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AbstractEntity - Class in com.marklogic.hub.entity
Abstract Base class for entities
AbstractEntity(Element) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.entity.AbstractEntity
AbstractEntity(String) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.entity.AbstractEntity
accept(File) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.util.HubFileFilter
accept(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.MlcpConsumer
areForestsExistent(DatabaseKind) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.InstallInfoImpl
areForestsExistent(DatabaseKind) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.InstallInfo
Checks to see if the forests are present and accessible
awaitCompletion() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowRunner
Blocks until the job is complete.
awaitCompletion(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowRunner
Blocks until the job is complete.
awaitCompletion() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowRunnerImpl
awaitCompletion(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowRunnerImpl


build() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowBuilder
build() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfigBuilder
Builds the HubConfig instance
build() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigBuilderImpl
buildDatabaseCommands(CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabasesCommand
buildDatabaseCommands(CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubOtherDatabasesCommand
buildDefaultDatabasePayload(CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
buildDeployForestsCommand(String, SaveReceipt, CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
buildKey(File) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.HubModuleManager
Lower-casing avoids some annoying issues on Windows where sometimes you get "C:" at the start, and other times you get "c:".
buildPayload(CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand


CacheBusterDocumentFileProcessor - Class in
CacheBusterDocumentFileProcessor() - Constructor for class
CantUpgradeException - Exception in com.marklogic.hub.error
CantUpgradeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.marklogic.hub.error.CantUpgradeException
clear() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.collector.DiskQueue
clearDatabase(String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
Clears the database of all documents
clearDatabase(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
clearUserModules() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
Removes user's modules from the modules db
clearUserModules() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
CodeFormat - Enum in com.marklogic.hub.flow
Collector - Interface in com.marklogic.hub.collector
Manages config and client for the collector, as well as runs the collector for the associated entity and flow
CollectorImpl - Class in com.marklogic.hub.collector.impl
CollectorImpl() - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.collector.impl.CollectorImpl
CollectorImpl(String, CodeFormat) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.collector.impl.CollectorImpl - package - package
com.marklogic.hub - package com.marklogic.hub
com.marklogic.hub.collector - package com.marklogic.hub.collector
com.marklogic.hub.collector.impl - package com.marklogic.hub.collector.impl
com.marklogic.hub.deploy - package com.marklogic.hub.deploy
com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands - package com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands
com.marklogic.hub.deploy.util - package com.marklogic.hub.deploy.util
com.marklogic.hub.entity - package com.marklogic.hub.entity
com.marklogic.hub.error - package com.marklogic.hub.error
com.marklogic.hub.flow - package com.marklogic.hub.flow
com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl - package com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl
com.marklogic.hub.impl - package com.marklogic.hub.impl
com.marklogic.hub.job - package com.marklogic.hub.job
com.marklogic.hub.job.impl - package com.marklogic.hub.job.impl
com.marklogic.hub.main - package com.marklogic.hub.main
com.marklogic.hub.main.impl - package com.marklogic.hub.main.impl
com.marklogic.hub.scaffold - package com.marklogic.hub.scaffold
com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.impl - package com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.impl
com.marklogic.hub.util - package com.marklogic.hub.util
com.marklogic.hub.validate - package com.marklogic.hub.validate
com.marklogic.hub.validate.impl - package com.marklogic.hub.validate.impl
compare(String, String) - Static method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.Versions
completedItems - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.RunFlowResponse
ContentPlugin(DatabaseClient) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.impl.ScaffoldingImpl.ContentPlugin
copy(InputStream, File) - Static method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.FileUtil
create(HubConfig) - Static method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
create(DatabaseClient) - Static method in interface com.marklogic.hub.Debugging
Creates and returns a debugging object
create(HubConfig) - Static method in interface com.marklogic.hub.EntityManager
Creates and returns the EntityManager object
create(HubConfig) - Static method in interface com.marklogic.hub.FlowManager
Creates and returns the FlowManager object
create(String) - Static method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Creates and returns a hubconfig object for a project directory
create(String) - Static method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubProject
Creates a HubProject object and returns it in the base project directory
create() - Static method in interface com.marklogic.hub.InstallInfo
Creates and returns an installinfo object
create(DatabaseClient, DatabaseClient) - Static method in interface com.marklogic.hub.job.JobManager
Creates and returns a JobManager object
create(String, DatabaseClient) - Static method in interface com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.Scaffolding
Creates and returns a Scaffolding object
create(DatabaseClient) - Static method in interface com.marklogic.hub.Tracing
Creates and returns a tracing object
create(DatabaseClient) - Static method in interface com.marklogic.hub.validate.EntitiesValidator
Creates and returns a an EntityValidator object
createEntity(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.impl.ScaffoldingImpl
createEntity(String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.Scaffolding
Creates an entity given a string name
createEntityNameFileMap(List<File>) - Static method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.GenerateHubTDETemplateCommand
createFlow(String, String, FlowType, CodeFormat, DataFormat) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.impl.ScaffoldingImpl
createFlow(String, String, FlowType, CodeFormat, DataFormat, boolean) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.impl.ScaffoldingImpl
createFlow(String, String, FlowType, CodeFormat, DataFormat) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.Scaffolding
Creates a flow for an entity with Entity Services model as default
createFlow(String, String, FlowType, CodeFormat, DataFormat, boolean) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.Scaffolding
Creates a flow for an entity with an additional option for using Entity Services
createRestExtension(String, String, FlowType, CodeFormat) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.impl.ScaffoldingImpl
createRestExtension(String, String, FlowType, CodeFormat) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.Scaffolding
Creates a rest extension on disk to be deployed to server
createRestTransform(String, String, FlowType, CodeFormat) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.impl.ScaffoldingImpl
createRestTransform(String, String, FlowType, CodeFormat) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.Scaffolding
Creates a rest transform on disk to be deployed to server
customForestPath - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl


