entry: variable1 hasduplicate synonym: variable2
You tried to create a thesaurus entry with duplicate synonyms for the same term.
Before creating a thesaurus entry, make sure each synonym for that term is unique.
Empty term node not allowed: variable1
You tried to add a thesaurus entry with an empty term element.
Given the term element a value and try again.
Term already has synonym: variable1 has variable2
You tried to add a synonym that already exists for that term.
Each synonym for a term must be unique. Do not try to add duplicate synonyms for the same term.
Invalid variable1 node in entry: variable2
Invalid element in entry: variable1
You tried to create a thesaurus entry with an invalid element in the entry element.
Check that your entry element contains only valid elements such as term and synonym.
Invalid node in part-of-speech: variable1
Invalid node in qualifiers: variable1
Invalid node in scope-notes: variable1
Invalid element in synonym: variable1
You tried to create a thesaurus entry with an invalid element in the synonym element.
Check that your entry's synonym element contains only valid elements, such as term and part-of-speech.
Invalid variable1 node in synonym: variable2
Invalid node in term: variable1
You tried to create a thesaurus entry with an invalid node in the term element.
The term element in a thesaurus entry must not contain other nodes.
Multiple terms for a single entry not allowed
variable1 node not in thesaurus namespace
Non entry element one level deep: variable1
No synonyms for an entry not allowed
You tried to create a thesaurus entry with a term but no synonyms.
When you create a thesaurus entry you must include at least 1 synonym.
variable1 isnot a string: variable2
No term for an entry not allowed
You tried to create a thesaurus entry with no entry/term element.
Check that your entry has a term element child of the entry element.
Thesaurus not found: variable1
Top level node is not a thesaurus node: variable1