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Securing MarkLogic Server

Create Users and Assign Roles

Now create three users (els-user-1, els-user-2, and els-user-3) using the Admin Interface. Assign roles to two of the users.

  1. In the Admin Interface, click Security in the left tree menu.

  2. Click Users and then click Create.

  3. On the User Configuration page, enter the information for the first user: user name: els-user-1, description: ELS user 1, password: <password>.

    Enter a password of your choice.

Add this user to the first role that you created (els-role-1):

  1. Scroll down the User Configuration page until you see the els-role-1 role you just created.

  2. Click the box next to els-role-1 to assign the role to the user.

  3. Click OK to save your changes.

Repeat these steps to create a second user and third user (els-user-2, ELS user 2, els-user-3, ELS user 3). Assign the matching roles to the users. ELS user 3 will not have an assigned role.

See Users in Administrating MarkLogic Server for details on creating users.


Admin users must be added to a role in order to view the results of a query on protected paths that involve concealed elements.