIN
  • Permits an assigned administrator:
    • To view, create, edit, and disable portal users.
    • To reset passwords for other portal users.
    • To view, configure, and delete networks.
    • To view, add, edit, and delete LDAP configurations.

This portal role can be combined with the SERV-ADMIN portal role to permit an assigned administrator to do everything that the SERV-ADMIN portal role can in all services.

Service AdministratorSERV-ADMIN
  • Permits an assigned administrator:
    • To create services.
    • To view, stop, resume, and terminate services they created.
    • To copy endpoints, copy the SSH tunneling script, download the Gradle configuration file, and download logs from services they created.
    • To assign LDAP configurations to services they created.
    • To create, edit, and delete internal service users in services they created.
    • To view credits and usage charts for services they created.
    • To view networks.
    • To view LDAP configurations.
    • To assign SERV-ADMIN as a Service Admin in services they created. See Manage DHS Service Admins.
    • To do everything that the SERV-ADMIN role can in a service that they are assigned as a Service Admin.
      Note: Service Admin privileges only apply to the service in which the user is assigned.

This portal role can be combined with the SEC-ADMIN portal role to permit an assigned administrator to do everything that the SERV-ADMIN portal role can in all services.

Account AdministratorACCT-ADMIN
  • Permits an assigned administrator:
    • To view billing information.
    • To view MCUs Year contracts.
Note: The first user to log into the portal is automatically assigned all three portal roles: Account Administrator, Service Administrator, and Security Administrator. Additional portal users who log in are restricted until the first portal user assigns portal roles to them.