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Administrating MarkLogic Server

Scheduling a Database Backup

You can schedule database backups to periodically back up a database. You can schedule backups to occur daily, weekly, monthly, or you can schedule a one-time backup. You can create as many scheduled backups as you want.

To create a scheduled backup, follow these steps in the Admin Interface:

  1. Click the Databases icon on the left tree menu.

  2. Select the database for which you want to schedule a backup, either on the tree menu or from the Database Summary page. The Database Configuration page appears.

  3. Click the Scheduled Backup link in the tree menu for the database. The Scheduled Backup Configuration page appears.

  4. On the Scheduled Backup Configuration page, you can delete any existing scheduled backups if you no longer need them.

  5. Click the Create tab. The Schedule a Database Backup page appears:

  6. Enter the absolute path to the backup directory. The backup directory must have permissions such that the MarkLogic Server process can read and write to it.


    The backup directory path must exist on all hosts that serve any forests in the database. The directory you specified can be an operating system mounted directory path, it can be an HDFS path, or it can be an S3 path. For details on using HDFS and S3 storage in MarkLogic, see Disk Storage Considerations in the Query Performance and Tuning Guide.

  7. Choose a scheduled or one-time for the backup type:

    • For minutely, enter how many minutes between each backup.

    • For hourly, enter how many hours between each backup. The Backup Minute setting specifies how many minutes after the hour the backup is to start. Note that the Backup Minute setting does not add to the interval.

    • For daily, enter how many days between each backup and the time of day.

    • For weekly, enter how many weeks between each backup, check one or more days of the week, and the time of day for the backup to start.

    • For monthly, enter how many months between each backup, select one day of the month (1-31), and the time of day for the backup to start.

    • For one-time, enter the backup start date in MM/DD/YYYY notation (for example, 07/29/2009 for July 29, 2009) and time in 24:00 notation.

  8. Enter the time of day to start the backup.

  9. Enter the maximum number of backups to keep. When you reach the specified maximum number of backups, the next backup will delete the oldest backup. Specify 0 to keep an unlimited number of backups.

  10. Choose whether you want the backups to include the security database, the schemas database, and/or the triggers database for this scheduled backup.

  11. Choose whether you want the backups to include the replica forests, as well as the master forests.

  12. Choose whether you want to schedule an incremental backup or a full backup.

  13. Choose whether you want the backups to enable Journal Archiving for point-in-time recovery. For details on Journal Archiving, see Backing Up Databases with Journal Archiving.


    If Journal Archiving is enabled, you cannot include auxiliary forests, as they should have their own separate backups.

  14. If you have enabled Journal Archiving, you can change the lag limit to control the amount of time in seconds in which a journal being backed up can differ from the current active journal.

  15. Click OK to create the scheduled backup.

The backups will automatically start according to the specified schedule.