MarkLogic Data Hub 5.7 - Release Notes

Note: To learn more about 5.7.0 up to the latest 5.7.x release, see the GitHub Release Notes.

Data Hub 5.7.0

Data Hub 5.7.0 includes the following new features and changes:

Important: Upgrading from version 5.4.x or an earlier version to this release would trigger a reindexing of the STAGING and FINAL databases. Learn more about how reindexing works and its impact on performance..

Version Compatibility

Supported MarkLogic Server Versions

In this release, the minimum supported MarkLogic Sever 10.x version is now 10.0-7.0.

See Version Compatibility.

Hub Central

Modeling Enhancements

In this release, you can revert unpublished changes to the last published state. See Modeling with Hub Central.

You can add an icon to each entity type. The icon is associated with the entity records in the Explore screen. See Create an Entity Type Using Hub Central.

A property will not be indexed by SQL views if the property is the entity identifier and the value is null. See Manage Entity Properties Using Hub Central.

Curating Enhancements

When you configure a Merge strategy, you can now change the priority setting of the Timestamp node. See Configure Merging Using Hub Central.

When you configure a Merge rule, you can now select the top level of a structured property. See Configure Merging Using Hub Central.

Custom database names can be selected from the Advanced settings tab for Mapping, Matching, and Merging steps. See Curating with Hub Central.

Exploring Enhancements

The new graphical explore view is available in this release. You can use the graphical explore view to view relationships between your data. You can filter the graph by entity types, entity properties, related entity types, facets, and text search. You can right click on records to display a menu that enables you to further interact with the graph.

In this release, improvements were made to the filter settings. To filter data by entity properties, select one or more entities in the Base Entities section. Once you choose your entities, click each entity to view and then select properties in that entity.

See View Your Data Using Hub Central, Filter Data Using Hub Central.


Modeling Enhancements

A property will not be indexed by SQL views if the property is required and the value is null. See Create an Entity Using Gradle.

Release Notes for Earlier Versions