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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation
admin functions

The table below lists all the admin built-in functions (in this namespace: http://marklogic.com/xdmp/admin).

You can also view these functions broken down by category:

The Admin module is an XQuery library module that enables you to script administrative tasks that you otherwise would need the Admin Interface to perform. Most functions in this library perform adminstrative tasks and therefore require a user with the the Admin role.

Many of these functions provide new configuration information. In most cases, you must save the configuration (with admin.saveConfiguration, for example) in the same statement that you use the functions in order for them to take effect.

To use the Admin module as part of your own SJS module, include the following line in your SJS prolog:

const admin = require("/MarkLogic/admin.xqy")

968 functions
Function name Description
admin.appserverAddModuleLocation Add one or more module namespace to location mappings to an App Server configuration.
admin.appserverAddNamespace Add one or more namespaces to an App Server configuration, which will predefine the namespace(s) for all requests evaluated against the App Server.
admin.appserverAddRequestBlackout This function adds a request blackout specification for a appserver to a configuration.
admin.appserverAddSchema This function adds a schema binding definition to the existing schema binding definitions in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverAddUsingNamespace Add one or more "using" namespaces to an App Server configuration, which add the namespaces to the namespace path for all requests evaluated against that App Server.
admin.appserverAppserverGetEnableHstsHeader This function returns true if the specified App Server is configured to include HSTS header in HTTPS response.
admin.appserverAppserverGetHstsHeaderMaxAge This function returns the App Server's configured max-age directive for HSTS header.
admin.appserverCopy This function creates a new App Server specification with the same settings as the App Server with the specified ID.
admin.appserverDelete This function deletes one or more App Servers in the configuration.
admin.appserverDeleteModuleLocation Delete one or more module location bindings from an App Server configuration.
admin.appserverDeleteNamespace This function deletes a namespace configuration from the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverDeleteRequestBlackout This function deletes a request blackout specification for a appserver from a configuration.
admin.appserverDeleteSchema This function deletes a schema definition in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverDeleteUsingNamespace Delete one or more "using" namespaces from an App Server configuration.
admin.appserverExists This function determines whether or not the specified App Server (HTTP, XDBC, or ODBC) exists.
admin.appserverGetAddress This function returns the IP address of the App Server configuration.
admin.appserverGetAuthentication This function returns the authentication scheme (basic, digest, digestbasic, or application-level) configured for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetBacklog This function returns the socket listen backlog setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetCollation This function returns the collation URI set in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetComputeContentLength This function returns the value of whether the WebDAV server computes content length.
admin.appserverGetConcurrentRequestLimit This function returns the concurrent request limit for any user for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetConnectionTimeout This function returns the connection timeout value configured for the specified App Server; the value applies only to an ODBC server.
admin.appserverGetCoordinateSystem Get the default coordinate system for an App Server.
admin.appserverGetDatabase This function returns the ID of the database to which the App Server is set to execute queries against for the specified database.
admin.appserverGetDebugAllow This function returns the value of debug allow setting configured for this App Server, where true indicates that the App Server will allow queries to be debugged, and false indicates that it will not.
admin.appserverGetDefaultErrorFormat This function returns the default format for protocol errors for an App Server.
admin.appserverGetDefaultInferenceSize This function returns the default amount of memory (in megabytes) that can be used by sem:store for inference.
admin.appserverGetDefaultQueryTimeLimit This function returns the default SQL query time limit value configured for the specified App Server; the value applies only to an ODBC server.
admin.appserverGetDefaultTimeLimit This function returns the default time limit value configured for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetDefaultUser This function returns the default user value configured for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetDefaultXqueryVersion This function returns the value of the default xquery version configured for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetDisplayLastLogin This function returns the value of the whether or not the appserver should display users' last login information.
admin.appserverGetDistributeTimestamps This function returns the value of the distribute timestamps control option configured for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetEnabled This function returns the enabled state for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetErrorHandler This function returns the path to the error handler configured for this App Server.
admin.appserverGetExternalSecurity This function returns the external security setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetFileLogLevel This function returns the value for the file log level configured for a specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetGroupId This function returns the ID of the specified App Server's group.
admin.appserverGetHostIds This function returns the ID(s) of the hosts the specified App Server's is currently running on.
admin.appserverGetId This function returns the ID of the specified App Server (HTTP, XDBC, or ODBC).
admin.appserverGetInternalSecurity This function returns the internal security setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetKeepAliveTimeout This function returns the keep alive timeout value configured for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetLastLogin This function returns the ID of the database to which the App Server stores users' last login information.
admin.appserverGetLogErrors This function returns the value of the log errors setting configured for this App Server, where true indicates that the App Server will send uncaught exceptions to the ErrorLog.txt file, and false indicates that it will not.
admin.appserverGetMaxInferenceSize This function returns the maximum amount of memory in megabytes that can be used by sem:store for inference.
admin.appserverGetMaxQueryTimeLimit This function returns the max SQL query time limit value configured for the specified App Server; the value applies only to an ODBC server.
admin.appserverGetMaxTimeLimit This function returns the max time limit value configured for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetModuleLocations This function returns the value of any module locations predefined for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetModulesDatabase This function returns the ID of the database set as the modules database for the specified database.
admin.appserverGetMultiVersionConcurrencyControl This function returns the value of the multi version concurrency control option configured for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetName This function returns the name of the appserver with the specified ID.
admin.appserverGetNamespaces This function returns the value of any namespace definitions predefined for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetOutputByteOrderMark This function returns the value for the output byte order mark setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetOutputCdataSectionLocalname This function returns the value for the output CDATA section localname setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetOutputCdataSectionNamespaceUri This function returns the value for the output CDATA section namespace URI setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetOutputDoctypePublic This function returns the value for the public doctype output setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetOutputDoctypeSystem This function returns the value for the system doctype output setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetOutputEncoding This function returns the value for the output encoding setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetOutputEscapeUriAttributes This function returns the value for the output escape URI attributes setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetOutputIncludeContentType This function returns the value for the output include content type setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetOutputIncludeDefaultAttributes This function returns the value for the output include default attributes setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetOutputIndent This function returns the value for the output indent setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetOutputIndentTabs This function returns the value for the output indent tab settings for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetOutputIndentUntyped This function returns the value for the output indent untyped setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetOutputMediaType This function returns the value for the output media type setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetOutputMethod This function returns the value for the default output serialization method setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetOutputNormalizationForm This function returns the value for the output normalization form setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetOutputOmitXmlDeclaration This function returns the value for the output omit XML declaration setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetOutputSgmlCharacterEntities This function returns the value for the output sgml character entities setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetOutputStandalone This function returns the value for the output standalone setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetOutputUndeclarePrefixes This function returns the value for the output undeclare prefixes setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetOutputVersion This function returns the value for the output version setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetPort This function returns the port for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetPreCommitTriggerDepth This function returns the pre commit trigger depth value configured for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetPreCommitTriggerLimit This function returns the pre commit trigger limit value configured for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetPrivilege This function returns the privilege ID for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetProfileAllow This function returns the value of the profile allow setting configured for this App Server, where true indicates that the App Server will allow queries to be profiled, and false indicates that it will not.
admin.appserverGetRequestBlackouts This function returns the request blackouts specification for the specified appserver from the configuration.
admin.appserverGetRequestTimeout This function returns the request timeout value configured for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetRewriteResolvesGlobally This function gets the value for the rewrite-resolves-globally property, which allows rewritten URLs to be resolved from the marklogic-dir/Modules directory as well as from the App Server root.
admin.appserverGetRoot This function returns the root for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetSchemas This function returns the value of any schemas definitions predefined for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetSessionTimeout This function returns the session timeout value configured for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetSslAllowSslv3 This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
admin.appserverGetSslAllowTls This function returns true if the TLS protocol is enabled for the specified App Server, or false if TLS is disabled.
admin.appserverGetSslCertificateTemplate This function returns the id of the SSL certificate template used by the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetSslCiphers This function returns the SSL ciphers set for the App Server.
admin.appserverGetSslClientCertificateAuthorities This function returns the id(s) of the client certificate authority for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetSslClientIssuerAuthorityVerification This function returns true if the App Server only accepts client certificates signed directly by a selected CA in the Admin Interface.
admin.appserverGetSslDisabledProtocols This function returns the disabled protocols for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetSslHostname This function returns the SSL hostname for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetSslRequireClientCertificate This function returns true if a client certificate is required for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetStaticExpires This function returns the value of the "expires" HTTP header for static content to expire after this many seconds port for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverGetThreads This function returns the maximum number of threads configured for the specified App Server on each host in the group.
admin.appserverGetType This function returns the type of appserver with the specified ID.
admin.appserverGetUrlRewriter This function returns the path to the URL rewriter configured for this App Server.
admin.appserverGetUsingNamespaces This function returns the value of any "using" namespaces predefined for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverOneTimeRequestBlackout This function constructs a one-time request-blackout specification.
admin.appserverRecurringRequestBlackout This function constructs a request-blackout specification.
admin.appserverSetAddress This function changes the IP Address in the configuration for the specified App Server to the specified address.
admin.appserverSetAuthentication This function sets the authentication scheme in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetBacklog This function sets the value in the configuration of the backlog (the maximum number of pending connections allowed on the HTTP socket) for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetCollation This function sets the default collation in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetComputeContentLength This function changes the value whether a WebDAV server computes content length.
admin.appserverSetConcurrentRequestLimit This function sets the limit on concurrent requests that any user may have on a particular appserver.
admin.appserverSetConnectionTimeout This function sets the connection timeout value (in seconds) in the configuration for the specified App Server; the value applies only to an ODBC server.
admin.appserverSetCoordinateSystem Set the default geospatial coordinate system for an App Server.
admin.appserverSetDatabase This function sets the value in the configuration of the database for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetDebugAllow This function sets the debug allow setting in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetDefaultErrorFormat This function sets the default format protocol errors for an App Server.
admin.appserverSetDefaultInferenceSize This function specifies the default value for any request's inference size.
admin.appserverSetDefaultQueryTimeLimit This function sets the default SQL query time limit (the maximum total amount of time to service a SQL query before the App Server throws a timeout exception) in the configuration for the specified App Server; the value applies only to an ODBC server.
admin.appserverSetDefaultTimeLimit This function sets the default time limit (the maximum total amount of time to service a request before the App Server throws a timeout exception) in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetDefaultUser This function sets the default user (for use with application-level authentication) in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetDefaultXqueryVersion This function sets the default XQuery version setting in the configuration for this App Server.
