These functions enable you to build arbitrarily complex cts queries. Each constructor function has corresponding accessor functions, which you can use to retrieve the parts of a constructed query.
Included in these functions is the cts:registered-query function, which provides a mechanism to precompute and store in the cache unfiltered cts query result primitives.
Function name | Description |
cts:after-query | Returns a query matching fragments committed after a specified timestamp. |
cts:after-query-timestamp | Returns the timestamp with which a specified query was constructed. |
cts:and-not-query | Returns a query specifying the set difference of the matches specified by two sub-queries. |
cts:and-not-query-negative-query | Returns the negative (second parameter) query used to construct the specified query. |
cts:and-not-query-positive-query | Returns the positive (first parameter) query used to construct the specified query. |
cts:and-query | Returns a query specifying the intersection of the matches specified by the sub-queries. |
cts:and-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:and-query-queries | Returns a sequence of the queries that were used to construct the specified query. |
cts:before-query | Returns a query matching fragments committed before or at a specified timestamp. |
cts:before-query-timestamp | Returns the timestamp with which a specified query was constructed. |
cts:boost-query | Returns a query specifying that matches to $matching-query should have their search relevance scores boosted if they also match $boosting-query. |
cts:boost-query-boosting-query | Returns the boosting (second parameter) query used to construct the specified boost query. |
cts:boost-query-matching-query | Returns the matching (first parameter) query used to construct the specified boost query. |
cts:collection-query | Match documents in at least one of the specified collections. |
cts:collection-query-uris | Returns the URIs used to construct the specified query. |
cts:column-range-query | Returns a cts:query matching documents matching a TDE-view column equals to an value. |
cts:directory-query | Returns a query matching documents in the directories with the given URIs. |
cts:directory-query-depth | Returns the depth used to construct the specified query. |
cts:directory-query-uris | Returns the URIs used to construct the specified query. |
cts:document-fragment-query | Returns a query that matches all documents where $query matches any document fragment. |
cts:document-fragment-query-query | Returns the query used to construct the specified query. |
cts:document-query | Returns a query matching documents with the given URIs. |
cts:document-query-uris | Returns the URIs used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-pair-geospatial-query | Returns a query matching elements by name which has specific attributes representing latitude and longitude values for a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point. |
cts:element-attribute-pair-geospatial-query-element-name | Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-pair-geospatial-query-latitude-name | Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-pair-geospatial-query-longitude-name | Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-pair-geospatial-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-pair-geospatial-query-region | Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-attribute-pair-geospatial-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-attribute-range-query | Constructs a query that matches element-attributes by name with a range-index entry equal to a given value. |
cts:element-attribute-range-query-attribute-name | Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-range-query-element-name | Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-range-query-operator | Returns the operator used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-range-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-range-query-value | Returns the value used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-range-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-attribute-value-query | Returns a query matching elements by name with attributes by name with text content equal a given phrase. |
cts:element-attribute-value-query-attribute-name | Returns the attribute QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-value-query-element-name | Returns the element QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-value-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-value-query-text | Returns the text used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-value-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-attribute-word-query | Returns a query matching elements by name with attributes by name with text content containing a given phrase. |
cts:element-attribute-word-query-attribute-name | Returns the attribute QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-word-query-element-name | Returns the element QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-word-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-word-query-text | Returns the text used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-attribute-word-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-child-geospatial-query | Returns a query matching elements by name which has specific element children representing latitude and longitude values for a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point. |
cts:element-child-geospatial-query-child-name | Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-child-geospatial-query-element-name | Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-child-geospatial-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:element-child-geospatial-query-region | Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-child-geospatial-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-geospatial-query | Returns a query matching elements by name whose content represents a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point. |
cts:element-geospatial-query-element-name | Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-geospatial-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:element-geospatial-query-region | Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-geospatial-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-pair-geospatial-query | Returns a query matching elements by name which has specific element children representing latitude and longitude values for a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point. |
cts:element-pair-geospatial-query-element-name | Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-pair-geospatial-query-latitude-name | Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-pair-geospatial-query-longitude-name | Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-pair-geospatial-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:element-pair-geospatial-query-region | Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-pair-geospatial-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-query | Constructs a query that matches elements by name with the content constrained by the query given in the second parameter. |
