MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation
geo functions

The table below lists all the geo built-in functions (in this namespace:

You can also view these functions broken down by category:

Use the following geospatial built-in functions to perform operations on geospatial values, such as region containment or intersection, and conversion between MarkLogic geospatial primitive values and standard formats such as WKT.

66 functions
Function name Description
geo.approxCenter Return a point approximating the center of the given region.
geo.arcIntersection Returns the point at the intersection of two arcs.
geo.bearing Returns the true bearing in radians of the path from the first point to the second.
geo.boundingBoxes Returns a sequence of boxes that bound the given region. Create a value from a node representing a box in one of the supported markup vocabularies, such as KML, GML, or GeoJSON.
geo.boxIntersects Returns true if the box intersects with a region.
geo.boxPolygon Construct a polygon from a box. Create a value from a radius and a node representing a point in one of the supported markup vocabularies, such as KML, GML, or GeoJSON.
geo.circleIntersects Returns true if the circle intersects with a region.
geo.circlePolygon Construct a polygon approximating a circle.
geo.complexPolygon Create a cts.complexPolygon value from a node representing a complex polygon in one of the supported markup vocabularies, such as KML, GML, or GeoJSON.
geo.complexPolygonContains Returns true if the complex-polygon contains a region.
geo.complexPolygonIntersects Returns true if the complex-polygon intersects with a region.
geo.contains Compares geospatial regions to see if they fulfill the 'contains' DE-9IM relation.
geo.coordinateSystemCanonical Get the canonical name for the coordinate system.
geo.countDistinctVertices Return a count of the distinct number of vertices in a region, taking tolerance into account.
geo.countVertices This function returns a count of the number of vertices in a region.
geo.coveredBy Compares geospatial regions to see if they fulfill the 'covered by' DE-9IM relation.
geo.covers Compares geospatial regions to see if they fulfill the 'covers' DE-9IM relation.
geo.crosses Compares geospatial regions to see if they fulfill the 'crosses' DE-9IM relation.
geo.defaultCoordinateSystem Get the canonical name for the coordinate system currently in effect.
geo.destination Returns the point at the given distance (in units) along the given bearing (in radians) from the starting point.
geo.disjoint Compares geospatial regions to see if they fulfill the 'disjoint' DE-9IM relation.
geo.distance Returns the distance (in units) between two points.
geo.distanceConvert This function converts a distance from one unit of measure to another.
geo.ellipsePolygon Construct a polygon approximating an ellipse.
geo.equals Compares geospatial regions to see if they fulfill the 'equals' DE-9IM relation.
geo.geohashDecode Given a geohash string, return the bounding box for that hash.
geo.geohashDecodePoint Given a geohash string, return the point for that hash.
geo.geohashEncode Compute a set of covering geohashes for the given region, to the given level of precision.
geo.geohashNeighbors Given a geohash string, return hashes for the neighbors.
geo.geohashPrecisionDimensions Given a geohash string, return the height and width for the given precision.
geo.geohashSubhashes Given a geohash string, return the 32 subhashes.
geo.geospatialQuery Returns a query matching points within given regions.
geo.geospatialQueryFromElements Returns a query matching points within given regions.
geo.geospatialQueryFromNodes Returns a query matching points within given regions.
geo.interiorPoint This function returns a point that is guaranteed to be inside the bounds of the given region.
geo.interiorPolygon Create a sequence of cts.polygon values from a polygon node in one of the supported markup vocabularies, such as KML or GML.
geo.intersects Compares geospatial regions to see if they fulfill the 'intersects' DE-9IM relation.
geo.linestring Create a cts.linestring value from a node representing a linestring in one of the supported markup vocabularies, such as GML or KML.
geo.linestringConcat Construct a linestring by concatenating the vertices of the input linestrings, in order.
geo.linestringReverse Construct a linestring with the vertices in reverse order.
geo.overlaps Compares geospatial regions to see if they fulfill the 'overlaps' DE-9IM relation.
geo.parse Convert nodes in one or more of the supported geospatial representations into cts.region values.
geo.parseWkb Returns a sequence of geospatial regions parsed from Well-Known Binary format.
geo.parseWkt Returns a sequence of geospatial regions parsed from Well-Known Text format.
geo.point Create a cts.point value from a node representing a point in one of the supported markup vocabularies, such as KML or GML.
geo.polygon Create a cts.polygon value from a sequence of point nodes in one of the supported markup vocabularies, such as KML or GML.
geo.polygonContains Returns true if the polygon contains a region.
geo.polygonIntersects Returns true if the polygon intersects with a region.
geo.polygonToLinestring Construct a linestring from the vertices of a polygon, or construct a sequence of linestrings from the outer and inner polygons of a complex polygon.
geo.regionAffineTransform Perform an affine transformation on a geospatial region.
geo.regionApproximate This function returns a simplified approximation of the region, using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm.
geo.regionClean This function fixes various problems with the region or raises an error if it is not repairable.
geo.regionContains Returns true if one region contains the other region.
geo.regionDe9im Calculates the Dimensionally Extended nine-Intersection Matrix (DE-9IM) of two geospatial regions.
geo.regionIntersects Returns true if the target region intersects with a region.
geo.regionRelate Compares geospatial regions based on a specified relationship.
geo.removeDuplicateVertices Remove duplicate (adjacent) vertices.
geo.shortestDistance Returns the great circle distance (in units) between a point and a region.
geo.touches Compares geospatial regions to see if they fulfill the 'touches' DE-9IM relation.
geo.toWkb Returns a binary node in Well-Known Binary format.
geo.toWkt Returns a sequence of strings in Well-Known Text format.
geo.validateWkb Returns true if the binary data can be parsed as WKB into a supported region type.
geo.validateWkt Returns true if the string is valid Well-Known Text for a supported region type.
geo.within Compares geospatial regions to see if they fulfill the 'within' DE-9IM relation.
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