admin.appserverSetDisplayLastLogin This function sets the display last login setting in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetDistributeTimestamps This function sets the distribute timestamps control value in the configuration for this App Server.
admin.appserverSetEnabled This function sets the enabled state in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetEnableHstsHeader This function sets if HSTS header will be included in HTTPS response.
admin.appserverSetErrorHandler This function sets the value of the path to the error handler in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetExternalSecurity This function sets the external security setting in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetFileLogLevel This function changes the host file log level setting for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetHstsHeaderMaxAge This function sets the value of max-age directive in HSTS header for the specified App Server
admin.appserverSetInternalSecurity This function sets the internal security setting in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetKeepAliveTimeout This function sets the keep-alive timeout (the maximum number of second for subsequent socket requests to time out) in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetLastLogin This function sets the value in the configuration of the last login database for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetLogErrors This function sets the log errors setting in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetMaxInferenceSize This function specifies the upper bound for any request's inference size.
admin.appserverSetMaxQueryTimeLimit This function sets the max SQL query time limit (the maximum total amount of time to service a SQL query before the App Server throws a timeout exception) in the configuration for the specified App Server; the value applies only to an ODBC server.
admin.appserverSetMaxTimeLimit This function sets the max time limit (the maximum total amount of time to service a request before the App Server throws a timeout exception) in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetModulesDatabase This function sets the value in the configuration of modules database for the specified App Server to the specified database ID.
admin.appserverSetMultiVersionConcurrencyControl This function sets the multi version concurrency control value in the configuration for this App Server.
admin.appserverSetName This function changes the name of an existing App Server to the newly specified value.
admin.appserverSetOutputByteOrderMark This function configures whether for the specified App Server the output sequence of octets is or is not to be preceded by a byte order mark by default.
admin.appserverSetOutputCdataSectionLocalname This function sets the default element localname or list of element localnames to be output as CDATA sections for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetOutputCdataSectionNamespaceUri This function sets the namespace URI for any CDATA section localnames configured for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetOutputDoctypePublic This function configures a default public identifier to use on the emitted DOCTYPE for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetOutputDoctypeSystem This function configures a default system identifier to use on the emitted DOCTYPE for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetOutputEncoding This function sets the value for the default output encoding in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetOutputEscapeUriAttributes This function configures whether or not to apply Unicode normalization, percent-encoding, and HTML escaping when serializing URI attributes by default for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetOutputIncludeContentType This function configures whether or not to include the content-type declaration when serializing nodes for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetOutputIncludeDefaultAttributes This function configures whether for the specified App Server, attributes defaulted with a schema should be included in the serialization.
admin.appserverSetOutputIndent This function configures whether or not to pretty-print (indent) typed XML (that is, XML for which there is an in-scope schema) output for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetOutputIndentTabs This function configures whether or not to set tabs (indent) in typed XML output(that is, XML for which there is an in-scope schema) for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetOutputIndentUntyped This function configures whether or not to pretty-print (indent) untyped XML (that is, XML for which there is no in-scope schema) output for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetOutputMediaType This function sets the default serialization media type for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetOutputMethod This function configures the default output serialization method for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetOutputNormalizationForm This function sets a Unicode normalization form to be applied by default to serialized output for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetOutputOmitXmlDeclaration This function configures whether serialized output for the specified App Server should omit the inclusion of an XML declaration by default.
admin.appserverSetOutputSgmlCharacterEntities This function sets the SGML character entity output setting in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetOutputStandalone This function configures whether for the specified App Server an XML declaration in serialized output should include a standalone attribute by default.
admin.appserverSetOutputUndeclarePrefixes This function configures whether by default, serialization for the specified App Server should undeclare the namespace prefix of any child element that does not bind the prefix of its parent element.
admin.appserverSetOutputVersion This function stipulates a version of the default serialization method associated with the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetPort This function changes the port in the configuration for the specified App Server to the specified number.
admin.appserverSetPreCommitTriggerDepth This function sets the maximum depth (how many triggers can cause other triggers to fire, which in turn cause others to fire, and so on) in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetPreCommitTriggerLimit This function sets the value in the configuration for the maximum number of pre-commit triggers a single statement can invoke for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetPrivilege This function sets an execute privilege in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetProfileAllow This function sets the profile allow setting in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetRequestTimeout This function sets the value of the socket request timeout (the number of seconds before the socket times out) in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetRewriteResolvesGlobally This function sets the value for the rewrite-resolves-globally property, which allows rewritten URLs to be resolved from the marklogic-dir/Modules directory as well as from the App Server root.
admin.appserverSetRoot This function changes the root for a specified App Server to the newly specified value.
admin.appserverSetSessionTimeout This function sets the session timeout value (in seconds) in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetSslAllowSslv3 This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
admin.appserverSetSslAllowTls This function enables or disables the TLS protocol for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetSslCertificateTemplate This function sets an SSL certificate template for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetSslCiphers This function sets SSL ciphers for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetSslClientCertificateAuthorities This function sets one or more client certificate authorities that sign client certificates for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetSslClientIssuerAuthorityVerification This function determines whether the App Server only accepts client certificates signed directly by a selected CA in the Admin Interface or client certificates that have a parent CA that is indirectly signed by one or more ancestor CAs selected in the Admin Interface (same as prior to MarkLogic 9.0-8).
admin.appserverSetSslDisabledProtocols This function sets the disabled protocols for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetSslHostname This function sets an SSL hostname for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetSslRequireClientCertificate This function determines whether or not a client certificate is required for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetStaticExpires This function changes the value of the "expires" HTTP header for a specified App Server to the newly specified value.
admin.appserverSetThreads This function sets the value in the configuration of the maximum number of threads per host for the specified App Server.
admin.appserverSetUrlRewriter This function sets the value of the path to the URL rewriter in the configuration for the specified App Server.
admin.bucketAssignmentPolicy This function returns an element that represents the bucket assignment policy.
admin.canCommitUpgrade This function returns true if the cluster is ready to commit the upgrade, returns false otherwise.
admin.clusterGetAuditLogEncryption This function returns the encryption setting at cluster level for the audit log file.
admin.clusterGetConfigEncryption This function returns the encryption setting at cluster level for configuration files.
admin.clusterGetConfigEncryptionKeyId This function returns the active encryption key ID used for encryption of configuration files.
admin.clusterGetDataEncryption This function returns the encryption setting at cluster level for user data.
admin.clusterGetDataEncryptionKeyId This function returns the active encryption key ID used for encryption of data.
admin.clusterGetEffectiveVersion This function returns the effective software version of this cluster.
admin.clusterGetExternalConfigEncryptionKeyId This function returns the encryption key ID in the external KMS to use for encryption of configuration files.
admin.clusterGetExternalDataEncryptionKeyId This function returns the encryption key ID in the external KMS to use for encryption of data.
admin.clusterGetExternalLogsEncryptionKeyId This function returns the encryption key ID in the external KMS to use for encryption of log files.
admin.clusterGetForeignClusterId This function returns the id of the specified foreign cluster.
admin.clusterGetForeignClusterIds This function returns the ids of the foreign clusters.
admin.clusterGetForeignMasterDatabase This function is executed on a replica cluster to return the replication configuration for the specified local database from the specified foreign master cluster.
admin.clusterGetForeignReplicaDatabases This function is executed on the master cluster to return the replication configuration for the specified local database to the specified foreign replica cluster.
admin.clusterGetId This function returns the id of this cluster.
admin.clusterGetInternalConfigEncryptionKeyId This function returns the encryption key ID in the internal KMS to use for encryption of configuration files.
admin.clusterGetInternalDataEncryptionKeyId This function returns the encryption key ID in the internal KMS to use for encryption of data.
admin.clusterGetInternalLogsEncryptionKeyId This function returns the encryption key ID in the internal KMS to use for encryption of log files.
admin.clusterGetKeystoreBackupOption This function is used to get the backup option for the embedded PKCS#11 wallet.
admin.clusterGetKeystoreHostName This function returns the first host name for the Keystore Management System.
admin.clusterGetKeystoreHostNames This function returns all configured KMS host names.
admin.clusterGetKeystoreKmipCAPath This function returns the path to the PEM encoded KMIP Certificate Authority (CA) used for authentication with the KMS
admin.clusterGetKeystoreKmipCertificatePath This function returns the path to PEM encoded KMIP certificate.
admin.clusterGetKeystoreKmipKeyPath This function returns the path to the PEM encoded private key
admin.clusterGetKeystoreKmsType This function returns the encryption setting at cluster level for log files
admin.clusterGetKeystorePort This function returns the first port number to connect to the Keystore Management System.
admin.clusterGetKeystorePorts This function returns all the configured KMS ports.
admin.clusterGetKeystoreWalletLocation This function returns the PKCS#11 wallet location if it has been set by cluster-set-keystore-wallet-location.
admin.clusterGetLanguageBaseline This function returns the language baseline of this cluster.
admin.clusterGetLogsEncryption This function returns the encryption setting at cluster level for log files.
admin.clusterGetLogsEncryptionKeyId This function returns the active encryption key ID used for encryption of log files.
admin.clusterGetName This function returns the name of this cluster.
admin.clusterGetSslFipsEnabled This function returns true when OpenSSL FIPS 140-2 mode is enabled in the cluster configuration.
admin.clusterGetXdqpBootstrapHosts This function returns the ids of the bootstrap hosts configured for this cluster.
admin.clusterGetXdqpSslCertificate This function returns the SSL certificate used to establish secure communication between this cluster and foreign clusters.
admin.clusterGetXdqpSslPrivateKey This function returns the private key for secure communication between this cluster and foreign clusters.
admin.clusterRotateConfigEncryptionKeyId This function rotates the encryption key ID to use for encryption of configuration files when MarkLogic is configured with internal KMS
admin.clusterRotateDataEncryptionKeyId This function rotates the encryption key ID to use for encryption of data when MarkLogic is configured with internal KMS
admin.clusterRotateLogsEncryptionKeyId This function rotates the encryption key ID to use for encryption of log files when MarkLogic is configured with internal KMS
admin.clusterSetAuditLogEncryption This function sets the encryption setting at cluster level for the audit log file.
admin.clusterSetConfigEncryption This function sets the encryption setting at cluster level for configuration files.
admin.clusterSetConfigEncryptionKeyId This function sets the encryption key ID to use for encryption of configuration files
admin.clusterSetDataEncryption This function sets the encryption setting at cluster level for user data.