DATABASE_FILENAME - Static variable in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubSchemasDatabaseCommand
DATABASE_FILENAME - Static variable in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubTriggersDatabaseCommand
DatabaseKind - Enum in com.marklogic.hub
Public enumeration for the types of databases in MarkLogic that the DHF uses.
DataFormat - Enum in com.marklogic.hub.flow
DataHub - Interface in com.marklogic.hub
Handles creation and orchastration of DHF with a MarkLogic server.
DataHubConfigurationException - Exception in com.marklogic.hub.error
An exception to wrap issues found while configuring the Data Hub Framework
DataHubConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception com.marklogic.hub.error.DataHubConfigurationException
DataHubConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.marklogic.hub.error.DataHubConfigurationException
DataHubConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.marklogic.hub.error.DataHubConfigurationException
DataHubConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.marklogic.hub.error.DataHubConfigurationException
DataHubImpl - Class in com.marklogic.hub.impl
DataHubImpl(HubConfig) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
DataHubProjectException - Exception in com.marklogic.hub.error
An exception for issues when retrieving data from the project directory.
DataHubProjectException() - Constructor for exception com.marklogic.hub.error.DataHubProjectException
DataHubProjectException(String) - Constructor for exception com.marklogic.hub.error.DataHubProjectException
DataHubProjectException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.marklogic.hub.error.DataHubProjectException
DataHubProjectException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.marklogic.hub.error.DataHubProjectException
Debugging - Interface in com.marklogic.hub
Enables or disables debugging in the DHF for the specified database using the supplied client.
DebuggingImpl - Class in com.marklogic.hub.impl
DebuggingImpl(DatabaseClient) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DebuggingImpl
DEFAULT_AUTH_METHOD - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
DEFAULT_CUSTOM_FOREST_PATH - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
DEFAULT_FILE_PATH - Static variable in class com.marklogic.hub.util.HubModuleManager
DEFAULT_FINAL_NAME - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
DEFAULT_FINAL_PORT - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
DEFAULT_FORESTS_PER_HOST - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
DEFAULT_JOB_NAME - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
DEFAULT_JOB_PORT - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
DEFAULT_MODULES_DB_NAME - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
DEFAULT_ROLE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
DEFAULT_SCHEMAS_DB_NAME - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
DEFAULT_SCHEME - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
DEFAULT_STAGING_NAME - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
DEFAULT_STAGING_PORT - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
DEFAULT_TRACE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
DEFAULT_TRACE_PORT - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
DEFAULT_TRIGGERS_DB_NAME - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
DEFAULT_USER_NAME - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
deletedJobs - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.job.JobDeleteResponse
deletedTraces - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.job.JobDeleteResponse
deleteJobs(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.impl.JobManagerImpl
deleteJobs(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.impl.JobManagerImpl.JobDeleteResource
deleteJobs(String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.job.JobManager
deletePropertiesFile() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.HubModuleManager
deleteResource(ResourceManager, CommandContext, File) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubServersCommand
deploy(AppConfig) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.HubAppDeployer
DeployHubDatabaseCommand - Class in com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands
Can be used for creating any kind of database with any sorts of forests.
DeployHubDatabaseCommand(HubConfig, String) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
DeployHubDatabasesCommand - Class in com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands
This commands handles deploying/undeploying every database file except the "default" ones of content-database.json, triggers-database.json, and schemas-database.json.
DeployHubDatabasesCommand(HubConfig) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabasesCommand
DeployHubOtherDatabasesCommand - Class in com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands
DeployHubOtherDatabasesCommand(HubConfig) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubOtherDatabasesCommand
DeployHubRolesCommand - Class in com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands
DeployHubRolesCommand(HubConfig) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubRolesCommand
DeployHubSchemasDatabaseCommand - Class in com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands
DeployHubSchemasDatabaseCommand(HubConfig) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubSchemasDatabaseCommand
DeployHubServersCommand - Class in com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands
DeployHubServersCommand(HubConfig) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubServersCommand
DeployHubTriggersDatabaseCommand - Class in com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands
DeployHubTriggersDatabaseCommand(HubConfig) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubTriggersDatabaseCommand
DeployHubUsersCommand - Class in com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands
DeployHubUsersCommand(HubConfig) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubUsersCommand
deployQueryOptions() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.EntityManager
Deploys the query option
deployQueryOptions() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.EntityManagerImpl
determineForestCountPerHost(String, CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
disable() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.Debugging
Disables debugging
disable() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DebuggingImpl
disable() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.TracingImpl
disable() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.Tracing
Disables tracing
DiskQueue<E extends> - Class in com.marklogic.hub.collector
A queue that writes extra elements to disk, and reads them in as needed.
DiskQueue(int) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.collector.DiskQueue
Construct a disk-backed queue that keeps at most maxInMemorySize elements in memory.
DiskQueue(int, File) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.collector.DiskQueue
Construct a disk-backed queue that keeps at most maxInMemorySize elements in memory.


enable() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.Debugging
Enables debugging
enable() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DebuggingImpl
enable() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.TracingImpl
enable() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.Tracing
Enables tracing
EntitiesValidator - Interface in com.marklogic.hub.validate
Uses a supplied DatabaseClient to run an entity validation against all entities defined or against a specific entity/flow/plugins (triples etc) combination
EntitiesValidatorImpl - Class in com.marklogic.hub.validate.impl
EntitiesValidatorImpl(DatabaseClient) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.validate.impl.EntitiesValidatorImpl
Entity - Interface in com.marklogic.hub.entity
Entity interface, holds basics about a defined entity object
ENTITY_CONFIG_DIR - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
ENTITY_CONFIG_DIR - Static variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubProjectImpl
EntityDefModulesFinder - Class in
EntityDefModulesFinder() - Constructor for class
EntityImpl - Class in com.marklogic.hub.entity
An implementation of the Entity base class
EntityImpl(Element) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.entity.EntityImpl
EntityImpl(String) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.entity.EntityImpl
EntityManager - Interface in com.marklogic.hub
Manages existing entities' MarkLogic Server database index settings and query options.
EntityManagerImpl - Class in com.marklogic.hub.impl
EntityManagerImpl(HubConfig) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.impl.EntityManagerImpl
EntityServicesGenerationException - Exception in com.marklogic.hub.error
EntityServicesGenerationException() - Constructor for exception com.marklogic.hub.error.EntityServicesGenerationException
EntityServicesGenerationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.marklogic.hub.error.EntityServicesGenerationException
EntityServicesGenerationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.marklogic.hub.error.EntityServicesGenerationException
errorCount - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.RunFlowResponse
errorCount - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.job.JobDeleteResponse
errors - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.RunFlowResponse
errors - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.job.JobDeleteResponse
execute(CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
execute(CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabasesCommand
execute(CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubOtherDatabasesCommand
execute(CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.GenerateHubTDETemplateCommand
execute(CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.LoadHubModulesCommand
execute(CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.LoadUserModulesCommand
exportJobs(Path, String[]) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.impl.JobManagerImpl
exportJobs(Path, String[]) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.job.JobManager
Export Job documents and their associated Trace documents to a zip file.
extactEntityNameFromFilename(String) - Static method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.GenerateHubTDETemplateCommand