cts:element-query-element-name | Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-query-query | Returns the query used to construct the element query. |
cts:element-range-query | Constructs a query that matches elements by name with range index entry equal to a given value. |
cts:element-range-query-element-name | Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-range-query-operator | Returns the operator used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-range-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:element-range-query-value | Returns the value used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-range-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-value-query | Returns a query matching elements by name with text content equal a given phrase. |
cts:element-value-query-element-name | Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-value-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:element-value-query-text | Returns the text used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-value-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:element-word-query | Returns a query matching elements by name with text content containing a given phrase. |
cts:element-word-query-element-name | Returns the QNames used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-word-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:element-word-query-text | Returns the text used to construct the specified query. |
cts:element-word-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:false-query | Returns a query that matches no fragments. |
cts:field-range-query | Returns a cts:query matching fields by name with a range-index entry equal to a given value. |
cts:field-range-query-field-name | Returns the fieldname used to construct the specified query. |
cts:field-range-query-operator | Returns the operator used to construct the specified query. |
cts:field-range-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:field-range-query-value | Returns the value used to construct the specified query. |
cts:field-range-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:field-value-query | Returns a query matching text content containing a given value in the specified field. |
cts:field-value-query-field-name | Returns the names used to construct the specified cts:field-value-query. |
cts:field-value-query-options | Returns the options for the specified cts:field-value-query. |
cts:field-value-query-text | Returns the values used to construct the specified cts:field-value-query. |
cts:field-value-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:field-word-query | Returns a query matching fields with text content containing a given phrase. |
cts:field-word-query-field-name | Returns the names used to construct the specified cts:field-word-query. |
cts:field-word-query-options | Returns the options for the specified cts:field-word-query. |
cts:field-word-query-text | Returns the text used to construct the specified cts:field-word-query. |
cts:field-word-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:geospatial-region-query | Construct a query to match regions in documents that satisfy a specified relationship relative to other regions. |
cts:geospatial-region-query-operation | Returns the comparison operation specified when constructing the input query. |
cts:geospatial-region-query-options | Returns the options specified when constructing the input query. |
cts:geospatial-region-query-reference | Returns the geospatial region path index reference(s) specified when constructing the input query. |
cts:geospatial-region-query-region | Returns the region criteria specified when constructing the input query. |
cts:geospatial-region-query-weight | Returns the weight specified when constructing the input query. |
cts:json-property-child-geospatial-query | Returns a query matching json properties by name which has specific children representing latitude and longitude values for a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point. |
cts:json-property-child-geospatial-query-child-name | Returns the names used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-child-geospatial-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:json-property-child-geospatial-query-property-name | Returns the names used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-child-geospatial-query-region | Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:json-property-child-geospatial-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:json-property-geospatial-query | Returns a query matching json properties by name whose content represents a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point. |
cts:json-property-geospatial-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:json-property-geospatial-query-property-name | Returns the json property names used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-geospatial-query-region | Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:json-property-geospatial-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:json-property-pair-geospatial-query | Returns a query matching json properties by name which has specific property children representing latitude and longitude values for a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point. |
cts:json-property-pair-geospatial-query-latitude-name | Returns the property names used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-pair-geospatial-query-longitude-name | Returns the property names used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-pair-geospatial-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:json-property-pair-geospatial-query-property-name | Returns the property names used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-pair-geospatial-query-region | Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:json-property-pair-geospatial-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:json-property-range-query | Returns a cts:query matching JSON properties by name with a range-index entry equal to a given value. |
cts:json-property-range-query-operator | Returns the operator used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-range-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:json-property-range-query-property-name | Returns the JSON property name used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-range-query-value | Returns the value used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-range-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:json-property-scope-query | Returns a cts:query matching JSON properties by name with the content constrained by the given cts:query in the second parameter. |
cts:json-property-scope-query-property-name | Returns the JSON property name used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-scope-query-query | Returns the query used to construct the property scope query. |
cts:json-property-value-query | Returns a query matching JSON properties by name with value equal the given value. |
cts:json-property-value-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:json-property-value-query-property-name | Returns the JSON property name used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-value-query-text | Returns the text used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-value-query-value | Returns the value used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-value-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:json-property-word-query | Returns a query matching JSON properties by name with text content containing a given phrase. |
