jsearch.bucketName( name as xs.string ) as BucketNameDefinition
Names a bucket below the smallest bound, between two bounds, or
above the largest bound as input for the ValuesSearch.groupInto
or FacetDefinition.groupInto
Parameters | |
name | The name for the bucket. Omit to use the default name for the bucket. |
// Explicitly specify bucket names for a facets query const jsearch = require('/MarkLogic/jsearch.sjs'); jsearch.facets( jsearch.facet('Price','price') .groupInto([ jsearch.bucketName('under $10'), 10, jsearch.bucketName('$10 to $19.99'), 20, jsearch.bucketName('over $20'), 1000 ])) .where(cts.directoryQuery('/books/')) .result(); /* Results: {"facets": { "price": { "under $10": { "value": { "minimum": 8, "maximum": 9, "upperBound": 10 }, "frequency": 2 }, "$10 to $19.99": { "value": { "minimum": 10, "maximum": 18, "lowerBound": 10, "upperBound": 20 }, "frequency": 4 }, "over $20": { "value": { "minimum": 20, "maximum": 30, "lowerBound": 20, "upperBound": 1000 }, "frequency": 2 } } } } */
// Generate bucket names from the value ranges for a values query jsearch.values('price') .where(cts.directoryQuery('/books/')) .groupInto([ jsearch.bucketName(), 10, jsearch.bucketName(), 20, jsearch.bucketName() ]) .result(); /* Result: The "name" property of each facet bucket, generated from the bucket boundaries. [ { "minimum": 8, "maximum": 9, "upperBound": 10, "name": "x < 10" }, { "minimum": 10, "maximum": 19, "lowerBound": 10, "upperBound": 20, "name": "10 <= x < 20" }, { "minimum": 20, "maximum": 30, "lowerBound": 20, "name": "20 <= x" } ] */
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