failedItems - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.RunFlowResponse
failedJobs - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.job.JobDeleteResponse
failedTraces - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.job.JobDeleteResponse
FileUtil - Class in com.marklogic.hub.util
FileUtil() - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.util.FileUtil
filterEntities(Map<String, File>) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.GenerateHubTDETemplateCommand
FINAL_ENTITY_QUERY_OPTIONS_FILE - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
finalAuthMethod - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
finalDbName - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
finalForestsPerHost - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
finalHttpName - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
finalize() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.collector.DiskQueue
finalPort - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
findEntityFiles() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.GenerateHubTDETemplateCommand
findModulesWithResolvedBaseDir(String) - Method in class
findModulesWithResolvedBaseDir(String) - Method in class
findModulesWithResolvedBaseDir(String) - Method in class
Flow - Interface in com.marklogic.hub.flow
Manages the creation and configuration of flow objects
FlowBuilder - Class in com.marklogic.hub.flow
FlowFinishedListener - Interface in com.marklogic.hub.flow
flowFromXml(Element) - Static method in interface com.marklogic.hub.FlowManager
Turns an XML document into a flow
FlowImpl - Class in com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl
FlowImpl() - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowImpl
FlowItemCompleteListener - Interface in com.marklogic.hub.flow
FlowItemFailureListener - Interface in com.marklogic.hub.flow
FlowManager - Interface in com.marklogic.hub
Manages existing flows and creates flow runners to execute flows.
FlowManagerImpl - Class in com.marklogic.hub.impl
FlowManagerImpl(HubConfig) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.impl.FlowManagerImpl
FlowRunner - Interface in com.marklogic.hub.flow
Executes a flow with options
FlowRunnerImpl - Class in com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl
FlowRunnerImpl(HubConfig) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowRunnerImpl
FlowStatusListener - Interface in com.marklogic.hub.flow
FlowType - Enum in com.marklogic.hub.flow
fromXml(Node) - Static method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowImpl
fullPath - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.job.JobExportResponse


