Create a Low Priority Data Hub Service with a Public Network

Before you begin

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About this task

In this task, you will create a Low Priority Data Hub Service (DHS) with a public DHS network.
Important: For this task, you need the SERV-ADMIN portal role. See Portal Roles.


  1. Go to the MarkLogic Data Hub Service home page and select Data Hub Service from the menu.
  2. In the Create Data Hub Service page, configure your service.

    Low Priority Data Hub Service with a Public Network

    Field Description
    Name The name of your Data Hub Service.
    Network The name of the preconfigured network to use. The network can be peered or public.
    Region The region where your preconfigured network is located. Default: Central US. See Supported Regions - Azure.
    Access Public is selected by default. Services with a public network must allow public access to DHS endpoints. To restrict access to your DHS endpoints, see Set Up a Peered Network.
    • Choose Low Priority if this DHS will be used for development and testing only.
    Capacity MarkLogic Data Hub Service capacity is measured in MarkLogic Capacity Units (MCU). One MCU has approximately 1GB of memory with appropriate CPU and network capacity. MarkLogic Data Hub Service is provisioned to provide a baseline level of MCUs that govern the target storage for DHS. See Pricing.
    Note: Low Priority service type is not capable of auto scaling.

    Click the following link to view a full list of Data Hub Service resources.

  3. Click Create.


The details of your service configuration are displayed in the Dashboard, including the status of the service and the endpoints. The status of the service must be SERVICE_RUNNING.

Public Low Priority MarkLogic Data Hub Service instance

Tip: You can customize your dashboard with column sorting, column configuring, and services searching and filtering. See Customize DHS Dashboard.

To see the MarkLogic Data Hub Service details, click the service name in the Dashboard.

Public Low Priority Data Hub Service details

What to do next