admin.clusterSetDataEncryptionKeyId This function sets the encryption key ID to use for encryption of data.
admin.clusterSetExternalConfigEncryptionKeyId This function sets the encryption key ID to use for encryption of configuration files when the kms-type is external.
admin.clusterSetExternalDataEncryptionKeyId This function sets the encryption key ID to use for encryption of data when the kms-type is external.
admin.clusterSetExternalLogsEncryptionKeyId This function sets the encryption key ID to use for encryption of log files when kms-type is external.
admin.clusterSetKeystoreBackupOption This function is used to set the backup option for the embedded PKCS#11 wallet.
admin.clusterSetKeystoreHostName This function sets the host name for the Keystore Management System.
admin.clusterSetKeystoreHostNames This function sets the host name(s) for the Keystore Management System.
admin.clusterSetKeystoreKmipCAPath This function updates the path to the PEM encoded Certificate Authority (CA) used for authentication with the KMS.
admin.clusterSetKeystoreKmipCertificatePath This function updates the path for the PEM encoded KMIP certificate for this host
admin.clusterSetKeystoreKmipKeyPath This function updates the path to the PEM encoded private key.
admin.clusterSetKeystoreKmsType This function sets the type of Keystore Management System (KMS) to be used.
admin.clusterSetKeystoreLogsEncryptionPassphrase MarkLogic supports encrypting the logs with a secondary encryption passphrase, this function can be used to set the passphrase.
admin.clusterSetKeystorePassphrase This function resets the MarkLogic PKCS#11 wallet protection passphrase
admin.clusterSetKeystorePort This function sets the port number to connect to the Keystore Management System.
admin.clusterSetKeystorePorts This function sets the port number(s) to connect to the Keystore Management System.
admin.clusterSetKeystoreWalletLocation This function is used to set the PKCS#11 wallet location.
admin.clusterSetLanguageBaseline This function sets the language baseline for this cluster.
admin.clusterSetLogsEncryption This function sets the encryption setting at cluster level for log files.
admin.clusterSetLogsEncryptionKeyId This function sets the encryption key ID to use for encryption of log files.
admin.clusterSetName This function sets the name for this cluster.
admin.clusterSetSslFipsEnabled This function enables or disables OpenSSL FIPS 140-2 mode for the cluster.
admin.clusterSetXdqpBootstrapHosts This function sets the bootstrap hosts for the domestic cluster.
admin.clusterSetXdqpSslCertificate This function sets the SSL certificate used to establish secure communication between this cluster and foreign clusters.
admin.clusterSetXdqpSslPrivateKey This function sets the SSL private key for secure communication between this cluster and foreign clusters.
admin.databaseAddBackup This function adds scheduled backup specifications for a database to a configuration.
admin.databaseAddDefaultRuleset This function adds a ruleset (db:ruleset) to be used for inference on a database.
admin.databaseAddElementAttributeWordLexicon This function adds an element attribute word lexicon to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAddElementWordLexicon This function adds an element word lexicon to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAddElementWordQueryThrough This function adds an element word query through to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAddField This function adds the field specification to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAddFieldExcludedElement This function adds the field excluded element specification in the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAddFieldIncludedElement This function adds the field included element specification tn the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAddFieldPaths This function adds given paths to the field specified by field-name.
admin.databaseAddFieldTokenizerOverride This function adds tokenizer overrides for the specified field of the specified database.
admin.databaseAddFieldWordLexicon This function adds a word lexicon to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAddForeignReplicas This function adds one or more replica databases to the database replication configuration.
admin.databaseAddFragmentParent This function adds the specified fragment parent to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAddFragmentRoot This function adds the specified fragment root to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAddGeospatialElementAttributePairIndex This function adds a geospatial element attribute pair index to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAddGeospatialElementChildIndex This function adds a geospatial element child index to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAddGeospatialElementIndex This function adds a range element index to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAddGeospatialElementPairIndex This function adds a geospatial element pair index to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAddGeospatialPathIndex This function adds a range path index to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAddGeospatialRegionPathIndex This function adds a geospatial region path index to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAddMergeBlackout This function adds a merge blackout specification for a database to a configuration.
admin.databaseAddPathNamespace Add one or more namespaces to a database configuration, which will predefine the namespace(s) for all XPath expressions used in range index definitions.
admin.databaseAddPhraseAround This function adds a phrase around to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAddPhraseThrough This function adds a phrase through to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAddRangeElementAttributeIndex This function adds a range element attribute index to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAddRangeElementIndex This function adds a range element index to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAddRangeFieldIndex This function adds a range field index to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAddRangePathIndex This function adds a range path index to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAddWordLexicon This function adds a word lexicon to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAddWordQueryExcludedElement This function adds the word query excluded element specification for the specified database to the configuration.
admin.databaseAddWordQueryIncludedElement This function adds the word query included element specification to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseAttachForest This function attaches the specified forest to the specified database.
admin.databaseAttachSubDatabase This function adds a sub-database to a super-database.
admin.databaseBackupGetEnabled This function returns true or false to indicate whether a specific backup is enabled for a database.
admin.databaseBackupSetEnabled This function enables database backup for the specified database.
admin.databaseCopy This function creates a new database specification with the same settings as the database with the specified ID.
admin.databaseCreate This function creates a new database specification.
admin.databaseDailyBackup This function constructs a daily scheduled database backup specification.
admin.databaseDailyIncrementalBackup This function constructs a daily scheduled incremental database backup specification.
admin.databaseDelete This function deletes the configuration from the specified database(s).
admin.databaseDeleteAllRangeFieldIndexes This function deletes all the range field indexes on given fields for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteBackup This function deletes scheduled backup specifications for a database from a configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteBackupById This function deletes a specific scheduled backup configuration, identified by the backup ID.
admin.databaseDeleteDefaultRuleset This function deletes the default ruleset used for inference on a database.
admin.databaseDeleteElementAttributeWordLexicon This function deletes an element attribute word lexicon for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteElementWordLexicon This function deletes an element word lexicon for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteElementWordQueryThrough This function deletes an element word query through for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteField This function deletes the field specification in the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteFieldExcludedElement This function deletes the field excluded element specification in the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteFieldIncludedElement This function deletes the field included element specification in the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteFieldPaths This function deletes paths from a specified field.
admin.databaseDeleteFieldTokenizerOverride This function deletes the field's tokenizer override in the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteFieldWordLexicon This function deletes a word lexicon for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteForeignMaster This function removes the specified master database from the database replication configuration on the replica host.
admin.databaseDeleteForeignReplicas This function deletes the foreign replica database configurations for the specified master database.
admin.databaseDeleteFragmentParent This function deletes the specified fragment parent in the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteFragmentRoot This function deletes the specified fragment root in the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteGeospatialElementAttributePairIndex This function deletes a geospatial element attribute pair index in the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteGeospatialElementChildIndex This function deletes a geospatial element child index for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteGeospatialElementIndex This function deletes a geospatial element index for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteGeospatialElementPairIndex This function deletes a geospatial element pair index for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteGeospatialPathIndex This function deletes a geospatial path index for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteGeospatialRegionPathIndex This function deletes a geospatial region path index to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteMergeBlackout This function deletes a merge blackout specification for a database from a configuration.
admin.databaseDeletePathNamespace This function deletes the specified namespaces from the configuration for the specified database.
admin.databaseDeletePhraseAround This function deletes a phrase around for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseDeletePhraseThrough This function deletes a phrase through for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteRangeElementAttributeIndex This function deletes a range element attribute index for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteRangeElementIndex This function deletes a range element index for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteRangeFieldIndex This function deletes a range field index for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteRangePathIndex This function deletes a range path index for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteWordLexicon This function deletes a word lexicon for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteWordQueryExcludedElement This function deletes the word query excluded element specification in the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseDeleteWordQueryIncludedElement This function deletes the word query included element specification in the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseDetachForest This function detaches the specified forest from the specified database.
admin.databaseDetachSubDatabase This function removes a sub-database from a super-database.
admin.databaseElementAttributeReference This function greated a db:element-attribute-reference specification.
admin.databaseElementAttributeWordLexicon This function constructs an element attribute word lexicon specification.
admin.databaseElementReference This function greated a db:element-reference specification.
admin.databaseElementWordLexicon This function constructs an element word lexicon specification.
admin.databaseElementWordQueryThrough This function constructs an element word query through specification.
admin.databaseEmployForest This function "employs" the specified forest in the configuration.
admin.databaseExcludedElement This function constructs an excluded element specification.
admin.databaseExists This function determines whether or not the specified database exists.
admin.databaseField This function constructs a field specification.
admin.databaseFieldPath This function is a constructor for field-path element.
admin.databaseFieldReference This function creates a db:field-reference specification.
admin.databaseForeignMaster This function returns a master database configuration.
admin.databaseForeignMasterGetClusterId This function returns the id of the cluster from the specified foreign master configuration.
admin.databaseForeignMasterGetConnectForestsByName This function returns the connect-forests-by-name setting from the master database configuration.
admin.databaseForeignMasterGetDatabaseId This function returns the id of the foreign master database.
admin.databaseForeignReplica This function returns a replica database configuration.
admin.databaseForeignReplicaGetClusterId This function returns the id of the replica cluster from the replica database configuration.
admin.databaseForeignReplicaGetConnectForestsByName This function returns the connect-forests-by-name setting from the replica database configuration.
admin.databaseForeignReplicaGetDatabaseId This function returns the id of the replica database from the replica database configuration.
admin.databaseForeignReplicaGetLagLimit This function returns the lag limit value from the replica database configuration.
admin.databaseForeignReplicaGetQueueSize This function returns the queue size for the number of fragments or frames in-flight during database replication.
admin.databaseForeignReplicaGetReplicationEnabled This function returns the enabled flag from the replica database configuration.
admin.databaseForeignReplicaSetLagLimit This function sets the lag limit value on a replica database configuration.
admin.databaseForeignReplicaSetQueueSize This function sets the queue size for the number of fragments or frames in-flight during database replication.
admin.databaseForeignReplicaSetReplicationEnabled This function sets the enabled flag on a replica database configuration.
admin.databaseFragmentParent This function constructs a fragment parent specification.
admin.databaseFragmentRoot This function constructs a fragment root specification.
admin.databaseGeospatialElementAttributePairIndex This function constructs a geospatial element attribute pair index specification.
admin.databaseGeospatialElementChildIndex This function constructs a geospatial element child index specification.
admin.databaseGeospatialElementIndex This function constructs a geospatial element index specification.
admin.databaseGeospatialElementPairIndex This function constructs a geospatial element pair index specification.