GenerateHubTDETemplateCommand - Class in com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands
GenerateHubTDETemplateCommand(HubConfig) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.GenerateHubTDETemplateCommand
getAbsolutePath(String, String...) - Static method in class com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.impl.ScaffoldingImpl
getAdminConfig() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getAdminManager() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getAppConfig() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Returns the current appconfig object attached to the HubConfig
getAppConfig() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getAuthMethod(DatabaseKind) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Returns the AuthMethod object for the DatabaseKind in the hub config
getAuthMethod(DatabaseKind) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getCertFile(DatabaseKind) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Returns the SSL Cert file as a string for the DatabaseKind in the hub config
getCertFile(DatabaseKind) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getCertPassword(DatabaseKind) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Returns the SSL Cert Password as a string for the DatabaseKind in the hub config
getCertPassword(DatabaseKind) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getClient() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.collector.Collector
Gets the client in use currently by the collector object
getClient() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.collector.impl.CollectorImpl
getCodeFormat() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.collector.Collector
Obtains the code format for the collector in use
getCodeFormat() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.collector.impl.CollectorImpl
getCodeFormat(String) - Static method in enum com.marklogic.hub.flow.CodeFormat
getCodeFormat() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.Flow
Returns the CodeFormat enum of the flow
getCodeFormat() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowImpl
getCodeFormat() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.main.impl.MainPluginImpl
getCodeFormat() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.main.MainPlugin
getCollector() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.Flow
Gets the collector to be used for the flow
getCollector() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowImpl
getCommandList() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
getContents(String, CodeFormat, FlowType) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.impl.ScaffoldingImpl.ContentPlugin
getCustomForestPath() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Returns the path for the custom forests definition
getCustomForestPath() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getDatabaseFilename() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
getDatabaseName() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
getDataFormat(String) - Static method in enum com.marklogic.hub.flow.DataFormat
getDataFormat() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.Flow
Returns the DataForm enum of the flow
getDataFormat() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowImpl
getDbName(DatabaseKind) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Returns the database name for the DatabaseKind set in the config
getDbName(DatabaseKind) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getEndTime() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.Job
getEntityConfigDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubProject
Gets the path for the user server's directory
getEntityConfigDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubProjectImpl
getEntityDatabaseDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Gets the path for the entity database directory
getEntityDatabaseDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubProject
Gets the path for the entity database directory
getEntityDatabaseDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getEntityDatabaseDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubProjectImpl
getEntityDir(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.impl.ScaffoldingImpl
getEntityName() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.Flow
Returns the name of the entity that's been set for the flow in strong form
getEntityName() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowImpl
getEntityName() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.Job
getEntityNames() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.GenerateHubTDETemplateCommand
getExternalName(DatabaseKind) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Returns the external name for the host for the DatabaseKind in the hub config
getExternalName(DatabaseKind) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getFailedBatches() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.Job
getFailedEvents() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.Job
getFlow(String, String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.FlowManager
Retrieves a named flow from a given entity
getFlow(String, String, FlowType) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.FlowManager
Retrieves a named flow from a given entity
getFlow(String, String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.FlowManagerImpl
getFlow(String, String, FlowType) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.FlowManagerImpl
getFlowDbPath() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.Flow
Gets the DbPath (uri) for the flow in string form
getFlowDbPath() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowImpl
getFlowDir(String, String, FlowType) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.impl.ScaffoldingImpl
getFlowDir(String, String, FlowType) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.Scaffolding
Returns the directory of the flow
getFlowFromProperties(Path) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.FlowManager
Obtains a flow from a property file
getFlowFromProperties(Path) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.FlowManagerImpl
getFlowName() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.Job
getFlows() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.entity.AbstractEntity
getFlows() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.entity.Entity
Returns all flows registered to the entity
getFlows(String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.FlowManager
Retrieves a list of flows installed on the MarkLogic server
getFlows(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.FlowManagerImpl
getFlowType(String) - Static method in enum com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowType
getFlowType() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.Job
getForestDelete() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
getForestFilename() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
getForestsPerHost() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
getForestsPerHost(DatabaseKind) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Returns the number of forests per host for the DatabaseKind set in the config
getForestsPerHost(DatabaseKind) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getHost() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Gets the hostname of the AppConfig
getHost() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getHttpName(DatabaseKind) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Returns the appserver name for the DatabaseKind set in the config
getHttpName(DatabaseKind) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getHubConfig() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.collector.Collector
Returns the current hubConfig ont he collector object
getHubConfig() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.collector.impl.CollectorImpl
getHubConfig() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.ProcessRunner
getHubConfigDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Gets the path for the hub's entities directory
getHubConfigDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubProject
Gets the path for the hub's entities directory
getHubConfigDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getHubConfigDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubProjectImpl
getHubDatabaseDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Gets the path for the hub's config directory
getHubDatabaseDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubProject
Gets the path for the hub's config directory
getHubDatabaseDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getHubDatabaseDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubProjectImpl
getHubEntitiesDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Gets the path for the hub plugins directory
getHubEntitiesDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubProject
Gets the path for the hub plugins directory
getHubEntitiesDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getHubEntitiesDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubProjectImpl
getHubModulesDeployTimestampFile() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Returns the last deployed timestamp file for the hub config and modules
getHubModulesDeployTimestampFile() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getHubPluginsDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Gets the path for the entity database directory
getHubPluginsDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubProject
Gets the path for the entity database directory
getHubPluginsDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getHubPluginsDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubProjectImpl
getHubProject() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Returns the HubProject associated with the HubConfig
getHubProject() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getHubRoleName() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Get the roleName the hub uses
getHubRoleName() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getHubSecurityDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Gets the path for the hub servers directory
getHubSecurityDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubProject
Gets the path for the hub servers directory
getHubSecurityDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getHubSecurityDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubProjectImpl
getHubServersDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Gets the path for the hub's database directory
getHubServersDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubProject
Gets the path for the hub's database directory
getHubServersDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getHubServersDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubProjectImpl
getHubUserName() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Get the current marklogic user name the hub uses
getHubUserName() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getHubVersion() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.Versions
getJarVersion() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Gets the current version of the DHF Jar
getJarVersion() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getJobId() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.Job
getJobId() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.MlcpRunner
getJobName() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.Job
getJobOutput() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.Job
getJobStatus(String) - Static method in enum com.marklogic.hub.job.JobStatus
getLegacyFlows() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.FlowManager
Updates the indexes in the database based on the project
getLegacyFlows() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.FlowManagerImpl
getLoadBalancerHosts() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Gets a string array of hosts
getLoadBalancerHosts() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getLocalFlows() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.FlowManager
retrieves a list of all the flows on the local files systems
getLocalFlows() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.FlowManagerImpl
getLocalFlowsForEntity(String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.FlowManager
retrieves a list of all the flows on the local files systems
getLocalFlowsForEntity(String, FlowType) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.FlowManager
retrieves a list of all the flows on the local files systems
getLocalFlowsForEntity(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.FlowManagerImpl
getLocalFlowsForEntity(String, FlowType) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.FlowManagerImpl
getMain() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.Flow
Gets the main plugin module that the flow is set to use
getMain() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowImpl
getManageClient() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getManageConfig() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getMarkLogicVersion() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.Versions
getModule() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.collector.Collector
Returns the module for the collect
getModule() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.collector.impl.CollectorImpl
getModule() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.main.impl.MainPluginImpl
getModule() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.main.MainPlugin
getModulePermissions() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Gets the permissions used to execute a module in string form
getModulePermissions() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getName(DatabaseKind) - Static method in enum com.marklogic.hub.DatabaseKind
Validates the MarkLogic server to ensure compatibility with the hub
getName() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.entity.AbstractEntity
getName() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.entity.Entity
Gets the Entity name
getName() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.Flow
Gets the name of the flow
getName() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowImpl
getPayload(CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
getPayload(File, CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubServersCommand
getPort(DatabaseKind) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Returns the port number for the DatabaseKind set in the config
getPort(DatabaseKind) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getPortInUseBy(DatabaseKind) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
Returns name of what is using the port
getPortInUseBy(DatabaseKind) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
getProcessOutput() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.ProcessRunner
getProjectDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Obtains the project directory as a string
getProjectDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getResourceDirs(CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubRolesCommand
getResourceDirs(CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubServersCommand
getResourceDirs(CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubUsersCommand
getResourceManager(CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubServersCommand
getScheme(DatabaseKind) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Returns the SSL Scheme as string for the DatabaseKind in the hub config
getScheme(DatabaseKind) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getServerVersion() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
Returns the string presentation of the server version, eg: "9.03-1"
getServerVersion() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
getSimpleSsl(DatabaseKind) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Returns if Simple SSL is set for the DatabaseKind in the hub config
getSimpleSsl(DatabaseKind) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getSslContext(DatabaseKind) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Returns the SSL Context for the DatabaseKind set in the config
getSslContext(DatabaseKind) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getSslHostnameVerifier(DatabaseKind) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Returns the SSL hostname verifier object for the DatabaseKind in the hub config
getSslHostnameVerifier(DatabaseKind) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getStartTime() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.Job
getStatus() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.Job
getSuccessfulBatches() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.Job
getSuccessfulEvents() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.Job
getType() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.Flow
Gets the FlowType enum for the flow
getType() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowImpl
getUndoSortOrder() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
getUndoSortOrder() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubServersCommand
getUserConfigDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Gets the path for the entity database directory
getUserConfigDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubProject
Gets the path for the entity database directory
getUserConfigDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getUserConfigDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubProjectImpl
getUserContentDeployTimestampFile() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getUserDatabaseDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Gets the path for the user security directory
getUserDatabaseDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubProject
Gets the path for the user security directory
getUserDatabaseDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getUserDatabaseDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubProjectImpl
getUserModulesDeployTimestampFile() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Returns the last deployed timestamp file for the user modules
getUserModulesDeployTimestampFile() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getUserSchemasDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubProject
Gets the path for the user schemas directory
getUserSchemasDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubProjectImpl
getUserSecurityDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Gets the path for the user config directory
getUserSecurityDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubProject
Gets the path for the user config directory
getUserSecurityDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getUserSecurityDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubProjectImpl
getUserServersDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Gets the path for the entity database directory
getUserServersDir() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubProject
Gets the path for the entity database directory
getUserServersDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
getUserServersDir() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubProjectImpl


hasFileBeenModifiedSinceLastLoaded(File) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.HubModuleManager
hasKeyBeenModified(String, long) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.HubModuleManager
HUB_CONFIG_DIR - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
HUB_CONFIG_DIR - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubProject
HUB_MODULES_DEPLOY_TIMESTAMPS_PROPERTIES - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
HubAppDeployer - Class in com.marklogic.hub.deploy
HubAppDeployer(ManageClient, AdminManager, HubDeployStatusListener) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.HubAppDeployer
HubConfig - Interface in com.marklogic.hub
An interface to set, manage and recall the Data Hub's Configuration
HubConfigBuilder - Interface in com.marklogic.hub
Helper interface that constructs a HubConfig object from a properties file or pre-existing config.
HubConfigBuilderImpl - Class in com.marklogic.hub.impl
A class for building a HubConfig class.
HubConfigBuilderImpl(String) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigBuilderImpl
HubConfigImpl - Class in com.marklogic.hub.impl
HubConfigImpl() - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
HubConfigImpl(String) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
HubDeployStatusListener - Interface in com.marklogic.hub.deploy.util
HubFileFilter - Class in com.marklogic.hub.deploy.util
Simple implementation that accepts every file and ignores anything starting with ".".
HubFileFilter() - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.util.HubFileFilter
HubModuleManager - Class in com.marklogic.hub.util
HubModuleManager(String) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.util.HubModuleManager
HubProject - Interface in com.marklogic.hub
Creates and gathers information about a hub project.
HubProjectImpl - Class in com.marklogic.hub.impl
Class for creating a hub Project
HubProjectImpl(String) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubProjectImpl


importJobs(Path) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.impl.JobManagerImpl
importJobs(Path) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.job.JobManager
Import Job documents and their associated Trace documents from a zip file.
init(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubProject
Initializes a directory as a hub project directory.
init(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubProjectImpl
initHubProject() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Initializes the hub project on disk
initHubProject() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
initialize() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.HubModuleManager
initProject() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
Initializes the project on disk, creates scaffold project code
initProject() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
install() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
Installs the data hub configuration and server-side config files into MarkLogic
install(HubDeployStatusListener) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
Installs the data hub configuration and server-side config files into MarkLogic
install() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
Installs the data hub configuration and server-side config files into MarkLogic
install(HubDeployStatusListener) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
Installs the data hub configuration and server-side config files into MarkLogic
InstallInfo - Interface in com.marklogic.hub
Stores and reports information from MarkLogic server about the installed status of the DHF This interface abstracts holding state.
InstallInfoImpl - Class in com.marklogic.hub.impl
InstallInfoImpl() - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.impl.InstallInfoImpl
InvalidDBOperationError - Error in com.marklogic.hub.error
InvalidDBOperationError(DatabaseKind, String) - Constructor for error com.marklogic.hub.error.InvalidDBOperationError
isAppServerExistent(DatabaseKind) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.InstallInfoImpl
isAppServerExistent(DatabaseKind) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.InstallInfo
Checks to see if the App Server is present and accessible
isCollectionLexiconOn(DatabaseKind) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.InstallInfoImpl
isCollectionLexiconOn(DatabaseKind) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.InstallInfo
Checks to see if the lexicon collection is set and on
isCreateDatabaseWithoutFile() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
isCreateForestsOnEachHost() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
isDbExistent(DatabaseKind) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.InstallInfoImpl
isDbExistent(DatabaseKind) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.InstallInfo
Checks to see if the Database is present and accessible
isEnabled() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.Debugging
Determines if the hub has debugging enabled or not
isEnabled() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DebuggingImpl
isEnabled() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.TracingImpl
isEnabled() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.Tracing
Determines if the hub has tracing enabled or not
isInitialized() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubProject
Checks if the project has been initialized or not
isInitialized() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubProjectImpl
isInstalled() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
Determines if the data hub is installed in MarkLogic
isInstalled() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
isInstalled() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.InstallInfoImpl
isInstalled() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.InstallInfo
Checks if DHF has been installed
isPartiallyInstalled() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.InstallInfoImpl
isPartiallyInstalled() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.InstallInfo
Returns if an install has been performed, but not complete
isPortInUse(DatabaseKind) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
Checks to see if the port is in use
isPortInUse(DatabaseKind) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
isSafeToInstall() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
Checks to make sure all the versions and database in a valid configuration with version check
isSafeToInstall() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
isServerVersionOk() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
Checks to see if the datahub and server versions are compatible
isServerVersionOk() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
isServerVersionValid(String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
Validates the MarkLogic server to ensure compatibility with the hub
isServerVersionValid(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
isTripleIndexOn(DatabaseKind) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.InstallInfoImpl
isTripleIndexOn(DatabaseKind) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.InstallInfo
Checks to see if the triple index is set and on
isUniqueRestServiceExtension(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.ScaffoldingValidator
isUniqueRestTransform(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.ScaffoldingValidator
iterator() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.collector.DiskQueue


Job - Class in com.marklogic.hub.job
jobAuthMethod - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
jobDbName - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
JobDeleteResource(DatabaseClient) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.job.impl.JobManagerImpl.JobDeleteResource
JobDeleteResponse - Class in com.marklogic.hub.job
JobDeleteResponse() - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.job.JobDeleteResponse
JobExportResponse - Class in com.marklogic.hub.job
JobExportResponse() - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.job.JobExportResponse
jobForestsPerHost - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
jobHttpName - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
JobManager - Interface in com.marklogic.hub.job
Handles jobs and their creation, status, and deletion.
JobManagerImpl - Class in com.marklogic.hub.job.impl
JobManagerImpl(DatabaseClient, DatabaseClient) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.job.impl.JobManagerImpl
JobManagerImpl.JobDeleteResource - Class in com.marklogic.hub.job.impl
jobPort - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
JobStatus - Enum in com.marklogic.hub.job
JsonXor - Class in com.marklogic.hub.util
JsonXor() - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.util.JsonXor


LegacyFlowsException - Exception in com.marklogic.hub.error
LegacyFlowsException(List<String>) - Constructor for exception com.marklogic.hub.error.LegacyFlowsException
loadConfigurationFromProperties(Properties) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
loadFromFile(File) - Static method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowImpl
LoadHubModulesCommand - Class in com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands
LoadHubModulesCommand(HubConfig) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.LoadHubModulesCommand
LoadUserModulesCommand - Class in com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands
LoadUserModulesCommand(HubConfig) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.LoadUserModulesCommand
logger - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.GenerateHubTDETemplateCommand
logger - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
logger - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubProjectImpl
logger - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.impl.ScaffoldingImpl
logTimeInsideMethod(long, String) - Static method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.PerformanceLogger


