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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   p as cts.point,
   bearing as Number,
   distance as Number,
   [options as String[]]
) as cts.point


Returns the point at the given distance (in units) along the given bearing (in radians) from the starting point.

p The starting point.
bearing The bearing, in radians.
distance The distance, in units. See the units option, below.
options Options for the operation. The default is ().

Options include:

Use the given coordinate system. Valid values are:
The WGS84 coordinate system with degrees as the angular unit.
The WGS84 coordinate system with radians as the angular unit.
The WGS84 coordinate system at double precision with degrees as the angular unit.
The WGS84 coordinate system at double precision with radians as the angular unit.
The ETRS89 coordinate system.
The ETRS89 coordinate system at double precision.
The raw (unmapped) coordinate system.
The raw coordinate system at double precision.
Use the coordinate system at the given precision. Allowed values: float and double.
Measure distance and the radii of circles in the specified units. Allowed values: miles (default), km, feet, meters.

Usage Notes

The value of the precision option takes precedence over that implied by the governing coordinate system name, including the value of the coordinate-system option. For example, if the governing coordinate system is "wgs84/double" and the precision option is "float", then the operation uses single precision.

See Also


const sf = cts.point(37, -122);
const ny = cts.point(40, -73);
geo.destination(sf, 1.22100904274442,
    geo.distance(sf, ny));

=> cts:point("40.009335,-72.997467")

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