MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation

   task-path as String,
   task-root as String,
   task-period as Number,
   task-minute as xs.nonNegativeInteger,
   task-database as (Number|String),
   task-modules as (Number|String),
   task-user as (Number|String),
   task-host as (Number|String)?,
   [task-priority as String?]
) as element(gr.scheduledTask)


This function constructs a task to be invoked at hourly intervals. You can call admin.groupAddScheduledTask to add the task.

task-path The name of the module to be invoked. The task path must begin with a forward slash (/) and cannot contain a question mark '?', colon ':' or pound '#' character.
task-root The root directory (filesystem) or URI root (database) that contains the module. For example, if the module is located in the filesystem under MarkLogic/Docs, specify Docs.
task-period The number of hours to elapse between each invocation of the module.
task-minute The number of minutes after the hour to invoke the module. This value must be 59 or less. Note that this setting does not add to the task-period value.
task-database The ID of the database on which the module is to be invoked.
task-modules The ID of the modules database. For example, xdmp:database("Modules"). To specify the filesystem, use 0.
task-user The ID of the user with permission to invoke the module. For example, xdmp:user("Jim").
task-host The ID of the host on which to invoke the module. Leave empty, (), to specify all hosts.
task-priority The priority of the task. Either "normal" or "higher".


  const admin = require('/MarkLogic/admin.xqy');
  const config = admin.getConfiguration()

     //returns an hourly scheduled task. 
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