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MarkLogic Server on Kubernetes

Set up the required tools

To run MarkLogic in Kubernetes, Helm and kubectl are required.  Instructions for installing and configuring these tools are included in this section.


Enter all commands referenced in this section into the command-line interpreter for your operating system (Linux - Shell, Windows- PowerShell, Mac - Terminal).

Install Helm

Helm is a package manager that makes it easy to install MarkLogic on Kubernetes.

To install Helm, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the steps at Installing Helm.

  2. For Windows computers, add the location of Helm to the path user environment variable.

  3. Verify installation by entering this command:  

    • If the installation was successful, an explanation of the common actions appears.

    • If the installation was unsuccessful, the command not found: helm error appears.

Install kubectl

kubectl is a command-line tool used as a client to connect to a Kubernetes cluster. kubectl can also be used to run commands against a cluster, to pass Kubernetes object specifications in a YAML file, and to deploy and manage MarkLogic resources.

To install kubectl, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the steps at Install Tools: kubectl.

  2. Verify the installation by entering this command:

    kubectl -h 
    • If the installation was successful, the help content appears.

    • If the installation was unsuccessful, the command not found: kubectl error appears.