Run a Flow Using the Data Hub Java API

You can programmatically run a flow by using the MarkLogic Data Hub Java API in a Java application, such as an external orchestration tool or a custom web application.

The FlowRunner class provides a runFlow method which does not require project files in the local filesystem. This method accepts a single parameter of type FlowInputs and is the preferred method for running flows programmatically.


  1. In your build configuration file, declare the dependency on MarkLogic Data Hub Java API.
       dependencies {
       <dependency org='com.marklogic' name='marklogic-data-hub' rev='5.4.4'>
        <artifact name='$AID' ext='pom'></artifact>
  2. Copy the appropriate code and customize it according to your needs.
    • If you are running the flow against a DHS instance, copy and customize the following code.
         import com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowInputs;
        import com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowRunner;
        import com.marklogic.hub.flow.RunFlowResponse;
        import com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowRunnerImpl;
        import com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl;
        import com.marklogic.mgmt.util.SimplePropertySource;
        import java.util.Properties;
        public class Main {
            public static void main(String[] args) {
                // Instantiate a HubConfig with DHF's default set of properties, and then start customizing it
                HubConfigImpl hubConfig = new HubConfigImpl();
                // Customization for dhs
                Properties props = new Properties();
                props.setProperty("hubDhs", "true");
                props.setProperty("hubSsl", "true");
                hubConfig.applyProperties(new SimplePropertySource(props));
                FlowRunner flowRunner = new FlowRunnerImpl(hubConfig.newHubClient());
                FlowInputs inputs = new FlowInputs("my-flow-name");
                // To run only a subset of the steps in the flow, uncomment the following line and specify the sequence numbers of the steps to run.
                // inputs.setSteps(Arrays.asList("2","3","4"));
                // Set file path for ingestion steps.
                // inputs.setInputFilePath("<path>");
                // Run the flow.
                RunFlowResponse response = flowRunner.runFlow(inputs);
                // Wait for the flow to end.
                // Display the response.
                System.out.println("Response: " + response);
    • If you are running the flow on-premises or locally, copy and customize the following code.
         package org.example;
        import com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowInputs;
        import com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowRunner;
        import com.marklogic.hub.flow.RunFlowResponse;
        import com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowRunnerImpl;
        public class Main {
            public static void main(String[] args) {
                // Create a FlowRunner instance.
                FlowRunner flowRunner = new FlowRunnerImpl("myHost", "myUser", "myPassword");
                // Specify the flow to run.
                FlowInputs inputs = new FlowInputs("my-flow-name");
                // To run only a subset of the steps in the flow, uncomment the following line and specify the sequence numbers of the steps to run.
                // inputs.setSteps(Arrays.asList("2","3","4"));
                // Run the flow.
                RunFlowResponse response = flowRunner.runFlow(inputs);
                // Wait for the flow to end.
                // Display the response.
                System.out.println("Response: " + response);
  3. Run your code.


The dh-5-example project in GitHub includes the following example code files: