Gradle Properties

Data Hub-specific Gradle properties

The following are the Gradle properties used by Data Hub to install and run properly.

mlStagingAppserverNameThe application server name used for the staging database.
mlStagingPortSpecifies the port to be used by the staging app server.
mlStagingDbNameSpecifies the name for the staging database.
mlStagingForestsPerHostSpecifies the number of forests per host for the staging database.
mlFinalAppserverNameThe application server name used for the final database.
mlFinalPortSpecifies the port to be used by the final app server.
mlFinalDbNameSpecifies the name for the final database.
mlFinalForestsPerHostSpecifies the number of forests per host for the final database.
mlJobAppserverNameThe application server name used for the jobs database.
mlJobPortSpecifies the port to be used by the jobs app server.
mlJobDbNameSpecifies the name for the jobs database.
mlJobForestsPerHostSpecifies the number of forests per host for the jobs database.
mlModulesDbNameThe modules database to be used along with the staging, final, and jobs app servers.
mlStagingTriggersDbNameThe triggers database to be used along with the staging app server.
mlStagingSchemasDbNameThe schemas database to be used along with the staging app server.
mlFinalTriggersDbNameThe triggers database to be used along with the final app server.
mlFinalSchemasDbNameThe schemas database to be used along with the final app server.
mlModulePermissionsComma-delimited string of role/capability/role/capability/etc. that defines permissions for deployed modules.
mlIsHostLoadBalancerIndicates whether the value specified for mlhost should be treated as a load balancer or not.
mlIsProvisionedEnvironment(Optional) Indicates whether your production environment is provisioned by a cloud provider. Must be true if using MarkLogic Data Hub Service. Default is false.
  • mlDataHubAdminRole
  • mlDataHubAdminUserName
  • mlDataHubAdminUserPassword
The role, username, and password associated with the account to use to set up and install MarkLogic Data Hub.
  • mlFlowDeveloperRole
  • mlFlowDeveloperUserName
  • mlFlowDeveloperUserPassword
The role, username, and password associated with the account to use to create and deploy flows.
  • mlFlowOperatorRole
  • mlFlowOperatorUserName
  • mlFlowOperatorUserPassword
The role, username, and password associated with the account to use to run flows in the production environment.
Note: Other properties conform to the ml-gradle properties. See the ml-gradle Property Reference