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Administrating MarkLogic Server

Defining Fragment Roots

To define a rule for a fragment root, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Databases icon on the left tree menu.

  2. Determine the database for which you are specifying a new fragment rule.

  3. Click the icon for this database, either in the tree menu or the Database Summary page.

  4. Click the Fragment Roots icon.

  5. Click the Create tab. The Fragment Roots Configuration page appears:

  6. Enter the namespace URI of the XML element that you are using as a rule for the fragment root into the Namespace URI field.

    Every XML element is associated with a namespace. For the fragment rule to be precise, you must specify the namespace of the XML element. Leaving the Namespace URI field blank specifies the universal unnamed namespace.

    Alternatively, you can specify that the rule for the fragment root is namespace-independent by putting an asterisk (*) into the Namespace URI field.

  7. Enter the element name into the localname field.

    The local name is the name of the XML element used as the root of a fragment. If you have more than one fragment root rule associated with the specified namespace, you can provide a comma-separated list of element names.

  8. To add more fragment roots, click More Items and repeat Step 6 - Step 7 for each fragment root as needed.

  9. Scroll to the top or bottom and click OK.

The new fragment root rules are added to the database. These rules are applied to XML documents loaded into the specified database from this point on.