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Securing MarkLogic Server

The SAML Server Fields

[v11.2.0 and up] The SAML Server fields appear when either Authentication or Authorization is saml.



SAML Entity ID

Entity ID of the Identity Provider (IDP). Typically in URL form.

SAML Destination

The URL that identifies the Identity Provider to accept the authentication request.

SAML Issuer

Entity ID of the Service Provider (SP), your MarkLogic Server instance. Typically in URL form.

SAML Assertion Host

The URL that identifies the host making the assertion

SAML IDP Certificate Authority

The certificate used to validate the signature in the authentication request.

SAML SP Certificate

(Required when you use https for SAML Destination) The certificate used to sign the authentication request.

SAML SP Private Key

(Required when you use https for SAML Destination) The private key used to sign the authentication request.

SAML Attribute Names

One or more SAML attribute names. These names will be requested as part of the attribute query and mapped as appropriate to internal MarkLogic Server roles.

SAML Authn Signature

The signature algorithm used to generate the SAML authentication signature.

SAML Privilege Attribute Name

(Optional when Authorization is saml) SAML privilege attribute name. If specified, the name will also be requested as part of the attribute query and mapped to MarkLogic Server privileges.