prof:xslt-eval( $stylesheet as node(), [$input as node()?], [$params as map:map?], [$options as (element()|map:map)?] ) as item()*
Evaluate a string as an XSLT stylesheet for profiling.
A prof:report
will be prepended to any output produced by evaluating the string.
If profiling is not allowed for the App Server, this function will
Note that profiling does not cross eval/invoke boundaries. If the request being profiled calls xdmp:eval or xdmp:invoke, the individual expressions in that code will not be profiled. The overall time taken by the called code will appear as a single call in the caller's profiling report.
For details on profiling requests and interpreting the output of a profile request, see Profiling Requests to Evaluate Performance in the Query Performance and Tuning Guide.
Parameters | |
stylesheet | The stylesheet to be executed, an XML document or element. |
input | The context node to which the stylesheet is applied. |
params | The stylesheet parameter values for this evaluation. Each key in the map is a string representing the name of the parameter in Clark notation: "{namespaceURI}localname". Each entry in the map is the value of the corresponding parameter. |
options |
The options node. The default value is (). The node must be in the
xdmp:eval namespace. See the
xdmp:eval section for a list of options.
Additional options include:
is required for prof:eval
(the profile-my-requests
privilege is suffient because the resulting request is always run by
the same user who initiated the call, but the
privilege will also work).