MarkLogic Server 11.0 Product Documentation
admin functions (group)

For the complete list of functions and categories in this namespace, refer to the main admin functions page.

170 functions
Function name Description
admin:get-group-ids This function returns all the group IDs from the configuration.
admin:group-add-module-location Add one or more module namespace to location mappings to a Group configuration.
admin:group-add-namespace Add one or more namespaces to a Group configuration, which will predefine the namespace(s) for all requests evaluated against any App Server in the Group.
admin:group-add-schema This function adds a schema binding definition to the existing schema binding definitions in the configuration for the specified Group.
admin:group-add-trace-event This function adds trace events to the configuration.
admin:group-add-using-namespace Add one or more "using" namespaces to a Group configuration, which add the namespaces to the namespace path for all requests evaluated against any App Server in the Group.
admin:group-copy This function creates a new group specification with the same settings as the group with the specified ID.
admin:group-create This function creates a new group with the specified name in the configuration.
admin:group-delete This function deletes one or more groups in the configuration.
admin:group-delete-module-location Delete one or more module location bindings from a Group configuration.
admin:group-delete-namespace This function deletes the specified namespaces from the configuration for the specified group.
admin:group-delete-scheduled-task-by-id This function deletes the scheduled tasks for a group using the group ID.
admin:group-delete-schema This function deletes a schema binding definition to the existing schema binding definitions in the configuration for the specified Group.
admin:group-delete-trace-event This function deletes the specified trace events from the configuration.
admin:group-delete-using-namespace Delete one or more "using" namespaces from a Group configuration.
admin:group-disable-audit-event-type This function changes the audit event type(s) enabled setting for the audit configuration.
admin:group-enable-audit-event-type This function changes the audit event type(s) enabled setting for the audit configuration.
admin:group-exists This function determines whether or not the specified Group exists.
admin:group-get-appserver-ids This function returns the IDs of all appservers belonging to the group.
admin:group-get-audit-enabled This function returns the value for the audit enabled setting from the specified group.
admin:group-get-audit-event-type-enabled This function returns the audit event type's enabled setting for the audit configuration.
admin:group-get-audit-excluded-roles This function returns the roles excluded from auditing.
admin:group-get-audit-excluded-uris This function returns the uris excluded from auditing.
admin:group-get-audit-excluded-users This function returns the users excluded from auditing.
admin:group-get-audit-included-roles This function returns the roles included from auditing.
admin:group-get-audit-included-uris This function returns the uris included from auditing.
admin:group-get-audit-included-users This function returns the users included from auditing.
admin:group-get-audit-outcome-restriction This function returns whether auditing events are restricted by a success or failure outcome.
admin:group-get-azure-storage-proxy This function returns the URL of the proxy server used by the group to access Azure blob storage.
admin:group-get-background-io-limit This function gets the value for the I/O background limit that controls the I/O resources that I/O tasks (for example, merges) will consume.
admin:group-get-compressed-tree-cache-partitions This function returns the value for the compressed tree cache partitions setting from the specified group.
admin:group-get-compressed-tree-cache-size This function returns the value for the compressed tree cache size setting from the specified group.
admin:group-get-compressed-tree-read-size This function returns the value for the compressed tree read size (in kilobytes) setting from the specified group.
admin:group-get-expanded-tree-cache-partitions This function returns the value for the expanded tree cache partitions setting from the specified group.
admin:group-get-expanded-tree-cache-size This function returns the value for the expanded tree cache size setting from the specified group.
admin:group-get-failover-enable This function returns the value for the failover enable setting from the specified group.
admin:group-get-file-log-level This function returns the value for the file log level setting from the specified group.
admin:group-get-host-ids This function returns the IDs of all hosts belonging to the group.
admin:group-get-host-initial-timeout This function returns the value for the host initial timeout setting from the specified group.
admin:group-get-host-timeout This function returns the value for the host timeout setting from the specified group.
admin:group-get-http-timeout This function returns the value for the http timeout setting from the specified group.
admin:group-get-http-user-agent This function returns the value for the http user agent setting from the specified group.
