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mlcp User Guide (PDF)

MarkLogic Server 11.0 Product Documentation
mlcp User Guide
— Chapter 2

Installation and Configuration

This chapter describes how to install mlcp and configure your client environment and MarkLogic for most effective use of the tool. The following topics are included:

Supported Platforms

In local mode, mlcp is supported on the same platforms as MarkLogic Server, including 64-bit Linux, 64-bit Windows, and Macintosh OS X. For details, see Supported Platforms in the Installation Guide.

Required Software

The following software is required to use mlcp:

  • MarkLogic Server 7.0-1 or later, with an XDBC App Server configured. MarkLogic 8 and later versions come with an XDBC App Server pre-configured on port 8000.
  • Oracle/Sun Java JRE 1.8 or later.

Installing mlcp

After downloading mlcp, follow these instructions to install mlcp.

  1. Download mlcp from http://developer.marklogic.com/products/mlcp.
  2. Unpack the mlcp distribution to a location of your choice. This creates a directory named mlcp-version, where version is the mlcp version. For example, assuming /space/marklogic contains zip file for mlcp version 1.3, then the following commands install mlcp under /space/marklogic/mlcp-1.3/:
    $ cd /space/marklogic
    $ unzip mlcp-1.3-bin.zip
  3. Optionally, put the mlcp bin directory on your path. For example:
    $ export PATH=${PATH}:/space/marklogic/mlcp-1.3/bin
  4. Put the java command on your path. For example:
    $ export PATH=${PATH}:$JAVA_HOME/bin

You might need to configure your MarkLogic cluster before using mlcp for the first time. For details, see Configuring Your MarkLogic Cluster.

On Windows, use the mlcp.bat command to run mlcp. On UNIX and Linux, use the mlcp.sh command. You should not use mlcp.sh in the Cygwin shell environment on Windows.

Configuring Your MarkLogic Cluster

The mlcp tool uses an XDBC App Server to communicate with each host in a MarkLogic Server cluster that has at least one forest attached to a database used in your mlcp job. Optionally, you can configure the mlcp tool to connect to a load balancer that sits in front of the MarkLogic Server cluster. When configured to use a load balancer, the mlcp tool communicates with the load balancer to reach the forests. The load balancer can communicate with hosts that are evaluator nodes, data nodes, or both. For details, see Controlling How mlcp Connects to MarkLogic.

When you use mlcp with MarkLogic 8 or later on the default port (8000), no special cluster configuration is necessary. Port 8000 includes a pre-configured XDBC App Server. The default database associated with port 8000 is the Documents database. To use mlcp with a different database and port 8000, use the -database, -input_database, or -output_database options. For example:

mlcp.sh import -host myhost -port 8000 -database mydatabase ...

When using MarkLogic 8 or later with a port other than 8000, the port should connect to either an XDBC App Server or an App Server with a rewriter that is set up to handle XDBC traffic.

Hosts within a group share the same App Server configuration, but hosts in different groups do not. Therefore, if all your forest hosts are in a single group, you only need to configure one App Server to handle XDBC traffic. If your forests are on hosts in multiple groups, then you must configure an App Server for XDBC that listens on the same port in each group.

For example, the cluster shown below is properly configured to use Database A as an mlcp input or output source. Database A has 3 forests, located on 3 hosts in 2 different groups. Therefore, both Group 1 and Group 2 must make Database A accessible via XDBC on port 9001.

If the forests of Database A are only located on Host1 and Host2, which are in the same group, then you would only need to configure one XDBC App Server on port 9001.

If you use MarkLogic 8 or later and port 8000 instead of port 9001, then you do not need to explicitly create any XDBC App Servers to support the above database configuration because both group automatically have an XDBC App Server on port 8000. You might need to explicitly specify the database name (Database A) in your mlcp command, though, if it is not the default database associated with port 8000.

Security Considerations

When you use mlcp, you supply the name of a user(s) with which to interact with MarkLogic Server. If the user does not have admin privileges, then the user must have at least the privileges listed in the table below.

Additional privileges may be required. These roles only enable use of MarkLogic Server as a data source or destination. For example, these roles do not grant read or update permissions to the database.

mlcp Command Privilege Notes
import hadoop-user-write Applies to the user name specified with -username. It is recommended that you also set -output_permissions to set the permissions on inserted documents.
export hadoop-user-read Applies to the user name specified with -username.





The -input_username user have the hadoop-user-read privilege on source MarkLogic Server instance.

The -output_username user must have the hadoop-user-write privilege on destination MarkLogic Server instance.

