Edit a Portal User Account

The Security Administrator (SEC-ADMIN) can manage the roles assigned to an existing user account and assign a new password; however, the username of the account cannot be modified.

Before you begin

You need:

About this task

This task updates an existing portal user account in your Data Hub Service (DHS) portal.
Important: For this task, you need the SEC-ADMIN portal role. See Portal Roles.


  1. Go to the MarkLogic Data Hub Service home page.
  2. In the top menu, click the username to open the drop-down menu.
    • In the drop-down menu, click Manage Users.

    Data Hub Service username menu

  3. In the Manage Users page, find the user account to edit.
    • In the Name column, click the user name.

    Manage Users page with list of portal user accounts

  4. In the User Details page, select additional roles to assign the user or deselect roles to unassign.

    User Details page

    See Portal Roles.

  5. Click Save.

What to do next