admin:group-get-httpserver-ids This function returns the IDs of all httpservers belonging to the group.
admin:group-get-id This function returns the ID of the group.
admin:group-get-keep-audit-files This function returns the value for the keep audit files setting from the specified group.
admin:group-get-keep-log-files This function returns the value for the keep log files setting from the specified group.
admin:group-get-list-cache-partitions This function returns the value for the list cache partitions setting from the specified group.
admin:group-get-list-cache-size This function returns the value for the list cache size setting from the specified group.
admin:group-get-metering-enabled This function returns the value of the metering-enabled group setting.
admin:group-get-meters-database This function returns the ID of the meters-database configured for the specified group.
admin:group-get-module-cache-timeout This function returns the number of seconds a module can be unused before being flushed from caches.
admin:group-get-module-locations This function returns the value of any module locations predefined for the specified Group.
admin:group-get-name This function returns the name of the specified group.
admin:group-get-namespaces This function returns the value of any namespace definitions predefined for the specified group.
admin:group-get-odbcserver-ids This function returns the ids of all of the ODBC App Servers in the specified group.
admin:group-get-optimized-plan-cache-timeout This function returns the optimized plan cache timeout in seconds.
admin:group-get-performance-metering-enabled This function returns the value of the performance-metering-enabled group setting.
admin:group-get-performance-metering-period This function returns the value of the performance-metering-period group setting.
admin:group-get-performance-metering-retain-daily This function returns the value of the performance-metering-retain-daily group setting.
admin:group-get-performance-metering-retain-hourly This function returns the value of the performance-metering-retain-hourly group setting.
admin:group-get-performance-metering-retain-raw This function returns the value of the performance-metering-retain-raw group setting.
admin:group-get-retry-timeout This function returns the value for the number of seconds a request will retry before timing out.
admin:group-get-rotate-audit-files This function returns the value for the rotate audit files setting from the specified group.
admin:group-get-rotate-log-files This function returns the value for the rotate log files setting from the specified group.
admin:group-get-s3-domain This function gets the simple storage service internet domain name for hosts in the group.
admin:group-get-s3-protocol This function gets the simple storage service protocol for hosts in the group.
admin:group-get-s3-proxy This function returns the URL of the proxy server used by the group to access AWS S3 storage.
admin:group-get-s3-server-side-encryption This function gets the method of server side encryption for data at rest on the simple storage service.
admin:group-get-s3-server-side-encryption-kms-key This function gets the KMS key that is used by server side encryption for data at rest on the simple storage service.
admin:group-get-schemas This function returns the value of any schemas definitions predefined for the specified group.
admin:group-get-security-database This function returns the ID of the security database for the specified group from the configuration.
admin:group-get-smtp-relay This function returns the value for the smtp relay setting from the specified group.
admin:group-get-smtp-timeout This function returns the value for the smtp timeout setting from the specified group.
admin:group-get-system-log-level This function returns the value for the system log level setting from the specified group.
admin:group-get-taskserver-id This function returns the ID of of the taskserver belonging to the group.
admin:group-get-telemetry-config This function returns the currently set frequency for sending configuration file changes to telemetry.
admin:group-get-telemetry-log-level This function returns the current configured telemetry log level.
admin:group-get-telemetry-metering This function returns the configured detail level for collecting metering data sent to telemetry.
admin:group-get-telemetry-proxy This function returns the proxy server URL used by telemetry
admin:group-get-telemetry-session-endpoint This function returns the initial default telemetry endpoint.
admin:group-get-telemetry-usage This function returns the Telemetry Usage enable setting for the specific group.
admin:group-get-temporary-directory This function returns the temporary directory used by MarkLogic Server.
admin:group-get-trace-events This function returns the value of any trace events activated for the specified group.
admin:group-get-trace-events-activated This function returns the value for the trace events activated setting from the specified group.
admin:group-get-triple-cache-partitions This function returns the number of triple cache partitions configured for the group.
admin:group-get-triple-cache-size This function returns the value of the triple cache size for the group.
admin:group-get-triple-cache-timeout This function gets the timeout value for the triple cache.
