Save and Manage Queries Using Hub Central

After filtering the data in the Explore area, you can save the filter settings as a query to apply again later.

Each query is associated with one base entity. You can select and apply filters while All Entities is selected; however, you can only save the query if a single entity type is selected.

In the Table View, the filter settings in the left-hand panel are saved in the query:

  • The selected table columns (entity properties)
  • The selected sortable property and sort order
Note: You can manage and run only the queries that you saved. Saved queries cannot be shared with or accessed by other users.

Before you begin

You need:

  • Security role(s):
    • To view PII data: pii-reader
    • To view all other data: any Hub Central role
    • To save and run queries: Hub Central Explorer or Hub Central Operator
    Or any role that inherits the required role. See Users and Roles.


  1. Go to the Explore area of Hub Central.
    Learn how.
    1. Go to your Hub Central endpoint.
      Note: Disregard this step if you are working from an on-prem environment. See Step 1b.
    2. In the icon bar, click the Explore icon (h).
      Hub Central - icon bar - Explore

  2. Manage your queries.
    • In the record list:
      Hub Central - explore - query dropdown in record list

      Hub Central - explore - query dropdown in record list

      • To create a new query,
        1. In the Explore area, select one base entity that has an associated record.
        2. (Optional) Filter your records further by entering text to search and by selecting facets in the facet panel.
        3. Click Search.
        4. Click the Save Query icon ().
        5. Enter the name and description for the new query.
        6. Click Save.
      • To run an existing query, select the query from the query dropdown.

        The selected entities, the search text, the facets, the sort order, and the properties to display are restored to the settings saved in the query.

    • In the query list:

      To view the list of queries, click Manage Queries () at the top right of the Explore panel and select Manage Queries.

      Hub Central - explore - Manage Queries in gear menu

      Hub Central - explore - Manage Queries list

      • To edit a query, click the pencil icon () for the query.
      • To delete a query, click the trash icon () for the query.