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The BucketRangeFacet widget displays bucketed ranges for a faceted numeric property in search results. Once search results are returned, users can check a box next to the buckets to constrain the results.


The NumberRangeFacet widget can also be used to constrain search results for a faceted numeric property.

MarkLogic setup

Faceted search requires a range index on the faceted property. A range index can be added to the database configuration with the MarkLogic Admin Interface or with an API.

This example shows a path range index added to the salary property in the Admin Interface.

Example showing a path range index added to the salary property in the Admin Interface.

After an index is added, a faceted constraint must be configured using query options. In this example, the search application returns facets for the /envelope/salary property in the search results. The constraint settings correspond to the settings for the index. return-facets is set to true so that facet results are returned:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<options xmlns="">    
  <constraint name="salaryBucketed">
    <range collation="" facet="true" type="xs:int">
      <bucket lt="75000" ge="50000" name="$50000 - $75000">$50000 - $75000</bucket>
      <bucket lt="100000" ge="75000" name="$75000 - $100000">$75000 - $100000</bucket>
      <bucket ge="100000" name="Over $100000">Over $100000</bucket>

The example code will return this response:

  "snippet-format": "snippet",
  "total": 3,
  "start": 1,
  "page-length": 10,
  "selected": "include",
  "results": [
      "index": 1,
      "uri": "/person/1001.json",
      "path": "fn:doc(\"/person/1001.json\")",
      "score": 0,
      "confidence": 0,
      "fitness": 0,
      "href": "/v1/documents?uri=%2Fperson%2F1001.json",
      "mimetype": "application/json",
      "format": "json",
      "matches": [
          "path": "fn:doc(\"/person/1001.json\")/object-node()",
          "match-text": [
            "person Nerta Hallwood Marketing Manager Active 1985-03-04 104000 person-1001.jpg"
      "extracted": {
        "kind": "array",
        "content": [
            "envelope": {
              "entityType": "person",
              "id": 1001,
              "firstName": "Nerta",
              "lastName": "Hallwood",
              "title": "Marketing Manager",
              "status": "Active",
              "dob": "1985-03-04",
              "salary": 104000,
              "image": "person-1001.jpg",
    // ...
  "facets": {
    "salaryBucketed": {
      "type": "bucketed",
      "facetValues": [
          "name": "$50000 - $75000",
          "count": 1,
          "value": "$50000 - $75000"
          "name": "$75000 - $100000",
          "count": 1,
          "value": "$75000 - $100000"
          "name": "Over $100000",
          "count": 1,
          "value": "Over $100000"
  // ...

Example rendering

Using the code and response in MarkLogic setup, the BucketRangeFacet widget displays a set of range buckets based on the results. Each bucket contains one document in the salary range. A user can check the corresponding box to apply the constraint on the facet.

Example showing the BucketRangeFacet widget displaying range buckets based on search results. Each bucket contains one document in the salary range. A user can check the corresponding box to apply the constraint to the facet.

This shows the BucketRangeFacet widget after a user clicks the $75,000–$100,000 range bucket.

The BucketRangeFacet widget after a user clicks the $75,000–$100,000 range bucket.

BucketRangeFacet example configuration

In this example configuration, the BucketRangeFacet widget is imported and configured in a React application.

import { useContext, useState } from "react";
import './App.css';
import { MarkLogicContext, SearchBox, ResultsSnippet, BucketRangeFacet } from "ml-fasttrack";
function App() {
  const context = useContext(MarkLogicContext);
  const handleSearch = (params) => {
  const handleFacetClick = (selection) => {
  return (
    <div className="App">
        <SearchBox onSearch={handleSearch}/>
      <div style={{display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'row'}}>
          <div style={{width: '640px'}}>
          {context?.searchResponse?.facets?.salaryBucketed &&
              title="Salary Range"
export default App;

Code explanation

In the BucketRangeFacet example configuration:

  • The data prop is set to the bucketed numeric facet from the search response object. 

  • The onSelect callback manages check box clicks and receives a selection object from the widget. 

  • The application can then set the facet constraint in the application context using the addStringFacetConstraint method.

BucketRangeFacet API





{ type: string; facetValues: { name: string; count: number; value: string; }[]; } 

Facet data to display from search results.



String identifying the facet. Passed as the name value in the onSelect event. 



Title for the collapsible header. 



Subtitle for the collapsible header. 



String value identifying the item to uncheck. For integration with the SelectedFacets widget.



String value identifying the item to uncheck. For integration with the SelectedFacets widget. CSS style for the container


(value: { type: string; name: string; value: string[]; title?: string | undefined; }) => voidstring

Callback function triggered by a selection. Receives a selection object.Label for the reset button.

BucketRangeFacet callbacks

This example shows a selection object passed to the onSelect callback:

  "type": "string",
  "name": "salaryBucketed",
  "value": [
    "$50000 - $75000"
  "title": "Salary Range"