admin.databaseGeospatialPathIndex This function constructs a geospatial path index specification.
admin.databaseGeospatialRegionPathIndex This function constructs a geospatial region path index specification.
admin.databaseGetAssignmentPolicy This function returns the assignment policy for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetAttachedForests This function returns the attached forest IDs for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetAttributeValuePositions This function returns the attribute value positions setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetBackupEncryption This function returns the backup encryption key used for encryption of backup for the database identified by the database-id.
admin.databaseGetBackups This function returns the scheduled backups for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetCollectionLexicon This function returns the collection lexicon setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetConfigForForeignMasterOnForeignCluster This function returns the master configuration on a foreign cluster.
admin.databaseGetConfigForForeignReplicasOnForeignCluster This function returns the replica configuration on a foreign cluster.
admin.databaseGetDataEncryption This function returns the encryption setting for the database ID by database-id.
admin.databaseGetDefaultRulesets This function returns the default rulesets for a database.
admin.databaseGetDirectoryCreation This function returns the directory creation setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetElementAttributeWordLexicons This function returns the element attribute word lexicons specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetElementValuePositions This function returns the element value positions setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetElementWordLexicons This function returns the element word lexicons specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetElementWordPositions This function returns the element word positions setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetElementWordQueryThroughs This function returns the element word query throughs specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetEnabled This function returns the enabled value for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetEncryptionKeyId This function returns the encryption key ID used for encryption of data for the database identified by the database-id.
admin.databaseGetExpungeLocks This function returns the expunge locks setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetFastCaseSensitiveSearches This function returns the fast case sensitive searches setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetFastDiacriticSensitiveSearches This function returns the fast diacritic sensitive searches setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetFastElementCharacterSearches This function returns the fast element character searches setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetFastElementPhraseSearches This function returns the fast element phrase searches setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetFastElementTrailingWildcardSearches This function returns the trailing wildcard searches setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetFastElementWordSearches This function returns the fast element word searches setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetFastPhraseSearches This function returns the fast phrase searches setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetFastReverseSearches This function returns the fast reverse searches setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetField This function returns the field specification for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetFieldExcludedElements This function returns the field excluded elements specification for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetFieldFastCaseSensitiveSearches This function returns true if the fast case sensitive searches setting for the specified field is enabled.
admin.databaseGetFieldFastDiacriticSensitiveSearches This function returns true if the fast diacritic sensitive searches setting for the specified field is enabled.
admin.databaseGetFieldFastPhraseSearches This function returns true if the fast phrase searches setting for the specified field is enabled.
admin.databaseGetFieldIncludedElements This function returns the fields included elements specification for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetFieldIncludeDocumentRoot This function returns the field include document root setting for the specified field from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetFieldOneCharacterSearches This function returns true if the one character searches setting for the specified field is enabled.
admin.databaseGetFieldPaths This function returns all the paths on a given field.
admin.databaseGetFields This function returns the fields specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetFieldStemmedSearches This function returns stemmed searches setting for the specified field if configured.
admin.databaseGetFieldThreeCharacterSearches This function returns true if the three character searches setting for the specified field is enabled.
admin.databaseGetFieldThreeCharacterWordPositions This function returns true if the three character word positions setting for the specified field is enabled.
admin.databaseGetFieldTokenizerOverrides This function fetches any custom tokenizer override specifications for the specified field and database.
admin.databaseGetFieldTrailingWildcardSearches This function returns true if the trailing wildcard searches setting for the specified field is enabled.
admin.databaseGetFieldTrailingWildcardWordPositions This function returns true if the trailing wildcard word positions setting for the specified field is enabled.
admin.databaseGetFieldTwoCharacterSearches This function returns true if the two character searches setting for the specified field is enabled.
admin.databaseGetFieldValuePositions This function gets the field value positions setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseGetFieldValueSearches This function returns the field value search setting for the specified field.
admin.databaseGetFieldWordLexicons This function returns the word lexicons specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetFieldWordSearches This function returns true if the word searches setting for the specified field is enabled.
admin.databaseGetForeignMaster This function returns the configuration for the foreign master database.
admin.databaseGetForeignReplicas This function returns the configuration elements of the replica databases associated with the master database specified by database-id.
admin.databaseGetFormatCompatibility This function returns the format compatibility setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetFragmentParents This function returns the fragment parents specification for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetFragmentRoots This function returns the fragment roots specification for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetGeospatialElementAttributePairIndexes This function returns the geospatial element attribute pair indexes specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetGeospatialElementChildIndexes This function returns the geospatial element child indexes specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetGeospatialElementIndexes This function returns the geospatial element indexes specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetGeospatialElementPairIndexes This function returns the geospatial element pair indexes specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetGeospatialPathIndexes This function returns the geospatial path indexes specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetGeospatialRegionPathIndexes This function returns the geospatial region path index specification(s) for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseGetId This function returns the ID for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetIndexDetection This function returns the index detection setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetInheritCollections This function returns the inherit collections setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetInheritPermissions This function returns the inherit positions setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetInheritQuality This function returns the inherit quality setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetInMemoryGeospatialRegionIndexSize This function returns the in memory geospatial region index size setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetInMemoryLimit This function returns the in memory limit setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetInMemoryListSize This function returns the in memory list size setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetInMemoryRangeIndexSize This function returns the in memory range index size setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetInMemoryReverseIndexSize This function returns the in memory reverse index size setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetInMemoryTreeSize This function returns the in memory tree size setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetInMemoryTripleIndexSize This function returns the in memory triple index size setting (in megabytes) for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetJournaling This function returns the journaling setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseGetJournalSize This function returns the journal size setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetLanguage This function returns the language for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetLargeSizeThreshold This function returns the threshold at which binary documents in the specified database should be handled as binary large objects (BLOBs).
admin.databaseGetLocking This function returns the locking setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseGetMaintainDirectoryLastModified This function returns the maintain directory last modified setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetMaintainLastModified This function returns the maintain last modified setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetMergeBlackouts This function returns the merge blackouts specification for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetMergeMaxSize This function returns the merge max size setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetMergeMinRatio This function returns the merge min ratio setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetMergeMinSize This function returns the merge min size setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetMergePriority This function returns the CPU scheduler priority for merges for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetMergeTimestamp This function returns the merge timestamp setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetName This function returns the name for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetOneCharacterSearches This function returns the one character searches setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetPathNamespaces This function returns the value of any namespace definitions predefined for the specified database.
admin.databaseGetPhraseArounds This function returns the phrase arounds specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetPhraseThroughs This function returns the phrase throughs specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetPositionsListMaxSize This function returns the positions list max size setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetPreallocateJournals This function returns the preallocate journals setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetPreloadMappedData This function returns the preload mapped data setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetPreloadReplicaMappedData This function returns the preload replica mapped data setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetRangeElementAttributeIndexes This function returns the range element attribute indexes specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetRangeElementIndexes This function returns the range element indexes specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetRangeFieldIndexes This function returns the range field indexes specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetRangeIndexOptimize This function returns the range index optimize setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetRangePathIndexes This function returns the range path indexes specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetRangePolicyPartitionKey This function returns the range policy partition key set for the database.
admin.databaseGetRebalancerEnable This function returns the rebalancer enable setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetRebalancerThrottle This function returns the rebalancer throttle setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetReindexerEnable This function returns the reindexer enable setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetReindexerThrottle This function returns the reindexer throttle setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetReindexerTimestamp This function returns the reindexer timestamp setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetRetainUntilBackup This function returns the "retain until backup" setting from the configuration for the specified database.
admin.databaseGetRetiredForests This function returns the list of all retired forests for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetSchemaDatabase This function returns the ID of the schema database for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetSecurityDatabase This function returns the ID of the security database for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetShutdownOnStorageFailure This function returns the shutdown on storage failure setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetStemmedSearches This function returns the stemmed searches setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetStorageFailureTimeout This function returns the storage failure timeout for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetTfNormalization This function returns the current term-frequency normalization setting for the database.
admin.databaseGetThreeCharacterSearches This function returns the three character searches setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetThreeCharacterWordPositions This function returns the three character word positions setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetTrailingWildcardSearches This function returns the trailing wildcard searches setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetTrailingWildcardWordPositions This function returns the trailing wildcard word positions setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetTriggersDatabase This function returns the ID of the triggers database for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetTripleIndex This function returns true if the triple index is enabled for the specified database, false if it is not enabled.
admin.databaseGetTriplePositions This function returns triple positions setting of a database.
admin.databaseGetTwoCharacterSearches This function returns the two character searches setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetUriLexicon This function returns the URI lexicon setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetWordLexicons This function returns the word lexicons specification(s) for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetWordPositions This function returns the word positions setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetWordQueryExcludedElements This function returns the word query excluded elements setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetWordQueryFastCaseSensitiveSearches This function returns true if the word query fast case sensitive searches setting is enabled for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseGetWordQueryFastDiacriticSensitiveSearches This function returns true if the word query fast diacritic sensitive searches setting is enabled for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseGetWordQueryFastPhraseSearches This function returns true if the word query fast phrase searches setting for the specified database is set in the configuration.
admin.databaseGetWordQueryIncludedElements This function returns the word query included elements setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetWordQueryIncludeDocumentRoot This function returns the word query include document root setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetWordQueryOneCharacterSearches This function returns true if the word query one character searches setting is enabled for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseGetWordQueryStemmedSearches This function returns the reindexer word query stemmed searches setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetWordQueryThreeCharacterSearches This function returns true if the word query three character searches setting is enabled for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseGetWordQueryThreeCharacterWordPositions This function returns true if the word query three character word positions setting is enabled for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseGetWordQueryTrailingWildcardSearches This function returns true if the word query trailing wildcard searches setting is enabled for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseGetWordQueryTrailingWildcardWordPositions This function returns true if the word query trailing wildcard word positions setting is enabled for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseGetWordQueryTwoCharacterSearches This function returns true if the word query two character searches setting is enabled for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseGetWordQueryWordSearches This function returns true if the word query searches setting for the specified database is enabled in the configuration.
admin.databaseGetWordSearches This function returns the word searches setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseHourlyBackup This function constructs an hourly scheduled database backup specification.
admin.databaseHourlyIncrementalBackup This function constructs an hourly scheduled incremental database backup specification.
admin.databaseIncludedElement This function constructs an included element specification.
admin.databaseInUsePathNamespacePrefixes This function returns the prefixes of all the namespaces that are in use by some path or geospatial path index.
