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Example document

This is an example document from the Create a search application section:

{ "envelope": {
    "entityType": "person",
    "id": 1001,
    "firstName": "Nerta",
    "lastName": "Hallwood",
    "title": "Marketing Manager",
    "status": "active",
    "dob": "1985-03-04",
    "salary": 104000,
    "address": {
      "street": "40 Summer Ridge Point",
      "city": "Cincinnati",
      "state": "Ohio",
      "country": "United States",
      "latitude": 39.1848,
      "longitude": -84.3448
    "image": "person-1001.jpg",
    "content": "And this, our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything.",
    "relations": [
        "triple": {
          "subject": "",
          "predicate": "",
          "object": {
              "datatype" : "",
        "triple": {
          "subject": "",
          "predicate": "",
          "object": {
              "datatype" : "",