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Develop with FastTrack

Add the StringFacet widget

After configuring a constraint in the query options, add the StringFacet widget.

To add the string facet widget:

  1. In the search application, open the App.jsx file.

  2. Replace the existing content with this code:

    import React from 'react'
    import './App.css'
    import { useContext } from "react";
    import { MarkLogicContext, SearchBox, ResultsSnippet, StringFacet } from "ml-fasttrack";
    function App() {
      const context = useContext(MarkLogicContext);
      const handleSearch = (params) => {
      const handleFacetClick = (selection) => {
      return (
        <div className="App">
            <SearchBox onSearch={handleSearch}/>
          <div style={{display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'row'}}>
              <div style={{width: '640px'}}>
    export default App

Code explanation

The code in Add the StringFacet widget:

  • Imports the StringFacet widget into the application.

  • Renders the StringFacet widget with these props:

    • The title prop gives the facet container the title "Status".

    • The name prop associates the widget with the constraint named "status".

    • The data prop defines the facet results in the search response using a JSONPath expression.

    • The onSelect prop defines the callback function for handling checkbox clicks.

  • The handleFacetClick callback receives a selection object as an argument. The selection object is then passed into the addStringFacetConstraint context method. This adds a facet constraint for the status property to the application context. The constraint is then applied to any search request.