This class contains the top level entry points into the JSearch API, plus helper functions for constructing some of the more complex inputs expected by the interfaces.
To use this module in your Server-Side JavaScript code, include a
statement similar to following line in your code:
const jsearch = require("/MarkLogic/jsearch");
Use the following methods to begin building a query on documents, index or lexicon values, or value co-occurrences:
If you're working primarily with documents in one or more collections,
you can use jsearch.collections
to create a
object implicitly scoped to those collecitons.
to leverage JSearch
features such as snippeting and content extraction to an arbitrary
set of documents.
The remaining jsearch
methods are helper functions for
constructing non-trivial inputs to other methods, such as lexicon
references and heat maps.
The following classes are also part of the JSearch API. You usually
end up working with these interfaces by starting with a call to a
method. For example, if you invoke
, you end up working with the
Function name | Description |
jsearch.bucketName | Names a bucket below the smallest bound, between two bounds, or above the largest bound as input for the ValuesSearch.groupInto or FacetDefinition.groupInto method. |
jsearch.byExample | Constructs a cts.query working by example. |
jsearch.collections | Creates a jsearch object for searching within the scope of the union of one or more collections. |
jsearch.databaseLexicon | Identifies the lexicon for all words in the database as input for the jsearch.words method. |
jsearch.documents | Creates a DocumentsSearch object to define and execute a search for documents. |
jsearch.documentSelect | Applies document selection logic to the documents returned by, fn.collection, fn.doc, or another document iterator or to an array of documents or one document. |
jsearch.elementAttributeLexicon | Identifies the word lexicon for an attribute of an element as input for the jsearch.words method. |
jsearch.elementLexicon | Identifies the word lexicon for an element as input for the jsearch.words method. |
jsearch.facet | Creates a FacetDefinition object to define the value enumeration as part of a facet search. |
jsearch.facets | Creates a FacetsSearch object to define and execute a report listing value facets and, optionally, a page of documents. |
jsearch.fieldLexicon | Identifies the word lexicon for a field as input for the jsearch.words method. |
jsearch.jsonPropertyLexicon | Identifies the word lexicon for a JSON property as input for the jsearch.words method. |
jsearch.makeBuckets | Returns a list of bounds for grouping by subdividing an interval either with a fixed step size or a fixed number of division buckets within the min and max boundary values as input for the ValuesSearch.groupInto or FacetDefinition.groupInto method. |
jsearch.makeHeatmap | Returns a list of bounds for grouping geospatial points as a heatmap by subdividing a geospatial box with latitude and longitude divisions as input for the ValuesSearch.groupInto or FacetDefinition.groupInto method. |
jsearch.tuples | Creates a TuplesSearch object to define and execute a search for a list of rows where the values in each row co-occur in indexes for a document. |
jsearch.udf | Identifies a UDF (User Defined Function) to the ValuesSearch.aggregate function for aggregating values from a single index or to the TuplesSearch.aggregate function for aggregating co-occurring values from multiple indexes. |
jsearch.values | Creates a ValuesSearch object to define and execute a search for a list of indexed values. |
jsearch.words | Creates a WordsSearch object to define and execute a search for a list of indexed words. |