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No host with identifier variable1


The server cannot find the host specified by the identifier.


In many cases, this error is the result of setting up a cluster again, and not using all of the same instances to do so. While the exception is logged on a host that is part of your now-current cluster, the cause of the error is, in fact, the result of another MarkLogic instance that is likely NO LONGER in your cluster trying to make contact with your host. Your host is noting that it has no idea who this instance is. The proper resolution is to verify whether this cluster is properly configured. The most likely action is to identify the host associated with the IP address mentioned in the error message, locate that machine, and determine whether the MarkLogic instance running there should be the part this or any cluster. If you find it is merely an old instance no longer part of any active work, the MarkLogic instance can be shut down, which will stop the error message from being recorded. It is still advised to determine whether or not this MarkLogic instance should still exist, as later restarting the host will likely result in a restart of MarkLogic, which will then cause the error to return.

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