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Securing MarkLogic Server

Embedded KMS Key Hierarchy

When you use the embedded PKCS #11 secured wallet provided with MarkLogic Server, the recommended key hierarchy would be similar to this illustration:

Diagram of embedded KMS key hierarchy

MarkLogic Server generates the Data Key Encryption Key (CDKEK), the Configuration Key Encryption key (CCKEK) and the Logs Key Encryption Key (CLKEK). The Data Key Encryption Key is then used to wrap the OKEYs for the database objects (journals, data files, and so on). These keys are stored in the wallet (internal KMS). The key IDs are generated in the MarkLogic Server for encryption and decryption by the KMS (the PKCS #11 secured wallet in this case). The configuration happens at the cluster level because there is one keystore per cluster.

The individual Object Encryption Keys (OKEYs) are then randomly generated and used to directly encrypt individual files (journals, config files, log files, and so on). These keys (the OKEYs) are wrapped (encrypted) with the corresponding KEK for data, config, and logs. A unique key protects (encrypts) each file. The keys at the object levels are wrapped (encrypted by the keys above them) for each category.

For example, the Data Key Encryption Key (CDKEK) wraps (encrypts) the Object Encryption Key (OKEY) for a file such as a journal. The keys at the bottom of the diagram are encrypted (wrapped) by all the keys above them in the hierarchy, and then placed in the header for each file. In the case of the embedded KMS, there is only one CDKEK for the entire cluster - all databases in the cluster will use that key. When using the embedded KMS, it is not possible to use “per database” keys for encryption.

Database backups are encrypted using the locally generated backup key (BKEK) that is used to encrypt all of the files in the backup. The BKEK is then encrypted with the cluster data key (CDKEK) and then encrypted with the cluster key (CKEK). Additionally, you could encrypt this key with the BDKEY and a passphrase. See Backup and Restore for more information about backups.