HAProxy Ingress Controller configuration
The Ingress controller is exposed using NodePort and the --configmap-tcp-services
Service configuration
The HAProxy Ingress controller service is configured using this code:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: annotations: meta.helm.sh/release-name: haproxy meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: ingress labels: app.kubernetes.io/instance: haproxy app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm app.kubernetes.io/name: kubernetes-ingress app.kubernetes.io/version: 1.8.3 helm.sh/chart: kubernetes-ingress-1.22.4 name: haproxy-kubernetes-ingress namespace: ingress spec: clusterIP: clusterIPs: - externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster internalTrafficPolicy: Cluster ipFamilies: - IPv4 ipFamilyPolicy: SingleStack ports: - name: http nodePort: 31080 port: 80 protocol: TCP targetPort: http - name: https nodePort: 31443 port: 443 protocol: TCP targetPort: https - name: stat nodePort: 31024 port: 1024 protocol: TCP targetPort: stat - name: ml-odbc-tcp nodePort: 31032 port: 5432 protocol: TCP targetPort: 5432 - name: healthz-tcp nodePort: 31042 port: 1042 protocol: TCP targetPort: 1042 selector: app.kubernetes.io/instance: haproxy app.kubernetes.io/name: kubernetes-ingress sessionAffinity: None type: NodePort
Code explanation
In the Service configuration, the ODBC code is:
- name: ml-odbc-tcp nodePort: 31032 port: 5432 protocol: TCP targetPort: 5432
The port is exposed using nodePort: 31032
To create a dedicated configmap:
Use --configmap-tcp-services with this code:
apiVersion: v1 data: "5432": ml-lb/ml-enode-ml-lb:5432 kind: ConfigMap metadata: annotations: kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: | {"apiVersion":"v1","data":{"5432":"ml-lb/ml-enode-ml-lb:5432"},"kind":"ConfigMap","metadata":{"annotations":{},"labels":{"app.kubernetes.io/instance":"haproxy","app.kubernetes.io/name":"kubernetes-ingress"},"name":"ml-odbc-config","namespace":"ingress"}} labels: app.kubernetes.io/instance: haproxy app.kubernetes.io/name: kubernetes-ingress name: ml-odbc-config namespace: ingress
Code explanation
The configuration is typically done with this code:
data: "5432": ml-lb/ml-enode-ml-lb:5432 <ingress-tcp-sevice-port> : <tcp-service-to-be-exposed-namespace>/<tcp-service-name-to-be-exposed>
Port 5432 is exposed at the Ingress controller service level and the ML LB ODBC port is bound.
Ingress controller Helm Chart level
At the Ingress controller Helm Chart level, this was specified in the values.yaml
## Additional command line arguments to pass to Controller ## ref: https://github.com/haproxytech/kubernetes-ingress/blob/master/documentation/controller.md extraArgs: # - --namespace-whitelist=default # - --namespace-whitelist=namespace1 # - --namespace-blacklist=namespace2 - --configmap-tcp-services=ingress/ml-odbc-config ## Additional tcp ports to expose ## This is especially useful for TCP services: ## https://github.com/haproxytech/kubernetes-ingress/blob/master/documentation/controller.md tcpPorts: - name: ml-odbc port: 5432 targetPort: 5432 nodePort: 31032 ## Controller Service configuration ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/ service: enabled: true # set to false when controller.kind is 'DaemonSet' and controller.daemonset.useHostPorts is true type: NodePort # can be 'ClusterIP', 'NodePort' or 'LoadBalancer'
Code explanation
In the Ingress controller Helm Chart level:
specifies which configmap is used. The tcp service syntax is:- --configmap-tcp-services=<configmap-namespace>/<configmap-name>
specifies the additional tcp ports exposed by the Ingress controller service.The Ingress controller service is specified as NodePort.