Message Text
Conversion error.: variable1. variable2
Document-Filter failed due to an internal error passed up from the responsible libraries.
Try converting or saving the input file into a new file using newer version of editing software, then run document-filter again to see if the problem is resolved. Otherwise, if you have a current maintenance contract with MarkLogic, you can contact support with the detailed test case and error message.
Message Text
Document-Filter failed due to abnormal process termination: variable1. variable2
Document-Filter program, which is launched by MarkLogic Server to perform the filtering, crashed. Often this is caused by something unexpected in the input file itself or by an internal error passed up from the responsible libraries.
Try converting or saving the input file into a new file using newer version of editing software, then run document-filter again to see if the problem is resolved. Otherwise, if you have a current maintenance contract with MarkLogic, you can contact support with the detailed test case and error message.