By default, mlcp requires a username and password to be included in the command line options for each job. You can avoid passing a cleartext password between your mlcp client host and MarkLogic Server by using Kerberos for authentication. For details, see Using mlcp With Kerberos.

Connecting to MarkLogic Using SSL

When you connect to a MarkLogic App Server with mlcp, you can use an SSL-enabled connection to secure the communications. This applies to the import, export, and copy mlcp commands.

Enabling SSL on Your App Server

You can only use SSL to connect to MarkLogic through an SSL-enabled App Server. For more details, see Configuring SSL on App Servers in the Security Guide.

If you want to use SSL with both the source (input) and destination (output) App Servers during an mlcp copy job, both App Servers must be SSL enabled.

Configuring mlcp to Use SSL

By default, mlcp does not connect to MarkLogic using SSL. Use one of the following options to specify that mlcp should connect via SSL:

mlcp Command Command Line Option For more information
import -ssl Import Command Line Options
export -ssl Export Command Line Options
copy -input_ssl and/or -output_ssl Copy Command Line Options

All these options accept a boolean argument value. As described in Command Line Summary, true is assumed if you leave the argument off.

If you have disabled the default SSL protocol on your App Server, you must also use one of the following options to explicitly specify the SSL protocol that mlcp should use when connecting to MarkLogic:

mlcp Command Command Line Option For more information
import -ssl_protocol Import Command Line Options
export -ssl_protocol Export Command Line Options
copy -input_ssl_protocol and/or -output_ssl_protocol Copy Command Line Options

The above SSL protocol options are ignored in some cases when you use the SSL configuration technique describe in Using mlcp With Kerberos.

Using mlcp With Kerberos

You can use mlcp in local mode with Kerberos to avoid sending cleartext passwords between your mlcp client host and MarkLogic Server.

Before you can use Kerberos with mlcp, you must configure your MarkLogic installation to enable external security, as described in External Security in the Security Guide.

If external security is not already configured, you will need to perform at least the following procedures:

The following topics touch on additional details specific to mlcp.

Creating Users

Before you can use Kerberos for authentication, you must create at least one MarkLogic user with which mlcp can use Kerberos authentication to connect to MarkLogic Server, as described in Assigning an External Name to a User in the Security Guide.

This user must also be assigned roles and privileges required to enable your mlcp operations.

For example, if you're using mlcp to import documents into a database, then the user must have update privileges on the target database, as well as the minimum privileges required by mlcp. For details on the minimum privileges required by mlcp, see Security Considerations.

Configuring an XDBC App Server for Kerberos Authentication

The mlcp tool communicates with MarkLogic through an XDBC App Server. Configure your XDBC App Server to use Kerberos for external security, as described in Configuring an App Server for External Authentication in the Security Guide.

Configure your XDBC App Server to use kerberos-ticket authentication.

For example, if you create a configuration named kerb-conf, then configure your XDBC App Server with the following values for the authentication, internal security, and external security configuration settings in the Admin Interface:

You can use an existing XDBC App Server or create a new one. To create a new XDBC App Server, use the Admin Interface, the Admin API, or the REST Management API. For details, see Procedures for Creating and Managing XDBC Servers in the Administrator's Guide.

Configure the App Server to use kerberos-ticket authentication and the Kerberos external security configuration object you created following the instructions in Creating an External Authentication Configuration Object in the Security Guide.

When you install MarkLogic, an XDBC App Server and other services are available port 8000. Changing the security configuration for the App Server on port 8000 affects all the MarkLogic services available through this port, including the HTTP App Server and REST Client API instance.

Invoking mlcp

Once you configure your XDBC App Server and user for Kerberos external security, then you can do the following to use Kerberos authentication with mlcp:

  • Use kinit or a similar program on your mlcp client host to create and cache a Kerberos Ticket to Get Tickets (TGT) for a principal you assigned to a MarkLogic user.
  • Invoke mlcp with no -username and no -password option from the environment in which you cached the TGT.

For example, suppose you configured an XDBC App Server on port 9010 of host ml-host to use kerberos-ticket authentication. Further, suppose you associated the Kerberos principal name kuser with the user mluser. Then the following commands result in mlcp authenticating with Kerberos as user kuser, and importing documents into the database as mluser.

kinit kuser
mlcp.sh import -host ml-host -port 9010 -input_file_path src_dir

You do not necessarily need to run kinit every time you invoke mlcp. The cached TGT typically has a lifetime over which it is valid.

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