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Administrating MarkLogic Server

Tested WebDAV Clients

The following table lists WebDAV clients that have been tested with MarkLogic Server:

WebDAV Client

How to Get It


Windows Explorer

Part of Windows 10 in many configurations

Allows drag and drop from Windows. For instructions on setting up the Windows Explorer client, see Connecting to a Web Folder Using Windows 10 File Explorer. or Connecting to a Web Folder Using Windows 9 or Earlier File Explorer.

Some Windows clients require digest authentication.


PerlDAV -- A WebDAV client library for Perl5

A command line, perl-based WebDAV client. Designed to be scriptable and to allow you to send individual WebDAV calls.


Altova Software

Allows you to open, edit, and save XML files in XML Spy. Use the File > Open URL menu item in XML Spy.

jEdit DAV plug-in

Available on the the MarkLogic Developer site.

Allows you to view and edit database documents in jEdit 4.2. This version is available from

For detailed information on these clients, see the documentation accompanying these products.


Directory and document names in WebDAV (and in MarkLogic Server databases) are case-sensitive, but some WebDAV clients (Windows Explorer, for example) are not case-sensitive. While Windows recognizes case, it treats the directory named NewFolder as the same directory as one named newFolder. Therefore, directory or document names that differ only in case might cause confusion when using Windows Explorer or other case-insensitive WebDAV clients. If possible, avoid assigning names to directories or documents that differ only by case (for example, NewFolder vs newFolder).

Windows WebDAV clients will cause two transactions upon initial document creation: the first is a 0-length WebDAV PUT resulting in a new 0-length document, and the second is an update to the 0-length document. If you are using CPF (or other applications that use triggers), this will fire both the create trigger (when the initial 0-length document is created) and the update trigger (when the document is updated with its contents). When using Windows WebDAV clients with CPF applications, make sure that your CPF actions for create and update are designed to work correctly for this behavior. In most cases, having the same action for create and update will be sufficient, but in some cases, you might need to write an action that checks for a 0-length document and does something special with it.