admin:group-get-triple-value-cache-partitions This function returns the number of triple value cache partitions configured for the group.
admin:group-get-triple-value-cache-size This function returns the size of triple value cache configured for the group.
admin:group-get-triple-value-cache-timeout This function gets the timeout value for the triple value cache.
admin:group-get-using-namespaces This function returns the value of any "using" namespaces predefined for the specified Group.
admin:group-get-webdavserver-ids This function returns the IDs of all webdavservers belonging to the group.
admin:group-get-xdbcserver-ids This function returns the IDs of all xdbcservers belonging to the group.
admin:group-get-xdqp-ssl-allow-sslv3 This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
admin:group-get-xdqp-ssl-allow-tls This function returns true if the TLS protocol is enabled for the group.
admin:group-get-xdqp-ssl-ciphers This function returns the SSL ciphers set for the group.
admin:group-get-xdqp-ssl-disabled-protocols This function returns the disabled protocols for the group.
admin:group-get-xdqp-ssl-enabled This function returns true if SSL is enabled for the group.
admin:group-get-xdqp-timeout This function returns the value for the xdqp timeout setting from the specified group.
admin:group-module-location This function constructs a module namespace element with the specified namespace URI and location.
admin:group-namespace This function constructs a namespace element with the specified prefix and URI.
admin:group-scheduled-task-get-enabled This function returns true or false to indicate whether a scheduled task for a group is enabled.
admin:group-scheduled-task-set-enabled This function enables one or more scheduled tasks for a group based on the group ID and task ID.
admin:group-schema This function constructs a schema element with the specified prefix and URI.
admin:group-set-audit-enabled This function changes the audit enabled setting for the group in the configuration.
admin:group-set-audit-outcome-restriction This function restricts the audit configuration by auditing events only if they are "success" or "failure" events.
admin:group-set-audit-role-restriction This function restricts the audit configuration by excluding or including by role.
admin:group-set-audit-uri-restriction This function restricts the audit configuration by excluding or including by document uri(s).
admin:group-set-audit-user-restriction This function restricts the audit configuration by excluding or including by user.
admin:group-set-azure-storage-proxy This function sets the URL of the proxy server used by the group to access Azure blob storage.
admin:group-set-background-io-limit This function sets a limit on the amount of I/O that background tasks (for example, merges) will consume.
admin:group-set-compressed-tree-cache-partitions This function changes the compressed tree cache partitions setting of the group with the specified ID to the specified value.
admin:group-set-compressed-tree-cache-size This function changes the compressed tree cache size setting of the group with the specified ID to the specified value.
admin:group-set-compressed-tree-read-size This function changes the compressed tree read size setting of the group with the specified ID to the specified value.
admin:group-set-expanded-tree-cache-partitions This function changes the expanded tree cache partitions setting of the group with the specified ID to the specified value.
admin:group-set-expanded-tree-cache-size This function changes the expanded tree cache size setting of the group with the specified ID to the specified value.
admin:group-set-failover-enable This function changes the failover enable setting for the group in the configuration.
admin:group-set-file-log-level This function changes the host file log level setting for the group in the configuration.
admin:group-set-host-initial-timeout This function changes the host initial timeout setting (the time the cluster will wait for a host to come online during cluster startup) for the group in the configuration.
admin:group-set-host-timeout This function changes the host timeout setting (the timeout for communication between hosts) for the group in the configuration.
admin:group-set-http-timeout This function changes the HTTP timeout setting for the group in the configuration.
admin:group-set-http-user-agent This function changes the HTTP User-Agent setting for the group in the configuration.
admin:group-set-keep-audit-files This function changes the keep audit files setting for the group in the configuration.
admin:group-set-keep-log-files This function changes the keep log files setting for the group in the configuration.
admin:group-set-list-cache-partitions This function changes the list cache partitions setting of the group with the specified ID to the specified value.
admin:group-set-list-cache-size This function changes the list cache size setting of the group with the specified ID to the specified value.
admin:group-set-metering-enabled This function enables or disables usage metering for all hosts in the specified group.
