Export Data Using Hub Central

In the Table View, you can export as CSV file. In the Graph View, you can export graph as PNG file. All pages of the record list are included.

Note: Object and array datatype properties cannot be exported. If the selected dataset includes objects and arrays, a preview of the CSV is shown before the export is completed.
Note: If you do not have the required privileges to view, filter, or export a specific record, you will not be able to perform that action on that record. For example, if you are permitted to view the record but not export it, it is included in the displayed record list but it is excluded from the exported list.

Before you begin

You need:

  • Security role(s):
    • To view PII data: pii-reader
    • To view all other data: any Hub Central role
    • To save and run queries: Hub Central Explorer or Hub Central Operator
    • To export data: Hub Central Explorer or Hub Central Operator
    Or any role that inherits the required role. See Users and Roles.


  1. Go to the Explore area of Hub Central.
    Learn how.
    1. Go to your Hub Central endpoint.
      Note: Disregard this step if you are working from an on-prem environment. See Step 1b.
    2. In the icon bar, click the Explore icon (h).
      Hub Central - icon bar - Explore

  2. (Optional) Choose what to export.

    Only the items in the record list are exported. To define what is included in the record list, you can perform any combination of the following:

  3. Click the Export icon () in both the Graph and Table Views.

    Hub Central - explore - graph view

    Hub Central - explore - table view - Export

  4. (Optional) In the Table View, specify the number of rows (records) to export in the Export modal window or choose All.

    The records are exported in the selected sort order. If you specify n as the number of rows to export, the first n records, according to the sort order, are exported.

    Note: The Export modal window only displays in the Table View.