MarkLogic Server 11.0 Product Documentation

   $expr as xs:string,
   [$map as map:map?],
   [$context as item()?]
) as item()*


Evaluate an expression in the context of the current evaluating statement and return the profiling report for its evaluation. This differs from prof:eval in that prof:value preserves all of the context from the calling query, so you do not need to re-define namespaces, variables, and so on. Although the expression retains the context from the calling query, it is evaluated in its own transaction.

For details on profiling requests and interpreting the output of a profile request, see Profiling Requests to Evaluate Performance in the Query Performance and Tuning Guide.

expr The string representing an expression to evaluate.
map A map of namespace bindings. The keys should be namespace prefixes and the values should be namespace URIs. These namespace bindings will be added to the in-scope namespace bindings in the evaluation of the path.
context Bind the context item to this value during evaluation of the expression.

Required Privileges and either or

Usage Notes

You can only evaluate and profile expressions with prof:value; no prolog definitions (namespace declarations, function definitions, module imports, and so on) are allowed.


  => (<prof:report>...</prof:report>,9478952250821284456)
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