admin.databaseIsForestEmployed This function returns true if the specified forest is employed and false the specified forest is not employed.
admin.databaseIsForestRetired This function returns true if the specified forest is retired and false the specified forest is not retired.
admin.databaseMetadataField This function constructs a metadata field specification.
admin.databaseMinutelyBackup This function constructs a scheduled database backup specification on a number-of-minutes basis.
admin.databaseMinutelyIncrementalBackup This function constructs a scheduled incremental database backup specification based on a number of minutes.
admin.databaseMonthlyBackup This function constructs a monthly scheduled backup specification.
admin.databaseMonthlyIncrementalBackup This function constructs a scheduled monthly incremental backup specification.
admin.databaseOneTimeBackup This function constructs a one-time backup specification.
admin.databaseOneTimeIncrementalBackup This function constructs a one-time incremental backup specification.
admin.databaseOneTimeMergeBlackout This function constructs a one-time merge-blackout specification.
admin.databasePathField This function constructs a field specification that has field paths.
admin.databasePathNamespace This function constructs a namespace element with the specified prefix and URI.
admin.databasePathReference This function creates a db:path-reference specification.
admin.databasePhraseAround This function constructs a phrase through specification.
admin.databasePhraseThrough This function constructs a phrase through specification.
admin.databaseRangeElementAttributeIndex This function constructs a range element attribute index specification.
admin.databaseRangeElementIndex This function constructs a range element index specification.
admin.databaseRangeFieldIndex This function constructs a range field index specification.
admin.databaseRangePathIndex This function constructs a path range index specification.
admin.databaseRecurringMergeBlackout This function constructs a merge-blackout specification.
admin.databaseReorderForests This function reorders the forests in the specified database.
admin.databaseRetireForest This function "retires" the specified forest in the configuration.
admin.databaseRuleset The ruleset element (db:default-ruleset) created to be used for inference on a database.
admin.databaseSetAssignmentPolicy This function sets the assignment policy for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetAttributeValuePositions This function sets the attribute value positions setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetBackupEncryptionKey This function sets which key encryption key to use for encryption of backup for the database identified by database-id.
admin.databaseSetCollectionLexicon This function sets the collection lexicon setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetDataEncryption This function sets the encryption setting for the database identified by database-id.
admin.databaseSetDirectoryCreation This function sets the directory creation setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetElementValuePositions This function sets the element value positions setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetElementWordPositions This function sets the element word positions setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetEnabled This function sets the enabled value for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetEncryptionKeyId This function sets the encryption key ID to use for encryption of data for the database identified by database-id.
admin.databaseSetExpungeLocks This function sets the expunge locks setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFastCaseSensitiveSearches This function sets the fast case sensitive searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFastDiacriticSensitiveSearches This function sets the fast diacritic-sensitive searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFastElementCharacterSearches This function sets the fast element character searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFastElementPhraseSearches This function sets the fast element phrase searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFastElementTrailingWildcardSearches This function sets the fast element trailing wildcard searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFastElementWordSearches This function sets the element word searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFastPhraseSearches This function sets the fast phrase searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFastReverseSearches This function sets the fast reverse searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFieldFastCaseSensitiveSearches This function sets the field fast case sensitive searches setting for the specified field in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFieldFastDiacriticSensitiveSearches This function sets the field fast diacritic sensitive searches setting for the specified field in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFieldFastPhraseSearches This function sets the field fast phrase searches setting for the specified field in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFieldIncludeDocumentRoot This function sets the field include document root setting for the specified field in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFieldName This function sets the field name setting for the specified field in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFieldOneCharacterSearches This function sets the field one character searches setting for the specified field in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFieldStemmedSearches This function sets the field stemmed searches setting for the specified field in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFieldThreeCharacterSearches This function sets the field three character searches setting for the specified field in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFieldThreeCharacterWordPositions This function sets the field three character word positions setting for the specified field in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFieldTrailingWildcardSearches This function sets the field trailing wildcard searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFieldTrailingWildcardWordPositions This function sets the field trailing wildcard word positions setting for the specified field in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFieldTwoCharacterSearches This function sets the field two character searches setting for the specified field in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFieldValuePositions This function sets the field value positions setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFieldValueSearches This function sets the field value searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetFieldWordSearches This function sets the field word searches setting for the specified field in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetForeignMaster This function configures the specified replica database to receive replicated data from the specified foreign master.
admin.databaseSetForeignReplicas This function sets the foreign replica database configuration.
admin.databaseSetFormatCompatibility This function sets the format compatibility setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetIndexDetection This function sets the index detection setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetInheritCollections This function sets the inherit collections setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetInheritPermissions This function sets the inherit permissions setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetInheritQuality This function sets the inherit quality setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetInMemoryGeospatialRegionIndexSize This function sets the in-memory geospatial region index size setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetInMemoryLimit This function sets the in-memory limit setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetInMemoryListSize This function sets the in-memory list size setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetInMemoryRangeIndexSize This function sets the in-memory range index size setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetInMemoryReverseIndexSize This function sets the in-memory range reverse index size setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetInMemoryTreeSize This function sets the in-memory tree size setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetInMemoryTripleIndexSize This function sets the size, in megabytes, of the in-memory triple index.
admin.databaseSetJournaling This function sets the journaling setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetJournalSize This function sets the journal size setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetLanguage This function sets the language for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetLargeSizeThreshold This function sets the threshold at which binary documents in the specified database should be handled as binary large objects (BLOBs).
admin.databaseSetLocking This function sets the locking setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetMaintainDirectoryLastModified This function sets the maintain directory last modified setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetMaintainLastModified This function sets the maintain last modified setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetMergeMaxSize This function sets the merge max size setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetMergeMinRatio This function sets the merge min ratio setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetMergeMinSize This function sets the merge minimum size setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetMergePriority This function sets the CPU scheduler priority for merges.
admin.databaseSetMergeTimestamp This function sets the merge timestamp setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetName This function changes the name of the database with the specified ID to the specified name.
admin.databaseSetOneCharacterSearches This function sets the one character searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetPositionsListMaxSize This function sets the positions list max size setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetPreallocateJournals This function sets the preallocate journals setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetPreloadMappedData This function sets the preload mapped data setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetPreloadReplicaMappedData This function sets the preload-replica-mapped-data setting for the specified database.
admin.databaseSetRangeIndexOptimize This function sets the range index optimize setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetRebalancerEnable This function sets the rebalancer enable setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetRebalancerThrottle This function sets the rebalancer throttle setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetReindexerEnable This function sets the reindexer enable setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetReindexerThrottle This function sets the reindexer throttle setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetReindexerTimestamp This function sets the reindexer timestamp setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetRetainUntilBackup This function sets "the retain until backup" setting in the configuration for the specified database.
admin.databaseSetSchemaDatabase This function sets the schema database for a database to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetSecurityDatabase This function sets the security database for a database to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetShutdownOnStorageFailure This function sets the shutdown on storage failure for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetStemmedSearches This function sets the stemmed searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetStorageFailureTimeout This function sets the storage failure timeout for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetTfNormalization This function specifies whether to use the default term-frequency normalization (scaled-log), which scales the term frequency based on the size of the document, or to use the unscaled-log, which uses term frequency as a function of the actual term frequency in a document, regardless of the document size.
admin.databaseSetThreeCharacterSearches This function sets the three character searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetThreeCharacterWordPositions This function sets the three character word positions setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetTrailingWildcardSearches This function sets the trailing wildcard searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetTrailingWildcardWordPositions This function sets the trailing wildcard word positions setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetTriggersDatabase This function sets the triggers database to the specified database ID for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetTripleIndex This function sets the triple index on or off for a database.
admin.databaseSetTriplePositions This function sets the triple positions of a database to true or false.
admin.databaseSetTwoCharacterSearches This function sets the two character searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetUriLexicon This function sets the URI lexicon setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetWordPositions This function sets the word positions setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetWordQueryFastCaseSensitiveSearches This function returns the word query fast case sensitive searches setting for the specified database from the configuration.
admin.databaseSetWordQueryFastDiacriticSensitiveSearches This function sets the word query fast diacritic sensitive searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetWordQueryFastPhraseSearches This function sets the word query fast phrase searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetWordQueryIncludeDocumentRoot This function sets the word query include document root setting for the specified field in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetWordQueryOneCharacterSearches This function sets the word query one character searches setting for the specified field in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetWordQueryStemmedSearches This function sets the word query stemmed searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetWordQueryThreeCharacterSearches This function sets the word query three character searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetWordQueryThreeCharacterWordPositions This function sets the word query three character word positions setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetWordQueryTrailingWildcardSearches This function sets the word query trailing wildcard searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetWordQueryTrailingWildcardWordPositions This function sets the word query trailing wildcard word positions setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetWordQueryTwoCharacterSearches This function sets the word query two character searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetWordQueryWordSearches This function sets the word query word searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSetWordSearches This function sets the word searches setting for the specified database in the configuration.
admin.databaseSubDatabases This function returns a database-reference element representing the sub-databases of the specified super-database.
admin.databaseSuperDatabases This function returns a database-reference element representing where the specified database serves as a sub-database.
admin.databaseTokenizerOverride This function constructs a custom tokenizer override.
admin.databaseValidateFieldPath This function validates the specified field path.
admin.databaseValidateFieldPaths This function checks if the paths conform to the permissible XPath syntax.
admin.databaseValidatePathFields For a given sequence of fields, this function validates all the paths on each field using admin:database-validate-field-paths call.
admin.databaseWeeklyBackup This function constructs a weekly scheduled backup specification.
admin.databaseWeeklyIncrementalBackup This function constructs a weekly scheduled incremental backup specification.
admin.databaseWordLexicon This function constructs a word lexicon specification.
admin.foreignClusterCreate This function creates a complete configuration for a foreign cluster.
admin.foreignClusterDelete This function deletes the configuration for the specified foreign cluster.
admin.foreignClusterGetBootstrapHosts This function returns one or more configuration elements that identify the bootstrap hosts on the specified foreign cluster.
admin.foreignClusterGetHostTimeout This function returns the timeout period (in seconds) for communication between domestic hosts and hosts in the specified foreign cluster.
admin.foreignClusterGetName This function returns the name of the foreign cluster.
admin.foreignClusterGetSslCertificate This function returns the SSL certificate used to communicate with hosts in the foreign cluster.