admin:group-set-meters-database This function specifies the database to be used to store metering data.
admin:group-set-module-cache-timeout This function sets the number of seconds a module can be unused before being flushed from caches.
admin:group-set-name This function changes the name of the group with the specified ID to the specified name.
admin:group-set-optimized-plan-cache-timeout This function changes the optimized plan cache timeout.
admin:group-set-performance-metering-enabled This function enables or disables performance metering for all hosts in the specified group.
admin:group-set-performance-metering-period This function sets the period (in number of seconds) between when performance data is gathered.
admin:group-set-performance-metering-retain-daily This function sets the number of days of performance metering data to retain.
admin:group-set-performance-metering-retain-hourly This function sets the number of days to retain hourly performance data.
admin:group-set-performance-metering-retain-raw This function sets the number of days of raw performance data to retain.
admin:group-set-retry-timeout This function changes the number of seconds a request will retry before timing out.
admin:group-set-rotate-audit-files This function changes the rotate audit files setting for the group in the configuration.
admin:group-set-rotate-log-files This function changes the rotate log files setting for the group in the configuration.
admin:group-set-s3-domain This function sets the simple storage service internet domain name for hosts in the group.
admin:group-set-s3-protocol This function sets the simple storage service protocol for hosts in the group.
admin:group-set-s3-proxy This function sets the URL of the proxy server used by the group to access AWS S3 storage.
admin:group-set-s3-server-side-encryption This function gets the method of server side encryption for data at rest on the simple storage service.
admin:group-set-s3-server-side-encryption-kms-key This function sets the KMS key that is used by server side encryption for data at rest on the simple storage service.
admin:group-set-security-database This function sets the security database for a group to the specified database in the configuration.
admin:group-set-smtp-relay This function changes the SMTP relay setting for the group in the configuration.
admin:group-set-smtp-timeout This function changes the SMTP timeout setting for the group in the configuration.
admin:group-set-system-log-level This function changes the host system log level setting for the group in the configuration.
admin:group-set-telemetry-config This function sets the update frequency for configuration changes sent to telemetry, would also be the maximum frequency at which updates will be sent.
admin:group-set-telemetry-log-level This function sets the initial log level for telemetry, which is also the maximum (finest) log level that will be sent.
admin:group-set-telemetry-metering This function sets the level of metering data sent to telemetry.
admin:group-set-telemetry-proxy This function sets the proxy server URL used by telemetry
admin:group-set-telemetry-session-endpoint This function sets the initial session endpoint for telemetry.
admin:group-set-telemetry-usage This function enables or disables usage data sent to telemetry.
admin:group-set-temporary-directory This function changes the MarkLogic Server temporary directory (default data-directory/Temp)
admin:group-set-trace-events-activated This function changes the value for trace events in the group configuration.
admin:group-set-triple-cache-partitions This function sets the number of partitions to allocate for the triple index cache.
admin:group-set-triple-cache-size This function sets the number of triple cache partitions to allocate.
admin:group-set-triple-cache-timeout This function sets the timeout value for the triple cache.
admin:group-set-triple-value-cache-partitions This function sets the number of partitions to allocate for the triple value index cache.
admin:group-set-triple-value-cache-size This function sets the size of the value cache for the triple index.
admin:group-set-triple-value-cache-timeout This function sets the timeout value for the triple value cache.
admin:group-set-xdqp-ssl-allow-sslv3 This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
admin:group-set-xdqp-ssl-allow-tls This function enables or disables the TLS protocol for the specified group.
admin:group-set-xdqp-ssl-ciphers This function sets SSL ciphers for the specified group.
admin:group-set-xdqp-ssl-disabled-protocols This function sets the disabled protocols for the specified group.
admin:group-set-xdqp-ssl-enabled This function enables or disables SSL for the group.
admin:group-set-xdqp-timeout This function changes the XDQP timeout setting (the timeout for communication between data nodes and evaluator nodes) for the group in the configuration.
admin:group-trace-event This function constructs an event element for the specified event name.
admin:group-using-namespace This function constructs a using namespace element with the specified URI.
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