MainPlugin - Interface in com.marklogic.hub.main
Interface to the in-memory representation of the main plugin module (main.sjs or main.xqy)
MainPluginImpl - Class in com.marklogic.hub.main.impl
MainPluginImpl() - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.main.impl.MainPluginImpl
MainPluginImpl(String, CodeFormat) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.main.impl.MainPluginImpl
mergeDatabaseFiles(AppConfig) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
mergeServerFiles(File) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubServersCommand
MIN_UPGRADE_VERSION - Static variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
MlcpConsumer - Class in com.marklogic.hub.util
MlcpConsumer(AtomicLong, AtomicLong, FlowStatusListener, String) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.util.MlcpConsumer
MlcpRunner - Class in com.marklogic.hub.util
MlcpRunner(String, String, HubConfig, Flow, DatabaseClient, JsonNode, FlowStatusListener) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.util.MlcpRunner
modulePermissions - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
modulesDbName - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
modulesForestsPerHost - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
monitorTimeInsideMethod() - Static method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.PerformanceLogger


newAppServicesClient() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Creates a new DatabaseClient for accessing the AppServices app
newAppServicesClient() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
newFinalClient() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Creates a new DatabaseClient for accessing the Final database
newFinalClient() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
newFlow() - Static method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowBuilder
newFlowRunner() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.FlowManager
Creates and returns a new FlowRunner object using the FlowManager's hubconfig
newFlowRunner() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.FlowManagerImpl
newHubConfigBuilder(String) - Static method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfigBuilder
Returns a new HubConfigBuilder instance
newJobDbClient() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Creates a new DatabaseClient for accessing the Job database
newJobDbClient() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
newModulesDbClient() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Creates a new DatabaseClient for accessing the Hub Modules database
newModulesDbClient() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
newRunner() - Static method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.ProcessRunner
newStagingClient() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Creates a new DatabaseClient for accessing the Staging database
newStagingClient(String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Creates a new DatabaseClient for accessing the Staging database
newStagingClient() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
newStagingClient(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
newTraceDbClient() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Creates a new DatabaseClient for accessing the Trace database
newTraceDbClient() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl


offer(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.collector.DiskQueue
onError() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.deploy.util.HubDeployStatusListener
Method to execute when the listener throws an error
onFinished(FlowFinishedListener) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowRunner
Sets the finished listener for when the item has processed (similar to a finally)
onFinished(FlowFinishedListener) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowRunnerImpl
onFlowFinished() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowFinishedListener
Listens for when the flow is complete
onItemComplete(FlowItemCompleteListener) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowRunner
Sets a listener on each item completing
onItemComplete(FlowItemCompleteListener) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowRunnerImpl
onItemFailed(FlowItemFailureListener) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowRunner
Sets the failure listener for each item in the flow
onItemFailed(FlowItemFailureListener) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowRunnerImpl
onStatusChange(int, String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.deploy.util.HubDeployStatusListener
Sets the status change with a message
onStatusChange(String, int, String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowStatusListener
onStatusChanged(FlowStatusListener) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowRunner
Sets the status change listener on the flowrunner object
onStatusChanged(FlowStatusListener) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowRunnerImpl


peek() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.collector.DiskQueue
PerformanceLogger - Class in com.marklogic.hub.util
PerformanceLogger() - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.util.PerformanceLogger
poll() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.collector.DiskQueue
processCompletion(String, String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowItemCompleteListener
Listener interface for each flow item completing successfully
processDocumentFile(DocumentFile) - Method in class
processFailure(String, String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowItemFailureListener
Listener interface for each flow item that failed
ProcessRunner - Class in com.marklogic.hub.util
ProcessRunner() - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.util.ProcessRunner


remove() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.collector.DiskQueue
run(String, String, String, int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.collector.Collector
Obtains and grabs a list of uris that match the collector code
run(String, String, String, int, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.collector.impl.CollectorImpl
run() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowRunner
Runs the flow and creates the job
run() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowRunnerImpl
run() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.MlcpRunner
run() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.ProcessRunner
run() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.StreamGobbler
RunFlowResponse - Class in com.marklogic.hub.flow
RunFlowResponse() - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.flow.RunFlowResponse
runPreInstallCheck() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
Runs the pre-install check for the datahub populating the object with variables necessary to perform the install.
runPreInstallCheck(Versions) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
Runs the pre-install check for the datahub populating the object with variables necessary to perform the install.
runPreInstallCheck() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
runPreInstallCheck(Versions) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl


saveDbIndexes() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.EntityManager
Updates the indexes for the entity on the filesystem
saveDbIndexes() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.EntityManagerImpl
saveJob(Job) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.impl.JobManagerImpl
saveJob(Job, Transaction) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.impl.JobManagerImpl
saveJob(Job) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.job.JobManager
Saves the job to the database
saveJob(Job, Transaction) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.job.JobManager
Saves the job to the database
saveLastLoadedTimestamp(File, Date) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.HubModuleManager
saveLastLoadedTimestamp(String, Date) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.HubModuleManager
saveQueryOptions() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.EntityManager
Updates the query options to the file system
saveQueryOptions() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.EntityManagerImpl
saveResource(ResourceManager, CommandContext, File) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubServersCommand
Scaffolding - Interface in com.marklogic.hub.scaffold
Interface that handles the management of DHF projects on disk Includes creating entities, flows, rest extensions, and transforms for an already initialized project
ScaffoldingImpl - Class in com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.impl
ScaffoldingImpl(String, DatabaseClient) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.impl.ScaffoldingImpl
ScaffoldingImpl.ContentPlugin - Class in com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.impl
ScaffoldingValidationException - Exception in com.marklogic.hub.error
ScaffoldingValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.marklogic.hub.error.ScaffoldingValidationException
ScaffoldingValidator - Class in com.marklogic.hub.scaffold
ScaffoldingValidator(String) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.ScaffoldingValidator
schemasDbName - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
schemasForestsPerHost - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
SearchOptionsFinder - Class in
SearchOptionsFinder() - Constructor for class
serialize() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.entity.AbstractEntity
serialize() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.entity.Entity
Serializes the Entity as an XML string
serialize() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.Flow
Serializes the flow into an xml string
serialize() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowImpl
ServerValidationException - Exception in com.marklogic.hub.error
ServerValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.marklogic.hub.error.ServerValidationException
setAdminConfig(AdminConfig) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setAdminManager(AdminManager) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setAppConfig(AppConfig) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Sets the App Config for the current HubConfig
setAppConfig(AppConfig, boolean) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Sets the App Config for the current HubConfig, with skipUpdate option
setAppConfig(AppConfig) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setAppConfig(AppConfig, boolean) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setAppServerExistent(DatabaseKind, boolean) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.InstallInfoImpl
setAppServerExistent(DatabaseKind, boolean) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.InstallInfo
Sets the boolean property if the app server exists for the databasekind
setAuthMethod(DatabaseKind, String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Sets the SSL Auth Method for the DatabaseKind in the config
setAuthMethod(DatabaseKind, String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setCertFile(DatabaseKind, String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Sets the SSL Certfile to use for the DatabaseKind in the config
setCertFile(DatabaseKind, String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setCertPass(DatabaseKind, String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Sets the SSL Cert password for the DatabaseKind in the config
setCertPass(DatabaseKind, String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setClient(DatabaseClient) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.collector.Collector
Sets the client to be used to communicate with the database
setClient(DatabaseClient) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.collector.impl.CollectorImpl
setCodeFormat(CodeFormat) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.Flow
Sets the CodeFormat enum of the flow
setCodeFormat(CodeFormat) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowImpl
setCodeFormat(CodeFormat) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.main.impl.MainPluginImpl
setCollectionLexiconOn(DatabaseKind, boolean) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.InstallInfoImpl
setCollectionLexiconOn(DatabaseKind, boolean) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.InstallInfo
Sets if the collection lexicon is on or not
setCollector(Collector) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.Flow
Sets the collector to be used for the flow
setCollector(Collector) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowImpl
setCounts(long, long, long, long) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.Job
setCreateDatabaseWithoutFile(boolean) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
setCreateForestsOnEachHost(boolean) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
setCustomForestPath(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setDatabaseFilename(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
setDatabaseName(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
setDataFormat(DataFormat) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.Flow
Sets the DataFormat for the flow
setDataFormat(DataFormat) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowImpl
setDbExistent(DatabaseKind, boolean) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.InstallInfoImpl
setDbExistent(DatabaseKind, boolean) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.InstallInfo
Sets the boolean property if the database exists for the databasekind
setDbName(DatabaseKind, String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Sets the database name for the databaseKind on the hubconfig
setDbName(DatabaseKind, String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setEntityName(String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.Flow
Sets the entity name for the flow
setEntityName(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowImpl
setEntityNames(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.GenerateHubTDETemplateCommand
setExternalName(DatabaseKind, String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Sets the external hostname for the DatabaseKind in the config
setExternalName(DatabaseKind, String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setForceLoad(boolean) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.LoadUserModulesCommand
setForestDelete(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
setForestFilename(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
setForestsExistent(DatabaseKind, boolean) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.InstallInfoImpl
setForestsExistent(DatabaseKind, boolean) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.InstallInfo
Sets the boolean property if the forests exist for the databasekind
setForestsPerHost(int) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
setForestsPerHost(DatabaseKind, Integer) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Sets the number of forests per host for the databaseKind on the hubconfig
setForestsPerHost(DatabaseKind, Integer) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setHttpName(DatabaseKind, String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Sets the appserver name for the databaseKind on the hubconfig
setHttpName(DatabaseKind, String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setHubConfig(HubConfig) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.collector.Collector
Set's the hub config for the collector
setHubConfig(HubConfig) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.collector.impl.CollectorImpl
setHubRoleName(String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Set the role name that the hub uses
setHubRoleName(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setHubUserName(String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Sets the username for the hub to use in MarkLogic
setHubUserName(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setLoadBalancerHosts(String[]) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setMain(MainPlugin) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.Flow
Sets the main plugin module for the flow
setMain(MainPlugin) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowImpl
setManageClient(ManageClient) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setManageConfig(ManageConfig) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setMinimumFileTimestampToLoad(long) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.HubModuleManager
setModule(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.main.impl.MainPluginImpl
setModulePermissions(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setName(String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.Flow
Sets the name of the flow
setName(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowImpl
setPort(DatabaseKind, Integer) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Sets the port number for the databaseKind on the hubconfig
setPort(DatabaseKind, Integer) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setPortInUseBy(DatabaseKind, String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
Sets what appserver name is using the port
setPortInUseBy(DatabaseKind, String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
setProjectDir(String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
setProjectDir(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setScheme(DatabaseKind, String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Sets the SSL Scheme for the DatabaseKind in the config
setScheme(DatabaseKind, String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setServerManager(ServerManager) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
setServerVersion(String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
Sets the server version holder on the datahub object - currently unused
setServerVersion(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
setServerVersionOk(boolean) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
Sets true or false if the server version is okay with this version of DHF
setServerVersionOk(boolean) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
setSimpleSsl(DatabaseKind, Boolean) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Sets if Simple SSL is to be used for the DatabaseKind in the config
setSimpleSsl(DatabaseKind, Boolean) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setSslContext(DatabaseKind, SSLContext) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Sets the SSL Context for the DatabaseKind in the config
setSslContext(DatabaseKind, SSLContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setSslHostnameVerifier(DatabaseKind, DatabaseClientFactory.SSLHostnameVerifier) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
Sets the SSL Hostname Verifier object for the DatabaseKind in the config
setSslHostnameVerifier(DatabaseKind, DatabaseClientFactory.SSLHostnameVerifier) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
setTripleIndexOn(DatabaseKind, boolean) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.InstallInfoImpl
setTripleIndexOn(DatabaseKind, boolean) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.InstallInfo
Sets if the triple index is on or off by boolean
setType(FlowType) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.Flow
Sets the type of the flow
setType(FlowType) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowImpl
setUndoSortOrder(int) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
size() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.collector.DiskQueue
sortCommandsBeforeExecute(List<DeployDatabaseCommand>, CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabasesCommand
sortCommandsBeforeExecute(List<DeployDatabaseCommand>, CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubOtherDatabasesCommand
sortCommandsBeforeUndo(List<DeployDatabaseCommand>, CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabasesCommand
sortCommandsBeforeUndo(List<DeployDatabaseCommand>, CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubOtherDatabasesCommand
STAGING_ENTITY_QUERY_OPTIONS_FILE - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
stagingAuthMethod - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
stagingDbName - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
stagingForestsPerHost - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
stagingHttpName - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
stagingPort - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
StreamGobbler - Class in com.marklogic.hub.util
StreamGobbler(InputStream, Consumer<String>) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.util.StreamGobbler


toProperties() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.Flow
Creates a properties object representing the flow
toProperties() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowImpl
toString() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
toString() - Method in enum com.marklogic.hub.flow.CodeFormat
toString() - Method in enum com.marklogic.hub.flow.DataFormat
toString() - Method in enum com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowType
toString() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.RunFlowResponse
toString() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.InstallInfoImpl
toString() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.InstallInfo
Returns the entire object as a string
toString() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.JobDeleteResponse
toString() - Method in enum com.marklogic.hub.job.JobStatus
totalCount - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.RunFlowResponse
totalCount - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.job.JobDeleteResponse
totalJobs - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.job.JobExportResponse
totalTraces - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.job.JobExportResponse
traceAuthMethod - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
traceDbName - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
traceForestsPerHost - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
traceHttpName - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
tracePort - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
Tracing - Interface in com.marklogic.hub
Enables or disables tracing in the DHF for the specified database using the supplied client.
TracingImpl - Class in com.marklogic.hub.impl
TracingImpl(DatabaseClient) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.impl.TracingImpl
triggersDbName - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl
triggersForestsPerHost - Variable in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigImpl


undeploy(AppConfig) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.HubAppDeployer
undo(CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabaseCommand
undo(CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubDatabasesCommand
undo(CommandContext) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.deploy.commands.DeployHubOtherDatabasesCommand
uninstall() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
Uninstalls the data hub configuration and server-side config files from MarkLogic
uninstall(HubDeployStatusListener) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
Uninstalls the data hub configuration and server-side config files from MarkLogic
uninstall() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
Uninstalls the data hub configuration and server-side config files from MarkLogic
uninstall(HubDeployStatusListener) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
Uninstalls the data hub configuration and server-side config files from MarkLogic
update2xFlow(String, String, FlowType) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.impl.ScaffoldingImpl
updateIndexes() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
Updates the indexes in the database based on the project
updateIndexes() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
updateLegacyEntity(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.impl.ScaffoldingImpl
updateLegacyEntity(String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.Scaffolding
Update a specific entity that's legacy
updateLegacyFlow(String, String, String, FlowType) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.impl.ScaffoldingImpl
updateLegacyFlow(String, String, String, FlowType) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.Scaffolding
Update a legacy flow
updateLegacyFlows(String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.FlowManager
Sets the version that the legacy flow is to be updated from
updateLegacyFlows(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.FlowManagerImpl
updateLegacyFlows(String, String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.impl.ScaffoldingImpl
updateLegacyFlows(String, String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.scaffold.Scaffolding
Updates a legacy flow on disk
upgradeHub() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
Upgrades the installed datahub on the server to this version of the DataHub
upgradeHub(List<String>) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.DataHub
Upgrades the hub based on list of provided updated flows.
upgradeHub() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
upgradeHub(List<String>) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.DataHubImpl
USER_CONFIG_DIR - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
USER_CONFIG_DIR - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubProject
USER_CONTENT_DEPLOY_TIMESTAMPS_PROPERTIES - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
USER_MODULES_DEPLOY_TIMESTAMPS_PROPERTIES - Static variable in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfig
UserModulesFinder - Class in
UserModulesFinder() - Constructor for class


validate(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.validate.EntitiesValidator
Creates and returns a an EntityValidator object
validate(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.validate.impl.EntitiesValidatorImpl
validateAll() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.validate.EntitiesValidator
Validates all entities
validateAll() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.validate.impl.EntitiesValidatorImpl
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.marklogic.hub.DatabaseKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.marklogic.hub.flow.CodeFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.marklogic.hub.flow.DataFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.marklogic.hub.job.JobStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.marklogic.hub.DatabaseKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.marklogic.hub.flow.CodeFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.marklogic.hub.flow.DataFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.marklogic.hub.job.JobStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Versions - Class in com.marklogic.hub.util
Versions(HubConfig) - Constructor for class com.marklogic.hub.util.Versions


withAdminConfig(AdminConfig) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfigBuilder
Sets the AdminConfig for the HubConfig
withAdminConfig(AdminConfig) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigBuilderImpl
withAdminManager(AdminManager) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfigBuilder
Sets the AdminManager for the HubConfig
withAdminManager(AdminManager) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigBuilderImpl
withAppConfig(AppConfig) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfigBuilder
Sets the AppConfig for the HubConfig
withAppConfig(AppConfig) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigBuilderImpl
withArgs(List<String>) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.ProcessRunner
withBatchSize(int) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowRunner
Sets the batch size for the flow runner
withBatchSize(int) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowRunnerImpl
withCodeFormat(CodeFormat) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowBuilder
withCollector(Collector) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowBuilder
withDataFormat(DataFormat) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowBuilder
withDestinationDatabase(String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowRunner
Sets the database where flow output data will be presisted to
withDestinationDatabase(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowRunnerImpl
withEndTime(Date) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.Job
withEntityName(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowBuilder
withFlow(Flow) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowRunner
Sets the flow to be used with the flow runner
withFlow(Flow) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowRunnerImpl
withFlow(Flow) - Static method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.Job
withHubconfig(HubConfig) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.ProcessRunner
withJobId(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.Job
withJobName(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.Job
withJobOutput(List<String>) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.Job
withJobOutput(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.Job
withMain(MainPlugin) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowBuilder
withManageClient(ManageClient) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfigBuilder
Sets the ManageClient for the HubConfig
withManageClient(ManageClient) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigBuilderImpl
withManageConfig(ManageConfig) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfigBuilder
Sets the ManageConfig for the HubConfig
withManageConfig(ManageConfig) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigBuilderImpl
withName(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowBuilder
withOptions(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowRunner
Sets the options to be passed into the xqy or sjs flow in the $options or options variables of main.
withOptions(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowRunnerImpl
withProperties(Properties) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfigBuilder
Tells the builder to use the given properties.
withProperties(Properties) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigBuilderImpl
withPropertiesFromEnvironment() - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfigBuilder
Tells the builder to load properties from the gradle files in the project dir
withPropertiesFromEnvironment(String) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.HubConfigBuilder
Tells the builder to load properties from the gradle files in the project dir but to look for an environment properties file with overrides
withPropertiesFromEnvironment() - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigBuilderImpl
withPropertiesFromEnvironment(String) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.impl.HubConfigBuilderImpl
withSourceClient(DatabaseClient) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowRunner
Sets the source client on the flow runner.
withSourceClient(DatabaseClient) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowRunnerImpl
withStartTime(Date) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.Job
withStatus(JobStatus) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.job.Job
withStopOnFailure(boolean) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowRunner
Sets if this will stop the job on a failure, or if it will continue on
withStopOnFailure(boolean) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowRunnerImpl
withStreamConsumer(Consumer<String>) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.ProcessRunner
withThreadCount(int) - Method in interface com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowRunner
Sets the thread count for the flowrunner
withThreadCount(int) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.impl.FlowRunnerImpl
withType(FlowType) - Method in class com.marklogic.hub.flow.FlowBuilder


xor(File, File) - Static method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.JsonXor
xor(InputStream, InputStream) - Static method in class com.marklogic.hub.util.JsonXor
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