admin.foreignClusterGetXdqpSslAllowSslv3 This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
admin.foreignClusterGetXdqpSslAllowTls This function returns true if the TLS protocol is enabled for the foreign cluster.
admin.foreignClusterGetXdqpSslCiphers This function returns the SSL ciphers set for the specified foreign cluster.
admin.foreignClusterGetXdqpSslEnabled This function returns true if SSL is enabled for the foreign cluster.
admin.foreignClusterGetXdqpTimeout This function returns the timeout setting (in seconds) for XDQP communication between data nodes and evaluator nodes in the domestic cluster and their counterparts in the foreign cluster.
admin.foreignClusterReplace This function replaces a configuration for a foreign cluster with a new configuration.
admin.foreignClusterSetBootstrapHosts This function identifies the foreign host to be used to bootstrap communication with the foreign cluster.
admin.foreignClusterSetHostTimeout This function sets the timeout period (in seconds) for communication between domestic hosts and hosts in the specified foreign cluster.
admin.foreignClusterSetName This function sets the name of a foreign cluster.
admin.foreignClusterSetSslCertificate This function sets the specified SSL certificate for secure communication with hosts in a foreign cluster.
admin.foreignClusterSetXdqpSslAllowSslv3 This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
admin.foreignClusterSetXdqpSslAllowTls This function enables or disables the TLS protocol for the specified foreign cluster.
admin.foreignClusterSetXdqpSslCiphers This function sets SSL ciphers for the specified foreign cluster.
admin.foreignClusterSetXdqpSslEnabled This function enables or disables SSL for the foreign cluster.
admin.foreignClusterSetXdqpTimeout This function sets the timeout (in seconds) for XDQP communication between data nodes and evaluator nodes in the domestic cluster and their counterparts in the foreign cluster.
admin.foreignHost This function configures a foreign host to be set by the admin.foreignClusterSetBootstrapHosts function as the bootstrap host for the foreign cluster.
admin.foreignHostGetConnectPort This function returns the number of the port configured for the foreign bootstrap host.
admin.foreignHostGetId This function returns the id of the foreign bootstrap host.
admin.foreignHostGetName This function returns the name of the foreign bootstrap host.
admin.forestAddBackup This function adds scheduled backup specifications for a forest to a configuration.
admin.forestAddFailoverHost This function adds a failover host to the list of failover hosts for the specified forest in the specified configuration.
admin.forestAddForeignReplicas This function adds the replica forest that is associated with the specified master forest to the database replication configuration.
admin.forestAddReplica This function adds a forest replica to a master forest.
admin.forestBackupGetEnabled This function returns true or false to indicate whether backup is enabled for the specified forest.
admin.forestBackupSetEnabled This function enables forest backup for the specified forest.
admin.forestCopy This function creates a new forest specification with the same settings as the forest with the specified ID.
admin.forestCreate This function creates a new forest configuration.
admin.forestDailyBackup This function constructs a daily scheduled forest backup.
admin.forestDelete This function deletes the configuration for the specified forest from the configuration.
admin.forestDeleteBackup This function deletes scheduled backup specifications for a forest from a configuration.
admin.forestDeleteBackupById This function deletes the forest backup specified by the forest ID.
admin.forestDeleteFailoverHost This function deletes the specified failover host(s) from the failover-host list in the specified configuration.
admin.forestDeleteForeignMaster This function deletes the master forest associated with the specified replica forest from the database replication configuration.
admin.forestDeleteForeignReplicas This function deletes the foreign replica of the specified forest on the master host.
admin.forestExists This function determines whether or not the specified forest exists.
admin.forestForeignMaster This function creates a replication configuration element for the specified master forest.
admin.forestForeignMasterGetClusterId This function returns the ID for the cluster from the foreign master forest configuration element.
admin.forestForeignMasterGetDatabaseId This function returns the id for the database from the foreign master forest configuration element.
admin.forestForeignMasterGetForestId This function returns the id for the forest from the foreign master forest configuration element.
admin.forestForeignReplica This function returns a replica forest configuration.
admin.forestForeignReplicaGetClusterId This function returns the id of the replica cluster from the specified replica forest configuration element.
admin.forestForeignReplicaGetDatabaseId This function returns the id of the replica database from the specified replica forest configuration element.
admin.forestForeignReplicaGetForestId This function returns the id of the replica forest from the specified replica forest configuration element.
admin.forestGetAvailability This function gets the availability state of the forest, for use in Tiered Storage.
admin.forestGetBackups This function returns the scheduled backups for the specified forest from the configuration.
admin.forestGetDatabase This function returns the ID of the database that uses the specified forest.
admin.forestGetDataDirectory This function returns the name of the data directory of the specified forest.
admin.forestGetEnabled This function returns the enabled state of the specified forest.
admin.forestGetFailoverEnable This function returns the state of whether failover is enabled for the specified forest.
admin.forestGetFailoverHosts This function returns the IDs of the hosts defined as failover hosts for this forest.
admin.forestGetFastDataDirectory This function returns the directory path set in the fast data directory field for the specified forest.
admin.forestGetFastDataMaxSize This function returns maximum allowable size (in megabytes) of the data to be kept by the specified forest in its fast-data-directory, or 0 for no limit.
admin.forestGetForeignMaster This function returns the replication configuration for the master forest associated with the specified replica forest.
admin.forestGetForeignReplicas This function returns the foreign replicas configuration element.
admin.forestGetHost This function returns the ID of the host in which the specified forest resides.
admin.forestGetId This function returns the ID of the forest with the specified name, from the specified configuration.
admin.forestGetLargeDataDirectory This function returns the name of the large data directory of the specified forest.
admin.forestGetName This function returns the name of the specified forest, given the forest ID.
admin.forestGetPartitionNumber This function returns the partition number for the specified forest.
admin.forestGetRangePolicyLowerBound This function returns the lower bound of the range configured on the forest.
admin.forestGetRangePolicyUpperBound This function returns the upper bound of the range configured on the forest.
admin.forestGetRebalancerEnable This function returns the rebalancer enable setting for the specified forest from the configuration.
admin.forestGetReplicas This function returns the IDs of the forest replicas for the specified forest.
admin.forestGetUpdatesAllowed This function returns the state of what kinds of updates are allowed for the specified forest.
admin.forestHourlyBackup This function constructs a hourly scheduled forest backup specification.
admin.forestIsRangePolicyRangeSet This function returns false if the specified forest has neither the lower boundary nor the upper boundary set.
admin.forestMinutelyBackup This function constructs a scheduled forest backup on a number-of-minutes basis.
admin.forestMonthlyBackup This function constructs a monthly scheduled backup.
admin.forestOneTimeBackup This function constructs a one-time backup.
admin.forestRemoveReplica This function removes a forest replica from a master forest.
admin.forestRename This function renames a forest.
admin.forestSetAvailability This function sets the availability state for a forest, for use in Tiered Storage.
admin.forestSetEnabled This function sets the enabled state for a forest configuration.
admin.forestSetFailoverEnable This function sets the forest failover enabled state for a forest configuration.
admin.forestSetFastDataMaxSize This function sets the allowable size (in megabytes) for data to be kept by a forest in its fast data directory, or 0 for no limit.
admin.forestSetForeignMaster This function writes the specified foreign master forest configuration into the database replication configuration.
admin.forestSetForeignReplicas This function writes the specified replica forest configuration into the database replication configuration.
admin.forestSetHost This function sets a forest configuration to a new host.
admin.forestSetPartitionNumber This function sets the partition number for the specified forest.
admin.forestSetRangePolicyRange This function sets the boundaries of the range on a forest.
admin.forestSetRebalancerEnable This function sets the rebalancer enable setting for the specified forest in the configuration.
admin.forestSetUpdatesAllowed This function sets the updates-allowed state for a forest configuration.
admin.forestWeeklyBackup This function constructs a weekly scheduled backup.
admin.getAppserverIds This function returns all the appserver IDs from the configuration.
admin.getConfiguration Loads the admin configuration into memory for use by other functions in the Admin module.
admin.getDatabaseIds This function returns all the database IDs from the configuration.
admin.getForestIds This function returns all the forest IDs from the configuration.
admin.getGroupIds This function returns all the group IDs from the configuration.
admin.getHostIds This function returns all the host IDs from the configuration.
admin.groupAddModuleLocation Add one or more module namespace to location mappings to a Group configuration.
admin.groupAddNamespace Add one or more namespaces to a Group configuration, which will predefine the namespace(s) for all requests evaluated against any App Server in the Group.
admin.groupAddScheduledTask This function adds one or more scheduled tasks to the specified group.
admin.groupAddSchema This function adds a schema binding definition to the existing schema binding definitions in the configuration for the specified Group.
admin.groupAddTraceEvent This function adds trace events to the configuration.
admin.groupAddUsingNamespace Add one or more "using" namespaces to a Group configuration, which add the namespaces to the namespace path for all requests evaluated against any App Server in the Group.
admin.groupCopy This function creates a new group specification with the same settings as the group with the specified ID.
admin.groupCreate This function creates a new group with the specified name in the configuration.
admin.groupDailyScheduledTask This function constructs a task to be invoked at daily intervals.
admin.groupDelete This function deletes one or more groups in the configuration.
admin.groupDeleteModuleLocation Delete one or more module location bindings from a Group configuration.
admin.groupDeleteNamespace This function deletes the specified namespaces from the configuration for the specified group.
admin.groupDeleteScheduledTask This function deletes one or more scheduled tasks from the specified group.
admin.groupDeleteScheduledTaskById This function deletes the scheduled tasks for a group using the group ID.
admin.groupDeleteSchema This function deletes a schema binding definition to the existing schema binding definitions in the configuration for the specified Group.
admin.groupDeleteTraceEvent This function deletes the specified trace events from the configuration.
admin.groupDeleteUsingNamespace Delete one or more "using" namespaces from a Group configuration.
admin.groupDisableAuditEventType This function changes the audit event type(s) enabled setting for the audit configuration.
admin.groupEnableAuditEventType This function changes the audit event type(s) enabled setting for the audit configuration.
admin.groupExists This function determines whether or not the specified Group exists.
admin.groupGetAppserverIds This function returns the IDs of all appservers belonging to the group.
admin.groupGetAuditEnabled This function returns the value for the audit enabled setting from the specified group.
admin.groupGetAuditEventTypeEnabled This function returns the audit event type's enabled setting for the audit configuration.
admin.groupGetAuditExcludedRoles This function returns the roles excluded from auditing.
admin.groupGetAuditExcludedUris This function returns the uris excluded from auditing.
