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Monitor MarkLogic Server

Export monitoring data

Each of the three tabbed Monitoring Dashboard pages (Disk Space, Query Execution, Rates and Loads) has an Export button in its upper right corner, on the same line as the current tab’s name. When clicked, it exports the page's data to a local XML file, formatted to be openable in Excel. The exported files have tab-specific names incorporating a timestamp of when the file was exported. For example, disk-space-20120210-160945.xml indicates that it contains a page of data from the Disk Space tab, exported on February 10th, 2012 (2012 02 10) at 4:09:45 p.m. (16 09 45) (spaces added in this paragraph for clarity).

The exported data is from a JavaScript cache that automatically accumulates data as the page is drawn and refreshed. Two of the tabbed pages, Query Execution and Rates and Loads, accumulate data over time. A maximum 1000 latest data points are cached for each of these pages, no matter how long the monitor page runs. By default, data is cached every 10 seconds. This rate depends on the polling interval, which is set on the Dashboard page within the Refresh drop-down menu. See Set the sample Interval.

When using the Export button, remember these caveats:

  • The cache is not in a persistent file, so manually refreshing the browser clears it of all accumulated data. Immediately after a manual browser refresh, there is no data to export.

  • Clicking Export returns only the data from the current tab's page. For example, if you are on the Query Execution tab, clicking Export only writes out data from Query Execution and does not write out data from the Rates and Loads or Disk Space tabs. To get the values from all three tabs, you have to go to each tab and click its Export button, resulting in three separate files.

  • However, when clicking the Export button, the file does contain the data from all three of Rates and Loads' sub-tabs (Overview, XDQP Communication, and Backup/Restore).

Previously, you had to turn on caching this data with a debug=true parameter in the browser URL. Now, data is cached by default.