Cannot create/remove collection variable1 that is not empty
There is document in the specified collection.
If you are trying to delete temporal collection that has documents, you need to set its option to "updates-admin-overrides" and perform delete with admin privilege.
Timestamp variable1 provided is greater than LSQT variable2, cannot perform current-query to provide stable result, please provide a timestamp before LSQT
The specified LSQT timestamp is not within the proper range.
The metadata variable1 is system-managed and cannot be updated
The temporal document being created contains system-managed metadata or the temporal document being updated contains system-managed metadata that is different from the original value.
System time can only go forward for the same URI variable1 in temporal collection
System time can only go forward for the same URI in temporal collection.
Choose another timestmap that is greater than the largest system time for this URI. To find what that timestamp is, you can check the content of fn:doc($URI).