admin.groupGetAuditExcludedUsers This function returns the users excluded from auditing.
admin.groupGetAuditIncludedRoles This function returns the roles included from auditing.
admin.groupGetAuditIncludedUris This function returns the uris included from auditing.
admin.groupGetAuditIncludedUsers This function returns the users included from auditing.
admin.groupGetAuditOutcomeRestriction This function returns whether auditing events are restricted by a success or failure outcome.
admin.groupGetAzureStorageProxy This function returns the URL of the proxy server used by the group to access Azure blob storage.
admin.groupGetBackgroundIoLimit This function gets the value for the I/O background limit that controls the I/O resources that I/O tasks (for example, merges) will consume.
admin.groupGetCacheSizing This function returns the cache sizing method set for the specified group.
admin.groupGetCompressedTreeCachePartitions This function returns the value for the compressed tree cache partitions setting from the specified group.
admin.groupGetCompressedTreeCacheSize This function returns the value for the compressed tree cache size setting from the specified group.
admin.groupGetCompressedTreeReadSize This function returns the value for the compressed tree read size (in kilobytes) setting from the specified group.
admin.groupGetExpandedTreeCachePartitions This function returns the value for the expanded tree cache partitions setting from the specified group.
admin.groupGetExpandedTreeCacheSize This function returns the value for the expanded tree cache size setting from the specified group.
admin.groupGetFailoverEnable This function returns the value for the failover enable setting from the specified group.
admin.groupGetFileLogLevel This function returns the value for the file log level setting from the specified group.
admin.groupGetHostIds This function returns the IDs of all hosts belonging to the group.
admin.groupGetHostInitialTimeout This function returns the value for the host initial timeout setting from the specified group.
admin.groupGetHostTimeout This function returns the value for the host timeout setting from the specified group.
admin.groupGetHttpserverIds This function returns the IDs of all httpservers belonging to the group.
admin.groupGetHttpTimeout This function returns the value for the http timeout setting from the specified group.
admin.groupGetHttpUserAgent This function returns the value for the http user agent setting from the specified group.
admin.groupGetId This function returns the ID of the group.
admin.groupGetKeepAuditFiles This function returns the value for the keep audit files setting from the specified group.
admin.groupGetKeepLogFiles This function returns the value for the keep log files setting from the specified group.
admin.groupGetListCachePartitions This function returns the value for the list cache partitions setting from the specified group.
admin.groupGetListCacheSize This function returns the value for the list cache size setting from the specified group.
admin.groupGetMeteringEnabled This function returns the value of the metering-enabled group setting.
admin.groupGetMetersDatabase This function returns the ID of the meters-database configured for the specified group.
admin.groupGetModuleCacheTimeout This function returns the number of seconds a module can be unused before being flushed from caches.
admin.groupGetModuleLocations This function returns the value of any module locations predefined for the specified Group.
admin.groupGetName This function returns the name of the specified group.
admin.groupGetNamespaces This function returns the value of any namespace definitions predefined for the specified group.
admin.groupGetOdbcserverIds This function returns the ids of all of the ODBC App Servers in the specified group.
admin.groupGetOptimizedPlanCacheTimeout This function returns the optimized plan cache timeout in seconds.
admin.groupGetPerformanceMeteringEnabled This function returns the value of the performance-metering-enabled group setting.
admin.groupGetPerformanceMeteringPeriod This function returns the value of the performance-metering-period group setting.
admin.groupGetPerformanceMeteringRetainDaily This function returns the value of the performance-metering-retain-daily group setting.
admin.groupGetPerformanceMeteringRetainHourly This function returns the value of the performance-metering-retain-hourly group setting.
admin.groupGetPerformanceMeteringRetainRaw This function returns the value of the performance-metering-retain-raw group setting.
admin.groupGetRetryTimeout This function returns the value for the number of seconds a request will retry before timing out.
admin.groupGetRotateAuditFiles This function returns the value for the rotate audit files setting from the specified group.
admin.groupGetRotateLogFiles This function returns the value for the rotate log files setting from the specified group.
admin.groupGetS3Domain This function gets the simple storage service internet domain name for hosts in the group.
admin.groupGetS3Protocol This function gets the simple storage service protocol for hosts in the group.
admin.groupGetS3Proxy This function returns the URL of the proxy server used by the group to access AWS S3 storage.
admin.groupGetS3ServerSideEncryption This function gets the method of server side encryption for data at rest on the simple storage service.
admin.groupGetS3ServerSideEncryptionKmsKey This function gets the KMS key that is used by server side encryption for data at rest on the simple storage service.
admin.groupGetScheduledTask This function returns information about a scheduled task for a group based on the task ID and the group ID.
admin.groupGetScheduledTasks This function returns all of the tasks scheduled for the specified group.
admin.groupGetSchemas This function returns the value of any schemas definitions predefined for the specified group.
admin.groupGetSecurityDatabase This function returns the ID of the security database for the specified group from the configuration.
admin.groupGetSmtpRelay This function returns the value for the smtp relay setting from the specified group.
admin.groupGetSmtpTimeout This function returns the value for the smtp timeout setting from the specified group.
admin.groupGetSystemLogLevel This function returns the value for the system log level setting from the specified group.
admin.groupGetTaskserverId This function returns the ID of of the taskserver belonging to the group.
admin.groupGetTelemetryConfig This function returns the currently set frequency for sending configuration file changes to telemetry.
admin.groupGetTelemetryLogLevel This function returns the current configured telemetry log level.
admin.groupGetTelemetryMetering This function returns the configured detail level for collecting metering data sent to telemetry.
admin.groupGetTelemetryProxy This function returns the proxy server URL used by telemetry
admin.groupGetTelemetrySessionEndpoint This function returns the initial default telemetry endpoint.
admin.groupGetTelemetryUsage This function returns the Telemetry Usage enable setting for the specific group.
admin.groupGetTemporaryDirectory This function returns the temporary directory used by MarkLogic Server.
admin.groupGetTraceEvents This function returns the value of any trace events activated for the specified group.
admin.groupGetTraceEventsActivated This function returns the value for the trace events activated setting from the specified group.
admin.groupGetTripleCachePartitions This function returns the number of triple cache partitions configured for the group.
admin.groupGetTripleCacheSize This function returns the value of the triple cache size for the group.
admin.groupGetTripleCacheTimeout This function gets the timeout value for the triple cache.
admin.groupGetTripleValueCachePartitions This function returns the number of triple value cache partitions configured for the group.
admin.groupGetTripleValueCacheSize This function returns the size of triple value cache configured for the group.
admin.groupGetTripleValueCacheTimeout This function gets the timeout value for the triple value cache.
admin.groupGetUsingNamespaces This function returns the value of any "using" namespaces predefined for the specified Group.
admin.groupGetWebdavserverIds This function returns the IDs of all webdavservers belonging to the group.
admin.groupGetXdbcserverIds This function returns the IDs of all xdbcservers belonging to the group.
admin.groupGetXdqpSslAllowSslv3 This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
admin.groupGetXdqpSslAllowTls This function returns true if the TLS protocol is enabled for the group.
admin.groupGetXdqpSslCiphers This function returns the SSL ciphers set for the group.
admin.groupGetXdqpSslDisabledProtocols This function returns the disabled protocols for the group.
admin.groupGetXdqpSslEnabled This function returns true if SSL is enabled for the group.
admin.groupGetXdqpTimeout This function returns the value for the xdqp timeout setting from the specified group.
admin.groupHourlyScheduledTask This function constructs a task to be invoked at hourly intervals.
admin.groupMinutelyScheduledTask This function constructs a task to be invoked at intervals defined in terms of minutes.
admin.groupModuleLocation This function constructs a module namespace element with the specified namespace URI and location.
admin.groupMonthlyScheduledTask This function constructs a task to be invoked at monthly intervals.
admin.groupNamespace This function constructs a namespace element with the specified prefix and URI.
admin.groupOneTimeScheduledTask This function constructs a task to be invoked once, at a specific calendar day and time.
admin.groupScheduledTaskGetEnabled This function returns true or false to indicate whether a scheduled task for a group is enabled.
admin.groupScheduledTaskSetEnabled This function enables one or more scheduled tasks for a group based on the group ID and task ID.
admin.groupSchema This function constructs a schema element with the specified prefix and URI.
admin.groupSetAuditEnabled This function changes the audit enabled setting for the group in the configuration.
admin.groupSetAuditOutcomeRestriction This function restricts the audit configuration by auditing events only if they are "success" or "failure" events.
admin.groupSetAuditRoleRestriction This function restricts the audit configuration by excluding or including by role.
admin.groupSetAuditUriRestriction This function restricts the audit configuration by excluding or including by document uri(s).
admin.groupSetAuditUserRestriction This function restricts the audit configuration by excluding or including by user.
admin.groupSetAzureStorageProxy This function sets the URL of the proxy server used by the group to access Azure blob storage.
admin.groupSetBackgroundIoLimit This function sets a limit on the amount of I/O that background tasks (for example, merges) will consume.
admin.groupSetCacheSizing This function sets the cache sizing method.
admin.groupSetCompressedTreeCachePartitions This function changes the compressed tree cache partitions setting of the group with the specified ID to the specified value.
admin.groupSetCompressedTreeCacheSize This function changes the compressed tree cache size setting of the group with the specified ID to the specified value.
admin.groupSetCompressedTreeReadSize This function changes the compressed tree read size setting of the group with the specified ID to the specified value.
admin.groupSetExpandedTreeCachePartitions This function changes the expanded tree cache partitions setting of the group with the specified ID to the specified value.
admin.groupSetExpandedTreeCacheSize This function changes the expanded tree cache size setting of the group with the specified ID to the specified value.
admin.groupSetFailoverEnable This function changes the failover enable setting for the group in the configuration.
admin.groupSetFileLogLevel This function changes the host file log level setting for the group in the configuration.
admin.groupSetHostInitialTimeout This function changes the host initial timeout setting (the time the cluster will wait for a host to come online during cluster startup) for the group in the configuration.
admin.groupSetHostTimeout This function changes the host timeout setting (the timeout for communication between hosts) for the group in the configuration.
admin.groupSetHttpTimeout This function changes the HTTP timeout setting for the group in the configuration.
admin.groupSetHttpUserAgent This function changes the HTTP User-Agent setting for the group in the configuration.
admin.groupSetKeepAuditFiles This function changes the keep audit files setting for the group in the configuration.
admin.groupSetKeepLogFiles This function changes the keep log files setting for the group in the configuration.
