Assign the Network Contributor Role - Azure

Before you begin

You need:

About this task

Your client-side virtual network (VNet) and the MarkLogic Service VNet need to communicate securely. To do so, you need to assign the Network Contributor role to MarkLogic, which enables MarkLogic to manage networks but not access them. In this task, you will assign MarkLogic the Network Contributor role in your client-side VNet.
Important: To assign the Network Contributor role to MarkLogic, you must be the Microsoft Azure account owner.
Note: MarkLogic recommends that you assign MarkLogic the Network Contributor role in the virtual network, providing MarkLogic the most restricted access.


  1. Navigate to the Azure portal and click Virtual networks.
  2. In the Virtual networks page, navigate to your virtual network.

    Sample VNet configuration specify template

    • In the Name column, click the virtual network name.
  3. Assign the Network Contributor role to MarkLogic.

    Sample VNet configuration specify template

    1. In the left menu, click Access control (IAM).
    2. In the Access control (IAM) page, click Add > Add role assignment.
  4. In the Add role assignment page, supply the fields with the following information:

    Microsoft Azure - Add role assignment

    Field Description
    Role Select the Network Contributor role from the drop-down menu.
    Select In the Select list, select mlDataHubService.

    Click the following link to view a full list of client-side network resources.

    • Click Save.


The Network Contributor role is assigned to MarkLogic.

What to do next