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Monitor MarkLogic Server

Database performance data

The Overview page displays graphs of the aggregate performance data for all of the databases in the cluster. The following table describes the charts displayed in the Databases section of the Overview page.




Displays the aggregate number of fragments in all of the databases in the cluster.

The displayed lines are:

  • Active Fragments: The fragments available to queries.

  • Deleted Fragments: The fragments to be deleted during the next merge operation.

Storage Footprint

The total disk capacity (in GBs) used by all of the databases in the cluster.

The displayed lines are:

  • Data Size: The amount of data in the forest data directories.

  • Fast Data Size: The amount of data in the forest fast data directories.

  • Large Data Size: The amount of data in the forest large data directories.

Lock Rate

The number of locks set per second across all of the databases in the cluster.

The displayed lines are:

  • Read: The number of read locks set per second.

  • Write: The number of write locks set per second.

  • Deadlock: The number of deadlocks per second.

Lock Wait Load

The aggregate time (in seconds) transactions wait for locks;

The displayed lines are:

  • Read: The time transactions wait for read locks.

  • Write: The time transactions wait for write locks.

Lock Hold Load

The aggregate time (in seconds) locks are held.

The displayed lines are:

  • Read: The time read locks are held.

  • Write: The time write locks are held.

Deadlock Wait Load

The aggregate time (in seconds) deadlocks remain unresolved.

Database Replication

The amount of data (in MB per second) sent by and received from this cluster and foreign clusters.

The displayed lines are:

  • Database Replication Send: The amount of data sent to foreign clusters.

  • Database Replication Receive: The amount of data received from foreign clusters.

List Cache Hits/Misses

The number of times per second that queries could use (Hits) and could not use (Misses) the list cache.

The displayed lines are:

  • List Cache Hit Rate: The average number of hits on the list cache.

  • List Cache Miss Rate: The average number of misses on the list cache.

Compressed Tree Cache Hits/Misses

The number of times per second that queries could use (Hits) and could not use (Misses) the compressed tree cache.

The displayed lines are:

  • Compressed Tree Cache Hit Rate: The average number of hits on the compressed tree cache.

  • Compressed Tree Cache Miss Rate: The average number of misses on the compressed tree cache.

Triple Cache Hits/Misses

The number of times per second that queries could use (Hits) and could not use (Misses) the triple cache.

The displayed lines are:

  • Triple Cache Hit Rate: The average number of hits on the triple cache.

  • Triple Cache Miss Rate: The average number of misses on the triple cache.

Triple Value Cache Hits/Misses

The number of times per second that queries could use (Hits) and could not use (Misses) the triple value cache.

The displayed lines are:

  • Triple Value Cache Hit Rate: The average number of hits on the triple value cache.

  • Triple Value Cache Miss Rate: The average number of misses on the triple value cache.

Click on the arrow in the upper left-hand section of the DATABASES graph in the Overview page to view graphs that present more detailed performance metrics for each database. The charts displayed on the DATABASES DETAIL page are described in the following table. The metrics for each database in the cluster are displayed as a separate line.



Active Fragments

The number of active fragments (the fragments available to queries) in each database.

Deleted Fragments

The number of deleted fragments (the fragments to be removed by the next merge operation) in each database.

Data Size

The amount of data in the data directories of the forests attached to each database.

Fast Data Size

The amount of data in the fast data directories of the forests attached to each database.

Large Data Size

The amount of data in the large data directories of the forests attached to each database.

Read Lock Rate

The number of read locks set per second on each database.

Write Lock Rate

The number of write locks set per second on each database.

Deadlock Rate

The number of deadlocks per second on each database.

Read Lock Wait Load

The time (in seconds) transactions wait for read locks on each database.

Write Lock Wait Load

The time (in seconds) transactions wait for write locks on each database.

Deadlock Wait Load

The aggregate time (in seconds) deadlocks remain unresolved on each database.

Read Lock Hold Load

The time (in seconds) read locks are held on each database.

Write Lock Hold Load

The time (in seconds) write locks are held on each database.

Database Replication Send Rate

The amount of replication data (in MB per second) sent by each database to foreign clusters.

Database Replication Receive Rate

The amount of replication data (in MB per second) received by each database from foreign clusters.

Database Replication Send Load

The time (in seconds) it takes each database to send replication data to foreign clusters.

Database Replication Receive Load

The time (in seconds) it takes each database to receive replication data from foreign clusters.

Database Replication Lag

The amount of time, in seconds, that the replica database is lagged behind the master database.

List Cache Hit Rate

The number of times per second that queries could use (Hits) the list cache. The average number of hits on the list cache.

List Cache Miss Rate

The number of times per second that queries could not use (Misses) the list cache. The average number of misses on the list cache.

Compressed Tree Cache Hit Rate

The number of times per second that queries could use (Hits) the compressed tree cache. The average number of hits on the compressed tree cache.

Compressed Tree Cache Miss Rate

The number of times per second that queries could not use (Misses) the compressed tree cache. The average number of misses on the compressed tree cache.

Triple Cache Hit Rate

The number of times per second that queries could use (Hits) the triple cache. The average number of hits on the triple cache.

Triple Cache Miss Rate

The number of times per second that queries could not use (Misses) the triple cache. The average number of misses on the triple cache.

Triple Value Cache Hit Rate

The number of times per second that queries could use (Hits) the triple value cache. The average number of hits on the triple value cache.

Triple Value Cache Miss Rate

The number of times per second that queries could not use (Misses) the triple value cache. The average number of misses on the triple value cache.

Reindex Refragment Rate

The rate of reindexing and refragmenting.

Rebalance Rate

The rate of rebalancing.