admin.groupSetListCachePartitions This function changes the list cache partitions setting of the group with the specified ID to the specified value.
admin.groupSetListCacheSize This function changes the list cache size setting of the group with the specified ID to the specified value.
admin.groupSetMeteringEnabled This function enables or disables usage metering for all hosts in the specified group.
admin.groupSetMetersDatabase This function specifies the database to be used to store metering data.
admin.groupSetModuleCacheTimeout This function sets the number of seconds a module can be unused before being flushed from caches.
admin.groupSetName This function changes the name of the group with the specified ID to the specified name.
admin.groupSetOptimizedPlanCacheTimeout This function changes the optimized plan cache timeout.
admin.groupSetPerformanceMeteringEnabled This function enables or disables performance metering for all hosts in the specified group.
admin.groupSetPerformanceMeteringPeriod This function sets the period (in number of seconds) between when performance data is gathered.
admin.groupSetPerformanceMeteringRetainDaily This function sets the number of days of performance metering data to retain.
admin.groupSetPerformanceMeteringRetainHourly This function sets the number of days to retain hourly performance data.
admin.groupSetPerformanceMeteringRetainRaw This function sets the number of days of raw performance data to retain.
admin.groupSetRetryTimeout This function changes the number of seconds a request will retry before timing out.
admin.groupSetRotateAuditFiles This function changes the rotate audit files setting for the group in the configuration.
admin.groupSetRotateLogFiles This function changes the rotate log files setting for the group in the configuration.
admin.groupSetS3Domain This function sets the simple storage service internet domain name for hosts in the group.
admin.groupSetS3Protocol This function sets the simple storage service protocol for hosts in the group.
admin.groupSetS3Proxy This function sets the URL of the proxy server used by the group to access AWS S3 storage.
admin.groupSetS3ServerSideEncryption This function gets the method of server side encryption for data at rest on the simple storage service.
admin.groupSetS3ServerSideEncryptionKmsKey This function sets the KMS key that is used by server side encryption for data at rest on the simple storage service.
admin.groupSetSecurityDatabase This function sets the security database for a group to the specified database in the configuration.
admin.groupSetSmtpRelay This function changes the SMTP relay setting for the group in the configuration.
admin.groupSetSmtpTimeout This function changes the SMTP timeout setting for the group in the configuration.
admin.groupSetSystemLogLevel This function changes the host system log level setting for the group in the configuration.
admin.groupSetTelemetryConfig This function sets the update frequency for configuration changes sent to telemetry, would also be the maximum frequency at which updates will be sent.
admin.groupSetTelemetryLogLevel This function sets the initial log level for telemetry, which is also the maximum (finest) log level that will be sent.
admin.groupSetTelemetryMetering This function sets the level of metering data sent to telemetry.
admin.groupSetTelemetryProxy This function sets the proxy server URL used by telemetry
admin.groupSetTelemetrySessionEndpoint This function sets the initial session endpoint for telemetry.
admin.groupSetTelemetryUsage This function enables or disables usage data sent to telemetry.
admin.groupSetTemporaryDirectory This function changes the MarkLogic Server temporary directory (default data-directory/Temp)
admin.groupSetTraceEventsActivated This function changes the value for trace events in the group configuration.
admin.groupSetTripleCachePartitions This function sets the number of partitions to allocate for the triple index cache.
admin.groupSetTripleCacheSize This function sets the number of triple cache partitions to allocate.
admin.groupSetTripleCacheTimeout This function sets the timeout value for the triple cache.
admin.groupSetTripleValueCachePartitions This function sets the number of partitions to allocate for the triple value index cache.
admin.groupSetTripleValueCacheSize This function sets the size of the value cache for the triple index.
admin.groupSetTripleValueCacheTimeout This function sets the timeout value for the triple value cache.
admin.groupSetXdqpSslAllowSslv3 This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
admin.groupSetXdqpSslAllowTls This function enables or disables the TLS protocol for the specified group.
admin.groupSetXdqpSslCiphers This function sets SSL ciphers for the specified group.
admin.groupSetXdqpSslDisabledProtocols This function sets the disabled protocols for the specified group.
admin.groupSetXdqpSslEnabled This function enables or disables SSL for the group.
admin.groupSetXdqpTimeout This function changes the XDQP timeout setting (the timeout for communication between data nodes and evaluator nodes) for the group in the configuration.
admin.groupTraceEvent This function constructs an event element for the specified event name.
admin.groupUsingNamespace This function constructs a using namespace element with the specified URI.
admin.groupWeeklyScheduledTask This function constructs a task to be invoked at weekly intervals.
admin.hostActivateNewXdqpCertificate This function activates the new xdqp host certificate generated by host-renew-xdqp-certificate.
admin.hostExists This function determines whether or not the specified Host exists.
admin.hostGetForeignPort This function returns the port used by the specified host to listen for communications from foreign hosts.
admin.hostGetGroup This function returns the group ID for the host with the specified ID.
admin.hostGetId This function return the ID for the specified host from the configuration.
admin.hostGetMode This function return the mode for the host with the specified ID
admin.hostGetModeDescription This function return the mode description for the host with the specified ID
admin.hostGetName This function returns the name for the host with the specified ID.
admin.hostGetPort This function returns the bind port for the host with the specified ID.
admin.hostGetZone This function returns the zone for the host with the specified ID.
admin.hostNeedRenewXdqpCertificate This function returns a list of hostid where the xdqp host certificate will expire within the specified duration
admin.hostRenewXdqpCertificate This function generates a new xdqp host certificate for a host if the current certificate will expire within the duration.
admin.hostSetForeignPort This function configures the specified domestic host to listen for communications from foreign hosts over the specified port.
admin.hostSetGroup This function changes the group to which an existing host belongs to the newly specified value.
admin.hostSetMode This function sets the mode and description for the host with the specified ID
admin.hostSetName This function changes the name of an existing host to the newly specified value.
admin.hostSetPort This function changes the bind port value for the host to the newly specified value.
admin.hostSetZone This function changes the zone value for the host to the newly specified value.
admin.httpServerCreate This function creates a new HTTP App Server with the specified name, root, and port in the configuration.
admin.legacyAssignmentPolicy This function returns an element that represents the legacy assignment policy.
admin.mimetype This function constructs a mimetype specification.
admin.mimetypesAdd This function adds mimetypes to the configuration.
admin.mimetypesDelete This function deletes mimetypes from the configuration.
admin.mimetypesGet This function returns all the mimetypes from the configuration.
admin.odbcServerCreate This function creates a new ODBC App Server with the specified name, root, and port in the configuration.
admin.queryAssignmentPolicy This function returns an element that represents the query assignment policy.
admin.rangeAssignmentPolicy This function returns an element that represents the range assignment policy.
admin.restartHosts This function restarts MarkLogic Server for the specified hosts.
admin.saveConfiguration This function saves a configuration specification to the cluster configuration files.
admin.saveConfigurationWithoutRestart This function saves a configuration specification to the cluster configuration files, without restarting MarkLogic Server.
admin.segmentAssignmentPolicy This function returns an element that represents the segment assignment policy.
admin.statisticalAssignmentPolicy This function returns an element that represents the statistical assignment policy.
admin.taskserverGetDebugAllow This function returns the value for the debug-allow setting configured on the task server for the specified group.
admin.taskserverGetDebugThreads This function returns the number of debug threads configured on the task server for the specified group.
admin.taskserverGetDefaultInferenceSize This function returns the default amount of memory (in megabytes) that can be used by sem:store for inference.
admin.taskserverGetDefaultTimeLimit This function returns the default time limit configured on the task server for the specified group.
admin.taskserverGetFileLogLevel This function returns the value for the file log level configured on the task server for the specified group.
admin.taskserverGetLogErrors This function returns the value for the log-errors setting configured on the task server for the specified group.
admin.taskserverGetMaxInferenceSize This function returns the maximum amount of memory in megabytes that can be used by sem:store for inference.
admin.taskserverGetMaxTimeLimit This function returns the maximum time limit configured on the task server for the specified group.
admin.taskserverGetName This function returns the name of the task server for the specified group from the configuration.
admin.taskserverGetPostCommitTriggerDepth This function returns the maximum post-commit trigger depth configured on the task server for the specified group.
admin.taskserverGetPreCommitTriggerDepth This function returns the maximum pre-commit trigger depth configured on the task server for the specified group.
admin.taskserverGetPreCommitTriggerLimit This function returns the pre-commit trigger limit configured on the task server for the specified group.
admin.taskserverGetProfileAllow This function returns the value for the profile-allow setting configured on the task server for the specified group.
admin.taskserverGetQueueSize This function returns the number queue size configured on the task server for the specified group.
admin.taskserverGetThreads This function returns the number of threads configured on the task server for the specified group.
admin.taskserverSetDebugAllow This function sets the value for the debug allow setting for the task server in the configuration.
admin.taskserverSetDebugThreads This function sets the value in the configuration of the maximum number of debug threads for the specified task server for each host in the group.
admin.taskserverSetDefaultInferenceSize This function specifies the default value for any request's inference size.
admin.taskserverSetDefaultTimeLimit This function sets the task server default time limit in the configuration.
admin.taskserverSetFileLogLevel This function changes the host file log level setting for the task server in the configuration.
admin.taskserverSetLogErrors This function sets the value for the log errors setting for the task server in the configuration.
admin.taskserverSetMaxInferenceSize This function specifies the upper bound for any request's inference size.
admin.taskserverSetMaxTimeLimit This function sets the task server max time limit in the configuration.
admin.taskserverSetPostCommitTriggerDepth This function sets the value for the task server post-commit trigger depth in the configuration.
admin.taskserverSetPreCommitTriggerDepth This function sets the value for the task server pre-commit trigger depth in the configuration.
admin.taskserverSetPreCommitTriggerLimit This function sets the value for the task server pre-commit trigger depth in the configuration.
admin.taskserverSetProfileAllow This function sets the value for the profile allow setting for the task server in the configuration.
admin.taskserverSetQueueSize This function sets the value in the configuration of the maximum queue size for the specified task server.
admin.taskserverSetThreads This function sets the value in the configuration of the maximum number of threads for the specified task server on each host in the group.
admin.uiGetBanner This function returns the UI banner setting.
admin.uiSetBanner This function sets the banner that will appear on the qconsole page and the admin GUI page.
admin.webdavServerCreate This function creates a new WebDAV App Server with the specified name, library, and port in the configuration.
admin.xdbcServerCreate This function creates a new XDBC App Server with the specified name, root, and port in the configuration.