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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   box as cts.box,
   [options as String[]]
) as cts.region


Construct a polygon from a box.

box A cts box that defines the polygon to be approximated.
options Options with which you can customize this operation. The following options are available:
Use the given coordinate system. Valid values are wgs84, wgs84/double, etrs89, etrs89/double, raw and raw/double. Defaults to the governing coordinating system.
Use the coordinate system at the given precision. Allowed values: float and double. Defaults to the precision of the governing coordinate system.

Usage Notes

It is recommended to use this function for queries, as box geometry matching cannot be optimized. Convert boxes to polygons before passing them in as arguments to your queries to get better performance.

See Also


'use strict';
// =>
//   POLYGON((-156.802753360617 20.7191360439908,-156.802753360617 20.9347736470789,-157.069171817648 20.9347736470789,-157.069171817648 20.7191360439908,-156.802753360617 20.7191360439908))


// Optic example using the Value Processing Function op.geo.intersects with geo.boxPolygon()
// boxPolygonLit is a polygon representing a rough box around Tucson, Arizona, US
const op = require('/MarkLogic/optic');
var boxPolygonLit = geo.boxPolygon(cts.box(31.95998068725855,-110.74619309278187,32.42948158439288,-111.22959153028187))
const result=op.fromView('buildings', 'builds')
               .select([op.col('name'), op.col('geoid')])
// ==>
// rows representing names and geoids of values in the 'poly' column that INTERSECT boxPolygonLit

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