Configure SSH Tunneling with Mac / Linux Using SSH


Set up tunneling if you prefer to work directly from your local environment using your own browsers to access the Data Hub Service endpoints.

Before you begin

You need:

Peered Track

About this task

Set up secure shell (SSH) tunneling to access the Data Hub Service (DHS) endpoints from your local environment. In this task, you will use SSH with Mac or Linux to set up SSH tunneling between your browsers and Data Hub Service.
Important: For this task, you need the SERV-ADMIN portal role. See Portal Roles.
Important: If your DHS uses private endpoints, you can set up SSH tunneling. See Getting Started with Data Hub Service in Azure, and follow the peered configuration.


  1. Go to the MarkLogic Data Hub Service home page.
  2. Navigate to your DHS to view the SSH tunneling script.
    • In the Service column, click the service name.

    Private standard MarkLogic Data Hub Service instance

    Tip: You can customize your dashboard with column sorting, column configuring, and services searching and filtering. See Customize DHS Dashboard.
  3. In the Data Hub Service page, click Action to open the drop-down menu.

    Data Hub Service Action button

  4. In the Action drop-down menu, click SSH Tunneling Script to display the modal window with the current settings.

    Data Hub Service SSH script

    • In the modal window, copy the script to your clipboard:
      • highlight and copy the script, or
      • click the copy script icon ()

    Your script will look similar to the following:

        ssh -i $SSH_PEM_KEY -N \
        -L 5432:DHS_ENDPOINT:5432 \
        -L 8003:DHS_ENDPOINT:8003 \
        -L 8005:DHS_ENDPOINT:8005 \
        -L 8010:DHS_ENDPOINT:8010 \
        -L 8013:DHS_ENDPOINT:8013 \
        -L 8012:DHS_ENDPOINT:8012 \
        -L 8011:DHS_ENDPOINT:8011 \
        -L 8020:DHS_ENDPOINT:8020 \
    • To edit the script, paste to a text file.
  5. In the text file, replace the following per your configuration: SSH_PEM_KEY, VM_USER, and BASTION_VM
    Note: Replace DHS_ENDPOINT with the endpoints associated with each port number per your service.
    Value Replace With
    SSH_PEM_KEY The path to your private key file on your local machine. For details, see Detailed steps: Create and manage SSH keys for authentication to a Linux VM in Azure.
    VM_USER The user who can access the bastion host. The person who created the bastion host virtual machine (VM) must create a user who can access the VM.
    BASTION_VM The public IP address, host name, or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of your bastion host. To create and view your bastion host public IP address, see Create, change, or delete a public IP address. To create a bastion host, see Create an Azure Bastion host using the portal.

    Click the following link to view a full list of configure SSH tunneling resources.

  6. In the command prompt, run the modified script.
    • You can run the script locally, or
    • You can save the script to a text file and run locally. Use the following command:
      • sh /path/to/file.txt

What to do next

Deploy your Data Hub project to a Data Hub Service.