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Securing MarkLogic Server

The LDAP Server Fields

[v11.2.0 and up] The LDAP Server fields appear when either Authentication or Authorization is ldap.




The URI for the LDAP server. Required if either Authentication or Authorization is ldap.


The base DN for user lookup. Required if either Authentication or Authorization is ldap.

LDAP Attribute

The name of the attribute (for example, sAMAccountName) used to identify the user on the LDAP server. Required if either Authentication or Authorization is ldap.

LDAP Default User

The LDAP default user. Required if either Authorization = ldap or LDAP Bind Method is simple.

LDAP Password

The password for the LDAP Default User. Required if either Authorization is ldap or LDAP Bind Method is simple.

Confirm LDAP Password

Field to confirm the LDAP Password.

LDAP Bind Method

  • MD5 (default):

    • Uses the DIGEST-MD5 authentication method with the LDAP server.

    • Set LDAP Default User to the name of a valid LDAP user.

  • simple

    • Uses simple bind authentication with the LDAP server.

    • Set LDAP Default User to a DN (Distinguished Name).

    • Set LDAP Password.

    • Use LDAPS (LDAP with SSL) because the password is not encrypted. (That is, make sure LDAP Server URI begins with ldaps:// instead of ldap://.)

  • external

    • Uses a certificate to authenticate with the LDAP server.

    • Set LDAP Start TLS to true.

    • Enter the certificate into LDAP Certificate.

LDAP Memberof Attribute

(Optional) The LDAP attribute for group lookup. If not specified, memberOf is used for search for the groups of a user.

LDAP Member Attribute

(Optional) The LDAP attribute for group lookup. If not specified, member is used for search for the group of a group.


Whether or not to use start TLS request to the LDAP server. Set to true to use start TLS request. If set to true, the LDAP server URI should start with ldap:// instead of ldaps://.

LDAP Certificate

The PEM-encoded X.509 certificate for MarkLogic Server to connect the LDAP server using mutual authentication. Required if LDAP Bind Method is external. Optional if LDAP Bind Method is either MD5 or simple.

LDAP Private Key

The PEM-encoded private key corresponding to the LDAP Certificate. Required if LDAP Bind Method is external. Optional if LDAP Bind Method is either MD5 or simple.

LDAP Nested Lookup

Whether or not to perform nested group lookup.

LDAP Remove Domain

Whether or not to remove domain before matching with ldap-attribute.

LDAP Negative Cache Timeout

The LDAP negative cache timeout in seconds.

MarkLogic Server caches negative lookups to avoid overloading the external LDAP server.


Clear the cache by calling sec:external-security-clear-cache().