cts:json-property-word-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:json-property-word-query-property-name | Returns the name used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-word-query-text | Returns the text used to construct the specified query. |
cts:json-property-word-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:locks-fragment-query | Returns a query that matches all documents where $query matches document-locks. |
cts:locks-fragment-query-query | Returns the query used to construct the specified query. |
cts:lsqt-query | Returns only documents before LSQT or a timestamp before LSQT for stable query results. |
cts:lsqt-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:lsqt-query-temporal-collection | Returns the name of the temporal collection used to construct specified query. |
cts:lsqt-query-timestamp | Returns timestamp used to construct the specified query. |
cts:lsqt-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:near-query | Returns a query matching all of the specified queries, where the matches occur within the specified distance from each other. |
cts:near-query-distance | Returns the distance used to construct the near query. |
cts:near-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:near-query-queries | Returns the query sequence used to construct the near query. |
cts:near-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:not-in-query | Returns a query matching the first sub-query, where those matches do not occur within 0 distance of the other query. |
cts:not-in-query-negative-query | Returns the negative (second parameter) query used to construct the specified query. |
cts:not-in-query-positive-query | Returns the positive (first parameter) query used to construct the specified query. |
cts:not-query | Returns a query specifying the matches not specified by its sub-query. |
cts:not-query-query | Returns the query used to construct the specified query. |
cts:not-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:or-query | Returns a query specifying the union of the matches specified by the sub-queries. |
cts:or-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:or-query-queries | Returns a sequence of the queries that were used to construct the specified query. |
cts:path-geospatial-query | Returns a query matching path expressions whose content represents a point contained within the given geographic box, circle, or polygon, or equal to the given point. |
cts:path-geospatial-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:path-geospatial-query-path-expression | Returns the path expressions used to construct the specified query. |
cts:path-geospatial-query-region | Returns the geographical regions with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:path-geospatial-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:path-range-query | Returns a cts:query matching documents where the content addressed by an XPath expression satisfies the specified relationship (=, <, >, etc.) with respect to the input criteria values. |
cts:path-range-query-operator | Returns the operator used to construct the specified query. |
cts:path-range-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:path-range-query-path-name | Returns the path expression used to construct the specified query. |
cts:path-range-query-value | Returns the value used to construct the specified query. |
cts:path-range-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:period-compare-query | Returns a cts:query matching documents that have relevant pair of period values. |
cts:period-compare-query-axis-1 | Returns the name of the first axis used to construct the specified query. |
cts:period-compare-query-axis-2 | Returns the name of the second axis used to construct the specified query. |
cts:period-compare-query-operator | Returns the operator used to construct the specified query. |
cts:period-compare-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:period-range-query | Returns a cts:query matching axis by name with a period value with an operator. |
cts:period-range-query-axis | Returns the axis name used to construct the specified query. |
cts:period-range-query-operator | Returns the operator used to construct the specified query. |
cts:period-range-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:period-range-query-period | Returns the period used to construct the specified query. |
cts:properties-fragment-query | Returns a query that matches all documents where $query matches document-properties. |
cts:properties-fragment-query-query | Returns the query used to construct the specified query. |
cts:query | Creates a query. |
cts:range-query | Returns a cts:query matching specified nodes with a range-index entry compared to a given value. |
cts:range-query-index | Returns the range index used to construct the specified query. |
cts:range-query-operator | Returns the operator used to construct the specified query. |
cts:range-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:range-query-value | Returns the value used to construct the specified query. |
cts:range-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:registered-query | Returns a query matching fragments specified by previously registered queries (see cts:register). |
cts:registered-query-ids | Returns the registered query identifiers used to construct the specified query. |
cts:registered-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:registered-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:reverse-query | Construct a query that matches serialized cts queries, based on a set of model input nodes. |
cts:reverse-query-nodes | Returns the nodes used to construct the specified query. |
cts:reverse-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:similar-query | Returns a query matching nodes similar to the model nodes. |
cts:similar-query-nodes | Returns the nodes used to construct the specified query. |
cts:similar-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:triple-range-query | Returns a cts:query matching triples with a triple index entry equal to the given values. |
cts:triple-range-query-object | Returns the object value used to construct the specified query. |
cts:triple-range-query-operator | Returns the operators used to construct the specified query. |
cts:triple-range-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:triple-range-query-predicate | Returns the predicate value used to construct the specified query. |
cts:triple-range-query-subject | Returns the subject value used to construct the specified query. |
cts:triple-range-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |
cts:true-query | Returns a query that matches all fragments. |
cts:word-query | Returns a query matching text content containing a given phrase. |
cts:word-query-options | Returns the options for the specified query. |
cts:word-query-text | Returns the text used to construct the specified query. |
cts:word-query-weight | Returns the weight with which the specified query was constructed. |