Subscribe to DHS on Azure


To sign up for Data Hub Service (DHS) on Microsoft Azure, send a request to your MarkLogic representative or contact us.

Once we receive your request, we will create a DHS account with a portal user assigned all three portal roles: Account Administrator, Service Administrator, and Security Administrator. You will be notified by email about the account and receive an invite to create the password for your Azure DHS portal user account.

You will need a portal user account in the DHS portal to access your DHS Azure account. Request a portal user account following these instructions.

Before you begin

You need:

  • An Azure account with permissions to create and configure Azure VNets (for peered DHS networks only).

About this task

In this task, you will sign up for MarkLogic Data Hub Service (DHS) on Microsoft Azure and create your first portal user account.


  1. Send an email to your MarkLogic representative or contact us to request a DHS Azure account.
    Tip: MarkLogic recommends you sign up for DHS using an email alias. This ensures your organization always has access to your first portal user account.
    After the DHS team creates your account, you will recieve an email confirming that your account has been created.
  2. Follow the instructions in the email to create a password for your account.
    Password Requirements
    • At least eight characters.
    • At least one upper-case letter.
    • At least one lower-case letter.
    • At least one number.
    • At least one special character (!, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, ?).
    • Cannot contain the first name, last name, or username of the portal user account.
    Important: Each portal user password will expire 90 days after creation. To learn how to change your password, see Change Password - Portal User Account

    If you do not change your password before the end of the 90 days, click the Forgot password? link on the portal sign-in page.

    Note: The password creation link will expire 10 minutes after being sent to you. You need to respond within 10 minutes after your request your account. If you do not, the token will expire.

    If this happens, create your password by clicking the Forgot password? link on the portal sign-in page. Note that the password reset link expire after 5 minutes, so you must respond within 5 minutes after requesting to reset your password.

  3. (Optional) For additional help, send an email to your MarkLogic representative or contact us.
  4. (Optional) Sign into your DHS Azure portal.

    Data Hub Service Azure Login Screen

    Field Description
    Account ID The 12-digit account ID provided by the DHS team. Example: 123456789876
    username The username provided by the DHS team.
    password Your custom password.

What to do next